1、筆記本電腦開機黑屏的原因分析this article is contributed by the students of the bookthe wps documentation may not be a good experience at the wap end. it is recommended that you choose txt, or download the source file to the native view.the laptop computer starts black screen for analysis1, 開機顯示屏黑屏,僅指示燈亮,主機沒任何反映手伸
2、主機背后感覺 不到風扇在轉測 各路電壓皆無拆下發(fā)現電源調整管壞,換之正常.2, 開機長聲報警,應為內存故障拔下內存,清金手指,插入正常.3, 開機電源和cpu風扇都正常,但屏幕無任何反映,且無自檢聲此機 采用slot1結構,cpu易接觸不良,重裝正常.4,開機自檢正常,但 屏幕不亮據機主介紹,拔過后面的顯示信號線拔下一看,一插針被 頂彎.5,開機屏幕不亮機器不自檢用表針短接主板上的啟動端,正 常啟動原來是而板上的啟動開關壞了. 6,開機不自檢,檢查電源正 常采用最小系統法,當拔掉光驅時,機器能正常啟動再安上故障再 現說明光驅出現了問題引起機器不能啟動此例應引起同行的注意.7,開機不啟動,據機主
3、說,他動過bios,想通過軟跳線超頻cpu,導致 此故障的出現.打開機器,給主板放電(主板上有兩個插針用于清除 bios設置)后正常原來,過高的超頻導致cpu罷工.&故障同7, 機主進入bios,把機器設成了 最優(yōu)化設置,導致黑屏處理同上.9,開機有自檢聲,但屏幕不亮用檢測卡檢測主機無障打開顯示器見 主機過來的信號線在顯示器主板上出現需焊重焊正常.10,同上. 顯示器開關電源輸出原低于正常值,查電源開關ic壞.二,防止電 腦死機二十五招1,在同一個硬盤上安裝太多的操作系統會引起系統 死機.2, cpu,顯示卡等配件不要超頻過高,要注意溫度,否則,在啟動 或運行時會莫名其妙地 重啟或死機
4、.3,在更換電腦配件時,一定要 插好,因為配件接觸不良會引起系統死機.4, bios設置要恰當,雖然 建議將bios設置為最優(yōu),但所謂最優(yōu)并不是最好的,有時最優(yōu)的設 置反倒會引起啟動或者運行死機.5,最好配備穩(wěn)壓電源,以免電壓不 穩(wěn)引起死機.6,如果有條件的話,加裝一個ups,使電腦在停電后不 會造成死機.7,對來歷不明的軟盤和光盤,不要輕易使用,對e-mail 中所附的軟件,要用kv300, rui magnitude antivirus software to check again after use, so as not to infect virus, cause system cr
5、ash 8, at the end of the application software is not normal, don't turn the power off, otherwise it will cause system file damage or loss, caused in the operation of the automatic rev or crashing. for windows98/2000 / nt system, this is very important 9, application software installation, if pro
6、mpted dialog box ''overwrite files", had better choose don,t cover because often the current system files is one of the best, not according to time order to determine the override file (unless you are very in time of file) 10, when uninstalling software, don,t delete shared files, becau
7、se some shared files may be used by the system or any other program, once you delete these files, can make applications cannot be started and crash, or the system crashing 11, set up the hardware equipment, best for keep interrupt number (irq), don,t let the other devices using the interrupt, otherw
8、ise cause irq conflicts, so as to cause a system crash 12, when load some software, pay attention to the order, due to some software programming is not standard, the operation is not existed in the first, but in the last run, so as not to cause chaos in the system management 13, when run large appli
9、cations software (e.g., office 2000), don't quit before running program in running state,otherwise it will cause the collapse of the entire windows98 system 14, in the case of small memory (e. g., 4 mb 一 16 mb),it is best not to run larger application memory, no則在運行時容易出現死機建議在運行這些程序時應及時保存當前止 在使用的
10、文件15,對于系統文件或重要文件,最好使用隱含屬性,這 樣才不致于因誤操作而刪除或者覆蓋這些文件.16,修改硬盤主引 導記錄時,最好先保存原來的記錄,防止因修改失敗而無法恢復原來 的硬盤主引導記錄17,最好少用軟件的測試版,因為測試版在某方 面不夠穩(wěn)定,在使用后會使系統無法啟動.1&在windows95/98中 盡量不要運行16位應用程序,因為16位的應用程序會與windows 中的32位應用程序產生沖突,從而引起死機或無法啟動.19,在升 級bios之前,應確定所升級的bios版本,同時應先保存一下原先 的版本,以免升級錯誤而使系統無法啟動.20,盡量不要使用盜版的 軟件,因為這些軟
11、件里隱藏著大量病毒,一旦執(zhí)行,會自動修改你的 系統,使系統在運行中出現死機.21,在機箱中,可能蘊藏了大量的 灰塵,灰塵若接觸了配件的電路,會使系統不穩(wěn)定或死機.22,在執(zhí) 行磁盤碎片整理的時后,不要運行大型應用軟件,否則引起死機.23, 用殺毒軟件檢查硬盤期間,不要運行其它的應用程序,以防止系統死 機.24,在上網的時候,不要一次打開太多的瀏覽窗口,導致資源不足, 引起死機.25,在關閉計算機的時候,不要直接使用機箱中的電源按 鈕,因為直接使用電源按鈕會引起文件的丟失,使下次不能正常啟動, 從而造成系統死機.對經常死機朋友,請試試以上方法,相信會對大 家有定的幫助的,有時候要針對具體情況 來
