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1、深化英語閱讀教學深化英語閱讀教學提高英語寫作能力提高英語寫作能力 integrated teaching of reading and writing一、閱讀與寫作的關(guān)系讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神。 根據(jù)這兩句詩,人們認識到閱讀和寫作之間的密切關(guān)系,從而得出一個結(jié)論:要想提高寫作能力,必須進行大量閱讀。的確,閱讀與寫作之間與直接存在著十分密切而有機的聯(lián)系。 從理論上講,閱讀和寫作是兩個相似的、動態(tài)的、相互作用的過程,因為閱讀者和寫作者都運用一系列心理過程,積極參與搜索意義,創(chuàng)建認知語篇,他們都從一個共同的“認知基礎(chǔ)”庫里提取資料。實際上,寫作本身就是模仿閱讀的過程,而閱讀也是模擬寫作的行為,因為讀

2、者在閱讀過程必須揣摩寫作者的意圖,理解作者所要表達的思想,與作者進行互動。而寫作時,作者也必須考慮閱讀者的群體特征和心理需求。寫作的過程也是與讀者進行交流與對話的過程。但是有研究證明:閱讀量大的人,寫作水平未必就高,但是寫作水平高的人,閱讀量一定很大。這一研究結(jié)果表明:閱讀的確會促進寫作能力的提高,但是“量性閱讀”和“質(zhì)性閱讀”對寫作能力的提高有不同的影響。我們應(yīng)當反思如何進行讀書的問題,“讀書破萬卷”, 關(guān)鍵詞是“破”,如何把書“讀破”,是我們應(yīng)當思考的問題,這對英語讀寫整合教學有很強的現(xiàn)實意義。目前英語閱讀教學中的兩個主要問題:1過分注重詞匯和句子層面的教學,忽視語篇語義教學。 認為閱讀教


4、養(yǎng)學生快速閱讀的能力,檢測性問題也都是表層理解,對語篇材料沒有進行深度挖掘,造成課文資源浪費。許多學生認為,讀一篇文章,只要做對了后面的幾道練習(多為多項選擇和正誤判斷),就算完成了閱讀理解任務(wù)。學生用“眼睛閱讀”,而不是用“大腦閱讀”。思維能力培養(yǎng)不夠是當前英語閱讀教學中的嚴重問題。在常規(guī)的教材課文教學方面,我們應(yīng)當講“閱讀教學的經(jīng)濟學”。在有限的時間內(nèi)進行有限的課文教學,必須讓學生在閱讀學習過程中獲得最大的收益,包括語言知識、語篇知識、文化信息、閱讀能力、思維能力、情感態(tài)度等方面的發(fā)展,最終形成有效的綜合語言運用能力。 閱讀的平面理解和閱讀的立體理解閱讀教學的經(jīng)濟學就是時間和效益的關(guān)系問題

5、?!靶б妗辈荒芎唵蔚乩斫鉃椤盎ㄗ钌俚臅r間教最多的內(nèi)容,而是讓學生花最少的時間獲得最大的收獲”。普遍來說,在課堂閱讀教學上的投資和收益不成正比,投資偏多,而效益偏低,閱讀教學是典型的“費時較多,收效較低”的教學行為。這是違背經(jīng)濟學原理的。我們的基本目標是“費時較多,收效較高”,最終目標是“費時較少,收效較高”。no pains, no gains. 閱讀教學的目的read to learn?learn to read?閱讀教學的目的:1reading for information2reading for developing reading skills3reading for learnin

6、g the language4reading for pleasure5reading for writing如何深化閱讀教學?如何加強閱讀對寫作的促進作用?如何大幅度地提高閱讀教學的效益,是閱讀教學的經(jīng)濟學所要解決的問題。堅持“以人為本”,用“科學教學觀”來深化閱讀教學,其根本途徑是實施“閱讀整體教學”。什么是閱讀整體教學?閱讀整體教學是指從不同角度,不同層面,針對不同的教學目的,對課文進行全面、系統(tǒng)而富有深度的分析性教學,不僅僅是理解性教學。閱讀整體教學包括:閱讀整體教學的理論基礎(chǔ):1語篇教學觀 (text approach) 語篇是指一系列連續(xù)的話段或句子所構(gòu)成的語言整體,它可以是對話,

