1、揚州特產(chǎn)介紹揚州漆器Yangzhou lacquer揚州漆器是中國漢族傳統(tǒng)工藝品種之一。其工藝齊全、技藝精湛、風格獨特、馳名中外。唐代揚州漆藝還被鑒真大師傳播至日本;到明清時代,揚州成為全國的漆器制作中心,盛極一時。揚州漆器曾于1910年和1915年、2001年三次參加國際博覽會,均獲得金獎。Yangzhou lacquer has a long history, as early as two thousand years ago in Xihan Dynasty, and it has a quite craft level. To the Yuan Dynasty, Yangzhou h
2、as become a national lacquer ware production center. The late Qing Dynasty, Yangzhou lacquer is already flourishing export trade, and the products are sold to Europe, America and other countries, annual sales of more than 20,000 pieces.揚州玉器Yangzhou jade揚州玉雕是江蘇揚州漢族民間雕刻藝術(shù)之一,是中國玉雕工藝的一大流派。揚州市即為中國三大玉雕重地之
3、一。隨著揚州的三度繁榮,琢玉工藝出現(xiàn)過漢、唐、清三次高峰。清代中葉,揚州成為全國琢玉中心。揚州玉雕千百年來形成了"渾厚、圓潤、儒雅、靈秀、精巧"的基本特征。揚州玉器廠的數(shù)十件精品在國際國內(nèi)獲得大獎或被國家作為珍品收藏。Yangzhou is one of the important jade origins in China. Since Han Dynasty, the cutting jade skill in Yangzhou was good. In Tang Dynasty, the skill of cutting jade was well-known thr
4、oughout the country. Also there were many famous craftsmen in both Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. In addition, people all say, “Hetian jade, Yangzhou work”揚州剪紙Yangzhou paper-cut揚州是中國剪紙流行最早的地區(qū)之一,唐宋時期就有“剪紙報春”的習俗。揚州人在立春之日剪紙為花,做成春蝶、春線、春勝等樣式,“或懸于佳人之首,或綴于花下”,觀以為樂。揚州人稱剪紙樣的藝人為“剪花樣的”。2006年5月20日,揚州剪紙經(jīng)國務(wù)院批準列入第
5、一批國家級非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)名錄Yangzhou is one of the earliest Chinese paper-cut popular regions. In the Tang and Song Dynasty, people usually have the saying “paper-cut makes a spring”(剪紙報春). Yangzhou paper-cuts design is delicate and beautiful, with high technical content and high appreciation value. 揚州三把刀Yangzhou
6、s three knives揚州三把刀是江蘇省揚州市的漢族傳統(tǒng)手工藝品。即天下聞名的揚州廚刀、修腳刀、理發(fā)刀。 三把刀在揚州人手中不僅是一門技術(shù),還是一門藝術(shù),成為獨具地方特色的揚州文化的一部分。Kitchen knife,pedicure knife and hair knife are Yangzhous traditional products.the Qianlong Emperor had been hair care right here and famouse with hair knife and skill揚州富春茶社Fuchun Teahouse國家特級酒家。中華餐飲名店。
7、清光緒十一年(1885年)揚州人陳靄亭建,初名“富春花園”宣統(tǒng)二年(1910年)其子陳步云繼業(yè),三易其名后定位“富春茶社”。百余年來,富春形成了花,茶,菜,點結(jié)合,色,香,味,形俱佳,閑,靜,雅,適皆勝的特色。被公認為淮揚菜點的正宗代表。其制作的蟹粉獅子頭,拆燴鰱魚頭,大煮干絲為中國名菜,三丁包被譽為”天下一品“,千層油糕與翡翠燒賣被評為“中華名小吃”,“富春”牌速凍點心暢銷大江南北:自制“魁龍珠”茶,濃郁醇厚,:一壺煮三江,海內(nèi)外賓客贊道:“不上富春就不算來過揚州”。It is a National Special Grade Restaurant and a Famous Restaura
8、nt china , Built in the eleventh years of Guangxu of Qing Dynasty(1885)by a local person Chen Aiting ,It was firstly named Fuchun Flower Nursery. In the second of year of Xuantong of Qing Dynasty(1910),his son Chen Buyun inherited it ,who changed its name three time and finally chose the current one
9、. Combining flowers, tea , dishes and snacks together with fine color , smell , taste and shape has become the distinguishing feature of Fuchun , which is regarded as an ideal place to enjoy a carefree ,peaceful ,elegant and comfortable life. So it is recognized as a authentic representative for coo
