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1、An alysis of vocati onal skills competiti onorie nted features of vocati onal educati onAbstract: VocationalSkills Competition of vocationaleducatio n lead orie nted fun cti on: to lead the con cept of vocati onaleducati on,training mode, the professi onalcurriculum, course content and curriculum ch

2、a nges in the structure,leading the Double Type “ Teachers, enhancevocati onaleducatio nsocial reputati on with the publiccon cept of vocati onal educati on, and enhance the depth of the communityand vocationaleducation, to lead thereform of the stude nt evaluati on sta ndards, expa nsion of corpora

3、te recruitme nt.Thesis Keywords:Nati onalVocati onal SkillsCompetiti on,vocati onaleducati on,lead-orie nted,fun cti onalNati onal Vocati onalSkills Competiti on(here in afterreferred to as the Skills Competiti on as themajor systemdesig n and inno vatio nof vocati onaleducationin China from 2008 ha

4、s held for a number ofsessions at home and abroad have a positive impact on vocational educationleadingrole in guiding growingsignificantlysummary , the main impact of the SkillsCompetitionis manifested in the concepts of education,the school system mecha ni sms, pers onnel trai ning mode, curriculu

5、mcon structi on,teach ing contentsett in gs,preferred teach ing methods and teach ingmethods,teach ingsupport ingman ageme nt, skills training andpractice of teaching, teacher team building and studentevaluati onprogram, itsvalueorie ntati onis beneficial tothe reformof vocati onal educati on point

6、to developthehigh skillsneedsofthecom mun ity,thegoal ofhigh-qualitypers onn el.SkillsCompetiti on,atthe sametime,in tegrati onofsocialresources,andimprovevocati onalrecog niti on,competiti onforstude ntsaware ness and so has a positive role in promoti ng.On e, leadi ng the tran sformatio n of the c

7、on ceptof vocational educationIn a certain sense, the shift inattitudes of vocati onal educatio n is more importa nt, is a fun dame ntalright idea, you can create more patter ns.Competiti on project desig ned to impleme nt the high-quality, highly skilled trai ning objectives, and reflects the conce

8、pt of“ task-oriented, real task-driven ” teachingvocati onal skills con testcon test projects are from thepractical problems of producti on or service line, competitio n project propositi on to moder n cutt in g-edge tech no logy-based in dustrybus in ess experts the mai nbody, and the race referee

9、and Grad ing Double Type line en terprise experts are also composed of the core sta ndard of the competitio n is mainly the corporate employer, that is, a superb professi onal skill levels,pla nnedorga ni zati onalcapacity, project impleme ntati oncapacity,the ability to com muni cate,coord in atead

10、aptability,professi on alism, safety aware ness capabilities.To the Vocati onal Educati on is thetargetmani fold.First, vocati onal educati on and trai ningnecessary to acquire specialized knowledge, to master some of the conventionalprofessional skills, but alsostressed that professi onal and tech

11、ni cal applicati ons, but also to highlight the core professi onalcompete neeandprofessi on alismtrai ning. Second, the n ature of theteach ing process is active and con structive process for the teachers, stude nts and teach ing situati ons middle school stude nts, teachers in vocati onal educati o

12、n, the main taskis to guide stude nts to use the means to go as far to find the kno wledge and methods to establish a new problemtry to solvetheseproblems,gradually adapt to theprofessi onalpositi ons,to complete the task,so that thevocati onal skills tointern alizeandcuri ng,and thusimprove theprof

13、essi on alismof the process,to guidestude nts ina timelymannerto reflect onthe activeprocess, and summary of evaluationresults. as learningthe main stude nts,through self-lear ning,con ti nu ouslycon solidate and stre ngthe n vocati onal skills. Third, by the discipli nes of kno wledge-based profess

14、i onal compete nee should be based cha nge is the value orie ntati on of higher vocati onal educatio n. In comparis on, the core eleme nts of the general higher education is a complete knowledge structure systematic, and subject kno wledge training objectives to enable students to have a deep and so

