1、ResourcesUnderstanding the pros and cons of observing Western festivals and celebrations in ChinaSeeing both sides of an issueUnderstanding metaphorsDiscussing controversial topicsAbout festivalsthe Gregorian calendarA question from the passagethe lunar calendarThe lunar calendar based on the moveme
2、nt of the moon around the earth, which lasts 29 or 30 days. In order to catch up with the solar calendar, extra months (leap months) are added whenever necessary. More春分春分The lunar calendar Look at the Chinese lunar calender 2009 to see which month was a leap month.Gregorian calendarthe most commonl
3、y used calendar in the world also known as solar calendar or the Western calendarbased on the movement of the earth around the sun, which lasts 365 or 366 daysintroduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582MoreGregorian calendar Look at the calendar 2008 to see what is special about it.2008 is a leap year,
4、because there is an extra day in February.About festivalsclickclickclickclickWork in pairs and answer the questions.1 What are the most important festivals for you?2 Why do you think people celebrate festivals?3 Do you think some festivals have become more important recently?4 Whats your opinion abo
5、ut celebrating Western festivals in China?About festivalsI treasure the Spring Festival most such a family event and everyone is so happy being together and eating delicious food. I think National Day is very meaningful too. I always expect to watch the solemn flag-raising ceremony and the big parad
6、e.BackBack1 What are the most important festivals for you?About festivals 2 Why do you think people celebrate festivals? They like a break from daily routine, and festivals remind there are things more important than going to work. BackBackAbout festivals 3 Do you think some festivals have become mo
7、re important recently? Yes, with more prosperity people are enjoying the holidays where you can spend, eat out and travel. People are more active in treasuring the history and traditions they own.BackBackGenghis Khan Terracotta warriors About festivals4 Whats your opinion about celebrating Western f
8、estivals in China?not replace our own traditions but there is no harm if we want to add a few new festivals not a one-way street Westerners love Chinese food and many learn kung fu. The world shares more these days.BackBackA question from the passage Why should we in China refer to the week between
9、December 24 and 31 as the end of the year when ours (according to the lunar calendar)is at least a month away? Work in groups of four with two presenting pros and two cons. Speak strongly on either side of the debate. MoreA question from the passageChina is a part of the world and wants to join with
10、 the majority. The world needs a standard year for business etc. Besides, it is more fun to have two New Years. A good question. Maybe we should not observe Christmas as we follow Western things too easily and had better pay more attention to conserve our own culture.Text organisationText exploratio
11、nText evaluationText organisationMoreProblem 1Christmas & New YearChinese New YearEffect scholars & students concern & fearCausechanges in the global villageSolution A festival carries the same meaning in the West and in ChinaText organisationProblem 2Western culturevsChinese cultureEffe
12、ctOur festivalsare a different matterCausesvarious calendarsWestern festive spirit decadenceSolution Dont follow the West blindlyand accept its essence Understanding the text 1 The writer thinks the Chinese celebrate Christmas because _. (a) its a Western festival (b) the world has undergone a great
13、 deal of change (c) its a festival which carries the same meaning in both the East and the West (d) it has become a festival which is celebrated around the world, and everyone can relax during that timeChoose the best way to complete the sentences.More(d)Understanding the textChoose the best way to
14、complete the sentences.More(a)2 Some scholars fear that celebrating Christmas in China _.(a) may threaten Chinese culture(b) means that the Chinese blindly follow the West in every way(c) causes Chinese festivals to lose their charm(d) is a good example of Western decadenceUnderstanding the text 3 T
15、he Chinese attach more importance to Christmas than a couple of decades ago because _. (a) television and the Internet have become uniting factors (b) changes throughout the world make them look differently at the world and at Chinas place in it (c) we belong to a global village (d) most of the worl
