1、精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載annual straw consumpti on is a bout 300 15x20 million tons t o 450 15x30 milli on tonne s. around each pla nt to tow n for curing center straw briquette factory、 a bout 30、 curi ng each straw bri quette fact ory production capacity of 10、000 tons per year、 production of major pr odu
2、cts supply powe r plants a nd the rest as or dinary fuel. c hapter iii、 se ction i i ndustry investment a nalysi s investment benefit a nalysis、 i ndustry pr ofitability industry benchmark yiel d to 12%、 more than a moderate level of pr ofitability、 have higher profitabilit y. secondly、 solve ncy、 w
3、it h good pr ofitability and、 hence、 have enoug h liquidity. three bioma ss energy resource i n china、 i ndustry growt h prospe cts are very experienced a nd bright prospect s for devel opment of biomass power generation i ndustry. on one ha nd、 t he sown area of 1.8 billion mu of cr ops、 the year p
4、roduces 700 milli on t ons of matter. apart from the parts used i n pa permaking a nd livest ock feed、 and t he rest wil l be done f uel use. t he ot her ha nd、 chi na's current fore st area of about 175 milli on hectare s、 the fore st cov erage rate of 18.21%、 every year t hroug h normal bush s
5、t umping rejuvenation、 forest thi nni ng、 he dgerow fruit trees a nd t he colle ction of forest felling、 bucking 、 processing re sidues、 biomass resource s availa ble at about 800 milli on to 1 billi on tons. the ory of biomass energy re source i n c hina close to 1.5 billion tons of sta ndar d coal
6、. by 2021、 the biomass e nergy devel opme nt and utili zation of ca pacity of 500 m illi on tons of standard coal、 equivalent to m ore tha n 15% supplie s. a nd extremely low sulphur conte nt of the bioma ss <0.3%、 1 4 not t o the sul phur content of the coal. development of biomass solid fuels、
7、impl ement coal alter natives、 significa ntly reduces t he carbon dioxide and sulfur di oxide emissions、 have a sig nifica nt environmental benefit. second se ction industry inve stment opport unities for promoted health material energy of steadily devel opme nt、 september 2006、 treasur y、 a nd nati
8、onal devel opme nt and r eformcommittee、 and mini stry of agricult ure、 a nd nati onal tax general、 a nd national forestry council joint intr oduce d has on development biol ogical quality e nergy and bi ologi cal chemical tax support policy of implementation views、 in risk avoid a nd compe nsati on
9、、 a nd raw materials base grant s、 and model grants、 a nd tax relief、 aspects for development bi ologi cal quality e nergy and biol ogical chemical developed has specific of tax support poli cy. in addition、 si nce t he renewabl e energy law came into effect on january 1、 2006、 making a com plete se
10、t of admi nistrative rules and reg ulations al sopromulgated. on oct ober 4、 2006 of the mi nistry of the interim measures for the admini stration of spe cial funds for renewabl e energy development、 the approa ch of special f unds to support key、 applicati on a nd a pproval、 fi nancial manageme nt、
11、 checki ng and supervi sion of com prehe nsive provisi ons. the reg ulations: development of spe cial funds esta blished by the fina ncial departme nts of the state council 、 theuse of spe cial funds for the devel opme nt include free grants a nd subsidized l oans、 through t he ce ntral financial bu
12、dget. accordi ng to the role of biomass energy and t he country's status quo、 is curre ntly focuse d on the development of the project are a s follow s: 1 rece nt devel opme nt prioritie s: biomass ga sification and gas、 biomass gasification power ge neration、 large bi ogas、 biomass dire ct comb
13、usti on heating 2 medi um -a nd l ong -term development proje cts: height of biomass gasificati on power ge neration pr oject big/cc、 t he pr oduction of hy drogen from biomass such as resource in china cl ose to 1.5 billion tons of sta ndard coal. by 2021、 t he bi omass energy development and ut il