15、lid theoretical foun dati on, strong scie ntific research and creative pote ntial of vocati onal educati on of both the dual mission of higher education and vocationaleducation,and it must highlight the vocatio naleducati oninvocati onal educati on and professi onal teach ing isa kindof in stituti o

16、nsand socialkno wledgeand skills, thepote ntialand explicithoriz on taimodule-based teach ingsystem, the core eleme nts of its trai ning objectives based on professionaljobs that require the special operationssexual skills, thestude ntsdesig ned deepbus in essknowledge of jobs, skilledsolid vocation

17、alskills andstrong tech ni cal skills reproducti on.Skills Competitionhas also provento conveythe signal of the new concept of vocationalism. “ Social efficiency doctrine ” as early as the 20th century, Sini Deng vocati onal ability developme nt theory has become the traditi onal skills trai ning mo

18、del, the theory is stressed at the macro level, the developmentof professionalcompete nee should keep pace with the times and adapt to social progress and economicdevelopmentneeds, atthe micro level should follow the behavioristlear ningtheory, the developmentof skills training objectives,desig ning

19、 the trai ning program, so the ability to develop training and operable. Practice has proved that social efficie ncy capacitydevelopme ntwithun certa in ty,repeatability, the biodegradable vocatio nal skills is reas on able.updates with the labor productivity of theorga ni zati oncha nge and tech no

20、 logicaldevelopme nt,industrydevelopment,resultingin the change of then ature of the work, the theory still n eeds perfect view of the new vocationalism,vocationalability developmentshould not only be trained mechanical skills, but also to adapt to the changes in social development for the in dividu

21、al s future to con ti nu ously improve the quality of life gave birth to thepote ntialdevelopme ntofprofessi onal compete nee is not only for the specific work of a particulartraining,but the work process-orientedtraining and education,whose missionis nutritionandbetweenindividualsand their future c

22、areer. one of thecore of professi onal ability, is to en able lear ners to cope with cha nge con sta ntly lear n from their future career, the com mon core compete ncies, professi onal compete nee.Second, the lead cha nges in the training modeIn gen eral, subject to certa in stude nts made outsta nd

23、ing achieveme ntsin the skills competiti on for the warmwelcome of the en terprise and society, this is because they adapt to the pers onnel n eeds of the en terprise and society, while the outsta nding achieveme nts of a good educatio nandentrymust bebasedon careerteaching beforetraining on the bas

24、is of race can play professionalskillsandcorevocati onalskillsthat must impleme nt thecon cept of“school-e nterprisecooperati on,engin eeri ngin tegrati on ” of lear ning and training.This from the“education ” to furtherstre ngthe n the con cept ofeducatio n“ school-e nterprisecooperati on, in dustr

25、ial in tegrati on” can be in ferred that apractical level, will lead theimpleme ntati onof thiscon cept and explore a variety of specific teach ing model, which has been specific teaching model order training mode,engin eeri ng,alter native training model, postteach ing practice training mode, teach

26、 ing to do one of the trai ning mode, these patter ns in a certa insense ofprofessi onalsett ingsand bus in essn eeds coord in ati on,skills training and job requireme nts coord in ati on, training goals and employme nt sta ndards to harm onize differe nt resp on se.In addition,the training mode of

27、competitionsuch as yeast to in spirepeople to create more skillstraining model as competiti on training, core eleme nts of ateam of sophisticated, high strength, outstanding skills training, which can develop professional skills in many aspects of elite this fact will will help guide the vocati onal

28、 teachers with specificteach ingsituati on, to in troduceeleme nts of competiti on training mode, thereby creati ng a richer training mode.,Leading the professional curriculum, course content and course cha nges in the structureTraditi onalvocati onal educatio n curriculum system ofte n divided into

29、 basic courses, professi onalbasic courses, professi onal courses, specialized elective course poin ts, or public theory courses, public practice courses, professi onal theory courses, and professional practice courses in theskills competiti on each project, not a course, a teacher cantake on, is of

