1、機械加工表面質量-( 外文翻譯 )附錄 1 外文翻譯 ( 英文原文 )The Surface Quantity While Machine ProcessesAbstract:The breakage of the machine spare parts, generally alwaysfromthesurfacelayerbeginningof.Thefunctionoftheproduct,particularly its credibility and durable, be decided by the quantity ofthe spare partssurfacelayerto
2、 a largeextent.Purposethatstudiesthemachine to process the surfacequantitybe forcontrolthe machine processmedium variouscraftfactorto process the surfacequantityinfluenceofregulation,in order to makeuse of these regulationsto controlto processthe process, end attain to improve the surface quantity,
3、the exaltationproduct use the function of purposeKey word:The machine process thetired strength surface quantity remaining dintText:A.the machine processes the surfacequantityto use the influenceofthe function to the machineAThe surface quantity to bear to whet the sexual influence1. Rough degree of
4、 surface to bear to whet the sexual influenceAjustprocess vice-of two contactsurfacesof good friction,thefirststage is rough only in the surfaceof of the peak department contact,the actual contact area is far small get in touch with the area in thetheories, at mutually get in touch with of departmen
5、t of peak have verybig unitshoulddint,makeactualcontactarea creationthe mold transform,the flexibility transforms to shear to slice the breakage with of thedepartmentof peak , cause seriouslywear awayThe spare partswear awayand can is divided into three stages generally, wearing away the stage,weari
6、ng away the stagenormally in theearly years andviolent wear awaythe stageTherough degree ofsurfaceis verybig tothe influence thatthe spare parts surface wear away.Say a value of surface generally moresmall, it wears away sexmore good.But roughdegree of surface the valueis too small, lubricant not ea
7、sy storage, contact of the noodles easyoccurrence the member glues to connect, wearing away to increase on thecontrary.Therefore, the rough degree that contact face have a the bestvalue, it is worth to have something to do with the work circumstance ofthe spare parts, working to carry the lotus enla
8、rgement, wore away thequantity aggrandizement in the early years, rough degree of surface thebest value also enlargement2. The surface is cold to make to harden tobear to whet the sexual influenceProcess the surface cold to make to harden to make rub the vice-surface layer the metals of show minute
9、details the degree of hardnessexaltation, past can make bear to whet the sex exaltation generally.Butis alsonot coldto make to hardenthe degreemore high, bear towhet sexmore high,thisis because excessivelycoldmake toharden and willcausethe excesssive loose of the metals organization loose, even appe
10、ar thecrack and surface layer metals peeling off, make bear to whet sex todescendBThe surfaceinfluence of the quantity upon the tired strengthThetiredbreakage that metals produce afterbe subjectedtohandover to changeto carrythe lotus functionusually takes place under thecold and hard layer of the sp
11、are parts surface and surfaces, thereforethesurfacequantityofthe sparepartsaffectstothe tiredstrengthverygreatly1. The surfaceinfluence of the rough degree upon the tiredstrengthAt hand over to change to carry the lotus function under, thesurface partof thecave valleyof therough degree causes easily
12、shouldthedintconcentration,produce the tiredcrack.Avalueof surfaceismorebig,thecrackleofthesurfaceismore deep, thecrackle bottomradiusis more small, the anti-tired breakagebottom ability is more bad2.Remaining dint,coldmaketo harden to theinfluenceofthetiredstrengthRemaining dint is very big to the
13、spare parts influence of thetiredstrength.Thesurface layerremainingpullshouldthe dintwillmaketiredcrackextend,acceleratingthe tiredbreakage;Butthe surfacelayerremaining should the dint can keep tired crack from expand, defer tiredbreakageof creationSurfacethecoldandhardgeneralcompanioncontain remain
14、ing of should the creationof the dint, can keep the crackcreationfrom combine the arrestmentalreadyhas the crack to expand,toraise the tired strength beneficialC the surface quantity to bear theeclipse influenceThespare partsbears the eclipseto be decided by the rough degreeof surfaceto a largeexten
15、t.Avalue of surfaceis more big,accumulatingthe causticity material in the then cave valley more many.The anti-eclipseis more badRemainingof the surfacelayerpullshould the dintwillproduce should the dintdecay to open the rift, lower the spare partsto bear to whetsex, butResidual stress pressshould th
16、e dintthen canprevent from should dint decay open the riftDThe surface quantity to match with the influence of the quantityA size for be worth of surface will affect the match quantity ofthe match surface.Matchwith forthe cleft,a value conferencemake wearaway the enlargement, the cleft enlarge, the
17、match property that breakthe request.Forlead the over match, assemble process in a the convex peakof part of surfaces is push even, actual lead the amount of over let up,lowering the match the conjunction strength of the aB. the influencesurface factor of the rough degreeASlice to pare to process to