10、king of Huaiyang style. 揚州三和四美醬菜Yangzhou pickle三和四美是江蘇揚州漢族傳統(tǒng)名菜。清代時,揚州醬菜被列為宮廷御膳小菜,曾獲國際博覽會獎?wù)?、西湖博覽會金獎。解放前,揚州醬坊就有100多家,多為前店后作,家家有高招,其中尤以三和、四美為最,“四美”是清初一秀才借用滕王閣序中“四美具,二難并”之句起名,含義為鮮甜脆嫩,“三和”是醬園主人自起,含義為色香味皆佳。Yangzhou pickles are the flavoring buffets of the banquet. It has four characters , like fresh, swee
11、t, crisp, and tender.It is famous in the whole world, especially popular at home and abroad. dozens of varieties ,like milk cucumber, assorted vegetables,and so on. 揚州牛皮糖Yangzhou Niupi Candy牛皮糖號稱揚州一絕,口味香甜,外層芝麻均勻,切面棕色光亮,呈半透明狀,富有彈性,味香,細嚼不粘牙,在海內(nèi)外享有盛譽,后因戰(zhàn)爭頻繁而失傳于世。制糖技師們通過千百次的嘗試,終于使傳統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品得以重新問世,并使其在保持原有特色的基
12、礎(chǔ)上加以創(chuàng)新,使口感達到了彈性、韌性、柔軟性三性為一體的最佳狀態(tài)!Niupi Candy is one of Yangzhous specialties. It tastes sweet, and has a layer of sesame seeds outside. Niupi Candy submits translucent form, and not sticky teeth. It has different kinds of tastes, like Sesame taste, Kumquat tasteand so on. 揚州謝馥春Xie Fu Chun cosmetics
13、shop揚州“謝馥春”是中國第一家化妝品企業(yè),其歷史可追溯到清道光十年(1830),曾被國家商務(wù)部授予“中華老字號”稱號,并名列“全國300家重點保護品牌”?!爸x馥春”,1915年曾榮獲巴拿馬萬博會大獎。謝馥春傳統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品分“香、粉、油”三大類,鴨蛋粉最具代表性。傳統(tǒng)采用“鮮花熏染、冰麝定香”工藝精制而成,產(chǎn)品具有“輕、白、紅、香”特色,清廷選做貢粉,民間稱為宮粉,故有“天下香粉莫如揚州”、“蘇州胭脂揚州粉”諸美譽。The founding enterprise of the Chinese cosmetics industry, Yangzhou Xiefuchun Cosmetics Co.
14、can be traced back to the Xiefuchun Face Powder Store, which was established in 1830 Qing China. Traditional Xiefuchun products include duck-egg face powder, musk oil cream and scented bags, called the “Three Bests” of Xiefuchun. Hence the saying “Yangzhou face powder tops the world.揚州特產(chǎn)介紹揚州漆器Yangzh
15、ou lacquer揚州漆器是中國漢族傳統(tǒng)工藝品種之一。其工藝齊全、技藝精湛、風格獨特、馳名中外。唐代揚州漆藝還被鑒真大師傳播至日本;到明清時代,揚州成為全國的漆器制作中心,盛極一時。揚州漆器曾于1910年和1915年、2001年三次參加國際博覽會,均獲得金獎。Yangzhou lacquer has a long history, as early as two thousand years ago in Xihan Dynasty, and it has a quite craft level. To the Yuan Dynasty, Yangzhou has become a nati
16、onal lacquer ware production center. The late Qing Dynasty, Yangzhou lacquer is already flourishing export trade, and the products are sold to Europe, America and other countries, annual sales of more than 20,000 pieces.揚州玉器Yangzhou jade揚州玉雕是江蘇揚州漢族民間雕刻藝術(shù)之一,是中國玉雕工藝的一大流派。揚州市即為中國三大玉雕重地之一。隨著揚州的三度繁榮,琢玉工藝
17、出現(xiàn)過漢、唐、清三次高峰。清代中葉,揚州成為全國琢玉中心。揚州玉雕千百年來形成了"渾厚、圓潤、儒雅、靈秀、精巧"的基本特征。揚州玉器廠的數(shù)十件精品在國際國內(nèi)獲得大獎或被國家作為珍品收藏。Yangzhou is one of the important jade origins in China. Since Han Dynasty, the cutting jade skill in Yangzhou was good. In Tang Dynasty, the skill of cutting jade was well-known throughout the coun