16、d follows the Gregorian calendarChoose the best way to complete the sentences.More(b)Understanding the text 4 Enjoying a Western festival doesnt mean that _. (a) the Chinese approve of Western decadence (b) the Chinese are left untouched by the festive season (c) the Chinese follow the Western witho
17、ut thinking (d) the Chinese culture is free of decadenceChoose the best way to complete the sentences.More(c)Understanding the text 5 The writer believes that the scholars and students _. (a) can save society from the influence of a world which is getting smaller (b) have a point of view which shoul
18、d not be rejected (c) are what are referred to as conservatives (d) are right in thinking Chinese festivals have lost their charmChoose the best way to complete the sentences.More(b)Understanding the text 6 The basic message of Christmas _. (a) is similar to Eastern principles of helping others (b)
19、has the same charm as Chinese festivals (c) is one of Western culture, which attracts youngsters more than other Chinese (d) is one of goodness, love of mankind and help for the poor which is relevant to everyoneChoose the best way to complete the sentences.(d)Interpreting Understanding text organis
20、ationMetaphor Understanding text organisation a paragraph an idea or an opinion and the examples or supporting ideas a new idea which compares or contrasts with the first idea a new paragraph with signpost words, such as but, however etc are used.MoreUnderstanding text organisationOther model the id
21、eas in a less systematic way, with contrasting information within the same sentence (when they use although)Effect a more flowing style, as if the writer is following a stream of consciousnessMoreUnderstanding text organisation Christmas has become a global festival.(a) But some scholars are concern
22、ed about the influence of Christmas on Chinese culture.(b) But the world has changed over the past two decades.(c) So if we adopt aspects of Western life, we have to accept that some of them are unusual.MoreLook at the summary sentences and the signpost words to connect the ideas.Understanding text
23、organisation 1 Festivals mean the same all over the world.(a) Events in the Western calendar even influence people who follow the lunar calendar.So events in the Western calendar even influence people who follow the lunar calendar.(b) Not everything from the West is good. But not everything from the
24、 West is good.(c) Bad behaviour can happen anywhere in the world.But bad behaviour can happen anywhere in the world.Add so or but to connect the ideas of the summary sentences.MoreUnderstanding text organisationAdd so or but to connect the ideas of the summary sentences. 2 The problem is those who o
25、nly want to celebrate Western culture.(a) Our festivals are still as charming as ever.But our festivals are still as charming as ever.(b) Some people want to conserve Chinese culture.But some people want to conserve Chinese culture. MoreUnderstanding text organisationAdd so or but to connect the ide
26、as of the summary sentences. 2 The problem is those who only want to celebrate Western culture.(c) They cannot avoid the influence of the West. So they cannot avoid the influence of the West.(d) We should accept the goodness they offer. But we should accept the goodness they offer.Metaphoroften used
27、 in journalism and other literaturea word or phrase that has a literal meaning but which is used in a figurative way for referring to something else in order to emphasise their similar qualities Its that time of the year when the world seems to be caught in a trance.MoreMetaphorClearly, the whole wo
28、rld isnt in an unconscious state, but the writer suggests that we may not be entirely conscious of our actions and thoughts.Metaphors add colour to the style, but are sometimes difficult to recognise. They should not be taken literally.MoreMetaphor Work in pairs. Look at the sentences from the passa
29、ge and answer the questions about the metaphors the writer uses. Sentence 1 Sentences 2&3 Sentence 4 Sentence 5clickclickclickclickSentence 1 1 as we have come closer to each other to form a truly global village. What does the writer mean in describing the world as a global village? The world se
30、ems small as we can communicate with each other very easily, and every people and everything lives in it is connected and depends on each other.BackBackSentences 2 & 3 2 till we got a feel for the Internet. Do we get a feel for something by touching it or by doing something else? Touching the co
31、mputer is necessary but so are other senses, such as sight. 3 which doesnt mean we follow the West blindly. What do people do if they follow something blindly? Are they actually blind? not physically blind but follow the western stuff without thinking moral and intellectual blindnessBackBackSentence
