1、1gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ v5.0 updatedon smith22may06this document is for internal gm use only. not to be duplicated or disclosed outside gm without approval of don smith 586-986-19832gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don
2、 smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ post dsi v5.0 released 06april06(for more information go to:http:/ pre-vpi process documentation v1.0released 06mar06(for more information go to:http:/ )gvdp pre-vpi gvdp version 5.03gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/do
3、n smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ pre-vpi and post-vpi global gvdp 5.0 background high level framework process agreements process agreement detail 5.0 content program framework architecture & program work structure gvdp 5.0 assumption
4、s & enablers process documentation4gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ and post dsi gvdppre-vpi gvdp “bolts-on” to the beginning of the rest of the gvdp for individual programs and supplies needed deliverables at d
5、siprogram developmentarchitectureframingarchitectureengineeringarchitecturerefinementprogram framing/architecturedevelopmentportfolio plan developmentprogram executioncurrent arch?vpivdrsorppfiafito ensure quality execution.assiaadsiacarchitecture framing initiatedarchitecture statement of strategic
6、 intentprogram framing initiationarchitecture approvaldocument of strategic intentarchitecture confirmationvehicle program initationverified data releasestart of regular production5gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ i
7、s pre-vpi gvdp?pre-vpi gvdp is gms integration of architecture development and program developmentpre-vpi gvpdis globalis a documented processaccommodates multi-market architectural development similar to global epsilonaccommodates the newly defined global portfolio processprovides timing guidance f
8、or architecture and program development (start and end points)defines required decision points and approval forums (governance)6gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ gvdp overviewarchitectural approvaldocumentof strategi
9、c intentarchitecture statement of strategic intentvehicle program initiationpfiyesnoarch. framing initiationafivpi1 mtharch.mods?program framing initiationportfolio developmentprogramframingarchitectureframingengineering & executionarchitecturerefinementprogram development5-6 mo.6-7 mo.6-7 mo.6
10、mo.6 mo.ongoingassiaaacdsiarchitectural confirmationpfivpi1 mthprogramframingprogram development5-6 mo.6-7 mo.dsilead program(e.g. vectra)derivative program(s)(e.g. gmx 353, gmx 354)no architecturemodifications(outside of bandwidth)(e.g. gmx211,gmx272, gmx386)new/modified architecture(e.g. epsilon,
11、gamma, delta)7gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ key program deliverablesarchitectureframingengineering & executionarchitecturerefinementafi global market & arch. requirements bandwidth of physical dimensions/
12、proportions arch. boundary conditions (material cost & investment) body styles mainstream architecture configuration/packaging load path strategy key architectural bom rows selected baseline powertrain plan (engine/trans. families, drive types) proportional model(s) sourcing strategy manufacturi
13、ng strategyvirtual performance assessmentvirtual package assessmentunderbody 3d math modelglobal adv planallowable costs sor development sourcing activitiesassiaaac architecture imperatives architecture cost status virtual architecture assessment proportions / integrated packaging systems & comp
14、onent concept solutions proportional model early supplier involvement manufacturing conceptcapability of arch. & bandwidths definedarchitecturecapability confirmed virtuallyarchitecturesolutiondefined initial participating regions and programs initial engineering requirements regulatory performa
15、nce etc.initial arch. objectives identified8gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ framingthe purpose of program framing: develop common program vision and objectives with leadership translate customer and corporate requi
16、rements into technical requirements understand the engineering solutions within the existing architecture modifications as required within existing bandwidths develop the compatible boundary conditions captured in the dsi architectural approvaldocumentof strategic intentarchitecture statement of str
