



1、精品文檔 1_23 4生6 789 101112P 1_31415-B 161718 192021 222324 2526I27 282930net rrf Frliirtinn精品文檔精品文檔QUeStiOn 3Are CritiCiSlTl IeVeIed UPOn POSt 9O3sGeneratIOn justified?QUeStiOn 3SOme PeOPle think that they Can Iearn better by themselves than With a _ teacher OtherS think that it is always better to ha

2、ve a teacher. WhiCh ClO you prefer?精品文檔精品文檔QUeStiOn 4DO you agree Or disagree VVith the following Statement: The advice _ you take from the friends WhO are OIder than you is more VaIUabIe - than that taken from the friends at your age?EnVirOnmental PrOteCtioin$扌証復(fù)A 衣明舉作精品文檔精品文檔QUeStiOn 6DO you agree

3、 Or disagree With the following Statement: EnVirOnmental PrOblemS ShOUId be SOIVed by the government instead Of individuals and PriVate companies?/QUeStiOn 7DO you agree Or CIiSagree With the following statement: PeOPIe Can Iearn more from WatChing TV than reading books?精品文檔精品文檔QUeStiOn 8EdUCatiOn i

4、n the InfOrinatrOn Age: My PerSOnaI EXPerienCePUbIiC MOraIity媽媽,減叔們不識字嗎?宋恩久精品文檔精品文檔QUeStiOn IoThe MOSt MemOrabIe EXPenenCe inMy LifeIoG DQUeSti On 12Three KeyS to a HaPPy LifeCity DeVeIOPment精品文檔QUeSti On 14AttitUde is a Llttle Thrng that MakeS a Big DifferenCeQUeSti On 15A FriencI in Need is a Frie

5、ndIndeedQUeSti On 16On optimism.QUeSti On 17An Ideal TeaCherQUeSti On 18If I Were a millionaire.,.A Call FrOm a UniVerSity StUOT精品文檔QUeStiOn 21TOWardS a HarmOniOUS SOCietyQUeStiOn 21I have a Dream精品文檔精品文檔the ChOiCe for COIIege EntranCeEXaminationQUeStiOn 23WhiCh is more important EQ Or IQ?精品文檔精品文檔QU

6、eStiOn 24WhO is your favorite entertainerOr athletez and why?QUeStiOn 25HOW do you UnderStanel UAIlROadS LeaCI to Rome39? GiVe anexample in your StUdy精品文檔精品文檔Are They Really Best?QUeStiOn 27FOr What PUrPOSeS do you Want to receive a higher education?精品文檔精品文檔QUeStiOn 28SOme StUdentS Prefer to StUdy alone. OtherS Prefer to StUdy With a group Of students. WhiCh do you Prefer and why?RaiSing ChiIdren for OId Age ?精品文檔精品文檔QUeStiOn 30FiImS Can tell US a IOt a


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