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1、雇傭勞動合同(精編)編輯可 刪 除 此 頁合同特點:內(nèi)容簡潔輪廓清晰(花費了太多時間)收取一點點費用請不要介 意MD/J/Emplyment Contract-13 -Khan ThorntonEMPLOYMENT CONTRACT勞動合同EMPLOYERS NAME: 公司名稱:ADDRESS:地址: This stateme nt is issued in accorda nee with the curre nt employme nt legislati on and sets out the terms and con diti ons of your employme nt wit

2、h the Employer.本合同符合現(xiàn)行勞動法規(guī),闡明了用工期間的各項條件條款。EMPLOYEE'S NAME: 員工姓名:EMPLOYEE'S ADDRESS通訊地址:Your employme nt will begi n on:到崗時間:JOB TITLE:職位:From time to time the Man ageme nt may con sider it n ecessary for you to do other jobs with in your skill and compete nee.根據(jù)現(xiàn)實需要,管理者有時會要求你做能力范圍內(nèi)的其他工作PAY:薪

3、酬:Your wages will be paid at mon thly in tervals and will be paid directly into your Bank acco unt on the last day of each mon th.工資實行每月結(jié)付,會在每月最后一天打入你的銀行賬戶。Your basic hourly rate is per hour perhour week and will be subject toreview from time to time but not less than annually.基本時薪為英鎊/時;小時/周;可能會有微調(diào),

4、但年薪不變。When it is required for you to work overtime this will be compensated at the Employer's discretion either by time off in lieu or by payment at a rate no less than your basic hourly rate. 如需加班,則公司根據(jù)加班時間或不少于基本時薪的方式給付加班費。NORMAL HOURS OF WORK:正常工作時間:Mon day to Friday周一至周五09.00 hours to 17.00 h

5、ours9: 0017: 00(Employme nt Con tract -Cont' d.)(勞動合同一一續(xù)上頁)HOLIDAY ENTITLEMENT AND PAY:休假及薪酬The Employee is en titled towork ing hours holiday per year.員工每年享有個工作時的假期。The holiday year will comme nee on 1st January and end on 31st December of the same year. 休假年份計算從1月1日開始到同年12月31日結(jié)束。Holidays will b

6、e paid at basic rates of pay.休假期間按基本工資計算ALL HOLIDAYS MUST BE PRE-BOOKED IN AGREEMENT WITH MANAGEMENT.為便于管理,所有休假都必須提前申請。The Employer reserves the right to reimburseme nt by the employee for any payme nt in excess of holiday en titleme nt on term in atio n of service.協(xié)議終止時,對于員工額外享有的假期福利,公司保留索取賠償?shù)臋?quán)利。Al

7、l holidays must be taken in the holiday year - no holidays may be carried forward to the follow ing year without prior agreeme nt with the man ageme nt.所有假期都必須在當年休完,未經(jīng)管理方同意,來年不再補休。Compassi on ate leave will be give n sympathetic con siderati on by the Employer. The Employer however does not hold its

8、elf bound to make any payme nt for compassi on ate leave uni ess take n as part of curre nt holiday en titleme nt.公司出于同情考慮會準許事假,但一般不帶薪,除非現(xiàn)行假期福利另有規(guī)定。Maternity leave will be subject to the guidelines laid out by the Department Social Security ("DSS") or such other releva nt gover nment autho

9、rity or legislatio n from time to time.產(chǎn)假則遵循社會保障部或政府法規(guī)的相關(guān)規(guī)定。SICKNESS:病假Should you be un able to atte nd work due to sick ness you are required to con tact your immediate supervisor by 11.00 hours on the first day of in capacity.如果因病不能工作,則必須在生病的第一天11: 00之前通知你的直接上司。Where sick leave exceeds three days

10、in one continuous period the Employer will pay at half your basic rate the first three days. Thereafter pay will be at the curre nt rate of Statutory Sick Pay. Where periods of in capacity are lin ked, as laid dow n in DSS Statutory Sick Pay regulations, you will only receive Statutory Sick Pay at t

11、he current rate from the first day of in capacity.若病假連續(xù)超過三天,公司支付三天基本工資的一半。超過三天的部分則按現(xiàn)行照法 定病金支付。若病假持續(xù),符合社會保障部法定病金的相關(guān)規(guī)定,貝以病假的第一天 起,公司只支付法定病金。For short term periods of sickness the Employer will pay a maximum of 10 days in any one year at your basic rate for sick leave.對于短期病假,公司按基本工資一年最多可支付10天帶薪病假。Where