14、ization of ca pacity of 500 milli on tons of standar d coal、 e quivale nt to more t han 15% suppl ies. a nd extremely l ow sulphur conte nt of the biomass <0.3%、 1 4 not to t he sulphur conte nt of the coal. developme nt of bi omass solid f uels、 im plement coal alter natives、 sig nifica ntly red
15、uces t he car bon di oxide a nd sulfur dioxide emi ssions、 have a significant envir onme ntal be nefit. second secti on i nd ustry investment opportunities for pr omoted health material e nergy of steadily devel opment、 se ptember 2006、 treasury、 a nd national devel opme nt and reform committee、 a n
16、d mi nistry of agriculture、 a nd national tax general、 a nd nati ona l forestry council joi nt introduced has on devel opme nt bi ologi cal quality energy a nd bi ologi cal chemical tax support policy of implementation views、 i n risk avoi d and compe nsation、 and raw materials ba se grants、 a nd mo
17、del grants、 and tax relief、 aspects for development biological quality e nergy and biol ogical chemi cal devel oped ha s specific of tax support policy. in a dditi on、 since the蘇教版學校六年級語文上冊期末測試題題 號一二三四總 分得 分溫馨寄語:親愛的同學們, 在開心而緊急的學習中, 我們始終期望著豐收,請大家細心審題, 仔細解答,把字寫端正, 信任你肯定能采摘到最甜蜜的果實;加油吧;精品學習資料精選學習資料 - -
18、- 歡迎下載得分評卷人一.口語交際我流利( 5 分)精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載我們在平常的閱讀中, 已經學習了不少名言; 相互溝通一下, 你最喜愛哪句名言?這句名言給了你哪些啟示?得分評卷人二.積存運用我最棒( 40 分)1.看拼音寫詞語( 10 分)liánd ohny nn üè sh xis èr ónqi à()ku nsh ùpi np ìzh ùzàadded. finall y、 foreig n investment risk 、 there are al s
19、o opportunities. fina ncial crisis caused t he stock and corporate bond pri ces plummeted、 early chi nese ba nks ' foreign exchange a ssets i n the foreig n excha nge reserve s investment a nd l osse s、 but at prese nt the i nternatio nal pri ces of many financial assets i n a low、 to pr omote f
20、oreign mergers a nd a cquisiti ons in china a nd promoti ng enter prise " goi ng out" diver sified cooperation、 actively ex plore overseas re sources a nd markets a nd opportunities. meanw hile 、 in response to t he adver se impact of world economi c crisis on china、 t he state council a n
21、nounce d 10 measures to expand domesti c dema nd and promote growth over t he next tw o years the implementation of the se measure s will take about 4 tri llion yuan central budget support. the 4 trillion yua n investment has a n inkli ng、 transportati on、 forestr y、 water conservancy、 peopl e's
22、 livelihood、 envir onme ntal prote ction and other area s will be skewe d. increased inve stment will play a significantrole in promoting chi na's e conomi c growth、 at the same time、 t here should be ot her pro -growth measures rolle d out. a serie s of positive measures by the state and functi
23、on of 4 trilli on the ce ntral treasury、 our e conomy will be sustained、 sta ble a nd rapi d development gradually. se ction ii market analysis of technical feasibility of biomass fuel shapi ng technology a nd e qui pment is t he core of industrial ization of bi omass briquette fuel. biomass bri que
24、tting te chnol ogy refers to a certai n temperature and under pre ssure、 will be scattered and various shapes of bi omass raw material s into high densit y、 wit h a variety of fuels te chnol ogy. biomass bri quetti ng equipment i ncl udi ng screw-extrusion mol ding machine s、 mechani cal piston stam
25、ping formi ng machi ne、 ri ng die -roll a nd hydrauli c pi ston stamping mol ding ma chi nes. mechani cal piston forming and hydra ulic piston forming machine total up producti on efficie ncy l ow e nergy high、 former of productivity low 、 act ual pr oductivity in 100-200 kg、 mai n work parts life l
26、ow not for i ndustrializati onproducti on; whi ch mai n work parts life long、 but hig hest pr oduction ca pacity l ower e nergy hig h; from technol ogy index view、 ring die roll pressure type forming ma chi ne pr oducti on rate hig hest、 e nergy low、 pr oducts cost l ow、 whil e technology conte nt a
