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1、金東方文書寫作素材收集表個人陳述-研究生申請研究生院攻讀新的碩士學位或者博士學位此表格是為碩士生,或最高學歷為碩士的欲繼續(xù)申請研究生院(攻讀博士 學位或者其它碩士學位)的申請者設計。在開始撰寫您的個人陳述前,需要收集以下資料作為素材,請仔細冋答以下 問題。請注意:下而的表格您可以只選擇適合您的地方填寫,不適用的可以留白。attention: please only respond to the proper questions that you might feel helpful. there is no obligation to fill in all the blanks2在填寫完所有

2、本表資料后,請選擇英文索材所占的比例。2 after finishing this questionnaire, please choose the proportion of your raw information provided inenglishthe proporti on of the in formation i provided in english in this questio nnaire is abouta >= 80%the finished draft will be sent to you in due daysb < 80% subject to

3、a delay of 2-4 days due to the translation process involved, however, urgent composing service will not be affected.請?zhí)貏e注意:對于個人陳述來說,我們鼓勵您使用英文完成所有的素材內容,這樣您便冇更多時間和多位母語編輯交流內容以及文章深度。當然您也可以用中文表達一些您覺得用英文不太容易表達的地方(但請在專有名詞后附上對應的英文供我們參考)。3基本資料(請用英文填寫為佳)3 basic information (please answer in english)我的碩士學校/院系及就

4、讀時間my graduate school/department and the duration學校/學院主頁related websites:1 (paste the link of your graduate school)2 (paste the link of your department)我在上述學校就讀過的專業(yè)(如果冇笫二專業(yè), 也請注明)major (if you havc/had a minor, please specify also)上述學校的專業(yè)情況介紹(如師資力量,專業(yè) 的知名度,就業(yè)前景等情況,150字為限) a brief introduction of my

5、major in this school, such as professional reputation, employment prospects (word limit: 150 words)碩士期間的上修專業(yè)綜合平均成績(許分制以 及您所計算的gpa):|graduate major gpa in 100-point system and 4-point(oother point) system, such as 88/kx); 3.6/4.0我在碩士階段的導師以及他/她的介紹my advisor during graduate study and his/her brief intr

6、oduction我的本科學校/院系及就讀時間my undergraduate school/department and the duration學校/學院主頁related websites:1 (paste the link of your undergraduate school)2 (paste the link of your department)我在上述學校就讀過的專業(yè)(如果有第二專業(yè), 也請注明)major (if you have/had a minor, please specify also):述學校的專業(yè)情況介紹(如師資力量,專業(yè) 的知名度,就業(yè)前景等情況,150字為限

7、)a brief introduction of my major in this school, such as professional reputation, employment prospects (word limit: 150 words)本科期間的主修專業(yè)綜合平均成績(百分制以及您所計算的gpa):major gpa in 100-point system and 4-point(or other point) system, such as 88/100; 3.6/4.0(該項選填)木科期間的輔修專業(yè)(第二專業(yè)) 綜合平均成績(右分制以及您所計算的gpa): |optiona

8、l |minor| gpa in 100-point system and 4-point(or other point) system, such as 88/100; 3.6/4.0您認為對您申請的專業(yè)有用的課程名稱(碩士和 本科期間的都可以)以及分數(shù)(百分制以及您所 計算的gpa,請勿超過10項):list the courses (taken in giaduate school or undergraduate school) related to your intended study areaplease specify the course name and the corre

9、sponding grades (item limit: 10)我的交流學生經歷(如果不適用可以留白)my experience as an exchange student(optional)我在*學校的経專業(yè)交流過:i have been exchanged in * university/college (study area:*)交流時間:exchange duration交流期間我所選修的課程(請中英文對照填 寫):the courses i takc/took:我在交流期間的收獲(150字為限)what i gain/ed there as an exchange student?

10、 (word limit: 150 words)4簡單介紹我的性格:4 a brief description of my personality :5我的朋右銘是什么?我崇拜的偶像是誰(以及他/她的簡單介紹)?5 my motto? the idols i worship? (a bnef introduction of him/her will be appreciated )6我對所申請專業(yè)的興趣出發(fā)點源于何處?下而是我的描述。6 how do/did i gain the professional interest for my intended study area? the fol

11、lowing is my description7下面是我和所申請專業(yè)的相關工作和項目經歷。在這些工作和項目經歷中我具體做了什么工作,怎樣做的?在這些工作和項目經歷中最讓我難忘的是什么;挑戰(zhàn)有那些?我是如何應對的?7 the following is about relevant professional experience and project work.what were your concrete tasks in those professional experiences and project works? how did you accomplish them?what wa

