1、IV. Chinese Translation of Paragraphs1. 首先,我要強調的是,讀書本應是一種享受。當然,為了應付考試或者獲取信息,許多 書我們不得不讀, 而我們從中卻不可能得到任何愉悅。 我們讀這些書是出于教育的目的, 至 多希望自己對它的需要不至于使閱讀的過程過于乏味。 我們讀這些書并非好之樂之, 而是出 于無奈。這當然不是我要談的讀書。 要談的讀書。 我接下去要談論的書籍, 既不能助您獲得 學位,也不能幫您謀生;既不能教您怎樣駕駛帆船,也不能教您怎樣啟動熄火的車輛 。然 而,它們卻可以讓您生活得更為充實。不過,您必須喜歡讀書才行,否則也無濟于事。2. 我這里所說的 “
2、您 ”,是指那些有閑的成年人,他們想讀的不是非讀不可的那些書。我指 的不是書蟲, 因為書蟲們自有讀書之道。 我這里只想談些名著, 那些很久以來廣受推崇的杰 作。我們理應都讀過這些名著, 遺憾的是這類人卻為數(shù)甚少。 有些名著不僅為優(yōu)秀的批評家 們所公認, 文學史家也會有長篇大論,然而, 今天的普通讀者讀之卻味同嚼蠟。這些作品對 研究者來說是重要的,然而,時移事易,人們喜好變更,如今這些書早已失其原味,要讀完 全憑意志。舉例來說,我讀過喬治 艾略特的亞當 比德,但我不能違心地說這個過程是愉 悅的。我讀它是出于義務,讀完了自然如釋重負。3. 關于這類書籍, 我無意置喙。 每個人自有自己的評價和意見。
3、 不論學者們對某本書作何 評價,即便他們眾口如一,極盡溢美之詞,除非您感興趣,否則它與您毫不相干。不要忘記 批評家也經常犯錯, 批評史上那些最著名的評論家的低級錯誤比比皆是。 一本書對您價值幾 何,只有作為讀者的您才是最終評判人。 當然,這適用于我將要向您推薦的書籍。 我們每個 人都不可能與他人完全一樣, 至多只是相仿而已。 因此, 沒有理由認為對我有益的書也正好 對您有益。 不過,讀這些書讓我覺得內心更加富有;倘若我沒有讀過的話,恐怕我就不會完全是今天的我了。所以我懇求您,倘若 您在本文的誘惑之下去讀我推薦的書,但卻又讀不 下去,那就放下它們。得不到愉悅的東西,對您毫無用處。誰也沒有義務去讀
4、什么詩歌、小 說或者被稱為 “美文學 ”的雜文 (真希望我知道這個詞英語怎么說,但我認為英語里沒有對應 的詞 )。讀書 須有樂趣,但誰能斷言某君中意之物,他人也必定趨之若鶩4. 不要認為愉悅就是不道德。愉悅本身是件大好事,所有的愉悅都是好事,只是它后果各 異,理智人士會回避某些愉悅的方式。 愉悅也不一定是粗俗淫蕩的。 但凡發(fā)現(xiàn)心智上的愉悅 是最為完美、最為持久的人,都是其時代的智者。因此,養(yǎng)成讀書的習慣大有裨益。養(yǎng)成讀 書習慣,就是給自己營造逃避生活中幾乎一切愁苦的庇護所。我說“幾乎 ”,是因為我不想夸大其詞, 宣稱讀書可以 緩解饑餓的折磨、 消除單相思的痛苦 ;但是幾本好看的偵探小說外 加一
5、個熱水瓶足以使任何感冒患者津津有味地讀下去。 反之,如果硬要他去讀味同嚼蠟的書, 又有誰能養(yǎng)成那種為讀書而讀書的習慣呢5. 為了方便起見, 我將按年代順序來羅列我要談的書籍。 不過倘若您決定要讀這些書, 則 不一定非按這個順序不可。 我建議您最好還是隨興去讀, 您甚至不一定要讀完一本再讀另一 本。就我而言, 我更喜歡同時讀四五本書。畢竟您每天的心情都會有變化,您也不可能一天二十四小時都熱切地想讀某一本書。 我們必須適時調整。 于是我很自然地采取了最適合自己 的讀書計劃。 早晨工作之前, 我會讀點科學或者哲學著作, 因為這需要頭腦清醒、 思想集中。 這開啟了我一天的工作。 完成工作之后, 我覺得
6、輕松,但又不想從事緊張的腦力活動, 我便 讀歷史、散文、評論或者傳記;晚上我則讀小說。小說。此外,我手頭總有本詩集,以便興致來了翻上幾頁; 放在我床頭的, 則是那種可以隨意翻閱、 隨時放下的書。 這種書讀之欣然, 擱之泰然,可惜太難覓了。6. 回顧上文,我發(fā)現(xiàn)我不止一次向您建議,不時地跳讀實為明智之舉。我覺得前面提到的 書籍都非常重要,值得通讀。但即便這類書籍,您如能行使跳讀的權利,也將獲得更大的愉 悅。因為即便是偉大的作品,隨著人們品味的變化,部分篇章也會變得枯燥乏味。今天,我 們已不再理會 18 世紀推崇的說教式文章, 也不再青睞 19 世紀鐘愛的大段景物描寫。 當小說 盛行現(xiàn)實主義時,
7、作家們鐘情于細節(jié); 而在走了很長的路之后, 他們發(fā)現(xiàn)只有與主題相關的 細節(jié)才有意思。 學會如何跳讀, 也就學會了如何從閱讀中獲得益處和愉悅。 但是對于如何學 習跳讀之法,我則無可奉告,因為我從來沒有學會此項訣竅, 我是個跳讀能力很差的人。我 唯恐跳讀會漏掉有價值的信息, 只好去啃那些令我厭煩的章節(jié)。 而我一旦開始跳讀, 便打不 住了,每次讀完之后便開始自責, 因為我意識到我沒有充分享用這本書。 而且我覺得與其 這 樣,還不如干脆不讀它。Section Four Consolidation ActivitiesI. Text Comprehension1. Decide which of the
8、 following best states the author's purpose.A. To recommend some masterpieces for pleasurable reading.B. To let the readers share his experience of reading.C. To urge the exercise of personal taste in the selection of what to read from the books he is going to recommend.Key: C 2. Judge, accordin
9、g to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1) . If books can fulfill your utilitarian purposes, you will find reading them enjoyable. F2) . All masterpieces, due to their importance and value acknowledged by critics, should be given priority on readers' boFoklists.3) . The
10、 first criterion in book-selection is that the reader should get pleasure from his/her reading.T4) . Reading habits vary from person to person, depending on individualsT ' preferences.5) . The author does not believe in skipping, because he often worries that he may have missed something importa
11、nt and valuable in reading as a result of skipping. FII. Writing Strategies1) Read the following sentences that are structured in an inverted sequence.a. Such books we read with resignation rather than with alacrity. (Paragraph 1)b. That, however, they cannot do unless you enjoy reading them. (Parag
12、raph 1)c. Now of such books as this I mean to say nothing. (Paragraph 3)d. . but how you are to learn it I cannot tell you .(Paragraph 6)Try to give the normal order of these sentences and comment on their stylistic functions.a. Normal sequenee: We read such books with resignation rather than with a
13、lacrity.Function: To create a closer relation betw een “ books ” in this sentence and“ them ” in theprecedi ng one.b. Normal seque nee: However, they cannot do that uni ess you enjoy readi ng them.Function: To achieve emphasis by putting“ that ” at the beginning of the sentence.c. Normal seque nee:
