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1、中醫(yī)英語課后句子翻譯2(含中文 lesson11-lesson21)Lesson 111. 破壞人體相對(duì)平衡狀態(tài)而引起的疾病的原因就是病因。Etiology refers to the cause of diseases resulting from imbalance (between yin and yang) within the body.2. 六淫是風(fēng)、寒、署、濕、燥、火六種外感病邪的總稱。The six pathogenic factors are a collective term for exogenous pathogenic wind, cold, summer-heat

2、, dampness, dryness,and fire.3. 風(fēng)邪外襲多自皮毛肌肉而入,從而產(chǎn)生外風(fēng)病癥。 Exogenous pathogenic wind invades the body through the skin , hair and muscles , producing syndrome of exogenous wind.4. 由風(fēng)邪引起的外感疾病一般多發(fā)病急,傳病快。The exogenous diseases caused pathogenic wind are characterized by sudden onset and rapid transmission.

3、5. 寒邪傷于肌表,郁遏衛(wèi)陽,稱為“傷寒”Pathogenic cold attacks the skin and muscles and lead to the stagnation of defensive-yang, which is called “cold damage”6. 內(nèi)寒則是集體陽氣不足,失卻溫煦的病理反應(yīng)。Endogenous cold is a pathological manifestation of insufficient yang qi failing to warm the body.7. 暑邪傷人多出現(xiàn)一系列陽熱癥狀,如壯熱、心煩、面赤、脈洪大等。 The

4、attack of pathogenic summer-heat on the body usually leads to a series of yang symptoms, such as high fever, palpitation, flushed cheeks and full pulse.8. 暑邪為病常兼浹濕邪侵襲人體所致。Pathogenic summer-heat usually accompanies pathogenic dampness to invade the body.9. 外濕多由氣候潮濕,或涉水淋雨,居處潮濕等所在濕邪侵襲人體所致。 Endogenous d

5、ampness is primarily caused by such external pathogenic factors as humid climate, moist location and drenching or wading.10. 內(nèi)濕則是由于脾失健運(yùn),水濕停聚所形成的病理狀態(tài)。Endogenous dampness is a morbid state due to dysfunction of the spleen and retention of water and fluid.11. 外感燥邪最易耗傷人體的津液,造成陰津虧虛的病變。 Attack of exogenou

6、s dryness on the body tends to consume body fluid and leads to deficiency of yin-fluid.12. 燥邪傷人多從口鼻而入,故最易損傷肺津。Pathogenic dryness tends to attack the body through the mouth and nose, so it is liable to damage lung fluid.13. 火熱之邪最易迫津外泄,耗傷人體陰液。Pathogenic fire-heat tends to consume the body fluid and le

7、ads to deficiency of it.14. 癘氣是一類具有強(qiáng)烈傳染性的病邪,具有發(fā)病急驟、病情較重、傳染性強(qiáng)、易于流行等特點(diǎn)。Pestilence is a kind of highly contagious pathogenic factors, characterized by sudden onset, severe conditions, fulminating infection and widespread transmission.15. 七情內(nèi)傷直接影響相應(yīng)的內(nèi)臟,使臟腑氣機(jī)逆亂,氣血失調(diào),導(dǎo)致種種疾病的發(fā)生。The seven abnormal emotions

8、often directly impair their related internal organs, leading to disorder of viscera qi , disharmony between qi and blood , and consequently bringing on diseases.16. 飲食不節(jié)主要是損傷脾胃,導(dǎo)致脾胃功能失調(diào)。Improper diet mainly impairs the spleen and stomach, leading to dysfunction of them.17. 勞力過度則傷氣,久之則氣少力衰,神疲消弱。Overs

9、train will impair qi, and eventually lead to deficiency of qi, fatigue and weak constitution.18. 痰和飲都是水液代謝障礙所形成的病理產(chǎn)物。Phlegm and fluid are both pathological substances caused by retention of water and fluid.19. 瘀血的病癥特點(diǎn)因瘀阻的部位和形成瘀血的原因不同而異。The diseases caused by blood stasis vary according to the locati