7、也可以是獨白,包括書面語,也包括口語。語篇是一種交際行為。語篇必須具有話題、語境和語義三個要素構(gòu)成,具有完整性、銜接性和連貫性。其中銜接性和連貫性是語篇最為明顯的特征。 語篇教學觀突出語義,重視語言的交際功能,打破了以往單詞和句子層面的閱讀教學常規(guī),讓學生從整體語義的高度把握語篇信息,通過語篇分析(discourse analysis),了解文章的組織結(jié)構(gòu),理解作者的寫作意圖,從更深更廣的范圍來全面獲取語篇信息。語篇教學既注重語言形式,又注重語言功能,同時還注重語篇所涉及的語言文化知識。語篇教學旨在提高學生的語篇分析能力,引導學生既快又準確地弄清語篇的整體結(jié)構(gòu)與主旨大意,以及為說明該主旨大意的

8、重要事實,進而根據(jù)上下文的邏輯關(guān)系做出合理的推論與判斷,以最大限度地獲取語篇中的完整意義。閱讀理解能力實際上是指一個人的概念能力、背景知識和加工策略之間相互作用的結(jié)果。概念能力是閱讀理解中最重要的因素。概念能力是指讀者在閱讀過程中如何把零散的信息升華為概念的能力。一些學生能輕而易舉地做對一些客觀理解題(查對事實,分清是非題),而對主觀理解題(概括課文中心,作者意圖,判斷題,結(jié)論)成功率極低,實行語篇教學是提高邏輯推理、演繹、歸納等能力的根本途徑。2圖示理論 (schema theory) 圖示(schema)是指人們大腦中所儲存的相互關(guān)聯(lián)的各種知識,觀點與概念,包括內(nèi)容圖示和形式圖示。 人的知

9、識是以圖示(schema)的形式儲存于長時記憶中。這些圖示大小不同,相互連接,縱橫交錯,在長時記憶中形成一個巨大的立體網(wǎng)絡(luò)系統(tǒng)。這就是我們常說的“聯(lián)想”機制。圖示網(wǎng)絡(luò)由所注意的外部信息激活后而啟動運作,有“以點擊網(wǎng)”的效應(yīng),而且激活這一網(wǎng)絡(luò)不是一次完成的,要多次反復。圖示理論認為,閱讀不是一個被動的“解碼”(decoding)過程,而是一個復雜的心理過程和積極主動地思維過程;是讀者和作者之間的一種非面對面的信息交流的互動過程;是讀者基于自己的生活經(jīng)驗和文本信息進行意義建構(gòu)的過程。閱讀的過程是psycholinguistic guessing game, 心理語言學的猜測游戲圖示理論指導下的閱讀

10、心理機制是:預(yù)測、證實、擴展、修正、再預(yù)測、再證實的知覺循環(huán)過程。researches show that reading is incidentally visual. more information is contributed by the reader than by the print on the page. 三種不同的閱讀教學模式:1 文本驅(qū)動型 data-driven approachbottom-up approach (60年代初)特點:重視語言知識對閱讀理解的重要作用,閱讀理解從詞、短語、單句、段落一直到篇章順序逐步深入。認為閱讀行為是被動的“解碼”過程。教學行為:分析

11、和講解詞匯知識和句子結(jié)構(gòu),采用翻譯手段理解課文。問題:忽視讀者在閱讀過程中的主觀能動性,忽視讀者對閱讀意義的自我構(gòu)建。閱讀速度慢,理解不夠全面,容易造成“只見樹木,不見森林”的現(xiàn)象。2 圖式驅(qū)動型 schema-driven approachtop-down approach ( 60年代末)特點:強調(diào)讀者先前的背景知識對閱讀理解的重要作用,閱讀活動不是被動的,而是主動的,是讀者思維的過程, 是意義重新建構(gòu)的過程。教學行為:重視主觀預(yù)測和推理,重視快速閱讀,重視文化教學。問題:過分強調(diào)讀者的心理圖式(schema)對閱讀理解的重要意義,弱化讀者的語言基礎(chǔ),忽視讀者的“解碼”過程。語言畢竟是信息