18、try. Also there were many famous craftsmen in both Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. In addition, people all say, “Hetian jade, Yangzhou work”揚州剪紙Yangzhou paper-cut揚州是中國剪紙流行最早的地區(qū)之一,唐宋時期就有“剪紙報春”的習俗。揚州人在立春之日剪紙為花,做成春蝶、春線、春勝等樣式,“或懸于佳人之首,或綴于花下”,觀以為樂。揚州人稱剪紙樣的藝人為“剪花樣的”。2006年5月20日,揚州剪紙經(jīng)國務(wù)院批準列入第一批國家級非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)名錄Ya
19、ngzhou is one of the earliest Chinese paper-cut popular regions. In the Tang and Song Dynasty, people usually have the saying “paper-cut makes a spring”(剪紙報春). Yangzhou paper-cuts design is delicate and beautiful, with high technical content and high appreciation value. 揚州三把刀Yangzhous three knives揚州
20、三把刀是江蘇省揚州市的漢族傳統(tǒng)手工藝品。即天下聞名的揚州廚刀、修腳刀、理發(fā)刀。 三把刀在揚州人手中不僅是一門技術(shù),還是一門藝術(shù),成為獨具地方特色的揚州文化的一部分。Kitchen knife,pedicure knife and hair knife are Yangzhous traditional products.the Qianlong Emperor had been hair care right here and famouse with hair knife and skill揚州富春茶社Fuchun Teahouse國家特級酒家。中華餐飲名店。清光緒十一年(1885年)揚州人
21、陳靄亭建,初名“富春花園”宣統(tǒng)二年(1910年)其子陳步云繼業(yè),三易其名后定位“富春茶社”。百余年來,富春形成了花,茶,菜,點結(jié)合,色,香,味,形俱佳,閑,靜,雅,適皆勝的特色。被公認為淮揚菜點的正宗代表。其制作的蟹粉獅子頭,拆燴鰱魚頭,大煮干絲為中國名菜,三丁包被譽為”天下一品“,千層油糕與翡翠燒賣被評為“中華名小吃”,“富春”牌速凍點心暢銷大江南北:自制“魁龍珠”茶,濃郁醇厚,:一壺煮三江,海內(nèi)外賓客贊道:“不上富春就不算來過揚州”。It is a National Special Grade Restaurant and a Famous Restaurant china , Built
22、 in the eleventh years of Guangxu of Qing Dynasty(1885)by a local person Chen Aiting ,It was firstly named Fuchun Flower Nursery. In the second of year of Xuantong of Qing Dynasty(1910),his son Chen Buyun inherited it ,who changed its name three time and finally chose the current one. Combining flow
23、ers, tea , dishes and snacks together with fine color , smell , taste and shape has become the distinguishing feature of Fuchun , which is regarded as an ideal place to enjoy a carefree ,peaceful ,elegant and comfortable life. So it is recognized as a authentic representative for cooking of Huaiyang
24、 style. 揚州三和四美醬菜Yangzhou pickle三和四美是江蘇揚州漢族傳統(tǒng)名菜。清代時,揚州醬菜被列為宮廷御膳小菜,曾獲國際博覽會獎?wù)?、西湖博覽會金獎。解放前,揚州醬坊就有100多家,多為前店后作,家家有高招,其中尤以三和、四美為最,“四美”是清初一秀才借用滕王閣序中“四美具,二難并”之句起名,含義為鮮甜脆嫩,“三和”是醬園主人自起,含義為色香味皆佳。Yangzhou pickles are the flavoring buffets of the banquet. It has four characters , like fresh, sweet, crisp, and te
25、nder.It is famous in the whole world, especially popular at home and abroad. dozens of varieties ,like milk cucumber, assorted vegetables,and so on. 揚州牛皮糖Yangzhou Niupi Candy牛皮糖號稱揚州一絕,口味香甜,外層芝麻均勻,切面棕色光亮,呈半透明狀,富有彈性,味香,細嚼不粘牙,在海內(nèi)外享有盛譽,后因戰(zhàn)爭頻繁而失傳于世。制糖技師們通過千百次的嘗試,終于使傳統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品得以重新問世,并使其在保持原有特色的基礎(chǔ)上加以創(chuàng)新,使口感達到了彈性、