17、ategic intentvehicle program initiationpfiyesnoarch. framing initiationafivpi1 mtharch.mods?program framing initiationportfolio developmentprogramframingarchitectureframingengineering & executionarchitecturerefinementprogram development5-6 mo.6-7 mo.6-7 mo.6 mo.6 mo.ongoingassiaaacdsiarchitectur
18、al confirmationno architecturemodifications(outside of bandwidth)new/modified architecturepfivpi1 mthprogramframingprogram development5-6 mo.6-7 mo.dsilead programderivative program(s)9gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http
19、:/ planning/ architecture adaptationprogram framing portfolio developmenttarget exploration workshopprogram framing kickoffdocument of strategic intentprogram framing completeprogram definition completeongoingprogram framing initiationpfidddsi directiongvdppfcpdc5-6 monthsdsi approves “kick-off” of
20、program dsi development confirms pfi inputs: “big idea” and strategic role in portfolio architecture program scope and timeline body style and brand assumptions potential powertrain families and drive configurations initial capital and engineering workload assumptions primary region(s) of sale poten
21、tial issues authorizes resources (core pet) regional avdlt or gpdc (if required)dsiprep10gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ framingprogram framing kickoffdocument of strategic intentprogram framing completeprogram fra
22、ming program definition completeongoingprogram framing initiatedpfidsi directionpfcpdcddtarget exploration workshopgvdp5-6 monthsdsiportfolio developmentcreate and assess program alternativesdevelop organizational alignment concerning scope, vision, and key objectives (key wins, price of entry items
23、)establish program targets and boundary conditionsprogram positioning preliminary content (including powertain, key technologies)financial boundary conditionsdesign enablersmanufacturing footprintdevelop & verify high level engineering solutions that will meet existing bill of architecture (boa)
24、dsiprepglobalportfolio planning11gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ vdp 5.0 backgroundproduct development leadership direction to shorten time between vpi and sorpreduction based on gelt led studies of gmdat and toyot
25、a lead time advantages. study concluded:gms global vdp lead times lag toyotas by several months toyotas enablers: decoupled development, overlapping functional work and fast functional processes dsi to sorp advantage of about 4 monthsgmdat lean vdp faster for in-country productsactual gvdp 5.0 reduc
26、tion is 15 weeks (37/20 to 33/20) for new and major vehicle programs. reduction moves single theme math 15 weeks closer to the market. gvdp 5.0 was released for programs with a document of strategic intent (dsi) on or after june 1, 2006, and for select programs earlierexisting 4.1 programs will not
27、be updated to 5.0 logic or timing. additional studies are being conducted to develop shorter templates for derivative programsgvdp pre-vpi released for use on 06mar06 creates deliverables important to executing gvdp 5.012gvdp 5.0 release announcement 07april 06all,following an initiative sanctioned
28、by the global product development council (gpdc), global engineering leadership team (gelt) and global joint engineering and manufacturing staff (gjems) to shorten product development lead time, we are pleased to announce the release of the global vehicle development process (gvdp) 5.0. this release
29、 improves vpi-sorp timing, for new and major programs, from 37 months to 33 months, and moves styling 15 weeks closer to market introduction. gvdp 5.0 is directed at programs with document of strategic intent (dsi) dates after june 1, 2006, and several select (slightly earlier) programs where partia
30、l implementation will occur. regards,rick spinaexecutive directorglobal program management13gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ 5.0 framework 33/20theme developmentsorp0idrvdr -112idr-106design armsourcingsorbctprocure
31、 partssver-98fgcv design solutionfgsv design solutionprocess/formabilityconstruct / verify dies ivermmrbctprocure parts fivc -79100%iver-83iv design solutionfgsmvdr-96100%-90vdrdta-163ad-155design diessf-116mvbsmvbnsppvdesign bodyshop toolsconstruct/ verifybody shop tools -15ped pro mulecver-109mule