18、 affectthe surface factorof the roughdegree1. The knife has several shapes to reply to reflectTheknifehave oppositemake in to give exercisein the work piece,at processed the surface to leave to slice to pare the layer to remainthe area, its shape hour the knife has several the shape replies toreflec
19、t.Let up in to be partial to Cape for quantity, lord, vice- bepartial to the Cape and enlarge the point of a knife arc radius, all canlet up theheightofremainthe areaInaddition, the mold thattheex-Cape thatappropriateaggrandizementknife have slicesby letup toparetransformsthe degree, thereasonablech
20、oicelubricatethe liquidand theexaltation knifes to have the mold that the blade whets the quantity toslice by let up to pare to transform and repress the knife lump, scaleto stab born, also is let up a value of valid measure2. The property ofa material of workWhile processing the material of mold ,
21、have from the knife toproduced the mold to transform to the squeeze of metals, the knife thatadd has toforceto slicethe teartopiecesof scrapsand the work pieceseparate function, making a value of surface enlargement.A material ofwork tenacity is more good, the mold of the metals transform more big,p
22、rocess thesurfacemoreroughWhileprocessingthebrittlenessmaterial,itslicesthescraps topresentthebroken pieces form,becauseof slicing the scraps to collapse ground but at process the surface toleave many pointstoorder,make surfacerough3. Sliceto pare thedosageBWhet to pare to process to affect the surf
23、acefactor of the roughdegreeJust be like to slice to pare to process the surfaceformationprocess of the rough degree,formationthat whetsto pare to process therough degree of surface also hour from several why plain transform withthe mold of the surface metalsto decide ofTheinfluencewhets toparethe r
24、ough main factor of surface to have: The degree of hardness, emerywheel of a degree, emery wheel of theemery wheel fix whole,whet toparethe speed and whet to pare the path toenterto whet number of times,thework a circumference for quantity and light to enter to the speed andstalks to enter to the qu
25、antity and cool off the lubrication liquid.C. affect the factor of process the surface layer physics machinefunctionIn slice pare process, the work piece because of being subjectedto slice to pare the dint and slice the function of pare the heat, makethe physics machine the function creation of the
26、surface layer metalschange,thevariety ofthemost is varietyand Residualstresss thatthevariety, gold that the surfacelayer metals shows minute details thedegreeofhardnessorganizesmutuallyshould thecreationofthedint.Becausewhettingto pare toprocessthe mold produce transformsandslices to pare the hot ra
27、tio knife blade to slice to pare serious, asa result whet to pare to process to process behind the surface layervariety of above-mentioned three physicses machine function and wouldbe very bigAThe surface layer is cold to make the hardening1. Cold make to harden and it assesses the parameterThe mach
28、ine processes the process in because of slicing to paretheoutput mold of the dintfunctiontotransform,make theCrystalgrainspace distort,mutation,a creationshears tosliceto slipto move, grainof Crystal grain drive make longer to turn with fiber, even broken up,these would make the surface layer metals
29、 of degree of hardnesses andstrengthraise,thiskind ofphenomenonbe calledcoldmakethe hardening.or be calledtoenhanceThe resultthat the surfacelayermetalsenhance,willenlargetheresistancethatmetalstransform,letup the mold ofthemetals, the physical property of the metals also will take place thevarietyD
30、rivecoldmake theunsteadyappearance thatthemetalsofthehardening isplaced in the high ability,onlyhave a probably,the unsteadyappearance of the metalswillconverttowardmore stableappearance,thiskindofphenomenoniscalledtoweaken.The sizethatweakens the functionis decided by thetemperature highand low, th
31、e temperaturekeeps on thelength of time andenhances thesizeof the degree.Because the metals isin the function that the machine processes to be subjected to the dintand heat at the same time intheprocess,therefore,processingafterthesurface layerend property of the metals is decided by to enhance andw
32、eaken thecomprehensivefunctionofresultAssesscoldmake thehardening ofindex signhave three,namely the show minutedetailsofthesurface layer metals degree of hardnessHV, harden the layer depthh andharden the degree N2. Affect cold main factor that make to hardenSlice to pare a radius of the blade bluntn
33、ess to enlarge, to thesqueeze of the surface layer metalsfunction to build up, the moldtransforms to turnworse, causingthe cold and hard to buildup.Afterknifehave the knife faces to wear away the aggrandizement, empress the knifeface with is process surface of friction turn worse, the mold transform
34、theaggrandizement,causing thecoldand hard to buildupSlicetoparethespeed aggrandizement, the knifehas to shorten with functiontime ofthework piece, making mold transformexpand the depthtolet up,thecoldand hard layerdepth letup.Afterslicingto pare the speed aggrandizement,slice to pare the heat on a s
