1、畢業(yè)設計(論文)外文資料翻譯系部: 機械工程系 專 業(yè): 機械工程及自動化 姓 名: 學 號: 外文出處:-1.html 附 件: 1.外文資料翻譯譯文;2.外文原文。 指導教師評語: 此翻譯文章簡單介紹了內(nèi)燃機的原理,詳細描述了內(nèi)燃機各零部件在內(nèi)燃機工作時所起到的作用,翻譯用詞比較準確,文筆也較為通順,為在以后工作中接觸英文資料打下了基礎。 簽名: 年 月 日注:請將該封面與附件裝訂成冊。附件1:外文資料翻譯譯文內(nèi)燃機我們知道,無論是汽油發(fā)動機還是柴油發(fā)動機,它們都屬于內(nèi)燃機,都是燃燒燃料后通過推動氣缸內(nèi)活塞作往返運動來將燃料中的化學能量轉(zhuǎn)換成為驅(qū)動車輛前進的機械能量,因此兩者的工作原理大體
6、的應用。內(nèi)燃機傳熱在很大程度上主宰著汽油機的經(jīng)濟性、可靠性以及其他各項重要的技術經(jīng)濟指標。在汽油機負載日益增強的今天,研究汽油機熱負荷問題已經(jīng)是非常緊迫的任務了。汽油機向高強化方向的發(fā)展使其零部件的機械負荷和熱負荷不斷增大,而汽油機的的汽缸套是氣體壓縮、燃燒和膨脹的空間,并為活塞起導向作用,它的不正常變形將破壞活塞與缸套間的正常間隙,導致工作過程的惡化。因而,如何降低汽油機的熱負荷,則是提高其整機性能的重要研究課題。 發(fā)動機:發(fā)動機充當動力裝置。內(nèi)燃機是最常見的:它通過在發(fā)動機汽缸里面燃燒一種液體燃料獲得動力。發(fā)動機有兩種類型:汽油機 (也叫做一個火花- 點火發(fā)動機)和柴油機(也被稱為一個壓縮
7、- 點火發(fā)動機)。這兩種發(fā)動機都叫做熱機;燃料在氣缸內(nèi)燃燒產(chǎn)生的高溫高壓氣體推動曲軸旋轉(zhuǎn)而傳遞動力。車身:汽車車身是由窗子,門,一個發(fā)動機罩和一個行李艙蓋建成的一個金屬板殼。它給發(fā)動機,乘客和貨物提供一種保護。車身的設計應使得乘客安全和舒適。車身的外表使得汽車具有吸引人的,五彩繽紛的和現(xiàn)代的外表。底盤:底盤是汽車上主要操作系統(tǒng)組成的一個總成。底盤包括傳動系,懸掛,轉(zhuǎn)向,以及剎車系統(tǒng)。傳動系統(tǒng) - 把動力運送到車輪。主要零部件是離合器,變速器,傳動軸,主減速器,和差速器。懸掛 - 吸收路面震動。轉(zhuǎn)向 - 控制運動的方向。剎車 使車輛減速。電氣設備:電系統(tǒng)為點火,喇叭,燈光,發(fā)熱器和起動器提供電。
8、通過循環(huán)充電來維持電量。這條電路由電池,交流發(fā)電機(或者發(fā)電機)組成。蓄電池儲存電。交流發(fā)電機把發(fā)動機的機械能換成電能并給電池再充電。氣缸體:氣缸體是發(fā)動機的基本框架。發(fā)動機的其他零件都安裝在它里面或者固定在它上。缸體里有氣缸,水套和油道。曲軸也固定在氣缸體底部。除了頂置凸輪(ohc)發(fā)動機以外,凸輪軸都安裝在氣缸體里面。在大多數(shù)汽車里,氣缸體由灰鑄鐵或者一種灰鑄鐵和其他金屬的合金(混合物)做成,例如鎳或鉻。氣缸體是鑄件。 有些氣缸體,特別是在小汽車里的那些,都是由鋁做成的。這種金屬比鑄鐵輕得多。但是,鑄鐵的耐磨性比鋁好。因此,在大多數(shù)鋁制發(fā)動機的氣缸內(nèi)鑲有鑄鐵或者鋼的軸套。這些軸套叫做氣缸套
10、在發(fā)動機內(nèi)的高溫和高壓。油底殼:油底殼通常由鋼沖壓形成。油底殼和氣缸體的下半部分一同被叫做曲軸箱;他們把曲軸封閉起來。潤滑系統(tǒng)中的機油泵從油底殼抽取油并把油輸送到發(fā)動機內(nèi)全部正在工作的部分。機油流出后又流回油底殼。因而在油底殼和發(fā)動機工作零件之間有機油不斷流動循環(huán)。進氣配氣定時:如果進口門在進氣行程的上止點打開并且在這次行程的下止點關閉,它將有180°的開度。氣門在180°轉(zhuǎn)角內(nèi)完全打開。然而氣門達到全開位置需要一定時間,完全關閉也需要一定時間。因此閥門在上止點(btdc)之前被打開,在下止點(abdc)之后關閉。排氣配氣定時: 如果排氣門在排氣行程的下止點打開并且在這次行
11、程的上止點關閉,它將有180°的持續(xù)。但是像進氣門一樣,排氣門需要時間到達充分打開和關閉的位置。因此排氣門在下止點之前打開,在上止點之后關閉。 氣門重疊:進氣門在上止點前17°打開,排氣門在上止點后17°關閉。 因此,有34°的一段時期,兩個閥門都是開的:(17°+ 17°= 34°)。這時期被稱為氣門重疊。排氣門的關閉和進氣門的開啟重疊。在這個時候,新的混合氣推動燃燒后的廢氣從排氣門排出。在渦輪增壓發(fā)動機上氣門重疊角被保持在一個最小值。這就防止廢氣倒流入進氣管。 配氣機構(gòu):那些打開和關閉氣門的氣門傳動是為了協(xié)調(diào)四沖程的工作
12、循環(huán)(使他們各自上下移動)。這些閥門運動必須正好在合適的時刻進行。每個閥門的開啟由凸輪軸控制。頂置凸輪軸氣閥傳動:凸輪是一在軸上的蛋形的金屬,通過曲軸協(xié)調(diào)旋轉(zhuǎn)。那金屬軸叫凸輪軸,在發(fā)動機里的每個氣門一般有各自的凸輪。當凸輪軸旋轉(zhuǎn)時,凸輪凸起的或者高點的位置,推動氣門座。這行動強迫閥門向下移動。這過程能使進氣門在進氣行程打開,或者排氣門在排氣行程打開。 因為凸輪軸繼續(xù)旋轉(zhuǎn),凸輪軸上的凸起部分離開氣門裝置。當這發(fā)生時,氣門彈簧緊緊地關閉氣門口,叫做氣門座。現(xiàn)代汽車發(fā)動機里的閥門位于發(fā)動機頂上的汽缸蓋。這被稱為頂置氣門(ohv)結(jié)構(gòu)。另外,當凸輪軸位于汽缸蓋上面時,這種方式被稱為是頂置凸輪軸(ohc
13、)結(jié)構(gòu)。一些高性能發(fā)動機有兩個單獨的凸輪軸,分別負責開關進氣門和排氣門。這些發(fā)動機被稱為雙頂置凸輪軸(dohc)發(fā)動機。推桿氣閥傳動:凸輪軸也裝在發(fā)動機底部的氣缸體內(nèi)。為了將凸輪的運動傳給氣門需要一些附屬裝置。在這種布置中,凸輪凸角推動凸輪挺桿。當凸輪的凸角在凸輪挺桿下出現(xiàn)時,它推動凸輪挺桿向上運動(離開凸輪軸)。凸輪挺桿推動控制搖臂的推桿。搖臂以通過它的中心為軸而旋轉(zhuǎn)。當搖臂的一側(cè)上升,其另一側(cè)下降,正如一塊蹺蹺板一樣。搖臂向下移動的那一邊推動氣門桿以打開氣門。 因為推桿氣閥傳動有另外的部分,所以很難以高速運轉(zhuǎn)。推桿發(fā)動機一般在低速運轉(zhuǎn),從而產(chǎn)生比相同大小的頂置凸輪軸較少功率。(記住,功率反
14、映了工作能力。) 氣門間隙:當發(fā)動機處于壓縮行程和做功行程時,閥門必須緊緊地關閉以產(chǎn)生一個不透氣的氣封,以防止氣體逃離燃燒室。如果閥門不完全關閉,發(fā)動機將不能發(fā)揮全部動力。此外氣門頭易于被通過的熱氣體燃燒,這有可能使活塞頻繁沖擊打開的氣門,使發(fā)動機嚴重損壞。 所以閥門能完全關閉,氣門間隙在操作機構(gòu)內(nèi)是必須的。這意味著操作機構(gòu)必須離閥門足夠遠以允許閥門通過氣門彈簧使其完全關閉。但是,如果間隙太大,將引起金屬輕敲的噪音。凸輪軸驅(qū)動機構(gòu):在四行程循環(huán)時,每凸輪必須旋轉(zhuǎn)打開一閥門。記住,一個循環(huán)相當于曲軸旋轉(zhuǎn)兩次。因此,凸輪軸必須以曲軸正好一半的速度旋轉(zhuǎn)。這用2:1的傳動比完成。齒輪連接到凸輪軸的齒數(shù)