12、采取不同的對策,切不 可生搬硬套.三,別讓你的windows泄漏你的秘密你的pc機會向 外透露你所進行的工作那些窺探者在你的計算機中查找一陣后,就 會發(fā)現 大量各種信息:l1經被你刪除的收到和發(fā)出的郵件,你訪問過 的internet網站,搜索規(guī)則及 你在網頁表單中輸入的數據,甚至你 在文檔中使用的詞匯,包括你后來修改和刪除的單詞.幸運的是,如 果你知道一些秘密技巧,那就能保護自己不受侵擾而下面介紹的止 是這些保 護計算機中秘密的一些方法.1,徹底地一次刪除文件 首 先,應從系統中清除那些你認為已肯定不用的文件,這里我們指的 是你丟棄到回收站中的所有垃圾文件當然,你可以在任何想起的時 候把回收站
13、清空,但更好的方法是關閉回收站的回收功能要徹底地 一次刪除文件,可右擊回收站圖標,選擇屬性,然后進入"global" tab, and to "deleted without files in the recycle bin, but delete" check mark to check box 2, never leave your handle on deleted files even snooper can browse the document content directly, they can also through the micro
14、softword or excel file menu view what documents you have recently used to understand your work this list is a list of recent even temporarily has been you delete the files, so it's best to close the function. in a word or excel, select "tools" menu, then choose options item, and then e
15、nter the "general" tab, the cancellation of "listed recently used file" checkbox selected markers can eliminate recently leave traces of the deleted files, therefore, in a word, excel and other commonly used in the application to remove files from the menu list 3, hidden document
16、 next,should hide you are currently using the sign of the document open the "start" menu, select "document" menu item, the list is a list of your most recently used about 15 files this makes people can very easily browse your work or personal file, don,t even have to search your
17、hard drive to hide your work situation, the list should be empty to do this, you can right click on the "start" menu of "property" menu item, and then select the "advanced", enter the "advanced" tab, click the tab at the bottom of the "remove" button
18、.four, slow down the system launched in a couple of reasons everyone wants the computer was turned on can immediately enter the windows system without waiting, but often failing to fulfill a wish for a variety of reasons, and even crash situation also happen from time to tome a turned on. in fact, i
19、n some cases windows startup is slow is not itself the problem, but due to some equipment or software, look at the following eight reasons of slow down the system startup, check your computer again whether there are similar problems! 1,usb 硬 盤和掃描儀等設備如果電腦安裝了掃描儀等設備,或在啟動時已經 連接了 usb硬盤,那么不妨試試先將它們 斷開,看看啟動
20、速度是不 是有變化一般來說,由于usb接口速度較慢,因此相應設備會 對電 腦啟動速度有較明顯的影響,應該盡量在啟動后再連接usb設備如 果沒有usb設備,那么建議直接在bios設置中將usb功能關閉. 提示:由于windows啟動時會對各個驅動器(包括光驅)進行檢測,因 此如果光驅中放置了光盤,也會延長電腦的啟動時間.2,令人心煩 的網卡如果設置不當,網卡也會明顯影響系統啟動速度,如果你的電 腦用不著網卡,那就直接將網卡拔掉,以免影響系統啟動速度.如果 你的電腦連接在局域網內,安裝好網卡驅動程序后,默認情況下系統 會自動通過dhcp來獲得ip地址,但大多數公司的局域網并沒有 dhcp服務器,因
21、此如果用戶設置成自動獲得ip地址,系統在啟 動時就會不斷在網絡中搜索dhcp服務器,直到獲得ip地址或超時, 自然就影響了啟動時間,因此局域網用戶最好為自己的電腦指定固定 ip地址.3,文件和打印機共享有些安裝了 windowsxp專業(yè)版的電 腦也會出現啟動非常慢的問題,甚至達到了 1分40秒 之多! the system seems to be dead, and after the login system, the desktop doesn,t appear, the computer just stops responding,the ability to be used for a
22、 minute is due to the use of the bootvis. exe program, where the mrxsm .dll file adds 67 seconds to the computer boot! to solve this problem, as long as the stop shared folders and printers: select start - > settings - > network and dial-up connections, right click on the "local connectio