32、 4 4 And here is where the alarm bells sounded by scholars and students come in. What do alarm bells do? Does this mean scholars and students are really ringing bells?Alarm bells are used to ring people of danger. Scholars and students are not really ringing bells but trying to draw peoples attentio
33、n to the problem.BackBackSentences 5 5 So instead of trying to shut our eyes and ears to Western festivals How do people shut their eyes and ears? They try to ignore Western festivals.BackBackComments Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 4. There is some(1) _ to scho
34、lars fears that a lot of Chinese (2) _ have recently become more interested in festivals from the Western (3)_, such as Christmas which I must admit does have some (4) _. MorejustificationyoungsterscalendarcharmComments The world is (5) _ many changes, and even though we come from a genuinely modest
35、 and (6) _ culture, were more and more attracted by the bright lights and comforts of the West. But Christmas is actually a winter (7) _ and is similar to our own festivals because it (8) _ the importance of being morally (9) _ and showing love for mankind.undergoinghumblefeastpreachesgoodCritical t
36、hinking Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 1 Do you agree with the writer or the Chinese scholars who express concern about the influence of Christmas? 2 Do you think its possible to ignore influences from the rest of the world? 3 Do you agree that the world is getting smaller? 4 Do you agree
37、that all difference between cultures will disappear? 5 How can you conserve a culture and its traditions if its under threat from global influences?clickclickclickclickCritical thinking 1 Do you agree with the writer or the Chinese scholars who express concern about the influence of Christmas? Yes,
38、we must take care to preserve our own customs and not become too international.BackBackFish is what I like as well as bears paw.IfIcannothaveboth,Ipreferbearspawtofish. MenciusCritical thinking 2 Do you think its possible to ignore influences from the rest of the world? No, with modern communication
39、s it is inevitable that the worlds cultures are going to mix more and more. We eat hamburgers and Americans love Beijing duck.BackBackBeijing Roast Duck Critical thinking 3 Do you agree that the world is getting smaller? Yes, more and more people are moving quickly from country to country, and commu
40、nication by phone or email is instant. It is as if we all live close together. 4 Do you agree that all difference between cultures will disappear? No, I think we will all want to preserve our own identity. We can be citizens of the world and at the same time Africans, Arabs or Chinese.BackBackCritic
41、al thinking 5 How can you conserve a culture and its traditions if its under threat from global influences? I do not think you can stop change, even change you do not like. But you can make an effort to keep some traditions in peoples minds. If you organise Moon Festival parades and decorate the str
42、eets, people will happily join in the festival.BackBackChange Management Talking pointSummarising Summarising More Work in pairs and summarise the text by filling the blanks. There is concern among the Chinese scholars and students that Christmas has an increasing impact on the Chinese culture. Due
43、to the _ in the past two decades, we Chinese do seem to attach a lot more _ to Christmas today than we did in the past. changesattentionSummarising More In fact, be it in China or in the _, a festival carries the same meaning featured by celebrations, a feast or humble meal, relaxation and a _ from
44、the skulduggery or the _ affairs. However, no one can be left untouched by the festivals in the _ calendar though we follow the lunar calendar. The _ spirit of the West has influenced us. WestbreakmundaneGregorianfestiveSummarising The fear of the impact of the _ of the West on the Chinese culture i
45、s not well grounded, as no culture in the world is _ decadence. Consequently, we Chinese should not _ the West blindly, but accept the goodness the Western festivals offer and _ what they stand for. decadencefree offollowpracticeTalking pointWork in pairs. Read the quotes and answer the questions.l
46、Thawatchai, Chiang Mail Jo, Manchesterl Vijay, Mumbail Piotr, Gdanskl Sumalee, BangkokThawatchai,Chiang MaiI have not thought that far ahead. I hope I have a job which I enjoy doing and then I will want to go on doing it for as long as I am able. As people live longer, perhaps they can retire later.
