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1、Nati onal En viro nmen tai Protectio n Stan dardGWPBThe Chin ese versi on of sta ndards has precede nee to their En glish tran slati ons which are only for internal refere nee.本英文版為內(nèi)部資料,僅供參考,以中 文版為準(zhǔn)。Emissi on Sta ndard of Air Polluta ntsFor Coal-bur ning Oil-bur ning Gas-fired Boiler鍋爐大氣污染物排放標(biāo)準(zhǔn)Issue

2、d on 12/03/1999Impleme nted as of 03/01/2000?_Issued by State Environmental Protection BureauPrefaceThis sta ndard is developed for the purpose of impleme nti ng the En vir onmen tai Protectio n Law of the People ' s Republic of China and the Air Pollution Prevention & Control Law of the PRC

3、, con trolli ng emissi on of polluta nts from boilers and preve nting and con trolli ng air pollutio n.This sta ndard is a revisio n of GB13271-91,Emissi on Sta ndard of Air Polluta nts forCoal-burning Oil-burning Gas-fired Boiler .The main ame ndme nt made in this sta ndard in cludes: the applicabl

4、e scope of the sta ndard is further clarified, added with black ness of smoke dust and flue gas and maximum allowable emissi on concen trati on limit of sulfur dioxide for n atural ven tilatio n coal-bur ning boiler with a capacity<0.7MW (1t/h), and black ness of smoke dust and flue gas and maxim

5、um allowable emissi on concen trati on limit of sulfur dioxide and n itroge n oxide for oil-bur ning and gas-fired boiler.? GB13271-91 will be avoided as of the day when this standard goes into effect;? this sta ndard is proposed by the Scien tific & Tech no logical Stan dard Departme nt un der

6、the State En vir onmen tal Protectio n Bureau;? this standard was initially issued in September 1983 and revised for the first time in May 1992; and? State Environmental Protection Bureau is responsible for interpretation of this standard.State En viro nmen tai Protecti on Stan dardGWPB 3-1999Replac

7、i ng GB 13271-91Emissi on Stan dard of Air Polluta nts for Coal-bur ning Oil-bur ning Gas-fired Boiler1 ScopeThis sta ndard specifies by years such emissi on limits for boilers as the maximum allowable emissi on concen trati on of smoke dust, sulfur dioxide and n itroge n oxide and the black ness of

8、 smoke dust.This sta ndard applies to man ageme nt of air polluta nt emissi on from coal-bur ning, oil-bur ning and gas-fired boilers with various capacities and for differe nt purposes, except for the coal powder power gen eratio n boiler and any sin gle un it of power gen eratio n boiler with an o

9、utput greater tha n 45.5MW (65t/h), and to evaluati on, desig n and completi on accepta nee of the en vir onmen tal effect of the con structi on project and man ageme nt of polluta nt emissi on after completi on of such project.For any boiler using begasse, saw dust, rice husk or bark as its fuel, t

10、he maximum allowable emissi on concen trati on of air polluta nts for coal-bur ning boiler in this sta ndard shall be referred to.2 Quoted sta ndardsThe articles in cluded in the followi ng sta ndards form the articles of this sta ndard by being quoted in this sta ndard.GB 3095-1996En viro nmen tal

11、Air Quality Sta ndardGB 5468-91Boiler Smoke Dust Test MethodGB/T 16157-1996 Method for Determi nati on of Particles & Sampli ng of Gaseous Polluta nts in Exhaust Gas from Stati onary Polluta nt Source3 Defin iti on3.1 Sta ndard statusThe status of boiler flue gas un der the temperature of 273K a

12、nd pressure of 101 325 Pa is called for short“ standard status ” . The emission concentrations specified in this standard meathe values for dry flue gas un der the sta ndard status.3.2 Initial emission concentration of smoke dustIt means the emissi on concen trati on of smoke dust at the flue gas ou

13、tlet of the boiler or before the inlet of the purificati on un it.3.3 Emissi on concen trati on of smoke dustIt means the smoke dust emissi on concen trati on of boiler flue gas that has passed through the purificati on un it. For a boiler not in stalled with any purificati on un it, the in itial em

14、issi on concen tratio n of smoke dust is just the emissi on concen trati on of boiler smoke dust.3.4 Natural ven tilati on boilerNatural ven tilatio n is a ven tilatio n method where the pressure differe nee caused by the differe nee betwee n the in ternal and exter nal temperatures of chi mney is u

15、tilized to suck the air into the furn ace for combusti on and emit the combusti on product into the air. A boiler using n atural ven tilati on method in stead of mecha ni cal ven tilati on with FD and ID fans is called a n atural ven tilati on boiler.3.5 Ash content of arrival refere neeThe ash cont

16、ent determ ined using the coal in arrival state as the refere nee, which may also beApproved by State Environmental Protection Bureau on 12/03/1999Implementedas of 03/01/2000GWPB 3-1999called “ ash content of application referenee” , is represented with“ Aar” .3.6 Excess air coefficie ntThe ratio of

17、 actual air con sumpti on duri ng combusti on of fuel to the theoretical air dema nd is represented with D ” .“4 Tech ni calspecificatio ns4.1 Classificati on of applicable areasClass 1,11 and III areas mentioned in this standard mean the classified environmental air quality functional areas as defi

18、 ned in GB 3095-1996E nvir onmen tal Air Quality Sta ndard.The “ two control areas ” mentioned in this standard means the range of acid rain control area and sulfur dioxide pollution control area as defined in the Response by the State Council to Questio ns Concerning Acid Rain Con trol Area & S