10、on and cause of the stasis.20. 瘀血所致的疼痛多為刺痛,痛處固定不移,拒按,夜間痛甚。Pain caused by blood stasis is usually marked by stabbing, fixed and unpalpable pain that worsens in the night.Lesson 121. 許多疾病的過程也就是邪正斗爭及其盛衰變化的過程。The course of many disease is a process of combat between and health qi as the ebb and flow of

11、their strengths2. 邪氣正則實(shí),精氣奪則虛。Predominance of pathogenic factors leads to excess while depletion of essence results in deficiency.3正盛邪退,疾病趨向好轉(zhuǎn)和痊愈Healthy qi triumphs over pathogenic factors, leading to improvement of or recovery from an illness.4陽虛是指機(jī)體陽氣虛耗,功能減退或衰弱,熱量不足的病理狀態(tài)。Yang deficiency refers to

12、the morbid states of in sufficient or hypofunctional yang qi failing to warm the body.5陰虛是指機(jī)體精、血、津液等物質(zhì)虧耗等導(dǎo)致陽相對(duì)亢盛的病理狀態(tài)。Yin deficiency refers to the morbid states of depleted essence, blood and fluid leading to relative hyperactivity of yang.6陰陽亡失指機(jī)體的陰液和陽氣突然大量的亡失,導(dǎo)致生命垂危的一種病理狀態(tài)。Loss of yin or yang refe

13、rs to the critical state of sudden, profuse loss of yin-fluid or yang-qi.7、氣的失常包括氣的生化不足或耗損太過致的不足,氣的某些功能減退以及氣的運(yùn)動(dòng)失常等。The disorders of qi include insufficient production of qi, excessive depletion of qi , hypofunction of qi and abnormal movements of qi.8氣滯于某一局部可以出現(xiàn)漲滿、疼痛、甚至引起血瘀、水停,形成瘀血、痰飲等病理狀態(tài)。 The topi

14、cal stagnation of qi may lead to such symptoms as distension, pain, or even blood stasis and retention of water, fluid, or phlegm.9氣逆指氣機(jī)升降失調(diào),臟腑之氣逆上的病理狀態(tài)。Qi adverseness refers to the morbid state of abnormal ascending and descending of qi and adverse, upward flow of visceral qi.10、血虛指血液不足和血的儒養(yǎng)功能減退的病理

15、變化。Blood deficiency refers to the morbid state of slow insufficient blood failing to nourish the body.11、血瘀指血液的循環(huán)遲緩和不流暢的病理狀態(tài)。Blood stasis refers to the morbid state of slow and unsmooth flow of blood.12、血熱指血分有熱,血行加速的病理狀態(tài)。Blood heat refers to the morbid state of heat in the blood hastening the blood

16、flow.13、氣滯血瘀是由于氣的運(yùn)行不暢而導(dǎo)致的血運(yùn)障礙。Blood stasis due to qi stagnation means that the unsmooth flow of qi leads to disturbance of blood circulation.14、津傷乃傷陰脫液之漸,脫液乃津液干涸之甚。Impairment of thin-fluid often develops to depletion of thick-fluid, and depletion of thick-fluid is a result of insufficient thin-fluid

17、.15、津停氣滯指津液代謝障礙,水濕痰飲潴留而導(dǎo)致氣機(jī)阻滯的病理狀態(tài)。Qi stagnation due to fluid retention refers to the morbid state of disturbance of fluid metabolism and retention of water, dampness, phlegm and fluid lead to stagnation of qi.16、風(fēng)氣內(nèi)動(dòng)是體內(nèi)陽氣亢逆變動(dòng)而形成的一種病理狀態(tài)。Stirring of endogenous wind refers to a morbid state due to hyp

18、eractivity of yang qi within the body.17、內(nèi)生之濕多因脾虛,故又稱脾虛生濕。Endogenous dampness is mostly caused by deficiency of the spleen, so it is also called “dampness due to spleen deficiency”.18、內(nèi)燥病變可發(fā)生于各臟腑組織,以肺、胃及大腸多見。Endogenous dryness can be manifested in any organs or tissues, especially the lung, stomach