23、n,choose "properties", in the open window to cancel this connection the use of the following selected components "under the" microsoft network file and printer sharing '"checkbox, restart the computer. 4, disconnect without a network drive in order to eliminate or reduce
24、 the number of windows must be to establish a network connection, some recommendations will be don,t need to use the network drive actuator disconnect, namely into the "my computer", right-click on the established mapping a network drive, select the "disconnect" 5, too much hard
25、disk partition is wrong if your windows not to upgrade to sp3 or sp4, and defines the too many partitions, so also can make start become very long, even hung. suggest to upgrade the latest sp4, so had better not to drive too much area at the same time because windows must be loaded at startup each p
26、artition, along with the increase in number of partitions, do this amount of time will also be growing. 6, desktop icon is too much trouble there are too many icons on the desktop will also reduce the system boot speed.every time windows startup and show the desktop, all need to check one by one to
27、find a desktop shortcut icon and loaded them, icons, the more the amount of time, of course, the more you. suggest you will seldom use the desktop icon in a special folder or simply delete! tip: some anti-virus software provides the function of system start scanning, this will cost a lot of time, in
28、 fact, if you have already opened the antivirus software real-time monitoring function, then start scanning system is somewhat redundant, or to ban the function! 7, too many fonts also hold back despite microsoft's claim that windows can be installed1000 " 1500 fonts, but we actually found
29、that the fonts installed were superwhen more than 500 kinds of, can be a problem, such as: fonts disappear from the font in the list of the applications and windows rev rate dropped significantly. in this proposal is best to use less than or not commonly used font to delete, to avoid an accident aft
30、er deletion, can make the necessary backup first 8, microsoft itself up "internal" remember a patch from the windows xp system start s1ow news? (such as: code for windows/xp q328310 patches will cause startup and shutdown, slowly and may even lead to registry lock) shows the possibility of
31、 microsoft,s own internal problems is not small, if you after upgrade a system patch, suddenly found that system start slow, it is best to watch our patch is to blame 5, system prompt ''insufficient memory" nine big reason and solution a, clipboard takes up too much memory in fact, the
32、clipboard is a temporary area in memory, when you are in a program using the "copy" or "shear" after the command, the windows will copy or cut the contents and format of information such as the temporary storage on the clipboard, used for "paste if the current is a picture i
33、n the clipboard, the clipboard is to take up a lot of memory. at this time, please follow the following steps in addition to the contents of the clipboard, release the memory resources: 1, click the "start", pointing to the "progrant or "all programs'", pointing to the,a
34、ttachment,z, point to "system tools", then click on the,zclipboard viewer,,z open z,clipboard viewer" window. 2, on the "edit" menu, click the "delete" coimnand. 3, "closed" clipboard to check the program窗口.為了與microsoft office程序提供的多重剪貼板相區(qū)分, 上述所說的剪貼板,常被我們稱