12、 long term sick leave is necessary, the Employer at its discretion will top up your Statutory Sick Pay entitlement up to a maximum of one third of your basic rate, for a maximum period of 5 weeks from the start of the period of in capacity. Thereafter you will receive Statutory Sick Pay subject to t

13、he rates and regulatio ns curre ntly laid dow n by the DSS.若需請長期病假,公司出于同情可將法定病金最多提升至基本工資的三分之一,支付 從病假開始最長5周的時間。此后將按照社會保障部規(guī)定的現(xiàn)行法定病金進行支付。(Employme nt Con tract -Cont' d.)(勞動合同一一續(xù)上頁)The Employer reserves the right (at its own cost) to reimburseme nt of all payme nts made duri ng sick leave should th

14、e employee receive compe nsati on from a third party for any injury susta ined or ill ness con tracted whilst represe nti ng the Employer away from the Employer's premises.若員工在病假期間因持續(xù)傷病或合同規(guī)定的疾病獲得了第三方的補助,那么公司有權(quán) 要求追回病假期間的一切補助。All leave due to sickness must be supported by a bona fide medical certi

15、ficate. This may be in the form of a Self Certificate (form SC1) for the first 5 working days and thereafter a Certificate from your Gen eral Practiti oner.所有的病假都應有醫(yī)學證明,前五天可以是自我證明(SC1格式),此后的由主治醫(yī)師開具。The Employer reserves the right (at its own expe nse) to have an in depe ndent medical opinion on any

16、injury or sickness of a long term nature with special regard to future fitness for employme nt.考慮到未來工作的需要,公司保留對長期傷病獨立的醫(yī)學鑒定權(quán)利(費用自理)。All Company sick leave will be calculated from 1st January to 31st December the same year. 公司所有假條從每年1月1日開始計算至同年12月31日止RIGHTS TO NOTICE:權(quán)利聲明:After 4 weeks continuous serv

17、ice the following periods of notice will apply: 連續(xù)工作四周可申請以下休假的權(quán)利:Service Completed工作完成情況By Employer公司'By Empl員工Un der 12 weeks1 week1 week12周之內(nèi)倜倜Over 12 weeks4 weeks4 weeks12周以上周4周You may be required to give your notice in writing.請上交手寫休假申請By actual agreeme nt these no tices can be waived by eit

18、her party. The Employer reserves the right to waive no tice periods and make payme nt in lieu.出于工作實際安排,以上休假安排可由任何一方做出改變。公司保留對休假時間進行 調(diào)整或替代補償?shù)臋?quán)利。GENERAL RULES AND PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES基本規(guī)則與程序方針The Employer expects employees to be pun ctual and regular in their atte ndance for work. It is understood th

19、at employees will always do their work to the best of their ability to maintain good worki ng relati on ships with every one else in the Employer and preserve the reputati on of the establishme nt.公司要求員工按時到崗工作。員工也應盡力做好自己的工作,與同事相處融洽,維護 公司榮譽。Employees must report for work suitably clothed and equipped

20、. 員工必須穿戴得當、配備整齊并加以報告。You may be required to complete a time sheet of your weekly activities which must be completed and han ded in by 17.30 hrs on Friday of that week and placed in the box provided. 員工應當制定一周待辦記事的時間表,并于本周周五17: 30之前放至指定盒子內(nèi)。(Employme nt Con tract -Cont' d.)(勞動合同一一續(xù)上頁)DISCIPLINARY P

21、ROCEDURES紀律處罰程序(Subject to the provisi ons re: "Serious Con duct" and "Gross Misc on duct")(規(guī)定分為“違紀”和“嚴重違紀”)The developme nt and prosperity of the Employer and of its employees is depe ndent to a large extent on its ability to achieve and preserve a high standard of co-operation

22、and discipline.The Employer believes that most employees un dersta nd and accept this and that there must be rules of con duct and behaviour if the Employer's activities are to be smooth and orderly.公司與員工共同的發(fā)展與強大很大程度上取決于能否保持高度合作并嚴守紀律。公司 相信每一位員工都理解并認同這個觀點,為保證公司各項活動順利進行,就必須制定 行為規(guī)范。First StageThe e

23、mployee will be given a formal oral warning, and advised of the reason for the warning and that this warning con stitutes the first stage of the procedure.程序第一步:員工會被給出一個正式的口頭警告及其原因。Second Stage 第二步Further misc on duct or failure to resp ond to the first warni ng will lead to a further warni ng. This

24、 will be in writ ing and set out the n ature of the offence as well as the likely con seque nces of further offen ces. The employee will be rem in ded that this is the sec ond stage of the procedure.如果第一次警告后仍不知悔改,則會給出一份書面警告并注明違紀行為的性質(zhì)和后 果。提醒員工這是程序的第二步。Third Stage第三步Failure to improve in response to t