12、s the most memorable story when you were facing those challenges?8描述我的團隊經驗,我怎樣和和其它研究人員或我的同學配合的? 在團隊中擔當怎樣的角色?8 describe the team experience you have/hadhow did you interact with your fellow researchers and classniates?9 (選擇填寫)我感覺我的成績過低血不足以體現(xiàn)學術資質和努力程度,這個原因是由于(學校 評分嚴格,分數(shù)不高但排名高,或其他解釋方法)9 (oplional)you m

13、ay be underestimated in academic aptitude and endeavor because of your low gpa; can you give any reasonable explanations for that?10我在人學期間重要的獎勵和突出成就,這些包括學術性的和卄學術性的,以及我印彖深刻的 獎項和原因10 please list the awards and the achievements you have duri ng the college life, in eluding the acade mic and non-acadein

14、ic ones11如果有論文或者專著發(fā)表,請列出發(fā)表論文、期刊,簡介所發(fā)刊物內容、期刊名、機構名(出 版商)、內容、對未來方向的影響和工作態(tài)度的具體事例,請?zhí)峁┱_的英文專冇名詞供我們參 考。研究論文方向內容跟巾請科系有關之闡述(研究的口的,研究具體方法,研究所用儀器名稱,研 究(實驗)主耍步驟,研究結果(重耍資料的數(shù)值),研究的意義等;以及具體研究專題的內容,具 體儀器操作步驟,完成專題論文中間過程表現(xiàn)學術水平。(如果方便,請直接附上重要文章的英文摘要)11 list the publications you have or will have, including the full tit

15、le of the article, journal/book name, and a brief introduction of the content.how will these works contribute to your application for the intended study area?please also provide the terminology in english for our reference.(if possible, attach the abstract below.).12談談我對未來所要選擇專業(yè)的認識,如果所申請的專業(yè)與本科專業(yè)不致,談

16、談想要申請該 專業(yè)的原因。以及打算如何克服跨專業(yè)申請的困難的?12 describe your understanding of the study are" that you will apply for.if it is different from the major you have, please explain why you want to transfer to the new program, and how you plan to conquer the expected difficulties?13我的家庭背景,比如父母的職業(yè)對自己的影響?自己的居住地是否對自

17、己的成長有著深遠的影響?(運用發(fā)散思維寫兒句,150字為限)13 family background, for instance, whether or not my parents9 occupations have influence on me?or whether or not my residences have far-reaching influence on me? (150 words limited)14為什么選擇所申請的學校以及專業(yè)?(請只以一所為例,因為成稿-般只提到-所申請學校,針對不同的學校,請自行略作修改使用) 該校吸引你的特色、以及該校該科系的特色。請附上相關的

18、英文網(wǎng)站鏈接。14 why do you choose this school and major?(please refer to one school only. the final version we provide will only cover one school, however, you can amend it for different applications.)which attributes does this school/major attract you?please paste the related links of the school s/d ep a

19、 r t men is that you might be interested for our reference.15我未來的學習和職業(yè)規(guī)劃:15 my future study plan and the career plan:16 (英文)我對文章的開頭的要求或者建議,也可以天馬行空的隨便寫兒句:16 my suggestions for the beginning of the essay. all kinds of thoughts are welcome.17文章字數(shù)要求(購買服務時請對應您的選擇,我們提供500-600 , 60()-800 , 800-1000, 1500-2

20、000四種字數(shù)), 這里您可以將要求更加具體,比如不想超過500詞,或者想要不低于1500詞的文章。17 your word count requirementwe proxdde four-level word count sendees: 500-600, 600-800 ,800-1000 and 1500-2000.you can detail the instructions for your editors here(such as no more than 500 words ,or no less than 1500 words)18 (optional) question-a

21、nd-answer essay 額外資料收集區(qū),如果您在最開始選擇的文章類型不是此類,請不要填寫這里18 if you have chosen the essay in the format of question-and-ans wcr type, please provide additional infoitnation here請注意,一些學校/專業(yè)不是要求-篇完整的個人陳述,而是要求回答兒道短小的題h, 般每 道題h在250-500詞z間。本農格最多可以幫助您撰寫3道問答式題h (每道250-500詞z間), 如果您需要更多題目的創(chuàng)作,需要填寫多次本表格選購服務。計費方法是數(shù)道題目加

22、在一起的字數(shù)限制。比如3道題目加在一起為1500詞的限制,您在付費時就選擇1500-2000詞的一欄。下而就請貼岀您需要我們回答的問題,以及每個題冃的字數(shù)限制。(英文)please paste the questions that the essay needs to be answered, provide the link of such websites if possible. please also indicate the desired word limit for each question.請在下而提供能夠回答上述問題的額外補充素材(英文)please provide the additional information that might be helpful for our composing process請指出木表格(幣個表格的)哪些資料還可能對我們的撰寫冇幫助?比如笫3題,第4題等等 please indicate the questions that might be related to our com


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