12、的最基本的載體。然而,文化,經(jīng)驗,認知水平等方面的差異也會導致圖示的負面影響。3 相互作用型 interactive approach(70年代中期)特點:認為閱讀過程既是語言文字的處理過程,也是讀者對已有背景知識的運用和處理過程。在閱讀過程中,讀者會同時利用語言知識分析和背景知識進行預(yù)測從而獲得正確的理解,bottom-up 和top-down兩種模式往往是并行的或交叉使用的。優(yōu)點:更能體現(xiàn)閱讀過程的本質(zhì),比較適合外語或二語閱讀教學。教學行為:整體閱讀教學,從語篇上把握語義,培養(yǎng)閱讀策略,同時加強語言知識學習。閱讀整體教學模式閱讀整體教學模式:這一整體閱讀教學模式體現(xiàn)了:閱讀理解的三個層次:

13、1)字面理解(literal comprehension)understanding the lines2)推斷性理解 (inferential comprehension) understanding between the lines3) 評價性理解 (critical comprehension)understanding beyond the lines3語言知識和語篇知識的整合性結(jié)構(gòu)語法和語篇語法的結(jié)合 structural grammar + discourse grammar4top-down 和 bottom-up 相結(jié)合先top-down, 然后再bottom-up實際上就是

14、interactive approach5語言學習和語言運用相結(jié)合語言分層輸入和分層輸出相結(jié)合三、語篇分析對閱讀和寫作整合 教學的意義語篇分析(discourse analysis) 是整體閱讀教學的核心,也是閱讀與寫作教學整合的根本基礎(chǔ),因此閱讀整體教學應(yīng)首先從語篇分析入手。什么是語篇 (text)?語篇是是由一系列的句子或語段組織起來的能表達一個完整語義的篇章,它是超越句子層面的語義單位。語篇是一種交際活動(communicative occurrence), 應(yīng)具有七項標準:銜接性、連貫性、意圖性、完整性、語境性、信息性和互動性。因此,一篇文章的整體性不僅表現(xiàn)在結(jié)構(gòu)層次(詞,句,段)等方

15、面的聯(lián)系,還表現(xiàn)在意義層次的聯(lián)系,也就是作者所要表達的意圖和寫作的目的。什么是語篇分析 (discourse analysis / text analysis)?從整體理解語篇內(nèi)容入手,分析句子與句子之間,段落與段落之間的銜接方式和邏輯思維的連貫方式,使學生具有統(tǒng)覽全篇的能力,掌握文本的主題,同時掌握句子在表達篇章整體意義上所起的作用。中西方不同的思維模式西方的思維模式基本上是“直線型”(linear),先概括,后細節(jié);先抽象,后具體;先綜合,后分析。首先直接切入主題,然后逐漸分點展開分析闡述,由主題句直接向縱深拓展。主要分為三種形式:思維模式1:一般-特殊型large cars cause

16、their owners several problems. first, they cost a lot of money. they are also more expensive to run, using twice as much as fuel as small cars and producing higher repair bills. moreover, they are more difficult to park, needing additional space.2) 整體細節(jié)式(previewdetail)段首句往往是概括主體思想,然后再引出具體細節(jié)。the work

17、ing conditions were poor. the tables where the workers sat were very high and uncomfortable. except for a half hour at lunchtime, there were no breaks in the day to relieve the boring work. there was no music. the walls of the workrooms were a dull gray color. i was amazed that the workers hadnt gon

18、e on strike. 思維模式2:問題解決型these days many soccer experts are asking how referees can do a better job. with so much money involved in the winning and losing of games, some soccer experts are speaking openly of getting rid of some bad referees because they make bad decisions during the game because they