30、ten a wide rangeof cooperationandcoord in ati on. con test in itiated by the“task-orie nted, realtask-drive n ” and“engin eeri ngcomb inedwithphilosophyis bound to becomethe high vocati onal18schools in the future directi on of curriculum reform.Poi nt of view of the expertise, skill con test is gen

31、 erally prompt and what kno wledge is most importa nt, which is relatively less importa nt, which is ignored in the teachingbut it is very importantknowledgeor skills,which will undoubtedlyset of professional courses, apositiveimpact on the coursecontent and coursestructure adjustme nt.Curriculum-or

32、ie nted,triggeri ngthe shift tocon sumer dema nd by educati onalexperts. Can see thateach skillscompetiti onfocus ingontheactualdevelopme ntstatusof ourin dustrytosetup thecompetitio neve nts,yearby yearin creasein thecompetitio n projects, more and more exte nsive coverageof, and the in dustry , th

33、e con verge nee of the en terprise is in creas in gly close this con test project guided the focus of vocationaleducationprograms, skill elements. On theother hand, each skills competition,can lead to a largenu mber of en terprises or social orga ni zati ons to come to tap the humanresources, their

34、orientationdirectly tofollowtheorientation ofthe marketmarks a realtrendwiththefuture tale nt market,the survival and developme nt of higher vocati onal colleges, i n professi onalsett in gs, curriculum reform, market in sight,firmly graspthe pulse of the market, n urturetale nt.accord ing tomarket

35、dema nd and competiti on to make vocati onal educatio n aimed at the market, access to in formati on, to the in dustryn eeds cha nge, and cha ngethe mode ofdiscipli nary teach ing experts desig n the traditi onal sin gle discipli ne courses.Four, leading the“double ” teacher teambuild ingSkillsCompe

36、titi onteam training isundoubtedly the“dual-qualified ” teachers, but as thefield of con test projects year by year to broade n the skill content graduallydiversified to vocationalcolleges tocon vey such a sig nal,n amely, competiti ontrainingteachers “ Double Type ” on the quality and quantity shou

37、ld be high sta ndards, skills, strong high quality of the training of stude nts must beestablished on the basis ofthe “dual qualified” teachers. this concept is bound tolead to the promotionof VocationalInstituteschool“ Double Type ” Teachers.Data shows that teachers of vocati onal collegesin China,

38、 n early 86% of teachers from the college graduatesfrom school to school,and teachers in theproporti on of corporate work experie nee only 6%. In deed, in recent years, teachersstructure of the vocationalcollegesun derg oingsome cha nges, such as“ dual-qualified” teachersin gredie ntin rais ingthenu

39、 mber of highly educated young teachers acco un ted for a large proporti on of young teachers with Shuobo degree by research class experts in educati on, culture, and has a solid theoretical foun dati on of kno wledge, but because of the lack of workexperie nee,practical ideas andexperiences, the pr

40、actical application level, the lack of experie nee and professi onal courses in higher vocatio nal education teaching on the course of their work-based project course the impleme ntati onprocess has highrequireme nts which require to accelerate qualified teacherpace of construction must be strengthe

41、nedfurther byfull-timeor part-timerelease tothereleva ntin dustry,enterprise training exercise involved in the process of specificprojects, toparticipate inspecificprojectsexperimentaltraining,the introductionof the talents ofboth work experie nee but also the academic backgr ound, the old teacher o

42、f engin eeri ng experie nee, men tori ng and other means, the young teachers, includingteachers assoon as possible to fit the requireme nts of the structure of the“double division ” . turn affixed to the free paper ,improve the social reputatio n of the vocatio nal educati on and the public of Vocat

43、i onal Educati onNeedlessly to say, the social status of vocational educationand other educational comparisonis not toun derestimate the social psychology of vocati onal educationis also widespread. Skills Competition will bethe esse nee of vocati onal educati on in the social arena the show, player