25、he procedure so far will result in the issue of a final written warning. This will state the nature of the offence and likely consequence should the employee's con duct con ti nue to be un acceptable, which would n ormally be dismissal.如果此時仍不知悔改,員工將收到一份書面的最后警告。這份警告將說明違紀行為的 性質(zhì),若員工繼續(xù)我行我素則可能帶來的后果是不

26、被允許的,通常會被解雇。Final Stage 第四步Failure to meet the requirements set out in the final written warning will normally lead to dismissal with appropriate no tice of term in atio n, or payme nt in lieu of no tice.若員工未能按照最后書面警告的要求改進行為,則一般會被辭退并給予一定的解雇補 償或補償金。During all stages of the discipli nary procedure the

27、 employee will be give n the opport unity to state their case before a decisi on is reached.在紀律處罰的每一個步驟里,員工都有機會在決定給出前給出他們的解釋。It is an employee's right to be accompa nied or represe nted by a colleague from the Employer duri ng all stages of the discipli nary procedure.在紀律處罰的每一個步驟里,員工都有權(quán)由公司同事陪同或代

28、表。All warnings both verbal and writte n will be no ted on the employee's record for a period of 6 mon ths for minor misc on duct and 12 mon ths for serious misc on duct and may be reflected in any refere nee the Employer may be called upon to submit.所有的口頭和書面警告都會被記錄在員工的履歷里,輕微違紀保留記錄6個月,嚴重違紀12個月,并被

29、反映在公司要提交的參考文件里。(Employme nt Con tract -Cont' d.)(勞動合同一一續(xù)上頁)SERIOUS MISCONDUCT違紀行為Where con duct occurs which the Employer regards as a serious breach of the Gen eral Ruleand Procedures the Employer reserves the right to issue an immediate first and final written notice without issuing verbal or

30、written warnings as in the Disciplinary Procedures first and sec ond stage.若公司認為員工違犯了一般規(guī)則程序,則公司有權(quán)立即發(fā)布首次和最終書面警告通 知,而不必遵循紀律處罰程序中的第一、二步發(fā)布口頭和書面警告。An example of serious misc on duct would be: 部分違紀行為:Neglige nee: where an employee carelessly causes the Employer to fail to meet its sta ndards of performa n

31、ee or customer service.責任事故:由于員工的疏忽導致公司工作或客戶服務達不到標準。Abse nteeism: should an Employee be abse nt for a period exceed ing three con secutive days without prior arran geme nt or valid reas on the Employer will view this as serious misc on duct and immediately issue a first and final written warning.曠工:

32、員工未經(jīng)同意或無正當理由連續(xù)超過三天曠工將被認定為違紀,可立即給予首 次和最終警告處分。It is emphasised that these examples are not exhaustive. 需要強調(diào)的是,這些例子并非包括了所有的違紀行為。GROSS MISCONDUCT嚴重違紀行為Misc on duct un der this head ing is regarded by the Employer to be so serious that an employee who commits it may be summarily dismissed. In such cases

33、the Employer reserves the right to waive no tice of term in ati on and payme nt in lieu of no tice. The followi ng examples give an in dicati on of the Employer's view of gross misc on duct. It must be stressed that this list is not exhaustive. Some of these offen ces might well en tail prosecut

34、io n as well as dismissal, depe nding on the circumsta nces.此欄的違紀行為屬于公司認為十分嚴重,一旦違紀就要被立即開除的范疇。在此類事 件中,公司有權(quán)更改解雇補償或賠償金。以下的例子就說明了公司在處理嚴重違紀時 的做法。需要強調(diào)的是,這些例子并非包括了所有的嚴重違紀行為。其中有些在被開 除的同時可能還會被起訴,視情況而定。1. Taking away Company property, property held in trust by the Employer or the property of its employees wit

35、hout permissi on.1. 未經(jīng)允許帶走公司財產(chǎn)、公司信托財產(chǎn)或其他員工財產(chǎn)者。2. Wilful refusal to carry out a reas on able in structi on from a supervisor or member of the man ageme nt or other forms of wilful in subord in ati on.2. 蓄意拒絕服從上級領(lǐng)導合理指令或有其他蓄意拒絕形式者。3. Violenee, threats of violenee or abuse both physical or verbal to oth

36、er employees,man ageme nt or visitors. This will be deemed to in clude work ing on site or represe nting the Employer away from the Employer's premises.3. 在工作場所或代表公司的場合對其他員工、管理者或訪客行為或口頭上威脅、恐 嚇、辱罵者。4. To report for work whilst un der the in flue nce of alcohol, or other substa nces, or to become