35、urface of work layer of function time alsoshorten the joy, will make the cold and hard degree increment.Enter toenlarge forquantity,sliceto pare the dintto also enlarge,surfacelayerthe mold of the metals transformsto turn worse, the cold and hard functionstrengthenThemold of a materialof work is mor
36、e big,the cold and hardphenomenonis more seriousBThe surfacelayer materialgold organizesthevariety mutuallyAfterslicingto pare the heat to maketo be process the temperatureof the surface exceeds to change the temperature mutually, the gold ofthe surface layer metals organizes mutually and will take
37、place thevariety1. Whet to pare the burnWhenwere attainedto change the temperaturemutuallyby a surfaceof grinder layer temperature above, the variety that the surface layermetals occurrencegold mutuallyorganize,make thesurfacelayermetalsstrengthanddegreeofhardnesseslower,andthecompanioncontainResidu
38、al stressshould the dint produce, even appearing the tiny viewcrack, this kind of phenomenon is called to whet to pare the burn.Whilewhettingtopare the quench steel,possible creationfollowingthreekindsof burns:2.Return to fire burnIf whet the temperature of pare the area and did not exceed thequench
39、 steeltochange the temperaturemutually,buthave already exceededMA3ZHI TI3s change temperature,a surfacelayerofwork metalsreturnsto the fire MA3 ZHI TI3s organization and will change the degree ofhardness returntothe fireorganizationSorbiteand Childsbody lowerly,this kind of burn is called to return
40、to fire burn3.The quench burnIf whetted to pare the area temperature to exceed to change thetemperature mutually, and cool off the nasty and cold function of theliquid,thesurfacelayermetalstakeplacefireofquench two times,makethe surfacelayer metals appear two times quench Martensiteorganization,its
41、degree of hardness compare originally return to fire Martensiteofhigh, at its bottom layer, but the gooseflesh compare slowly, appearedthe degree of hardnessto compare toreturn to fireat first, Martensitereturn to the fireorganizationSorbiteand Childsbody lowly,thiskindof burn is called the quench b
42、urn4.Back the fire burnIf whetted to pare the area temperature to exceed to change thetemperature mutually, but whetto pare thedistrict and didnot cool offthe liquid into, the surface layer metals will produce to back the fireorganization,the surface degree of hardness descend nastyplay,thiskindof b
43、urn is called to back the fire burn2. The improvement whets the pathof pare the burnWhettopare hotis a sourcethatresults inwhet topare theburn,the past improvement whets to pare the burn from two paths:Whilereducingto whet toparethehotrealestateto livingpossibly;Twoisanimprovementtocool offthecondit
44、ion,make producetheamountofsubterraneanheat as faras possiblelittlestream into thework pieceCThesurface layer remaining should dint1. Produce remaining of should the reason of the dinta. Slice to pare have the mold to transform the occurrence inprocess the surfacemetals layer,make the metal ratioof
45、surfacepermitthe enlargement.Because the mold transform only creation in the surfacelayer metals, but the ratio of the surface layer metals permits theaggrandizement, the physical volume inflation, the mile layer that wantto be subjected to connect with each other with it inevitably metals ofarrestm
46、ent, so produced in the surface metals layer Remaining dint, butproduce theremaining to pullininthe layermetals shoulddintb.Sliceto pare to process medium, slice and pare the area and there will be toslice to pare the hot creation in great quantities.c.Thedifferentgoldorganizesthedensityofhavethedis
47、similaritymutually,also havingthe differentratiotopermit.Ifthesurface layer metals produced the variety that gold mutually organize,the variety that the surface layer metals compares to permit want to besubjected to by all means with its the bar of the base body metals forconnect with each other, as
48、 a result there is Remaining dint creation2.The end work preface of main work surface of spare parts processes thechoice of methodTheend work prefaceof main work surfaceof sparepartsprocessesthemethod to choose tothepass importance,because theend work prefaceisshould work remainingofsurfaceleave sho
49、uldthedintwillaffecttheusage function of the machine parts directlyChoose the main end workpreface of surface of work of spare parts processes the method, mustconsider the concrete work condition and possible breakage forms of thesurface of main work of that spare partsesAt hand over to change tocar
50、ry the lotusfunctionunder,superficiallypartialtinyviewcrackofmachine parts, meeting because of pull should the function of the dintmake living at first the crack extension, causing spare parts splitfinally.The spare parts resists from the exaltation tired breakage ofangle consider, the end work preface of that surface shoulds choose andcan produce the remainin
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