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1、rapid development of the market economy environment to explore public servants duty consumption monetization reform has provided a good foundation. the socialization of rear service work has been launched, and rapid progress in some places and departments, duty consumption monetization of carrier an

2、d approach to management has been resolved. third, in recent years, exploring the monetization of duty consumption has made some progress, have gained some experience and can provide reference to the comprehensive reform of the system of public servants duty consumption further. implementing an hone

3、st canteen, standardize official entertaining management; enhancing the telecommunication expense management; elimination of county travel and countryside subsidies; research village officials capitalization management of corporate spending, and so on. finally, group .18 session to be held in beijin

4、g from november 9, 2013 to 12th. 35 years ago blew the third plenary session of the reform and opening up in the spring breeze, changed, affect the world; today, 35 years later, in the eyes of the nation and the world expect, again to reform mark china, ushered in the 18 session. xi general secretar

5、y pointed out that chinas reform has entered a crucial period and the sham shui po district, must be based on greater political courage and wisdom, lose no time in deepening reform in important fields. dares to crack a hard nut, dares to question the rapids, which dares to break the barrier of ideas

6、, and dare to benefit cure barriers. deepening reform and opening up is on schedule to achieve institutional safeguards of the moderately well-off. under the five in one the general layout of socialist modernization requirements, 18 session of the decision was a five in one and the improvement of ov

7、erall scheme of reform, will promote an integrated and coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization construction of the five reforms and the partys construction in the area of institutional reform. the five in one programme is to achieve a comprehensive reform of ins

8、titutional guarantees for objectives of build a well-off society, the smooth progress of the construction of a well-off society and reform the objectives of the programme. one, holding time and place importance on november 9, 2013 to the 18 session of the 12th beijing since 1978, 35, have been 7 ple

9、nary session, each time on major issues of political and economic life of the country has made important deployment. in accordance with prc political practice, often at every session of the cpc central committee in a plenary session was held immediately after the partys congress, on the theme person

10、nel, discussing election centrals top leaders, such as the election of the standing committee of the political bureau, through the central committee members, decisions, such as members of the central military commission. the second plenary session, is held in two sessions before the general election

11、, mainly to discuss a new state personnel issues. but by the third 淤泥質地層小凈距隧道下穿建筑物施工關鍵技術摘要:本文主要通過工程實例闡述淤泥質地層小凈距隧道下穿既有建筑物施工關鍵技術和控制要點。關鍵詞:淤泥質地層;小凈距隧道;下穿既有建筑物;關鍵技術abstract: this paper mainly through engineering examples of silt quality of a material of small interval tunnel in adjacent buildings under

12、construction key technology and control points.keywords: silt quality of a material layer; small interval tunnel; in both under buildings; key technology中圖分類號:tu74文獻標識碼:a 文章編號:0引言某地鐵區(qū)間隧道下穿既有地下通道段屬于多條小間距隧道并行穿越既有建筑物的工程類型。施工中以設計方案為依托,通過對施工工藝、支護參數進行調整改進,有效的控制了隧道結構及周邊建筑物沉降變形,工程如期順利完成,取得了良好的社會和環(huán)境效益。文獻1采用數




16、排水,該段初支完成后利用小導管徑向注漿對上方過街通道結構補漿回填,防止通道結構后期下沉,影響隧道和通道結構安全。3.1.3第三循環(huán)(過街通道以東段)受過街通道底板高度的限制,無法施作過街道以東段第三個循環(huán)大管棚的工作室。因此,第三個循環(huán)管棚沿用第二循環(huán)的工作室,對第二循環(huán)的146管棚采用巖心鉆掃孔、洗孔后,作為第三循環(huán)121管棚的導向管從中繼續(xù)往前鉆進布設,這樣既可以有效解決采取金剛鉆開孔穿過圍護樁并在穿孔后繼續(xù)采用跟管鉆進的問題,另一方面套管施工提高了下穿過街道段的管棚剛度。3.2 全斷面劈裂注漿為了有效控制注漿壓力對隧道結構、過街道及地表管線的影響,劈裂注漿采用hsc超細水泥漿。另采取多開

17、孔、小漿量的注漿工藝,通過加密掌子面布孔、減少單孔注漿量,以達到均勻改良地層、降低注漿壓力的效果。劈裂注漿孔的斷面布置情況見圖3。圖3 劈裂注漿布孔圖3.2.1注漿參數(見表1)3.2.2 漿液配比周邊孔采用超細水泥漿,該種漿液具有早強、高結實率、可注性強等特點,尤其在粉土、淤泥質等地層中有極好的滲透性,且對地層擾動較小。其余內圈孔仍采用普通水泥水玻璃雙液漿。超細水泥漿水灰比1:11.2,普通水泥漿水灰比1:1,水泥漿:水玻璃1:0.81,水玻璃稀釋濃度205be。3.2.3 注漿順序對原設計注漿順序進行調整。采取由外而內、自下而上的施工順序,每圈采取隔一注一的方式跳孔注漿。圖4劈裂注漿順序圖