14、Now I mean to say nothing of such books as this.Function: Both to achieve emphasis and to create a closer relation between“ this ” in thsentence and what has bee n discussed in the precedi ng one.d. Normal seque nee: . but I cannot tell you how you are to lear n it .Function: Both to achieve emphasi
15、s and to create a closer relation between “ itin"the sentence and “ to know how to skip ” in the precedi ng one.2) With the exception of Paragraphs 1 and 4, the author supplies his own experiences in the sec ond half of each paragraph to shed more light on the suggesti ons he puts forward. Read
16、 these experiences again, and identify the author' s viewpoints.The author ' s viewpoints involved in his personal experiences:a. The author ' s experienee in reading George ElioAdam Bede (Paragraph 2) to indicate that masterpieces do not n ecessarily bring enjoyme nt in read ing.b. Read
17、i ng certa in books makes the author feel the richer (Paragraph 3) to suggest thatwhat pleases one pers on does not n ecessarily please ano ther.c. The author ' reading habit (Paragraph 5) to advise people that they need to read accord ing to their own in terests.d. The author ' s experienee
18、 as a bad skippParagraph 6) to prove that reading could be more enjoyable, if you know how to skip.III. Lan guage Work1. Expla in the un derl ined part(s) in each sentence in your own words.1) . Such books we read with resig nati on rather tha n with alacrity.read with un resisti ng accepta nee beca
19、use we know we have to; eager ness2) . The books I shall mention in due course will help you neither to get a degree nor to earn yourlivi ng.later, after these in troductory remarks3) . I wish to deal only with the masterpieces which the consensus of opinion for a long time has accepted as supreme.f
20、or a long time have gen erally bee n accepted as the most importa nt books4) . Don ' t forget that critics often make mistakes the history of cicism is full of the blundersthe most eminent of them have made .full of mistakes; famous and respected5) . . I would not go so far as to prete nd that t
21、o read a book will assuage the pangs of h un ger orstill the pain of un requited love .ease the painful feeli ng; kill6) . But who is going to acquire the habit of reading for reading 'sake, if he is bidden to read books that bore himtold to7) . It sets me off for the day.warms me up and gets me
22、 ready for a whole day' s work8) . Later on, when my work is done and I feel at ease, but not inclined for mental exercise of a strenuous character, I read history, essays, criticism or biography .ready for; a toilsome / difficult n ature9) . . I am aware I have not done it justice .have not tre
23、ated the book in a way that is fair10) . I am apt to think that I might iust as well n ever have read it .tend to; it might have bee n equally good if I had n ever read it (Note: it is a phrase used to mean that ano ther course of acti on would have an equally good result.)2. Fill in the bla nks wit
24、h the appropriate forms of the give n words.1) . They received the n ews with resignation. (resig n)2) . The company has begun to challenge the supremacy (supreme) of the current leading manu facturers in the textiles in dustry.3) . All four proposals to the committee were unanim ously (unanim ous)
25、approved.4) . Having achieved eminence (em inent) as an actor, he now intends to perform a comparable feat in politics.5) . This part of the law is only applicable (apply) to compa nies emplo ying more tha n five people.6) . The museum houses a fascinating miscellany (miscellaneous) of nautical trea
26、sures.7) . I ' m not sure of thehronology (chronological) of the events.8) . The childre n sat liste ning attentively (atte ntio n) to the story.9) . My own in cli nati on (i ncli ne) would be to look for ano ther job.10) . He strenu ously (stre nu ous) denies all the allegati ons aga inst him.3