26、韌性、柔軟性三性為一體的最佳狀態(tài)!Niupi Candy is one of Yangzhous specialties. It tastes sweet, and has a layer of sesame seeds outside. Niupi Candy submits translucent form, and not sticky teeth. It has different kinds of tastes, like Sesame taste, Kumquat tasteand so on. 揚州謝馥春Xie Fu Chun cosmetics shop揚州“謝馥春”是中國第一
27、家化妝品企業(yè),其歷史可追溯到清道光十年(1830),曾被國家商務(wù)部授予“中華老字號”稱號,并名列“全國300家重點保護品牌”?!爸x馥春”,1915年曾榮獲巴拿馬萬博會大獎。謝馥春傳統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品分“香、粉、油”三大類,鴨蛋粉最具代表性。傳統(tǒng)采用“鮮花熏染、冰麝定香”工藝精制而成,產(chǎn)品具有“輕、白、紅、香”特色,清廷選做貢粉,民間稱為宮粉,故有“天下香粉莫如揚州”、“蘇州胭脂揚州粉”諸美譽。The founding enterprise of the Chinese cosmetics industry, Yangzhou Xiefuchun Cosmetics Co. can be traced ba
28、ck to the Xiefuchun Face Powder Store, which was established in 1830 Qing China. Traditional Xiefuchun products include duck-egg face powder, musk oil cream and scented bags, called the “Three Bests” of Xiefuchun. Hence the saying “Yangzhou face powder tops the world.揚州特產(chǎn)介紹揚州漆器Yangzhou lacquer揚州漆器是中
29、國漢族傳統(tǒng)工藝品種之一。其工藝齊全、技藝精湛、風格獨特、馳名中外。唐代揚州漆藝還被鑒真大師傳播至日本;到明清時代,揚州成為全國的漆器制作中心,盛極一時。揚州漆器曾于1910年和1915年、2001年三次參加國際博覽會,均獲得金獎。Yangzhou lacquer has a long history, as early as two thousand years ago in Xihan Dynasty, and it has a quite craft level. To the Yuan Dynasty, Yangzhou has become a national lacquer war
30、e production center. The late Qing Dynasty, Yangzhou lacquer is already flourishing export trade, and the products are sold to Europe, America and other countries, annual sales of more than 20,000 pieces.揚州玉器Yangzhou jade揚州玉雕是江蘇揚州漢族民間雕刻藝術(shù)之一,是中國玉雕工藝的一大流派。揚州市即為中國三大玉雕重地之一。隨著揚州的三度繁榮,琢玉工藝出現(xiàn)過漢、唐、清三次高峰。清代中
31、葉,揚州成為全國琢玉中心。揚州玉雕千百年來形成了"渾厚、圓潤、儒雅、靈秀、精巧"的基本特征。揚州玉器廠的數(shù)十件精品在國際國內(nèi)獲得大獎或被國家作為珍品收藏。Yangzhou is one of the important jade origins in China. Since Han Dynasty, the cutting jade skill in Yangzhou was good. In Tang Dynasty, the skill of cutting jade was well-known throughout the country. Also there
32、were many famous craftsmen in both Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. In addition, people all say, “Hetian jade, Yangzhou work”揚州剪紙Yangzhou paper-cut揚州是中國剪紙流行最早的地區(qū)之一,唐宋時期就有“剪紙報春”的習俗。揚州人在立春之日剪紙為花,做成春蝶、春線、春勝等樣式,“或懸于佳人之首,或綴于花下”,觀以為樂。揚州人稱剪紙樣的藝人為“剪花樣的”。2006年5月20日,揚州剪紙經(jīng)國務(wù)院批準列入第一批國家級非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)名錄Yangzhou is one of
33、 the earliest Chinese paper-cut popular regions. In the Tang and Song Dynasty, people usually have the saying “paper-cut makes a spring”(剪紙報春). Yangzhou paper-cuts design is delicate and beautiful, with high technical content and high appreciation value. 揚州三把刀Yangzhous three knives揚州三把刀是江蘇省揚州市的漢族傳統(tǒng)手
34、工藝品。即天下聞名的揚州廚刀、修腳刀、理發(fā)刀。 三把刀在揚州人手中不僅是一門技術(shù),還是一門藝術(shù),成為獨具地方特色的揚州文化的一部分。Kitchen knife,pedicure knife and hair knife are Yangzhous traditional products.the Qianlong Emperor had been hair care right here and famouse with hair knife and skill揚州富春茶社Fuchun Teahouse國家特級酒家。中華餐飲名店。清光緒十一年(1885年)揚州人陳靄亭建,初名“富春花園”宣統(tǒng)二