16、典型的正時皮帶由用玻璃纖維加強的氯丁橡膠(合成橡膠)做成的。附件2:外文原文belong enginewe know that both gasoline engines or diesel engines, they all belong engine. all from the burning of fuel through the cylinder piston made from the campaign to promote the fuel conversion of chemical energy into mechanical energy driving the vehicl
17、e forward. so the working principle is generally the same.daily use as fuel itself, the highest energy density of diesel, liquefied natural gas nearly doubled over, more than 10% higher than gasoline. compared with conventional gasoline, diesel not volatile, higher ignition point, the situation was
18、not due to accidental fire or explosion. because of the volatile and, if different, resulting in the use of two different fuels the engine ignition.gasoline engine features : small size, light weight, good start.gasoline engines, the gas mixture into the cylinder, close to the end of the compression
19、 ignited by the spark plug. therefore, the need for a gasoline engine when to control the spark plug ignition system. this system requires an accurate control of spark plugs and spark discharge energy of the moment, be able to ensure the normal gasoline engine. gasoline engine fuel supply system and
20、 ignition system is a high proportion of the gasoline engine fault location. in addition, the gasoline ignited lower gasoline engine compression ratio can not be too high so as to avoid spontaneous combustion of oil and gas. therefore the thermal efficiency and economy worse than diesel.the advantag
21、e lies in its small gasoline engine, light weight, low price; start good, the speed at maximum power; small vibration and noise work, therefore, passenger motor vehicles, particularly cars, has been widely used in gasoline engines. especially in the vast majority of our country's current product
22、ion cars, as their gasoline engines are used on the power system.the conventional diesel engine thermal efficiency and economy better characteristics :diesel use of compressed air and improve air temperature, air temperature over the spontaneous ignition of diesel. then again injected into diesel, h
23、ybrid diesel spray at the same time their ignition and combustion air. therefore, no diesel engine ignition system. meanwhile, the engine oil system is relatively simple and therefore the reliability of diesel engines than gasoline engines as good.from injuries caused by spontaneous combustion due t
24、o the restrictions and the need for diesel engine with a high compression ratio. thermal efficiency and economy must be better than the gasoline engine, while the power in the same circumstances, the engine torque, maximum power at low speed, suitable for use in the truck.however, due to work pressu
25、re diesel called on the structural components with high strength and stiffness. so diesel relatively bulky size; diesel fuel pump with the nozzle to create high-precision, high costs; in addition, the engine crude, large vibration and noise; diesel easy evaporation in winter when cold starting probl
26、ems.because of these features, previously used in diesel engines, medium radial truck.the new development : small high-speed diesel engine emission standards has been achieved in euc22 rope iii.traditionally, due to relatively heavy diesel engine or gasoline engine power as indicators (low speed), n