18、3.2.4 注漿工藝1)采用30cm厚c20網噴混凝土止?jié){墻,6鋼筋網,網格間距1515cm,按普通噴混凝土工藝完成。2)采用鉆機成孔,鉆孔精度控制在1%以內。3)成孔后插入42mmpvc袖閥管。4)下管完成后,孔口50cm深度范圍內采用雙快水泥進行密封。凝固后,向注漿管內注入套殼料對管壁空隙進行填充,單孔注入0.51.0m3漿液,完成后用清水洗孔。5)待pvc管與孔壁之間固結體達到一定強度后,在pvc管內插入注漿芯管(含止?jié){塞)進行分段注漿。袖閥管管壁溢漿孔布設間距40cm,且用橡皮套包裹,注漿時壓力使?jié){液頂開橡皮套,進入土體產生劈裂效果,并沿著裂縫擴散,擴散范圍受注漿壓力、時間、漿液配比、

19、土層特征等因素的影響;停止注漿時,橡皮套再次收縮包裹溢漿孔,防止?jié){液倒流。6)采用后退式注漿,即從注漿管最底部開始注,邊注邊拔芯管,每次拔管長度1米。7)注漿完成后,清洗管內殘留漿液,以便于第二次重復注漿。8)按定量定壓相結合的原則,以定壓注漿為主來作為注漿結束標準:當注漿壓力穩(wěn)定上升,達到設計終壓;漿液注入量達到設計值80%以上,并持續(xù)穩(wěn)定10分鐘以上后,不進漿或進漿量很少時,即可停止注漿,進行封孔作業(yè)。3.3 洞內徑向注漿考慮1號風道開挖范圍內土體為淤泥質粉質粘土,且經左右線隧道施工擾動后產生液化。為降低風道施工對左右線隧道的影響,待左右線隧道初支施工完畢后,在隧道內對其周邊土體進行徑向注

20、漿加固,形成加固帷幕(見圖5)。圖5徑向加固注漿示意圖3.3.1注漿材料注漿管采用32無縫鋼管加工,l4m,頂端呈封閉尖錐狀;沿管身500mm間距梅花型布設逸漿孔,孔徑5mm,尾端1m不設孔;注漿管采用風鉆成孔后頂入,孔位環(huán)、縱向布設間距0.91.0m。3.3.2漿液配制漿液采用超細水泥單液漿,水灰比1:1。3.3.3 注漿控制及注漿結束標準徑向注漿以壓力作為注漿結束標準。注漿時,拱部注漿壓力宜控制在0.4mpa以內,邊墻注漿壓力控制在0.8mpa以內,防止壓力過大造成地表隆起及過街道結構變形。3.4下穿過街道段截樁施工在隧道開挖過程中須過街通道圍護樁進行破除。為防止破樁影響上部結構安全,保證




24、對這兩種工藝的改進主要是基于有效控制注漿壓力,防止造成既有建筑物、已成型隧道開裂變形的目的。采用超細水泥漿代替普通水泥-水玻璃漿液很大程度上增加了成本的投入,但地層加固的效果有了明顯提高,施工過程中對周邊環(huán)境的影響也得到了很好的控制,具有良好的社會和環(huán)境效益?!咀髡吆喗椤拷靿q(1975年5月),安徽黃山人,工程師,現工作于中鐵隧道集團二處有限公司,主要從事城市地鐵工程施工管理。參考文獻1 莊寧,廖少明,孫忠成等.大跨度小凈距群洞隧道施工方案優(yōu)化研究j.地下空間與工程學報.96-100。2 楊宏射.地鐵淺埋群洞施工工序與關鍵技術j.城市軌道交通研究.70-72。3 郭龍,劉牧宇.淺埋暗挖群洞法

25、施工中結構受力的合理轉換j.鐵道建筑.25-27。4 仝學讓.淺埋大跨度群洞隧道施工技術j.安徽建筑.92-94。5 陳世權,王俊生.小凈距大跨度隧道的施工技術j.工程質量.35-38。6 董惠定,李兆平.北京地鐵車站暗挖施工方法比較與評述j.現代隧道技術,2004年增刊:101-105.7 劉成偉,劉招偉,余永強.某地鐵車站群洞法施工地表沉降監(jiān)測分析j.西部探礦工程.138-140。8 余永強,文廣超.地鐵車站“群洞法”施工對地表沉降影響的數值模擬j.華東公路.84-87。注:文章內所有公式及圖表請以pdf形式查看。plenary session, each session of the c

26、entral committee of national institutions and personnel problems have been arranged, you can concentrate on national development and reforms. previous plenary session is often branded with a central leading collective, often by looking at the third plenum of the initiative to found the current centr

27、al leadership collective governance characteristics. from the analysis of the process of economic reform in china, plenary session, 12 session, 14, 16 plenary session have programmatic meaning, respectively, marking the four stages of chinas economic reform, and that the start-up phase of reform, re

28、form, construction phase and perfecting the socialist market economy framework stage of socialist market economy. previous plenary session topics proposed to the third plenary session of taking class struggle as the key link, shifted to socialist modernization; 12 session marked the change from rura

29、l to urban, established with public ownership as the foundation of a planned commodity economy; 13 session at a time when both the old and the new system change, governance and rectify the economic order; 14 . fair and efficient and authoritative socialist judicial system, safeguard the peoples inte

30、rests. legal authority to uphold the constitution, deepening the reform of administrative law enforcement, ensure that the right to exercise judicial power independently and impartially according to law the prosecution, perfecting the running mechanism of judicial power, improve the system of judici

31、al protection of human rights. plenary session, affairs the right to adhere to the system, and let the people authority to let the power run in the sun, is shut up in a cage of the system power policy. decision science, implementation should be constructed strong, supervise the running of powerful system, improve the system of punishing and preventing corruption, promoting political integrity, and strive to achieve cadres honest and government


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