35、年(1910年)其子陳步云繼業(yè),三易其名后定位“富春茶社”。百余年來,富春形成了花,茶,菜,點結(jié)合,色,香,味,形俱佳,閑,靜,雅,適皆勝的特色。被公認為淮揚菜點的正宗代表。其制作的蟹粉獅子頭,拆燴鰱魚頭,大煮干絲為中國名菜,三丁包被譽為”天下一品“,千層油糕與翡翠燒賣被評為“中華名小吃”,“富春”牌速凍點心暢銷大江南北:自制“魁龍珠”茶,濃郁醇厚,:一壺煮三江,海內(nèi)外賓客贊道:“不上富春就不算來過揚州”。It is a National Special Grade Restaurant and a Famous Restaurant china , Built in the eleventh
36、 years of Guangxu of Qing Dynasty(1885)by a local person Chen Aiting ,It was firstly named Fuchun Flower Nursery. In the second of year of Xuantong of Qing Dynasty(1910),his son Chen Buyun inherited it ,who changed its name three time and finally chose the current one. Combining flowers, tea , dishe
37、s and snacks together with fine color , smell , taste and shape has become the distinguishing feature of Fuchun , which is regarded as an ideal place to enjoy a carefree ,peaceful ,elegant and comfortable life. So it is recognized as a authentic representative for cooking of Huaiyang style. 揚州三和四美醬菜
38、Yangzhou pickle三和四美是江蘇揚州漢族傳統(tǒng)名菜。清代時,揚州醬菜被列為宮廷御膳小菜,曾獲國際博覽會獎?wù)?、西湖博覽會金獎。解放前,揚州醬坊就有100多家,多為前店后作,家家有高招,其中尤以三和、四美為最,“四美”是清初一秀才借用滕王閣序中“四美具,二難并”之句起名,含義為鮮甜脆嫩,“三和”是醬園主人自起,含義為色香味皆佳。Yangzhou pickles are the flavoring buffets of the banquet. It has four characters , like fresh, sweet, crisp, and tender.It is famou
39、s in the whole world, especially popular at home and abroad. dozens of varieties ,like milk cucumber, assorted vegetables,and so on. 揚州牛皮糖Yangzhou Niupi Candy牛皮糖號稱揚州一絕,口味香甜,外層芝麻均勻,切面棕色光亮,呈半透明狀,富有彈性,味香,細嚼不粘牙,在海內(nèi)外享有盛譽,后因戰(zhàn)爭頻繁而失傳于世。制糖技師們通過千百次的嘗試,終于使傳統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品得以重新問世,并使其在保持原有特色的基礎(chǔ)上加以創(chuàng)新,使口感達到了彈性、韌性、柔軟性三性為一體的最佳狀態(tài)
40、!Niupi Candy is one of Yangzhous specialties. It tastes sweet, and has a layer of sesame seeds outside. Niupi Candy submits translucent form, and not sticky teeth. It has different kinds of tastes, like Sesame taste, Kumquat tasteand so on. 揚州謝馥春Xie Fu Chun cosmetics shop揚州“謝馥春”是中國第一家化妝品企業(yè),其歷史可追溯到清道
41、光十年(1830),曾被國家商務(wù)部授予“中華老字號”稱號,并名列“全國300家重點保護品牌”?!爸x馥春”,1915年曾榮獲巴拿馬萬博會大獎。謝馥春傳統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品分“香、粉、油”三大類,鴨蛋粉最具代表性。傳統(tǒng)采用“鮮花熏染、冰麝定香”工藝精制而成,產(chǎn)品具有“輕、白、紅、香”特色,清廷選做貢粉,民間稱為宮粉,故有“天下香粉莫如揚州”、“蘇州胭脂揚州粉”諸美譽。The founding enterprise of the Chinese cosmetics industry, Yangzhou Xiefuchun Cosmetics Co. can be traced back to the Xiefuc
42、hun Face Powder Store, which was established in 1830 Qing China. Traditional Xiefuchun products include duck-egg face powder, musk oil cream and scented bags, called the “Three Bests” of Xiefuchun. Hence the saying “Yangzhou face powder tops the world.揚州特產(chǎn)介紹揚州漆器Yangzhou lacquer揚州漆器是中國漢族傳統(tǒng)工藝品種之一。其工藝齊