32、svpi-sorp 15 week reduction from gvdp 4.1ppapgate 1-15ppapgate 2-2ppapgate 3eoappapstatus-35ivpt cal-69100%pt cal-21 vtc-21develop 100% pt calfatg-25eoltiterative matching-148vpi-144dsi-172stddsi-sorp overall leadtime is within 6 weeks of toyotafunctional processes have been adjusted, added, or refi
33、ned: styling & surfacing mules sourcing dies and bodyshop tooling pedestrian protection ppap end-of-line test iterative matching etc.dsi-vpi6 week add from gvdp 4.114gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ -112idr-105d
34、esign arm sourcingsorbctprocure partsdesign anrmsourcingsorbctprocure partstheme developmentcver-117sver-100100%iver-90fgcv design solutionfgdesign solutioniv design solutionfgsv design solutionprocess/formabilitydesigndiesconstruction / verifydies ivermmrbctprocure parts fivc-80fgsmvdr-95100%-88vdr
35、sf-116psd-121dta-172ad-166gvdp 4.1 framework 37/20mvbsmvbnspvvdesign bodyshop toolsconstruction / verifybody shop tools stylingmulesivengineering designmanufacturing / launchto show how time was removed for 5.0, lets build the framework starting with 4.115gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/vers
36、ion 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ -112idr-106design arm sourcingsorbctprocure partstheme developmentcver-109sver-98fgcv design solutionfgsv design solutionprocess/formabilitydesigndiesconstruction / verifydies bctprocure parts fivc-79smvdr-96100%-90vdrsf-116dt
37、a-157ad-151design anrmbctprocure partssourcingsor100%iver-83iv design solutionfgbuild oneivermmrmvbsmvbnsppvconstruction / verifybody shop tools design bodyshop toolsstylingmulesivengineering designmanufacturing / launchdesign work stream reduced a total of 16 weeks from vpi to sm vdr theme refineme
38、nt process idr/vdr processstyling & surfacing process changeenabled by: increased sketch work done pre-dsi revised definition of idr requirements earlier sourcing of dc 12 components revised dfp schedulestd-148std md-14016gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this docum
39、ent is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ idr-106cver-109sver-98fgcv design solutionfgsv design solutionprocess/formabilitydesigndiesconstruction / verifydies bctprocure parts fivc-79smvdr-96100%-90vdr100%iver-83iv design solutionfgbuild twoivermmrdesign anrmbctprocure partssourcingsordesign arm s
40、ourcingsorbctprocure partssf-116mvbsmvbnsppvconstruction / verifybody shop tools design bodyshop toolsstylingmulesivengineering designmanufacturing / launchdta-163ad-155dsi-172theme developmentstd-148vpi-144time between dsi and vpi extended by 6 weeks for more robust theme development before the cli
41、nic and engineering assessment after cliniclengthening of dsi-vpi process17gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ idr-106design sourcingsorbctprocure partscver-109sver-98fgcv design solutionfgsv design solutionprocess/for
42、mabilitydesigndiesconstruction / verifydies bctprocure parts fivc-79smvdr-96100%-90vdr100%iver-83iv design solutionfgbuild threeivermmrsf-116mvbsmvbnsppvconstruction / verifybody shop tools design bodyshop toolsvpistylingmulesivengineering designmanufacturing / launch4.1since the mule stream could n
43、ot be reduced to match the styling reduction, mule sourcing and design activity starts earlier relative to vpisourcing and engineering requirements have been revised to accommodate this changemule stream pull-aheaddta-163ad-155dsi-172-112theme developmentstd-148vpi-14418gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith
44、/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ idr-106design sourcingsorbctprocure partscver-109sver-98fgcv design solutionfgsv design solutionprocess/formabilitydesigndiesconstruction / verifydies ivermmrbctprocure parts fivc -79100%iver-83iv design solutio
45、nfgsmvdr-96100%-90vdrbuild foursf-116mvbsmvbnsppvdesign bodyshop toolsconstruction / verifybody shop tools overlap of me activities with engineering designstylingmulesivengineering designmanufacturing / launchoverlap of me activities with engineering designme willingness to start dies and body shop
46、tooling with iver mmr vs ll iver releaseoverlapping of me activities with engineering designmust adhere to idr data approximately 1mm to vdr or as restricted by the red / blue processdta-163ad-155dsi-172-112theme developmentstd-148std md-140vpi-14419gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.
