1、附錄 1:英文資料metal -casting processesabstract-following a description of the fundamentals of solidification of metals in the preceding chapter and the roles of fluid flow and heat transfer in molds, we now describe in detail:characteristics of expendable-mold and permanen-tmold processes. applications a
2、dvantages, and limitations of common casting processes.casting of single crystals.inspection techniques for castings.brief review of foundries and their automation.typical products made by casting: engine blocks, crankshafts, hubcaps, power tools, turbine blades, plumbing, zipper teeth, dies and mol
3、ds, gears, railroad wheels, propellers, office equipment, statues, and housings.alternative processes: forging, powder metallurgy, machining, and fabrication.11.1 introductionthe first metal castings were made during the period from 4000 to 3000 b.c., using stone and metal molds for casting copper.
4、various casting processes have been developed over time, each with its own characteristics and applications see also fig. 1.7a, to meet specific engineering and service requirements table 11.1. a large variety ofparts and components are made by casting, such as engine blocks, crankshafts, automotive
5、 components and power trains fig. 11.1, agricultural and railroad equipment, pipes and plumbing fixtures, power tools, gun barrels, frying pans, office equipment, and very large components for hydraulic turbines.two trends have had a major impact on the casting industry .the first is the mechanizati
6、on and automation of the casting process, which has led to significant changes in the use of equipment and labor. advanced machinery and automated process-control systems have replaced traditional methods of casting. the second major trend has been the increasing demand for high-quality castings wit
7、h close dimensional tolerances.this chapter is organized around the major classifications of casting practices see fig.2 in the introduction to part . these classifications are related to mold materials, molding processes, and methods of feeding the mold with molten metal.the major categories are as
8、 follows:1. expendable molds, which typicallyare made of sand, plaster, ceramics, and similar materials and generally are mixed with various binders bonding agents for improved properties. a typical sand mold consists of 90% sand, 7% clay, and 3% water. as described in chapter 8, these materials are
9、 refractories that is, they are capable of withstanding the high temperatures of molten metals. after the casting has solidified, the mold is broken up to remove the casting.2. permanent molds, which are made of metals that maintain their strength at hightemperatures. as the name implies, they are u
10、sed repeatedly and are designed in such a way that the casting can be removed easily and the mold used for the next casting.metal molds are better heat conductors than expendable nonmetallic molds see table3.1; hence, the solidifying casting is subjected to a higher rate of cooling, which in turn af
11、fects the microstructure and grain size within the casting.3. composite molds, which are made of two or more different materials such as sand, graphite, and metal combining the advantages of each material. these molds have a permanent and an expendable portion and ate used in various casting process
12、es to improve moldstrength, controlthe coolingrates, and optimizethe overall economics of the casting process.the general characteristics of sand casting and other casting processes are given in table 11.2. almost all commercially used metals can be cast. the surface finish obtained is largely a fun
13、ctionof the mold material; although, as expected, sand castings generally have rough, grainy surfaces. dimensional tolerances generally are not as good as those in machining and other net-shape processes. however, intricate shapes can be made by casting, such as cast-iron engine blocks and very larg
14、e propellers for ocean liners.because oftheiruniquecharacteristics andapplications,particularlyin manufacturing microelectronic devices part , basic crystal-growing techniques also are described in this chapter, which concludes with a brief overview of modern foundries.11.2 expendable -mold casting
15、processesthe major categories of expendable-mold casting are sand, shell mold, plaster mold, ceramic mold, evaporative pattern, and investment casting.11.2.1 sand castingthe traditional method of casting metals is in sand molds and has been used formillennia. sand casting is still the most prevalent
16、 form of casting; in the united states alone, about 15 milliontons of metal are cast by this method each year. typical applications of sand casting include machine bases, large turbine impellers, propellers, plumbing fixtures, and numerous components for agricultural and railroad equipment.the capab
17、ilities of sand casting are given in table 11.2.basically, sand casting consists of a placing a pattern having the shape of the desired casting in sand to make an imprint, b incorporating a gating system, c removing the pattern and filling the mold cavity with molten metal, d allowing the metal to c
18、ool until it solidifies, e breaking away the sand mold, and f removing the castingfig.11.2.sands. most sand-casting operations use silica sand sio2 as mold material. sand is inexpensive and is suitable as mold material because of its high-temperature characteristics and high melting point. there are