19、 sometimes cannot see a foul on the field of play, one solution is to use video replays for controversial decisions. another solution would be to hire professional referees. 提出問題,分析問題,解決問題思維模式3:比較匹配型2語篇的微觀分析語篇必須具有銜接和連貫的特征。語篇內(nèi)句與句之間在概念上有聯(lián)系,在排列上符合邏輯。銜接是語篇的有形網(wǎng)絡(luò),它通過詞匯和語法手段讓語句文理通順。文章通過一定的銜接手段,將句與句,段與段有機地組

20、合起來,構(gòu)成一個完整的語義整體。銜接可以通過文章的語篇標記(discourse markers)來觀察。連貫是指句與句之間在意義上具有合乎邏輯的有機聯(lián)系,語義表述思路清晰,意義關(guān)系首尾貫通,使交際對方容易得到要領(lǐng)。連貫既包括語篇結(jié)構(gòu)的銜接,也包括語篇語義的連續(xù)發(fā)展。連貫是語篇的無形網(wǎng)絡(luò)。連貫在表面上是看不見的,要靠讀者的邏輯推理來理解。語篇之所以成為語篇不在于它的語法性,而在于它的語義關(guān)聯(lián)性。如果一段文章,即使每個句子都是符合語法規(guī)則的,但每句話從意思上互不關(guān)聯(lián),那么它就夠不成語篇。 joy kept two mice in a cage. she is one of the top stud

21、ents in her school. she loves animals, so she keeps cats, dogs ,mice and even snakes. however, she is a nice and brave girl. 沒有中心話題,沒有邏輯聯(lián)系joy kept two white mice in a cage. one day she forgot to lock the cage door after feeding her mice. each day she fed her mice and gave them fresh water. the mice

22、soon found the open door and ran off. 邏輯問題:不符合從整體到細節(jié)的思維模式j(luò)oy kept two white mice in a cage. each day she fed her mice and gave them fresh water. one day she forgot to lock the cage door after feeding her mice. the mice soon found the open door and ran off.符合從總體到細節(jié)的思維模式,從主題句到each day, 然后再到one day,最后到

23、結(jié)果ran off ran off 的原因是forgot to lock the cage door 銜接是語義聯(lián)系在語言上的表現(xiàn)形式。語篇銜接形式包括語法銜接、詞匯銜接和邏輯連接。一、語法銜接語法銜接包括照應(yīng),替代和省略三種形式:1)照應(yīng)(reference )照應(yīng)是指用人稱代詞或指示代詞等語法手段來表示一種語義關(guān)系,也就是用代詞代替前文提到的人或事,前后形成照應(yīng)關(guān)系,便于閱讀。這是一種比較常見的銜接方式。照應(yīng)分為人稱照應(yīng)和指示照應(yīng)。 人稱照應(yīng) (personal reference)例:ill live in shanghai, because i went to shanghai las

24、t year and fell in love with it.例:i cant have any pets now because my mother hates them. 例:life for cathy taylors three children is very busy. their school days are busy enough. 指示照應(yīng) (demonstrative reference) the fight all started when she asked me if she could copy my homework. i asked her why she

25、wanted to do that, and she said that she had forgotten to do hers. if you are famous, people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere. this could make your life difficult. 2替代 (substitution)替代是指說話者或作者為了避免重復而用替代形式來取代上文中的某一部分。這是一種重要語言表達手段,常用one, ones, the same等。替代分為:名詞性替代、動詞性替代和分句替代。)名詞性替

26、代 (nominal substitution) i dont like this red skirt. please show me a yellow one. he did me lots of kindness. ill do the same for him someday. 2) 動詞性替代 (verbal substitution) have you written an email to your boss?yes, i did it yesterday.3) 分句性替代 (clausal substitution) a:has mary passed the math exam

27、? b:well, i think so.a:it looks like rain. b:i am afraid so.3省略 (ellipsis)省略是指為了避免重復,突出主要信息,對語言結(jié)構(gòu)中的某個成分省去不提。從某種程度上講,省略結(jié)構(gòu)在句法上是不完整的,但這并不意味著省略結(jié)構(gòu)是不可理解的,因為受話者可以從上下文中找到被省略的成分。正是由于省略結(jié)構(gòu)與被省略成分之間的這種預(yù)設(shè)關(guān)系使句子或語篇前后銜接。1) 名詞性省略a: have some soup, please.b: sorry, there isnt any.2) 動詞性省略one boy is a boy, two boys hal