47、BackBack Do you plan to retire in a specific year, or hope to continue working for as long as you want?“In Thailand, we have a special celebration for every 12th birthday. But the 60th birthday is the most important, and it is the age when some people decide to retire.” Jo, ManchesterIn the UK, you
48、legally become an adult on your 18th birthday. But Im going to have a traditional 21st birthday celebration, with a party and gifts in the form of a key, to symbolise the legal possession or ownership of houses or cars. What rights and obligations do you have when you become legally an adult? When d
49、o you think people should become legal adults?MoreJo, ManchesterBackBack Adults do things without their parents permission make legal contracts, buy anything legal, see any film which is being shown and enter clubs and places like that. They must take responsibility for their actions in terms of law
50、. Hard to set an age as people mature at different rates. Maybe 20 would be a suitable age. (For centuries age 21 a legal adult of majority so there were various traditions attached to that age, but in 1970 lowered to 18.)Vijay, MumbaiIn India, its the priest who helps the parents choose the name of
51、 the newborn child. He will meet the parents and the grand-parents, then make a few suggestions, then the parents make a choice. And then theres a light meal. How was your name chosen? Was it a typical way tochoose a name?My parents read a lot and have rather romantic ideas. I think thats why they c
52、hose Ruojian. It sounds as if I am a great fighter with a sharp mind. Perhaps it doesnt suit me, but I am used to it.Vijay is a Hindu. As Hindus have a large range of gods from which to choose, their preferences will be reflected in the name chosen.BackBackPiotr, GdanskWedding anniversaries are al-w
53、ays important in Poland, but the special ones are the 25th, which is called your silver wedding, and the 50th, which is the golden wedding anniversary. But theres no need to give gifts of silver and gold its much too expensive!Do you know anyone who has had an importantwedding anniversary? How did t
54、hey celebrate?My cousin had a party for her fifth anniversary and showed the guests the wedding video. We all gave her small cute presents and had a big dinner. It was fun!BackBackSumalee, BangkokBirthday gifts usually contain nine of something nine is our lucky number. On my birthday I usually stop
55、 by the temple, and take food for the monks. And people often release fish into the rivers and canals, or birds into the sky. I let turtles loose in the canal, as theyre the creatures which live longest!MoreHow do you usually celebrate your birthday? Who do you receive presents from?Sumalee, Bangkok
56、BackBack My family do not celebrate birthdays, but most students have a little party with their friends. This year I went with five friends to a caf and we had a cake with candles. They gave me small gifts and we then all took pictures. I think thats the usual pattern here. Thais are Buddhists. The
57、monks walk round every morning early and are given food by those who wish. On special occasions one can also take sets of simple gifts to temples for the monks. Doing good by helping monks and releasing animals in captivity will bring one blessings.Difficult sentencesWords to noteInformation related
58、Language in usePreview Difficult sentencesActive reading 2: Resources Translate the paragraphs into Chinese. 1 For good or bad, the world has possibly undergone . Television, we thought, was the last uniting factor till we got a feel for the Internet. 2 All these changes have made us take a differen
59、t look at . This is not to say that festivals mean something else to the West.clickclickDifficult sentence 1Active reading 2: ResourcesBackBackFor good or bad, the world has possibly undergone more changes in the past two decades than it did in the past two centuries.Television, we thought, was the
60、last uniting factor till we got a feel for the Internet. Television .Internet 一句譯成漢語(yǔ)時(shí)需顛倒原文的語(yǔ)序。 AnalsTrans不管是好是壞,這個(gè)世界在過(guò)去二十年中發(fā)生的變化也許比過(guò)去兩百年內(nèi)發(fā)生的變化還要大。當(dāng)我們彼此更加接近,形成了一個(gè)真正的地球村的時(shí)候,我們消耗了更多的資源,燒掉了更多的燃料, 造成了更多的污染,殺死了更多的動(dòng)物和植物。當(dāng)我們感受到了互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的好處時(shí),才知道電視并不是把世界連接起來(lái)的最終手段。Difficult sentencesActive reading 2: ResourcesBackBackAll these chang
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