47、0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ gvdp 5.0 process agreementsgvdp 5.0 assumptions and enablers (link)gvdp 5.0 modification restrictions (link)lead time reduction changes lengthening of dsi-vpi process styling & surfacing process change mule stream pull-ahead rel
48、ative to vpi overlapping of me activities with engineering designprocess additions / refinements / clarifications ppap process end of line testing ped pro iterative matching pqrr process additional changes20gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled
49、, please refer to http:/ of dsi-vpi processcurrently 22 weeksdsi-172ad-155theme alternativesdevelop single theme alternativesdsi-181ad-166dta-172theme alternativesdevelop single theme+4+2gvdp 4.1gvdp 5.0 4 additional weeks to develop themes 2 additional weeks for engineering assessment of clinic inp
50、ut (not design driven) vpi-144dta-163clinicnextsingle themedevelop themestd-148clinicstd-161vpi-159dsi document of strategic intentstd single theme direction dta design theme alternativesvpi vehicle program initiationad alternatives developmentadded 6 weeks21gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/v
51、ersion 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ of dsi-vpi processgvdp 5.0what has changed?4 weeks added between dta and the std2 weeks added between std and vpiwhy has it changed?4 weeks, enables a more robust design styling process by allowing additional time to create
52、 and optimize multiple themes to a given set of architectural criteria with increased fidelity of the design surfaces.2 weeks, for engineering assessment of the single theme decision outcome and to allow for management reviews (engineering and program management driven) what does this mean to progra
53、m teams?clinic properties will have the benefit of a more robust and comprehensive theme development processhigher fidelity theme at single theme directionadditional time to complete business case and charter document at vpiadditional time for management reviewsdsi-172ad-155theme alternativesdevelop
54、 single theme alternativesadded 6 weeks+4+2vpi-144dta-163single themestd-148clinicdsi document of strategic intent std single theme direction dta design theme alternatives vpi vehicle program initiationad alternatives development22gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this
55、document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ weeks closer to marketstyling & surfacing process changeidrvdr interioruppersdoorsfenders & quarter panelshood & decklidfascias/lamps/grilles/moldingsdevelop theme100%vdr-88vdrsm-95idr-105psd-121eso-132vpi-159-113-105-88-121-113-101-119-11
56、7-117-115-110-106-106-102-97-98-98-98gvdp 4.1sf-113cso-113dso-125nextidrvdr single themevdrsm-96eso-127sf-116100%vdr-90gvdp 5.0idr-106-116-106-90interior-116-106-96metal-116-106-94vpi-144dso-120cso-108fascias/lamps/grilles/moldingsdsi-172theme alternativesdevelop single theme alternativesdta-163std-
57、148ad-166theme alternativesdevelop single themedta-172std-161clinicclinicrefine themerefine themestd- single theme direction dso design sign offf std-md single theme direction math data sf styling freezedta design theme alternatives vpi vehicle program initiation psd preliminary styling data idr ini
58、tial data releasead alternatives development eso engineering sign off cso contact sign off vdr verified data releasedsi-181ta-115ta-115ad-155clinicclinicstd md-140std md-15523gvdp v5_upd_trg.ppt/don smith/5/22/2006/version 6.0once printed this document is uncontrolled, please refer to http:/ & s
59、urfacing process change what has changed? theme development has been reduced by 16 weeks (std to sf) single theme math is now 15 weeks closer to the market idr/vdr activities consolidated (6 to 3) and moved to single idr time between dso and sf reduced by 8 weeks preliminary styling data (psd) &
60、 theme approval (ta) have been removed why has it changed? enabled by higher fidelity theme at std due to added time between dsi & vpi idr/vdr work stream consolidation now aligns more closely with interdependent surface development single idr and proximity of dso and sf eliminates need for psd theme approval not a separate milestone and essentially occurs at dso
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