27、. Fill in the blank(s) in each sentence with a phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form. in cli ne | resig n | class as | with equa ni mity | rob of | stall off | apt | dip into | apply to extract | do justice to | set off1) . She did n' t realldo justice to herself in the in terview.2.
28、 He resigned from the company to take a more challenging job.3) . A last-minute injury robbed me of_my place on the team.4) . It ' s the sort of book you can jdipt into now and again.5) . That bit of the form is for foreig ners it does n apply to you.6) . No one seemed inclined to help.7) . I
29、39; m 17, but Ic'smedia s a child when I travel by bus.8) . She ' s in her eighties now aap! to be a bit forgetful.9) . She ' s fin ally stopped crying now don' t her off aga in.10) . The oil which is extracted from olives is used for cooking.11) . The thief broke into the office whi
30、le his accomplice stalled off the security guard.12) . He received the news of his motherwith rerdeakfable equanimity.4. Expla in the mea ning of the un derli ned part in each sentence.1) . There is a supreme mome nt at the end of the opera.a mome nt which causes great exciteme nt2) . The air was so
31、 still that not even the leaves on the trees were moving.There was so little wi nd3) . He bade them to leave at on ce.ordered or told4) . If symptoms persist, seek medical atte ntio n.visit a doctor5) . The kitche n roof is apt to leak whe n it rains.likely to6) . She felt that life had lost most of
32、 its savour.pleasure and in terest7) . Somebody set the alarm off.made the alarm bell ring8) . I incline to disagree with you on that point.I more disagree tha n agree9) . I ' ve odilyped into the book.read a few pages of the book, not from cover to cover10) . The winner has been disqualified fo
33、r cheating, so justice has been done.fair ness has bee n achieved5. Correct the errors in the following passage. The passage contains ten errors, one in each in dicated line. In each case, only one word is in volved.Correcti ons should be done as follows:Wrong word: un derl ine the wrong word and wr
34、ite the correct word in the bla nk.Extra word: delete the extra word with an"x . ”Missing word: mark the position of the missing word with a A ” and write the'missing word in the bla nk.Joseph ConradJoseph Conrad led a fascinating life. Born in Poland, he moved around the world as a sailor
35、and eventually settled in England. He must have been an excellent language 'learner as he soon became a famous En glish writer. He wrote a large nu mber of short stories and a lot of no vels, mainly about the sea. Many also, as he lived around 1900, were concerned A colonialism. Nostromo exposed
36、 the way Western capitalism sometimes exploiting the third world, and Lord Jim was about a ship' s officerhonor whe n he aba ndoned passe ngers on a sunk ship. Perhaps his most famous and powerful book is The Heart of Darkness. A dece nt man, Marlow, is sent to in vestigate what has happe ned to
37、 Kurtz, an ivory trader, based a long way up one of the great African rivers . Kurtz' s behavior has become increasingly odd, ahis employers want to know what has happened. As Marlow travels up to the river, movi ng in to the heart of Africa, through(1) Ianguage(2) with(3) exploitedwho lost his(
38、4) sinking ndthick, dangerous jungle, he finds himself also traveling into the heart of darkness, man' savagery and evilness. But at the very heart he fin ds, not an Africa n, but Kurtz, the represe ntative of white civilization, who has turned himself over into a god-king, ruling over-his own t
39、ribe. Terrible things happen, and eventually the mad Kurt z dies whispering,“ Oh, the horror, the horrorstory has been filmed for a number of times, and was used by Coppola as the base for his film Apocalypse Now , a study of the America n prese nt in Vie tn am. It remai ns a powerful warni ng o'