19、and large intestine.19、肺臟陰虛津虧久延不復(fù)??蓳p及腎,而導(dǎo)致肺腎陰虛。The prolonged deficiency of yin-fluid of the lung often involves the kidney and results in simultaneous deficiency of the lung-yin and kidney-yin.20、膀胱不利為癃,不約為遺尿。The obstruction of the urinary bladder is called “uroschesis” and the incontinence of urine

20、 is called “enuresis”.Lesson 131. 望診指醫(yī)生運(yùn)用視覺觀察患者全身和局部的神色形態(tài)的變化。Inspection is a diagnostic method of observing general of local changes of spirit, complexion and physical conditions.2. 問診指憑聽覺和嗅覺以辨認(rèn)患者的聲音和氣味的變化。 The listening-smelling method refers to an approach to diagnosis by listening to the voices o

21、f the patients and smelling the odors emitted from the patients.3. 問診指仔細(xì)詢問或陪診者以了解疾病發(fā)生、發(fā)展的過程、現(xiàn)在癥狀及其與疾病有關(guān)的情況。Inquiry is a diagnostic method used to understand the occurrence, development, present subjective symptoms and other things concerning the diseases by asking the patients their companions.4. 切診

22、指切按患者脈搏和安撫患者的脘腹、手足及其他部位。 Pulse-taking and palpitation refer to the diagnostic method of feeling the pulse and palpating the stomach and abdomen, foot and hand as well as other regions of the patients.5. 局部病變可以影響及全身、內(nèi)臟的病變,可以從各個(gè)方面反映出來。Local pathological changes may involve the whole body and the visce

23、ra, which can be manifested in various aspects.6. 四診的方法是在長期的醫(yī)療實(shí)踐中逐步形成和發(fā)展起來的。The four diagnostic methods were developed gradually in the long-term medical practice.7. 得神是精充氣足神旺的表現(xiàn)?!癢ith spirit” is a manifestation of sufficient essence, abundant qi , and full vitality.8. 失神是精損氣耗神衰的表現(xiàn)?!癢ithout spirit”

24、is a manifestation of impaired essence, deficient qi , and dispiritedness.9. 假神是垂?;颊叱霈F(xiàn)精神暫時(shí)好轉(zhuǎn)的假象?!癋alse spirit “ is a false manifestation of temporary vitality during the critical stage of a disease ,10. 常色指人體在正常狀態(tài)下的面色色澤。Normal complexion refers to the facial colors under physiological conditions.11.

25、 青色主寒癥、痛癥、瘀血和驚風(fēng)。Bluish color indicates cold syndrome, pain syndrome, blood stasis and infantile convulsion.12. 望形態(tài)可以預(yù)知臟腑氣血的盛衰、陰陽邪正的消長、以及病勢(shì)的順逆和邪氣之所在。Inspection of physical conditions can provide information about the state of visceral qi and blood, strength contract between yin and yang or pathogenic

26、 factors and healthy qi , as well as prognosis and location of the disease .13. 嘔吐時(shí)胃氣上逆所致。Vomiting is caused by adverse rising of stomach qi.14. 胖大舌多因水濕痰飲阻滯所致。Bulgy tongue is usually caused by retention of water, dampness, phlegm and fluid.15. 光面舌主要是由于胃陰枯竭、胃氣大傷所致。Mirror-like tongue is primarily caus

27、ed by depletion of stomach yin and impairment of stomach qi.16. 黃苔一般主里征、熱證,由熱邪熏灼所致。Yellow tongue coating is caused by fumigation of pathogenic heat and usually indicates interior syndromes and heat syndrome.17. 膩苔多是濕濁內(nèi)蘊(yùn),陽氣所遏所致。Greasy tongue coating usually caused by interior accumulating of damp-tur

28、bidity and stagnation of yang qi mainly indicates retention of phlegm-fluid damp-turbidity food, damp-heat and obstinate phlegm, etc.18. 切診包括脈診和按診兩部分。Pressing diagnosis includes pulse-taking and palpitation.19. 疾病反映于脈象的變化叫做病脈。The variation of pulse that reflects the state of a disease is known as mo