28、f a boy, three boys no boy一個和尚挑水吃,兩個和尚抬水吃,三個和尚沒水吃。二、詞匯銜接 (lexical cohesion)詞匯銜接是指:語篇中的一些詞在上下文中重復出現(xiàn)或由其他詞匯替代的現(xiàn)象。通過詞匯的重復,同義,反義,上下義,互補等關(guān)系來使語篇語義連貫。詞匯復現(xiàn)分為四種:1原詞復現(xiàn),2同義詞,近義詞復現(xiàn),3上下義詞復現(xiàn),4反義詞復現(xiàn)。1i dont like dogs. actually i hate dogs. (原詞復現(xiàn))2my brother tim is really good at sports. he plays football, basketbal

29、l and baseball as well. (上下義復現(xiàn))3tom is a smart boy. he always has a lot of clever ideas about how to make money for his class. (同義詞復現(xiàn))4a: on my next day off, i dont want to go for a drive. that sounds really boring. b: oh, really? i think that sounds fun. (反義詞復現(xiàn))三、邏輯連接 (conjunction) 邏輯連接是指表示兩個或更多句子之

30、間的某種邏輯手段,并指出句子是在什么意義上互相連接起來的。邏輯連接可分以下10類:請看以下邏輯銜接的功能及其語篇標記(discourse markers)。 1列舉 (enumerative)介紹事情的先后順序或事情發(fā)生的時間順序。first(ly), second(ly), third(ly), next , then, finally, for one thing, for another thing, eventually, in the end, to conclude2增補 (additive) and, again, then again, also, moreover, furt

31、hermore, in addition, above all, what is more, equally, similarly, likewise, in the same way3總結(jié) (summative)so, so far, altogether, overall, then, thus, therefore, in short, to sum up, to conclude, to summarize4結(jié)果 (resultative)so, as a result, consequently, hence, therefore, thus, in consequence5解釋 (

32、explicative)namely, in other words, that is to say, better, rather, by (this) we mean6舉例 (illustrative) for example, for instance7 替代 (replacive)alternatively, or again, or rather, but then, on the other hand8 對照 (antithetic)instead, then, on the contrary, by contrast, on the other hand9 讓步 (concess

33、ive)anyway, anyhow, however, nevertheless, still, though, in spite of, all the same10 原因 (causal)because, so, for, for this reason, thats why 例1:i want to be a reporter for a fashion magazine. so how am i going to do it? first, im going to find a part-time job for a year or two and save some money.

34、then im going to be a student at an art school in paris. and im going to study french a the same time. next, im going to hold art exhibitions because i want to be rich and famous. im going to buy a big house with the money and im going to travel all over the world. finally, im going to retire somewh

35、ere quiet and beautiful. 例2:etiquette is not the same in every culture or in every situation. for example, standing very close to the person you are talking with is quite common in some asian countries. however, if you do this in europe, some people might feel uncomfortable. (舉例,讓步和轉(zhuǎn)折)although rules

36、 of etiquette can often be different, some rules are the same almost everywhere in the world! for example, dropping litter is almost never allowed. if you see someone you know doing this, you can ask them, “would you mind picking it up?”銜接與連貫的關(guān)系銜接是具有外在表現(xiàn)形式的,可以通過語法、詞匯、邏輯等手段來實現(xiàn),表現(xiàn)的是語篇的表層結(jié)構(gòu)。而連貫是使一個語篇能起

37、到交際功能的條件,是無形的,需要通過邏輯推理來達到,表現(xiàn)的是深層結(jié)構(gòu)。語篇連貫評價的標準是語段必須有一個主題。語篇中的其他部分都是這個主題的一部分,而且是為這個主題服務(wù)的。連貫的語篇應(yīng)由單一性,即不能把幾層相對獨立的意思擁擠在一個語段里。同時,連貫應(yīng)具有完整性,即每一段要把一個相對獨立的意思說完。animals perform many useful and entertaining jobs. dogs are particularly valuable in guiding the blind, protecting property, finding lost people, and h