19、 two general types of sand: naturally bonded bank sand and synthetic lake sand. because its composition can be controlled more accurately, synthetic sand is preferred by most foundries. for proper functioning, mold sand must be clean and preferably new.several factors are important in the selection
20、of sand for molds, and it involvescertain tradeoffs with respect to properties. sand having fine, round grains can be packed closely and, thus, forms a smooth mold surface. although fine -grained sand through pores. good permeability of molds and cores allows gases and steam evolved during the casti
21、ng to escape easily. the mold also should have good collapsibility to allow for the casting to shrink while cooling and, thus, to avoid defects in the casting, such as hot tearing and cracking see fig.10.12.types of sand molds . sand molds fig.11.3 are characterized by the types of sandthat comprise
22、 them and by the methods used to produce them. there are three basic types of sand molds: green-sand, cold-box, and no-bake molds. the most common mold material is green molding sand, which is a mixture of sand, clay, and water. the term“ green ” refers to the fact that the sand in the mold is moist
23、 or damp while the metal is being poured into it. green-sand molding is the least expensive method of making molds, and the sand is recycled easily for subsequent use. in the skin -dried method, the mold surfaces are dried, either by storing the mold in air or by drying itwith torches, because of th
24、eir higher strength, these molds generally are used for large castings.in the cold-box mold process, various organic and inorganic binders are blendedinto the sand to bond the grains chemically for greater strength. these molds are more accurate dimensionally than green-sand molds but are more expen
25、sive. in the n-obake mold process, a synthetic liquid resin is mixed with the sand, and the mixture hardens at room temperature. because the bonding of the mold in this and in the cold-box process takes place without heat, they are called co-lsdetting processes.sand molds are oven dried baked prior
26、to pouring the molten metal; they are stronger than green-sand molds and impart better dimensional accuracy and surface finishto the casting. however, thismethod has the followingdrawbacks: a distortion of the mold is greater, b the castings are more susceptible to hot tearing because of the lower c
27、ollapsibility of the mold, and c the production rate is lower because of the considerable drying time required.1. the flask, which supports the mold itself. two -piece molds consist of a cope ontop and a drag on the bottom; the seam between them is the parting line. when more than two piece are used
28、 in a sand mold, the additional parts are called cheeks.2. a pouring basin or pouring cup, into which the molten metal is poured.3. a sprue, basin or pouring cup, into which the molten metal is poured.4. the runner system, which has channels that carry the molten metal from the sprue to the mold cav
29、ity. gates are the inlets into the mold cavity.5. risers, which supply additional molten metal to the casting as it shrinks during solidification. two types of risers, a blind riser and an open riser, are shown in fig.11.3.6. cores, which are inserts made from sand. they are placed in the mold to fo
30、rm hollow regions or otherwise define the interior surface of the casting. cores also are used on the outside of the casting to form features such as lettering on the surface of a casting or deep external pockets.7. vents, which are placed in molds to carry off gasesproduced when the molten metal co
31、mes into contact with the sand in the mold and the core. vents also exhaust air from the mold cavity as the molten metal flows into the mold.patterns. patterns are used to mold the sand mixture into the shape of the casting and may be made of wood, plastic, or metal. the selection of a pattern mater
32、ial depends on the size and shape of the casting, the dimensional accuracy and the quantity of casting required, and the molding process. because patterns are used repeatedly to make molds, the strength and durability of the material selected for a pattern must reflect the number of casting that the
33、 mold will produce. patterns may be made of acombination of materials to reduce wear in critical regions, and they usually are coated with a parting agent to facilitate the removal of the casting from the molds.patterns can be designed with a variety o f features to fit specific applications and eco
34、nomic requirements. one-piece patterns, also called loose or solid patterns, generally are used for simpler shapes and low-quantity production; they generally are made of wood and are inexpensive. split patterns are two-piece patterns, made such that each part forms a portion of the cavity for the c
35、asting; in this way, castings with complicated shapes can be produced. match-plate patterns are a common type of mounted pattern in which two-piece patterns are constructed by securing each half of one or more split patterns to the opposite sides of a single plate fig.11.4. in such constructions, th
36、e gating system can be mounted on the drag side of the pattern. this type of pattern is used most often in conjunction with molding machines and large production runs to produce smaller castings.an important development in molding and pattern making is the application ofrapid prototyping chapter 20.