29、rbid pulse.20. 在臨床應(yīng)用中,只有四診合參才能得到正確的診斷。Clinically, only combined use of the four diagnostic methods can enable one to perform the correct diagnosis.Lesson 141. 脈診是中醫(yī)的一種非常神奇而典型的診法。Pulse-taking is a miraculous and typical Chinese diagnostic method.2. 脈診非常復(fù)雜,形成一個(gè)獨(dú)特的診法體系。Pulse-taking is so complicated th

30、at it has developed into a unique diagnostic system,.3. 脈分為三個(gè)部分,即寸、關(guān)、尺。The pulse id divided into three parts known as cun, guan and chi,4. 診脈的最佳時(shí)間是清晨太陽升起的時(shí)候。The optimal time of pulse taking is in the morning when the sun rises.5. 診脈時(shí)患者應(yīng)該放松,呼吸平穩(wěn),情緒穩(wěn)定。During pulse taking the patients should relax hims

31、elf, breathe naturally, and keep in calm.6. 診脈時(shí),大幅應(yīng)該冷靜,注意力集中,呼吸平穩(wěn)。When taking pulse, the doctor should keep in calm, breathe naturally, and focus on the whole process.7. 一種或幾種脈象就可揭示一種典型的疾病。One or several pulse manifestations would reveal a typical disease.8. 浮脈屬陽,往往表示外感六淫所指之疾。The floating pulse pert

32、ains to yang and commonly indicates diseases caused by invasion of the six exogenous pathogenic factors.9. 脈象浮儒,表明有中暑。A floating soggy pulse indicates sunstroke.10.脈象浮芤,表明有出血。A floatinghollow pulse indicates bleeding.11. 沉脈屬陰,表明有七情內(nèi)傷。The sunken pulse pertains to yin and indicates internal damage due

33、 to the seven abnormal emotions.12. 脈象沉滑,表明有消化不良。A sunken-slippery pulse indicates indigestion.13. 中醫(yī)主要依靠脈診診斷疾病,并且認(rèn)為分析脈象能夠預(yù)測疾病。 Traditional Chinese medicine relies on pulse taking to diagnose diseases, and it holds that the analysis of pulse manifestations can predict the occurrence of disease.14. 支

34、氣管疾病的脈象浮小,說明容易治愈。If the pulse manifestation in bronchus diseases is floating and small it will be easily cured.15. 有出血時(shí),脈象芤、小、緩,預(yù)后良好。If hollow, small and slow pulse manifestation during bleeding, the prognosis will be favorable.16.患者若有雀啄或屋漏脈象,說明病情危重。Sparrow-pecking pulse and roof-leaking pulse indic

35、ate unfavorable prognosis.17. 魚翔脈和蝦游脈象征患者生命垂危。Fish-swimming pulse and shrimp-darting pulse indicate that the patient is in critical condition.18.脈象的季節(jié)性特點(diǎn)為春弦、夏洪、秋毛、冬石。 The seasonal characteristics of pulse manifestation are wiry in spring, surging in summer, floating in autumn, and sunken in winter.

36、19. 胖人的脈象特點(diǎn)是沉急。The pulse characteristics of over-weighted people are sunken and hastening.20. 嬰兒脈象數(shù),一息七至。The pulse manifestation of infant is characterized by rapidity and there are seven beats in one respiration.Leeson151. 疾病的表現(xiàn)盡管極其復(fù)雜,但基本上都可用八剛加以歸納。The manifestations of diseases, though complicated

37、, can be generalized into patterns in the light of the eight principles.2. 運(yùn)用八綱辨證就能將錯(cuò)綜復(fù)雜的臨床表現(xiàn)歸納為表里、寒熱、虛實(shí)、陰陽四對(duì)綱領(lǐng)性癥候。In the light of the eight principles , the complicated clinical manifestation can be generalized into four pairs of patterns: exterior and interior , cold and heat , deficiency and exce

38、ss , yin and yang .3. 表里是辨別疾病病位內(nèi)外和病勢(shì)的兩個(gè)綱領(lǐng)。The exterior and interior are two principles used to differentiate the location and severity of diseases.4. 表征病淺而輕,里證病深而重。 Exterior syndrome indicates that the disease is shallow in location and mild in severity , while interior syndrome shows that the disea