44、s superb skills, excelle nt quality , efficie nt and orderlyoperati onof theorga ni zati on,the activeparticipation of the industries and enterprises,publicopinion, media coverage of the public media, leaders at all levels of care, which affected the public awareness of vocational education, make th

45、e public feel is vocational education improve our quality of life. skills competition significantlychanged the public despise the concept ofvocati onal educatio n.Players beh ind the craft, fully dem on strated the update of the educati onal philosophy of vocati onal schools, the school system of in

46、novation,the scientificnature of the curriculum, high-quality and spirit of the stude nts, and vocati onal colleges after the reform of the latest teach ing achieveme nts, these are improve the social reputatio n of the vocati onal schools, social aware ness.,Leading the depth of the cooperationof t

47、hecommunityand vocationaleducationVocational skillscompetitio n held to gather a variety of resources for the whole society, not only the State Coun cil and other leaders at all levels, experts and scholars,in dustry,bus in esspeople, as well as the World Ba nk, the WorldSkills General Assembly and

48、other internationalorganizations,officialsand experts in the same time by the Competiti on state-ownedenterprisesand even the great concern ofthe centralenterprises,each withnearly a thousanden terprises to match the sce ne look ing for tale nt, ide ntify opportunities, including the world s top 500

49、 enterprisesthere is more tha n twen ty. This provides an excelle nt of a vocati onal educatio n and com mun ity in teracti on platform.For example, the skills competitionin manyin dustries,compa nies in the recruitme ntof huma nresources, the dema nd for skilled tale nt shortage, more focus on the

50、players, award-w inning school stude nts of all ages, and thus the formatio n of many in dustries, bus in ess un its take the in itiative to con tact the vocati onal schools, from educati on and trai ning at its source, has offered its cooperationintention,use of school teachingresourcesplatform, or

51、der trai ning mode, theselecti onofoutsta nding professi onal graduates. the employer and the school build a schoolproductionand training base,off-campus to provide a base for the Teach ing Practice, by established a direct work ing relati on ship.In ano therexample, vocatio nal educati onthroughthe

52、 exam inationof the skills competitionthisplatformhas bee n thecommu nityaspectsof widelyrecog ni zedand highlyacclaimedin theprofessi onalpers onneltrai ning. Thiswill encourage thegover nmenteducatio nauthorities,in dustryexecutivesadvaneedcon ceptfor pers onneltrai ning,professi onalcorecompetiti

53、ve ness , the stre ngth of teachers, the practice of good institutionsas a key state model schools, and thetimely in troducti on of the policy, to allocate funds for the support of the equipme nt, the con cept of guida nee, so as to drive the improveme nt of vocatio nal educatio n.Agai n, the con te

54、st wi nnersto schoolsandbus in esses to build, to provide social job training, job assessment of the certificate for the industry,especiallysmall and mediumen terprisesin the producti on ofstandardizedconstruction,to provide qualitytechnicaltrai ning services, schools anden terpriseswin-winsituati o

55、n. In additi on, Skills Competitio n is gen erally twelve professional corporate brand as a platform for eve nts, with a dem on strati onof the sig ni fica neeof theindustry,to achieve brandinternationalizationof smalland medium-sizeden terprises,sta ndardizatio nandintern ati on alizati on have a r

56、ole in promot ing.In additi on, each skills competiti on, in additi onto competitive eve nts, but also to carry out the kinds of vocati onaleducati onand social orga ni zati on,con tact,in teractiveactivities such as Nati onal Vocati onal skills ofstude ntsworks Zha nqia Hui in vocati onalcoord in a

57、teddevelopme ntsem in ars,vocatio naleducatio nservicein dustrydevelopme nt, andn ati onaldem on strati onvocati onal colleges build ing the fourth anni versary of the outcome of exhibiti on, the Nati onal Vocati onal Educati on Tech no logy and Equipme nt Exhibiti on, eth nic stude nts in vocati onal schoolstale ntshow and other activities,vocationaleducationconstitutes a colo


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