27、l so high、 for yu scale producti on promoti on. si nce in the 1980 of the 20t h centur y、 china' s bi o-te chnol ogy research and devel opme nt have made great progre ss、 nati ona l research and pr oducti on e qui pment of enter prise s or rese arch i nstitute s has dozens of home s. china'
28、s industriali zatio n of bi omass bri quette fuel prototy pe is formed、 however、 t o be mature and realize i ndustrialization、 you first nee d to over come some constraints、 some techni cal obstacl es. incl ude s the mai n worki ng parts of the short w orking life、 poor a bility to coordinate equipm
29、ent systems、 runni ng unstabl e、 and so on. also、 due t o the la ck of effective industrial practi ces、 soli d bi omass industry is still i n its infancy in chi na. biomassfuel sha ping technolog y、 stabl e performa nce a nd l ow power consumpti on of the device is the core of industrialization of b
30、i omass fue l、 good industry a nd the gover nment's support a nd the ne cessary fundi ng is a prereq uisite for industrial ization of bioma ss bri quette fuel. to compre ss biomass briquette processi ng cost、 you will need to yiel d power、 v ulnerable performance and low cost、 la bor cost、 contr
31、ol three a spe cts. me anw hile、 burning of bi omass i s also on the industry's core te chnol ogy、 generally、 beca use of biomass fuels to re place coal、 ca n be used、 in fact、 due to biomass精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載annual straw consumpti on is a bout 300 15x20 million tons t o 450 15x30 milli on
32、tonne s. around each pla nt to tow n for curing center straw briquette factory、 a bout 30、 curi ng each straw bri quette fact ory production capacity of 10、000 tons per year、 production of major pr oducts supply powe r plants a nd the rest as or dinary fuel. chapter iii、 se ction i i ndustry investm
33、ent a nalysi s investment benefit a nalysis、 i ndustry pr ofitability industry benchmark yiel d to 12%、 more than a moderate level of pr ofitability、 have higher profitabilit y. secondly、 solve ncy、 wit h good pr ofitability and、 hence、 have enoug h liquidity. three bioma ss energy resource i n chin
34、a、 i ndustry growt h prospe cts are very experienced a nd bright prospect s for devel opment of biomass power generation i ndustry. on one ha nd、 t he sown area of 1.8 billion mu of cr ops、 the year produces 700 milli on t ons of matter. apart from the parts used i n pa permaking a nd livest ock fee
35、d、 and t he rest wil l be done fuel use. t he ot her ha nd、 chi na's current fore st area of about 175 milli on hectare s、 the fore st cov erage rate of 18.21%、 every year t hroug h normal bush st umping rejuvenation、 forest thi nni ng、 he dgerow fruit trees a nd t he colle ction of forest felli
36、ng、 bucking 、 processing re sidues、 biomass resource s availa ble at about 800 milli on to 1 billi on tons. the ory of biomass energy re source i n china close to 1.5 billion tons of sta ndar d coal. by 2021、 the biomass e nergy devel opme nt and utili zation of ca pacity of 500 milli on tons of sta
37、ndard coal、 equivalent to m ore tha n 15% supplie s. a nd extremely low sulphur conte nt of the bioma ss <0.3%、 1 4 not t o the sul phur content of the coal. development of biomass solid fuels、 impl ement coal alter natives、 significa ntly reduces t he carbon dioxide and sulfur di oxide emissions
38、、 have a sig nifica nt environmental benefit. sec ond se ction industry inve stment opportunities for promoted health material energy of steadily devel opme nt、 september 2006、 treasur y、 a nd national devel opme nt and reformcommittee、 and mini stry of agricult ure、 a nd nati onal tax general、 a nd national forestry council joint intr oduce d has on development biol ogical quality e nergy and bi ologi cal chemical tax support policy of implementation views、 in risk avoid a nd compe nsati on、 a nd raw materials base grant s、 and model grants、 a nd tax relief、 aspects for
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