39、se is deep in location and serious in severity.5. 表邪入里為病進(jìn),里邪出表為病退。Interior penetration of exogenous pathogenic factors indicates progress of the disease while exterior regression of endogenous pathogenic factors suggests withdrawal of the disease.6. 表征和里證同時(shí)出現(xiàn)成為表里同病。 The simultaneous manifestation of

40、 exterior syndrome and interior syndrome is known as “ disease involving both exterior and interior “7. 寒征是感受寒邪或陰盛陽虛所表現(xiàn)的癥候。 cold syndrome is usually caused by cold attack or predominance of yin and decline of yang.8. 熱證是感受熱邪或陽盛陰虛,人體的功能活動(dòng)亢進(jìn)所表現(xiàn)的癥候。 Heat syndrome, characterized by hyperactivity of phys

41、ical functions, is usually caused by invasion of pathogenic heat or predominance of yang and decline.9. 熱證轉(zhuǎn)化為寒邪所屬邪盛陰虛,正不勝邪所致。The transformation of heat syndrome into cold “syndrome is a reflection of pathogenic factors triumphing over healthy qi “10. 表寒證是寒邪侵襲肌表所表現(xiàn)的征候。 Exterior cold syndrome is cause

42、d by invasion of pathogenic cold into the superfices.11. 里寒征是寒邪直中臟腑,或陽氣虛衰所表現(xiàn)的征候。Interior cold syndrome is caused by direct attack of pathogenic cold on the viscera or by decline of yang qi .12. 里熱證多為外邪傳里化熱或熱邪直中臟腑致里熱熾盛所表現(xiàn)的證候。 Interior heat syndrome is caused by invasion of exogenous pathogenic factor

43、s that transform into heat in the interior, or by direct attack of pathogenic heat on the viscera that makes the interior heat become exuberant. 13. 虛證是對(duì)人體正氣虛弱等各種臨床表現(xiàn)的病理概括。Deficiency syndrome is a generalization of various pathological manifestations due to deficiency of healthy qi. 14. 實(shí)證是對(duì)人體感受外邪或體

44、內(nèi)病理產(chǎn)物蓄積而產(chǎn)生的各種臨床表現(xiàn)的病理概括。Excess syndrome is a generalization of various pathological manifestations caused by exogenous pathogenic factors or accumulation of pathological substances in the body. 15. 陽氣有余為身熱無汗陰氣有余為多汗身寒。Excess of yang qi leads to fever with sweating while excess of yin qi results in col

45、d sensation without sweating. 16. 真陰不足與真陽不足就是腎陰不足和腎陽不足。Deficiency of genuine yin or yang refers to insufficiency of kidney yin or yang. 17. 亡陰與亡陽一般是在高熱大汗或發(fā)汗太過或吐瀉過度或失血過多的情況下會(huì)出現(xiàn)。 Loss of yin or yang is usually caused by high fever with profuse sweating, over-diaphoresis, excessive vomiting and diarrhe

46、a, or massive bleeding.18. 脈浮主表證脈沉主里正。Floating pulse indicates exterior syndrome while sunken pulse shows interior syndrome.19. 熱結(jié)腸胃則腹脹滿痛拒按大便秘結(jié)。Retention of heat in the intestine and stomach is marked by constipation or unpalpable abdominal distension, fullness and pain. 20. 表證舌苔少變化里證舌苔多變化。Manifesta

47、tions of tongue coating rarely change in exterior syndrome while constantly change in interior syndrome.Leeson161. 植物藥根據(jù)入藥部分的不同,采集季節(jié)和方法也不同。The seasons and methods of collecting herbs vary with the parts used for medicinal purpose of the herbal plants. 2. 炮制是將采集來的原藥用水、火、酒和醋等加以處理。Processing of herbs r

48、efers to the preparation of crude herbs with water, fire, alcohol/wine and vinegar. 3. 炮制的目的是清除雜質(zhì),使藥物清潔,便于服用和保存。The aim of processing is to get rid of /eliminate/ remove impurity and make the herbs clean for the convenience of oral taking / administration and storage. 4. 炮制也可減輕藥物的毒性、烈性和副作用,增強(qiáng)療效。The

49、processing of herbs can reduce the toxicity,intensity and side-effects of herbs and reinforce the curative effect. 5. 寒性藥物具有清熱、瀉火、解毒的作用。Cold-natured herbs have the function of clearing away heat, purging fire, and removing toxins/detoxification. 6. 涼性藥物的作用與寒性藥物相同,但較為和緩。Cool-natured herbs have the sa

50、me function with cold-natured herbs except that the former is milder. 7. 熱性藥物具有祛寒、溫里、助陽的作用。Hot-natured herbs have the function of expelling coldness, warming the interior and invigorating yang.8. 介于溫涼之間的藥物為平性藥。Mild-natured/ Neutral herbs fall in between cool-natured herbs and warm-natured herbs. 9.