27、oise, vibration higher. smoke and carbon particles (pm) emissions is fairly serious, very little has been favored by car.but with the advances in technology in recent years diesel, especially small high-speed diesel engine is a new development of a number of advanced technologies, for example, elect
28、ronic control di, common rail, turbo-charged, in the cold light of technology, such as the use of diesel engines. the shortcomings of the original diesel engine to be a better solution. and the diesel engine's advantages in energy and co2 emissions. including the gasoline engine is no way to rep
29、lace all heat engines, advanced high-speed small diesel engines. the european iii emission standards has been achieved, the "green engine" that many cars in europe and the united states has now become the new power plant, it can be predicted that china will see an increasing number of dies
30、el cars.ice is a heat engine. usually can burn the fuel used to be in : gasoline engine, gas and other types of aircraft. because the gasoline engine light, low noise and environmental protection, it won the public good reputation, therefore organic in its national economy and national defense proje
31、cts has been more widely used. engine heat transfer to a large extent the key to the economic gasoline engine, reliability and other important technical and economic indicators. the gasoline engine load increasing today, the research gasoline engine heat load problems is very urgent task. high gasol
32、ine engine to enhance the development direction of its mechanical parts load and thermal load is increasing, and the gasoline engine and the cylinder sets of gas compression, combustion and expansion of the space, and to orient the pistons, it's not normal deformation of the cylinder and piston
33、damage the normal clearance, resulting in the deterioration process. therefore, how to reduce the gasoline engine heat load, it is to enhance its overall performance an important research topic. enginethe engine acts as the power unit. the internal combustion engine is most common: this obtains its
34、power by burning a liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder. there are two types of engine :gasoline(also called a spark-ignition engine) and diesel(also called a compression-ignition engine).both engines are called heat engines; the burning fuel generates heat which causes the gas inside the cylinder
35、 to increase its pressure and supply power to rotate a shaft connected to the transmission.bodyan automobile body is a sheet metal shell with windows, doors, a hood, and a trunk deck built into it. it provides a protective covering for the engine, passengers, and cargo. the body is designed to keep
36、passengers safe and comfortable. the body styling provides an attractive, colorful, modern appearance for the vehicle.chassisthe chassis is an assembly of those systems that are the major operating part of a vehicle. the chassis includes the transmission, suspension, steering, and brake systems.tran
37、smission systems conveys the drive to the wheels. the main components are clutch, gearbox, driveshaft, final drive, and differential.suspension absorbs the road shocks.steering controls the direction of the movement.brake slows down the vehicle.electrical equipmentthe electrical system supplies elec