35、為系統剪貼板如果你止在使用 micros office程序,而且使用了其多重剪貼板功能,那么你應清空"office剪貼板上的項目,方法是:在"office剪貼板任務窗格 (officexp)或工具 欄(0ffice2000)上,單擊全部清空或清空 剪貼板.當清空"office剪貼板時,系統剪 貼板也將同時被清 空二,打開的程序太多如果同時打開的文檔過多或者運行的程序過 多,就沒有足夠的內存運行其他程序這時,對 于多文檔界面(mdi) 程序,如i word, excel等,請關閉當前文檔外的所有文檔,并退出當 前未使用的程序,然后或許你就能夠繼續(xù)執(zhí)行因內存不足而被中
36、 斷的任務.三,重新啟動計算機 如果只退出程序,并不重新啟動計算 機,程序可能無法將內存資源歸還給系統請重新啟動 計算機以釋放 系統資源,然后再次運行程序或執(zhí)行被中斷的任務.四,自動運行的 程序太多如果在啟動windows時自動運行的程序太多,那么,即使 重新啟動計算機,也沒足夠的內存用來運行其它程序.(一)確定設 置為自動運行的程序是否太多1,單擊開始,然后單擊運行.2, 在打開框中,鍵入msconfig,單擊確定按鈕,打開系統配置 實用程序窗口. 3,單擊常規(guī)選項卡,選中選擇性啟動復選鈕,clear ''handle the win. ini f訂e check box a
37、nd "load start group project"check box 4, click the" ok "button when prompted to restart the computer, please click" is "button restart your computer, if insufficient memory problem has been resolved, you can don,t open the computer configuration for startup what proced
38、ures (2) the configuration computer does not automatically open any program 1, restore the changes in msconfig, the method is: in the "system configuration utility,z window, click the,regular,/ tab, select "start", clickbutton, and then restart thecomputer 2, delete all shortcuts in t
39、he "start" folder(1) click on,start,/ to "settings", then click on "taskbar and start menu,/, the system pop-up z,taskbar attribute'' dialog box(2) click the "start menu program'' tab, click the "delete"button. 3. click the plus sign next to &q
40、uot;start" folder, to display the list of application is set to run automatically. if the "start" folder side didn,t have a plus sign +,suggests that is not set to automatically run the program, please click the close button to terminate the process(4) click on "start" in th
41、e folder each shortcuts, and then click "delete" button. this action will delete from the "start" menu except the shortcut, corresponding program but not deleted from the hard disk for each in the "start" folder shortcuts, repeat the steps(5) click the "close"
42、 button. 6. clickbutton 3,disabled from win. ini file loading all of the program (1) as mentioned above to open the "system configuration utility window. (2) click the" win. ini "tab, double-click the" windows “, and then remove "load 二 and "run 二 check box(3) click the
43、 ok button, when prompted to restart your computer, click on the is button. 5, for windows to manage the virtual memory settings if there is no setwindows管理虛擬內存或者禁用虛擬內存,那么計算機可能無法正常 工作,也可能收到內存不足的消息,或在運行某程序時出現相同 的錯誤消息.1,單擊開始,單擊設置,單擊控制面板,然后 雙擊系統.2,在系統屬性對話框中,單擊性能選項卡,然后 單擊虛擬內存按鈕.3,選中讓windows管理虛擬內存設置 (推薦)
44、選項,將計算機中可作為虛擬內存使用的硬盤空間量設 置為默認值此吋,虛擬內存分頁win386swp能夠根據實際內存的 使用情 況動態(tài)縮小和放大,最小容量為0,最大容量為硬盤的全部可 用空間.4,單擊確定按鈕.六,增加可用磁盤空間由于windows 以虛擬內存分頁文件的格式使用硬盤空間以模擬ram,所以,盡管已 設置為讓windows管理虛擬內存,但是當虛擬內存分頁文件所在的 驅動器(默認為windows系統所在的硬盤分區(qū))沒有足夠的空間時, 仍會出現內存不足的錯誤此時,請執(zhí)行以下一項或多項操作, 增加windows虛擬內存分頁文件所在驅動器上的可用空間:1,清 空回收站,方法是:在桌面上,右鍵單擊回收站,再單擊清空回 收站 2, delete temporary files from the disk, the method is: open the z,windows explorer" or ''my computer" window, right-click the single will release its disk space, and then click "properties", in the "general" tab, click on t
- 1. 本站所有資源如無特殊說明,都需要本地電腦安裝OFFICE2007和PDF閱讀器。圖紙軟件為CAD,CAXA,PROE,UG,SolidWorks等.壓縮文件請下載最新的WinRAR軟件解壓。
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