37、unfit for work duri ng work ing hours due to the in flue nce of alcohol, drugs or othersubsta nces.被舉報醉酒或在其他藥物影響下工作;或在工作時間內(nèi)因受酒精、毒品等物質(zhì)的影響 不能勝任工作者。5. Improper use or dan gerous use of Compa ny property.5. 將公司財產(chǎn)置于危險之中或使用不當者。6. Improper dangerous or indecent behaviour.6. 行為不當、行為危險或行為下流者。(Employme nt Con

38、 tract -Cont' d.)(勞動合同一一續(xù)上頁)7. Breach of con fide nee: employees are not permitted to com muni cate in formatio n of any kind regarding the Employer's affairs, activities, work, techniques or procedures to any pers on not authorised to receive it, be they a member of the Employer or not.7. 泄

39、密:員工不允許向未經(jīng)授權(quán)的人(不管他是不是公司成員)談及任何有關(guān)公司的 事宜、活動、工作、技術(shù)或程序。8. Knowin gly and wilfully caus ing delay to jeopardise the meet ing of a delivery date.8. 蓄意破壞延誤交付日期會議者。9. Kno wi ngly and wilfully faili ng to meet the Employer's accepted sta ndard of excelle nee and high quality of producti on.9. 有意不符合公司所能接受

40、的優(yōu)質(zhì)產(chǎn)品標準者。In serious cases the Employer reserves the right to suspe nd the employee concerned with pay whilst an inv estigati on takes place.情節(jié)嚴重者,公司有權(quán)暫停支付接受調(diào)查員工的薪酬。CAPABILITY員工才能Should you be unable to comply fully with the requirement of your position the Employer reserves the right to termi nate y

41、our employme nt subject to the provisi ons of "Rights to Notice".若員工不能勝任職務要求,根據(jù)權(quán)利聲明,公司有權(quán)終止合約。The followi ng are examples of circumsta nces covered by Capability:以下例子就是“員工才能”所涵蓋的情形:1. Should an employee become unfit and be unable to comply fully with the requirements of their positi on the

42、Employer gives no guara ntee that alter native employme nt will be offered.In such circumsta nces, should alter native employme nt not be available employme nt will have to be termi nated.2. 若員工不能勝任職務要求,公司并不保證會提供其他工作。在這種情況下,沒有其 他崗位的員工將會被終止合約。2. Should an employee be con siste ntly un able to meet th

43、e sta ndards of quality and excelle nee required by the Employer. Subject to provisi ons re: "Discipli nary Procedures".2.若員工始終不能達到公司所要求的標準,參照紀律處罰程序。The above circumsta nces are examples this list is not exhaustive.以上只是部分例證,并非涵蓋全部情形。LEGAL REQUIREMENT 法律要件Should an employee be un able to co

44、mply fully with the requireme nts of his positi on due to a legal requireme nt the Employer does not guara ntee alter native employme nt and reserves the right to terminate employment subject to the provisions of "Rights to Notice".若員工不能勝任職務要求,根據(jù)法律,公司并不保證會提供其他工作并有權(quán)根據(jù)權(quán) 利聲明終止其合約。An example o

45、f this would be:例如:Should driv ing be required as a n ecessary requireme nt of their positi on and they become disqualified from driv ing.若駕駛是職務要求的條件之一,則不會駕駛的人就是不合格的。This is stated as an example - this example is not exhaustive.這里只是一個例子,并非涵蓋所有。(Emplyme nt Con tract -Cont' d.)(勞動合同一一續(xù)上頁)GRIEVANCE

46、 PROCEDURE申訴程序This procedure should be followed if an in dividual grieva nee relat ing to your employme nt requires settleme nt.如果員工對工作不滿需要解決,則需要遵循此程序。The first step is to raise the matter with your immediate supervisor either orally or in writi ng. If the matter has not bee n resolved with in seve

47、n work ing days you may request that the matter be dealt with by one of the Directors/Part ners, who will be in formed by your supervisor how the matter has been dealt with so far. The Directors/Partners decision in all matters will be fin al.第一步就是以書面或口頭形式向直接上司說明情況。如果這一情況在七個工作日內(nèi)沒 有解決,則員工可以要求由一位董事或合伙

48、人解決。你的上司會告訴他到目前為止的 處理情況。董事或合伙人的處理結(jié)果就是最終的結(jié)果。INVENTIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS發(fā)明與改良Any inven ti on, i mproveme nt in process or desig n, software, writ ing or training programme relat ing to or capable of being used or adapted for use by the Employer (whether pate nted or not) which the employee may make or discover or c


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