38、tricity for the ignition, horn, lights, heater, and starter. the electricity level is maintained by a charging circuit. this circuit consists of the battery, alternator (or generator). the battery stores electricity. the alternator changes the engine's mechanical energy into electrical energy an
39、d recharges the battery.engine blockthe engine block is the basic frame of the engine. all other engine parts either fit inside it or fasten to it. it holds the cylinders, water jackets, and oil galleries.the engine block also holds the crankshaft, which fastens to the bottom of the block. the camsh
40、aft also fits inside the block, except on overhead-cam engines (ohc). in most cars, this block is made of gray iron, or an alloy (mixture) of gray iron and other metals, such as nickel or chromium. engine blocks are castings. some engine blocks, especially those in smaller cars, are made of cast alu
41、minum. this metal is much lighter than iron. however, iron wears better than aluminum. therefore, the cylinders in most aluminum engines are lined with iron or steel sleeves. these sleeves are called cylinder sleeves. some engine blocks are made entirely of aluminum.cylinder headthe cylinder head fa
42、stens to the top of the block, just as a roof fits over a house. the underside forms the combustion chamber with the top of the piston. the most common cylinder head types are the hemi, wedge, and semi-hemi.all three of these terms refer to the shape of the engine's combustion chamber. the cylin
43、der head carries the valves, valve springs and the rockers on the rocker shaft, this part of the valve gear being worked by the push-rods. sometimes the camshaft is fitted directly into the cylinder head and operates on the valves without rockers. this is called an overhead camshaft arrangement. lik
44、e the cylinder block, the head is made from either cast iron or aluminum alloy.gasketthe cylinder head is attached to the block with high-tensile steel studs. the joint between the block and the head must be gas-tight so that none of the burning mixture can escape. this is achieved by using cylinder
45、 head gasket. this is a sandwich gasket, i.e. a sheet of asbestos between two sheets of copper, both these materials being able to withstand the high temperature and pressures within the engine.oil pan or sumpthe oil pan is usually formed of pressed steel. the oil pan and the lower part of the cylin
46、der block together are called the crankcase; they enclose, or encase, the crankshaft. the oil pump in the lubricating system draws oil from the oil pan and sends it to all working parts in the engine. the oil drains off and runs down into the pan. thus, there is constant circulation of oil between t
47、he pan and the working parts of the engine.inlet valve timingif the inlet valve opened at tdc of the intake stroke and closed at bdc of that stroke, it would have a duration of 180°.it would have remained open for half of a complete 360° revolution, or 180°. however, it takes some tim
48、e for the valve to open to its full position. it also takes time for it to close tightly. therefore the valve is opened before tdc (btdc) and closed after bdc (abdc).exhaust valve timingif the exhaust valve opened at bdc at the beginning of the exhaust stroke and closed at tdc at the end of the exha