38、unting animals. horses are used in guiding herds, carrying men in lands where there are no roads, and helping farmers work their land. pigeons have long been used to carry messages. wild animals from jungles, forests and seas are very popular performers in circus and moving pictures. people realize

39、that, although animals may not have the same intelligence as human beings, they are smart enough to learn certain things. 語義完整而連貫的語篇主題句(概括陳述): animals perform many useful and entertaining jobs. 若干具體陳述(dogs, horses, pigeons, wild animals ) 沒有使用語篇標記概括總結(jié)(前后呼應(yīng)): people realize that, although animals may

40、 not have the same intelligence as human beings, they are smart enough to learn certain things.語篇分析對閱讀教學的啟示2通過語篇教學培養(yǎng)學生的閱讀能力。十大常用閱讀技能:3閱讀練習設(shè)計要有深度,能啟發(fā)學生的思維,培養(yǎng)學生的推理,判斷和概括能力。除了常規(guī)的練習形式,如單項選擇、判斷正誤、回答問題等,我們應(yīng)當加強以下幾個方面的練習:1 指代關(guān)系2 因果關(guān)系3 邏輯順序4 時間順序5 信息匹配 (時間與事件,行為與人物)6 信息轉(zhuǎn)換(閱讀填寫表格)7 判斷與推理 8找出不合邏輯的句子 (discourse

41、 noise)9完形填句10 句子信息改錯(代替判斷句子正誤)11 jigsaw reading (由句子組段落,由段落組文章, 小組活動)例1: 找出不合邏輯的句子can you find the sentence that doesnt belong to the passage?jim and jed are twins. their friends cannot tell them apart. both boys have big green eyes and short red hair. each day they dress in the same shirts and pan

42、ts. but the boys are not the same at all. it is true that boys are different in many ways than girls. jim likes to play sports and beat on his drum set. jed likes to read books and draw flowers and birds. the boys may be twins, but they are each one of a kind. (語義噪音pragmatic noise)例2: 完形填句my name is

43、 tina smith and ive just graduated from college. im going to take a year off to travel before looking for a job. (1)_. when i was in a middle school, i said to myself, “ the world is my home. (2) _.when i travel, i like to learn more about the places i visit. you cant do this by staying in expensive

44、 hotels or joining tour groups (3) _and learn about their languages and foods and ways of doing things. id really love to go to exotic africa, south america, india and china. (4)_, and id probably have to work for a few years and save enough money for the trips.a. so i hope to stay with families in

45、different countries b. i hope to travel to many placesc. however, i know traveling around the world is expensived. id like to get to know it better例2:判斷與推理who said this? draw lines to connect the sentence with the correct name. 1“i have big green eyes.” jim2“ where is my drum set?” 3“ dad, look at m

46、y drawing of the flower!” jed4“ i cannot tell jim and ted apart. their friend5“i play sports every day.”猜測生詞most of my friends drank beer at the party, but i didnt, because i would drive home. 四,英語閱讀與寫作的 整合教學模式閱讀與寫作整合教學模式1activating your prior knowledge2reading and comprehending 3checking your compr

47、ehension4studying the organization of the text5studying the language features6planning and writing the first draft7editing your work8finalizing your work9assessing your work這個教學模式是按照閱讀整體教學的模式來設(shè)計的,它涵蓋了閱讀教學和寫作教學的各個方面,包括語言信息理解、語言知識學習,閱讀策略培養(yǎng),語篇知識學習,寫作過程性支持,寫作技巧訓練,寫作成果的評價與欣賞等。閱讀與寫作整合教學案例1激活背景知識(activatin

48、g your prior knowledge)活動:work in pairs and discuss the following2閱讀與理解 (reading and comprehending)設(shè)計理念: 快速閱讀(skimming)尋找語篇的中心思想(main idea)。 限時閱讀,增強學生的速度意識,并培 養(yǎng)速度習慣。 讓學生帶著問題去閱讀,增強閱讀的目的性。saturday 7, octoberi had a fantastic afternoon. it was warm and sunny so jane and i decided to go for a swim. when