40、; the dan ger of superiority.(6) evil(7) over” The(8) for(9) basis(10) prese nee6. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE appropriate word.The Beauty of Readi ngAll good books have one thi ng in (1) common they are truer tha n if they really (2) happened and after you have finished reading
41、 one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards, it all (3) belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was.Ern est Hemin gway Books, as we all know, are the stepping stones to human progress, for they refle
42、ct the world ' greatest mi nds. However, they are on ly gaudy orn ame nts on the (4) shelves un til some one reads them. So it is readi ng that (5) makes the differe nee. Readi ng is to the mi nd what food is to the (6) body, for it transforms the way people understand the world, invokes self-aw
43、are ness and helps to fulfill (7) personal pote ntial.Readi ng un folds a sketch of the real world in front of readers,eye(8)Books prese nt theIandscape and stories of the whole world beyond the (9) limitations of time or space. And by readi ng, readers get to (10) know exotic cultures and traditi o
44、ns, enjoy nu merous an ecdotes, and even (11) experience the lege ndary life of their idols. In this regard, readi ng (12) en ables people to un dersta nd the world from a new perspective.Reading motivates personal development. Merely (13) sustaining life is a vegetable state. Thoroughly (14) living
45、 life requires continuous exploration of mankind itself. And reading enhances people ' capacity to judge themselves in a moral and rational way, and then correct their (15) misunderstanding of the concept of themselves.Readi ng develops pote ntial. Books are the legacies that great geni uses lea
46、ve to (16) mankind. And reading provides readers with a shortcut by which they can get (17) access to their great min ds. The beauty of readi ng is just like the sunshin e, illu min ati ng (18) everything By read ing and getting access to great (19) minds, readers tend to be encouraged and enlighten
47、ed, (20) which n aturally makes life more meanin gful.IV. Tran slati on1. Translating SentencesTranslate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in brackets.1). 她欣然接受了那筆錢。 (with alacrity)She accepted the money with alacrity. with alacrity: quickly and with enthusiasm .
48、 She accepted with alacrity.2). 但是他并未能從勝利中獲得滿足,因為他發(fā)現(xiàn)有個無辜的男孩在戰(zhàn)斗中被殺死了。 (extract)However, he could extract no satisfaction from the victory, because he found that an innocent boy had been killed in the battle.extract vt. to get something from someone or from doing something3). 關于這一點,專家們的意見并不一致。 (unanim
49、ous)The experts are not unanimous on this point.unanimous adj. a unanimous decision, vote, agreement etc is one that everyone agrees with and supports. The board made a unanimous decision to reject the recommendations.a unanimous vote of confidence4). 人們說受良好教育的人在作重要決定時往往會猶豫再三。 (apt to)They say that
50、well-educated people are apt to hesitate too much before they make important decisions.be apt to do something: to have a tendency to do something. They are apt to become a little careless if you don't watch them carefully.The cars were old and apt to break down.5). 盡管他已經晉升為總經理,但是他的權力欲望依然沒有得到滿足。
51、(assuage) Despite his promotion to general manager, his desire for power was not assuaged. assuage vt. to make an unpleasant or painful feeling less severe6). 只是又一首關于單戀痛苦的詩。 (unrequited)It ' s just another poem on the pain of unrequited love. unrequited adj. if your love for someone is unrequite
52、d, they do not love you even though you love them7). 這部小說不完全是按年月順序寫的。 (chronological)The novel is not entirely written in a chronological order.chronological adj. if your love for someone is unrequited, they do not love you even though you love them8). 要充分欣賞這部電影,你就必須再看一遍。(do justice to)You must watch the movie again to do it justice.do justice to: to show or emphasize all the good qualities of someone or something 9). 那場悲劇三年之后,她才開始恢復平靜。 (equanimity)S
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