43、全、技藝精湛、風格獨特、馳名中外。唐代揚州漆藝還被鑒真大師傳播至日本;到明清時代,揚州成為全國的漆器制作中心,盛極一時。揚州漆器曾于1910年和1915年、2001年三次參加國際博覽會,均獲得金獎。Yangzhou lacquer has a long history, as early as two thousand years ago in Xihan Dynasty, and it has a quite craft level. To the Yuan Dynasty, Yangzhou has become a national lacquer ware production cen
44、ter. The late Qing Dynasty, Yangzhou lacquer is already flourishing export trade, and the products are sold to Europe, America and other countries, annual sales of more than 20,000 pieces.揚州玉器Yangzhou jade揚州玉雕是江蘇揚州漢族民間雕刻藝術(shù)之一,是中國玉雕工藝的一大流派。揚州市即為中國三大玉雕重地之一。隨著揚州的三度繁榮,琢玉工藝出現(xiàn)過漢、唐、清三次高峰。清代中葉,揚州成為全國琢玉中心。揚州玉
45、雕千百年來形成了"渾厚、圓潤、儒雅、靈秀、精巧"的基本特征。揚州玉器廠的數(shù)十件精品在國際國內(nèi)獲得大獎或被國家作為珍品收藏。Yangzhou is one of the important jade origins in China. Since Han Dynasty, the cutting jade skill in Yangzhou was good. In Tang Dynasty, the skill of cutting jade was well-known throughout the country. Also there were many famous
46、 craftsmen in both Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. In addition, people all say, “Hetian jade, Yangzhou work”揚州剪紙Yangzhou paper-cut揚州是中國剪紙流行最早的地區(qū)之一,唐宋時期就有“剪紙報春”的習俗。揚州人在立春之日剪紙為花,做成春蝶、春線、春勝等樣式,“或懸于佳人之首,或綴于花下”,觀以為樂。揚州人稱剪紙樣的藝人為“剪花樣的”。2006年5月20日,揚州剪紙經(jīng)國務(wù)院批準列入第一批國家級非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)名錄Yangzhou is one of the earliest Ch
47、inese paper-cut popular regions. In the Tang and Song Dynasty, people usually have the saying “paper-cut makes a spring”(剪紙報春). Yangzhou paper-cuts design is delicate and beautiful, with high technical content and high appreciation value. 揚州三把刀Yangzhous three knives揚州三把刀是江蘇省揚州市的漢族傳統(tǒng)手工藝品。即天下聞名的揚州廚刀、修
48、腳刀、理發(fā)刀。 三把刀在揚州人手中不僅是一門技術(shù),還是一門藝術(shù),成為獨具地方特色的揚州文化的一部分。Kitchen knife,pedicure knife and hair knife are Yangzhous traditional products.the Qianlong Emperor had been hair care right here and famouse with hair knife and skill揚州富春茶社Fuchun Teahouse國家特級酒家。中華餐飲名店。清光緒十一年(1885年)揚州人陳靄亭建,初名“富春花園”宣統(tǒng)二年(1910年)其子陳步云繼業(yè),
49、三易其名后定位“富春茶社”。百余年來,富春形成了花,茶,菜,點結(jié)合,色,香,味,形俱佳,閑,靜,雅,適皆勝的特色。被公認為淮揚菜點的正宗代表。其制作的蟹粉獅子頭,拆燴鰱魚頭,大煮干絲為中國名菜,三丁包被譽為”天下一品“,千層油糕與翡翠燒賣被評為“中華名小吃”,“富春”牌速凍點心暢銷大江南北:自制“魁龍珠”茶,濃郁醇厚,:一壺煮三江,海內(nèi)外賓客贊道:“不上富春就不算來過揚州”。It is a National Special Grade Restaurant and a Famous Restaurant china , Built in the eleventh years of Guangx
50、u of Qing Dynasty(1885)by a local person Chen Aiting ,It was firstly named Fuchun Flower Nursery. In the second of year of Xuantong of Qing Dynasty(1910),his son Chen Buyun inherited it ,who changed its name three time and finally chose the current one. Combining flowers, tea , dishes and snacks together with fine color , smell , taste and shape has become the
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