51、辛味藥多有發(fā)散和行氣血的作用。Herbs pungent in flavor have the function of dispersing and promoting qi flow and blood circulation. 10. 甘味藥有補(bǔ)養(yǎng)及和緩的作用。Herbs sweet in flavor have the function of tonifying, harmonizing and moderating. 11. 酸味藥有收斂固澀的作用。Herbs sour in flavor have the function of astringing and controlling.

52、 12. 苦味藥有燥濕和瀉下的作用。Herbs bitter in flavor have the function of drying dampness and promoting defecation. 13. 咸味藥有軟堅(jiān)潤下的作用。Herbs salty in flavor have the function of softening hardness for lubricant defecation. 14. 藥物的作用趨向有升降浮沉之別。The functional tendencies of herbs are marked by ascending, descending, s

53、inking and floating.15. 所謂歸經(jīng),是指某種藥物對(duì)于人體某些臟腑經(jīng)絡(luò)的病起著主要作用的一種歸納方法。Meridian tropism means that certain herbs play a central role in treating certain disorders of the viscera and meridians. 16. 除少數(shù)藥單獨(dú)使用外,多數(shù)都是配合起來使用的。Most herbs have to be used in combination except a few special ones used singularly/in a si

54、ngle way. 17. 配合適當(dāng)可以加強(qiáng)藥效,或監(jiān)制毒性。Proper combination of herbs can reinforce the curative effects or reduce toxicity. 18. 毒性劇烈的藥物用量過多就會(huì)發(fā)生副作用或中毒。Overuse of herbs with acute/strong toxicity will cause side-effects or intoxication. 19. 妊娠期間使用中藥,應(yīng)注意藥物的禁忌。Special attentions should be paid to the contraindica

55、tion of herbs for medication in gestational period. 20. 單味藥用量宜重,復(fù)方配伍,用量宜輕。The dosage of a singularly-applied herb should be large while the dosage of herbs in a compound prescription should be small. Leeson171. 方劑學(xué)是研究藥物的配伍關(guān)系、組成規(guī)律、臨床應(yīng)用和復(fù)方藥理的一門科學(xué)。The science of prescription aims to study the compatibi

56、lity, formulating rule, and clinical application of different herbs in a prescription as well as the pharmacology of compound prescription.2. 藥物的加減變化就是通過藥物的增減,改變其配伍關(guān)系,使之成為另一方劑。Modification of herbs refers to the changes of prescription effect by adding or deducting/subtracting one or several herbs,

57、or by changing the compatibility of different herbs in a prescription.3. 方劑組成發(fā)生變化后,其功用和主治也發(fā)生變化。The function and indication of a prescription vary with the modification of herbs in the prescription. 4. 麻黃與石膏配伍,重在清散郁熱。The compatibility/combination of Mahuang and Shigao aims to clear away and disperse

58、stagnated heat.5. 在主證不變的情況下,可隨著癥狀的變化加入或減少某些藥物以適應(yīng)當(dāng)前的病情。Under the circumstances of unchanged main syndrome, one or several herbs could be added or deducted according to the changes of symptoms. 6. 方劑的組成有一定的原則,而方劑的運(yùn)用卻極為靈活。Though there are certain rules for the formulation of prescriptions, the application of the prescriptions is very flexible. 7. 湯劑的優(yōu)點(diǎn)是煎出的有效成分在服用后易于吸收。The advantage of decoction is that the effective elements can be easily absorbed after being taken. 8. 凡發(fā)汗解表的藥物不宜久煎,因?yàn)檫@些藥物的主要成分為揮發(fā)油。He


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