19、ulfur Dioxide Polluti on Con trol Area.4.2 Divisio n of timeThis standard divide the time into two periods according to the years when the boilers are completed and put into service, for which differe nt air polluta nt emissi on sta ndards shall be observed.Period I: boilers completed and put into s

20、ervice before December 31,2000; andPeriod II: boilers completed and put into service as of January 1,2001 (in cludi ng boilers approved for build ing but not completed or put into service and those completed and put into service but required to be expa nded or reformed).4.3 The limit values of maxim

21、um allowable emission concentration of smoke dust andblackness of flue gas for boilers shall be as specified in Table 1 according to the time periods.Table 1 Limits of maximum allowable emissi on concen tratio n of smoke dust and black ness of flue gasBoiler typeApplicable areaSmoke dust emissi on2c

22、oncentration (mg/m )Blackness of flue gas (Ringelmen blackness, grade)Period IPeriod IICoal-bur ning boilerNatural ven tilati on boiler <0.7MW (1t/h)Class I area100801Class II & III areas150120Other boilersClass I area100801Class II area250200Class III area350250Oil-bur ning boilerLight diese

23、l, keroseneClass I area80801Class II & III areas100100Other fuel oilsClass I area10080*1Class II & III areas200150Gas-fired boilerAll areas50501Note: * It is forbidde n to build any new boiler using heavy oil or residual oil as fuel in Class I area.4.4 The maximum allowable emission concentr

24、ation of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide for boilers shall be as specified in Table 2 according to the time periods.Table 2 Maximum allowable emission concentration of sulfur dioxide & nitrogen oxide for boilersBoiler typeApplicable areaSO2 emissi on concen trati on (mg/m2)NO2 emissi on concen

25、 trati on (mg/m2)Period IPeriod IIPeriod IPeriod IICoal-bur ning boilerAll areas1200900/Oil-bur ning boilerLight oil, keroseneAll areas700500/400Other fuel oilAll areas1200900*/400*Gas-fired boilerAll areas100100/400Note: * It is forbidde n to build any new boiler using heavy oil or residual oil as

26、fuel in Class I area.4.5 The limit values of smoke dust initial emission concentration and flue gas blackness shall be as specified according to the time periods in Table 3, depending on the ex-factory time of the boiler.Table 3 Limits of in itial emissi on concen trati on of smoke dust and black ne

27、ss of flue gas for coal-bur ning boilersBoiler typeAsh content of arrival coal refere nee (%)Smoke dust i nitial emissi on2concentration (mg/m )Blackness of flue gas (Ringelmen blackness, grade)Period IPeriod IIGrate firing boilerNatural ven tilati on boiler <0.7MW (1t/h)/ 1501201Other boilers2.8

28、MW (4t/h)Aar 25%1800 160(1Aar>25% 20001800Other boilers >2.8MW (4t/h)Aar 25%2000 180(1Aar>25% 22002000Boili ng boilerCirculati ng fluidized bed boilerther boili ng boiler/2000018000Spreader stoker boiler/5000500014.6 Other specificati ons4.6.1 Height of chi mney for coal-bur ni

29、ng and oil bur ning (except for bur ning light diesel and kerose ne) boiler buildi ng461.1 Each n ewly built boiler build ing may only be in stalled with one chi mn ey. The heightof such chi mney shall be as specified in Table 4 accord ing to the total in stalled capacity of the boiler build ing.Tab

30、le 4 Minimum allowable height of chi mney for coal-bur ning and oil-bur ning (except for light diesel and kerose ne bur ning) boiler build ingTotal in stalled capacity of boiler buildi ngMW <0.70.7<1.41.4<2.82.8<77<1414<28t/h <11<22<44<1010<2020 40Min. allowable chi

31、mney heightm 20 25 30 35 40 45461.2 When the total in stalled capacity of the boiler is greater than 28MW (40t/h), the height of chi mney shall be determ ined accordi ng to the requireme nts of the approvedEn vir onmen tal Effect Report (Table)a nd no less tha n 45m .In case there is any buildi ng w

32、ithin 200m radius of the chi mney of the n ewly built boiler, the chi mney shall be over 3m higher than the highest buildi ng.4.6.2 Height of chi mney for gas-fired, light-diesel-bur ning and kerose ne-bur ning boilers The height of chi mney for gas-fired, light-diesel-bur ning and kerose ne-bur nin

33、g boilers shall be determined according to the requirements of the approved Environmental Effect Report (Table) and no less tha n 8m.4.6.3 If the height of chi mney for any type of boiler fails to meet any specificati on un der 4.6.1 or 4.6.2, 50% of the sta ndard emissi on value for corresp onding

34、area and period shall be take n as the maximum allowable emissi on concen trati on of smoke dust, SO2 and NO2 from such boiler.4.6.4 Chim neys for various types of boilers ?0.7MW (1t/h) shall be in stalled with perma nent sampling and monitoring holes and related facilities according to GB 5468-91 a

35、nd GB/T16157-1996. As of the day when this standard goes into effect, any boiler newly built and put into service (in clud ing those expa nded and reformed) with sin gle unit capacity ?14MW (20t/h) must be in stalled with a stati onary in strume nt for continu ally mon itori ng the emissi on concen

36、trati on of smoke dust and SOin the flue gas.5 Mon itori ng5.1 GB 5468 and GB/T 16157 shall be followed for the sampling method used for monitoring the emission concentration of smoke dust, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide from the boiler. The regulati ons of State En vir onmen tal Protectio n Bureau shall be followed


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