49、 we got to the beach, tim, paul and mary were already there. we joined them and spent the afternoon swimming and talking together. the sea was perfect because it was warm and as smooth as a mirror. i was pleased because i dont like big waves, but tim and paul were a little disappointed as they like

50、swimming in huge waves. when we got hungry and thirsty, we bought hotdogs and lemonade from a little shop close to the beach. after that, we had enough energy to play football on the sand. paul and i won the game, which surprised the others because they had three in their team. after the game, we re

51、laxed and played cards for a while. then, about half past four, it began to get cooler so we packed up our things and went home. everyone said that they had really enjoyed the afternoon. 活動2:read tinas diary again and answer the following questions. 1where did tina go to have a fantastic afternoon?2

52、when did she go there? 3who did she go with and who did she meet there?4what did she do with her friends?5why did tim and paul feel a little disappointed?6how did everyone feel about their afternoon at the beach?設(shè)計理念:1分層次獲取語篇信息。2培養(yǎng)學生通過scanning 尋找細節(jié)的能力。3用5w1h模式提出問題,目的是為了體現(xiàn)日記中記敘文的寫作特征。學生通過對這6個問題的回答基本上

53、掌握了這篇日記的主要內(nèi)容。3 文本結(jié)構(gòu)分析 (studying the organization of the text )活動1:work with your partner and discuss the organization of the diary. you can discuss in chinese. then report to the class. 教師在學生討論的基礎(chǔ)上進行介紹和補充。日記是使用語言文字對自己每天所耳聞目睹的有意義的事情的一種記錄、敘述和說明。因此,日記一般記述的是自己一天生活中所發(fā)生的有意義的事情,或?qū)δ臣虑榈南敕ɑ蚩捶ǎ蛘f明事情的前因后果等。正是出

54、于這些目的,日記的體裁可以使敘事、描述、說明、議論等各種形式。也可以將上述形式結(jié)合起來使用。介紹日記寫作特點:(1)it isnt necessary to write about everything that happened. just select one or two main events that you think most important. (2)in a diary, the past tense is often used to tell something. (3)since its daily record, people usually write down t

55、he date at the top of the page. and some people like to mark down the weather in their diary. it would usually go at the top of the page, such as “cloudy”, “rainy”, “fine”, etc.(4)in diaries, events are usually written in the order they happened.活動:put numbers 1-7 in the boxes to show the order in w

56、hich the events happened.athey bought hotdogs and lemonade.bthey all said they had a good day.cthey joined some other friends.dtina and jane went to the beach.ethey relaxed and played cards.fthey packed their things and went home.gthey played football.設(shè)計理念:scaffolding 腳手架原則1為學生的寫作提供體裁上的幫助2為學生的寫作提供內(nèi)容

57、組織策略上的幫助4學習語言特點活動1: look at tinas diary and underline the words and expressions of time. (先在書中劃出表示時間的短語和句子,以觀察這些時間狀語在具體語境中的運用)a. when they got to the beach,b. when they got hungry and thirsty, c. after that, d. after the game, e. then, about half past four, 活動:look at the expressions of time below.

58、match the expressions of time with the activities.a.when tina and jane got to the beach,b.when tim and paul saw the sea very calm, c.when they got hungry and thirsty, d.after they had eaten, e.after the football game, 2 expressing feelings and opinions 日記中的情感表達和觀點表達法介紹:when we write diaries, we usua

59、lly write about our feelings. to express our feelings, we can say :i feel / im (happy, excited, sad, angry, worried, disappointed).活動:read tinas diary again and choose the correct answers to the questions.1how do you think tim and paul felt when they saw no big waves?a. surprisedb. disappointedc. bo

60、redd. upset 2 how do you think tina felt when she saw the sea very calm?a. pleasedb. unhappyc. excitedd. worried3how do you think tina and her friends felt at the end of the day?a. happyb. disappointedc. excitedd. sad when we write diaries, we also give our opinions about people, things and events.


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