49、ust stroke, it would have a duration of 180°. but like the inlet valve, the exhaust valve needs time to reach the full-open position, it also needs time to reach the full-closed position. so the exhaust valve opens before bdc and closes after tdc.valve overlapthe intake opens at 17° btdc a
50、nd the exhaust closes at 17° atdc. thus, for a period of 34°, both of the valves are open: (17° + 17° =34°). this period of time is known as valve overlap. the closing of the exhaust valve laps over the opening of the intake valve. during this time, the first of the new mixt
51、ure pushes the last of the burned gases out the exhaust valve. valve overlap is held to a minimum on turbo-charged engines. this prevents the intake charge from being blown out the exhaust.valve operationto coordinate the four-stroke cycle, a group of parts called the valve train opens and closes th
52、e valves (moves them down and up, respectively). these valve movements must take place at exactly the right moments. the opening of each valve is controlled by a camshaft.overhead camshaft (ohc) valve trainthe cam is an egg-shaped piece of metal on a shaft that rotates in coordination with the crank
53、shaft. the metal shaft, called the camshaft, typically has individual cams for each valve in the engine. as the camshaft rotates, the lobe, or high spot of the cam, pushes against parts connected to the stem of the valve. this action forces the valve to move downward. this action could open an inlet
54、 valve for an intake stroke, or open an exhaust valve for an exhaust stroke.as the camshaft continues to rotate, the high spot moves way from the valve mechanism. as this occurs, valve springs pull the valve tightly closed against its opening, called the valve seat.valves in modern car engines are l
55、ocated in the cylinder head at the top of the engine. this is known as an overhead valve (ohv) configuration. in addition, when the camshaft is located over the cylinder head, the arrangement is known as an overhead camshaft (ohc) design. some high-performance engines have two separate camshafts, on
56、e for each set of inlet and exhaust valves. these engines are known as dual overhead camshaft (dohc) engines.push-rod valve trainthe camshaft also can be located in the lower part of the engine, within the engine block. to transfer the motion of the cam upward to the valve, additional parts are need
57、ed.in this arrangement, the cam lobes push against round metal cylinders called cam follower. as the lobe of the cam comes up under the cam follower, it pushes the cam follower upward (away from the camshaft). the cam follower rides against a push rod, which pushes against a rocker arm. the rocker a
58、rm pivots on a shaft through its center. as one side of the rocker arm moves up, the other side moves down, just like a seesaw. the downward-moving side of the rocker arm pushes on the valve stem to open the valve.because a push-rod valve train has additional parts, it is more difficult to run at high speeds. push-rod engines typically run at slower speeds and, consequently, produce less horsepower than overhead-camshaft designs of equal size. (remember, power is the rate
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