37、 in sand casting, forexample, a pattern can be fabricated in a rapid prototyping machine and fastened to a backing plate at a fraction of the time and cost of machining a pattern. there are several rapid prototyping techniques with which these tools can be produced quickly.pattern design is a critic
38、al aspect of the total casting operation. the design should provide for metal shrinkage, ease of removal from the sand mold by means of a taper or draft fig.11.5, and proper metal flowin the mold cavity. these topics are described in greater detail in chapter 12.cores. for castings with internal cav
39、ities or passages, such as those found in an automotive engine block or a valve body, cores are utilized. cores are placed in the mold cavity to form the interior surfaces of the casting and are removed from the finished part during shakeout and further processing, like molds, cores must posse stren
40、gth, permeability, ability to withstand heat, and collapsibility;hence, cores are made of sand aggregates.the core is anchored by core prints, which are recesses added to the pattern to support the core and to provide vents for the escape for the escape of gages fig.11.6. a common problem with cores
41、 is that for some casting requirements, as in the case where a recess is required they may lack sufficient structural support in the cavity. to keep the core fromshifting,metal supports chaplets may be used to anchor the core in place fig.11.6b.cores generally are made in a manner similar to that us
42、ed in mold making; themajority is made with shell see section 11.2.2, no-bake, or cold-box processes. cores are shaped in core boxes, which are used in much the same way that patterns are used to form sand molds.sand-molding machines.the oldest known method of molding, which is still used for simple
43、 castings, is to compact the sand by hand hammering tamping or ramming it around the pattern. for most operations, however, the sand mixture is compacted around the pattern by molding machines. these machines eliminate arduous labor, offer high-quality casting by improving the application and distri
44、bution of forces, manipulate the mold in a carefully controlled manner, and increase production rate.in vertical flaskless molding, the halves of the pattern form a vertical chamber wall against which sand is blown and compacted fig.11.7. then the mold halves are packed horizontally with the parting
45、 line oriented verticallyand moved along a pouring conveyor. this operation is simple and eliminates the need to handle flasks, allowingfor very high-production rates, particularlywhen other aspects of the operation such as coring and pouring are automated.sandslingers fillthe flask uniformly with s
46、and under a high-pressure stream;they are used to fill large flasks and are operated typically by machine. an impeller in the machine throws sand from its blades or cups at such high speeds that the machine not only places the sand but also rams it appropriately.inimpact molding,the sand is compacte
47、d bya controlledexplosion or instantaneous release of compressed gases. this method produces molds with uniform strength and good permeability.in vacuum molding also known as the v process, the pattern is covered tightly with a thin sheet of plastic. a flask is placed over the coated pattern and is
48、filled with dry, binderless sand. a second sheet of plastic then is placed on top of the sand, and a vacuum action compact the sand so that the pattern can be withdrawn. both halves of the mold are made this way and assembled. during pouring, the mold remains under a vacuum but the casting cavity do
49、se not. when the metal has solidified, the vacuum is turned off, and the sand falls away, releasing the casting. vacuum molding produces castings withhigh-qualitysurface detail and dimensional accuracy; itis suited especially well for large, relatively flat plane castings.the sand-casting operation.
50、 after the mold has been shaped and the cores have been placed in position, the two halves cope and drag are closed, clamped, and weighted down to prevent the separation of the mold sections under the pressureexerted when the molten metal is poured into the mold cavity. a complete sequence of operat
51、ions in sand casting is shown in fig.11.8.after solidification, the casting is shaken out of its mold, and the sand and oxide layers adhering to the casting are removed by vibration using a shaker or by sand blasting. casting also are cleaned by blasting with steel shot or grit shot blasting; sectio
52、n 26.8. the riser and gates are cut off by oxyfue-lgas cutting, sawing, shearing, and abrasive wheels; or they are trimmed in dies. gates and risers on steel castings also may be removed with air carbon-arc section 30.8 or torches. castings may be cleaned further by electrochemical means or by pickl
53、ing with chemicals to remove surface oxides.the casting subsequently may be heat treated to improve certain properties required for its intended service use; these processesare important, particularly for steel castings. finishing operations may involve machining, straightening, or forging with dies
54、 sizing to obtain final dimensions. inspection is important final step and is carriedouttoensure thatthe castingmeets alldesign andquality -control requirements.rammed-graphite molding.in this process, rammed graphite section 8.6 is used tomake molds for casting reactive metals, such as titanium and
55、 zirconium. sand cannot be used because these metals react vigorously with silica. the molds are packed like sand molds, air dried, baked at 175° c, fired at 870° c, and then stored under controlled humidity and temperature. the casting procedures are similar to those for sand molds.11.2.2
56、 shell moldingshell molding first was developed in the 1940s and has grown significantly because it can produce many types of castings with close dimensional tolerances and agood surface finishatlowcost, shell-moldingapplications includesmall mechanical parts requiring high precision, such as gear h
57、ousings, cylinder heads, and connecting rods. the process also is used widely in producing hig-hprecision molding cores. the capabilities of shel-lmold casting are given in table 11.2.in this process, a mounted pattern made of a ferrous metal or aluminum is aheated to a range of 175°c to 370
58、76; c, b coated with a parting agent such as silicone, and c clamped to a box or chamber. the box contains fine sand, mixed with 2.5 to 4% of a thermosetting resin binder such as phenol-formaldehyde that coats the sand particles. either the box is rotated upside down fig.11.9 or the sandmixture is blown over the pattern, allowing it to coat the pattern.the assembly then is placed in an oven for a short period of time to complete the curing of the resin. in most shell-molding machined, the oven consists of a metal box with gas-fired burners that swing ov
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