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1、_完型閱讀專題訓練(1)一、完形填空Today I went to my daughters school and spoke about kindness to 60 kids plusteachers and assistant teachers. After a small talk about the41 of kindness,I gave a challenge to the 42 . I told them to write a small 43about an act ofkindnessthat theyhad done and how thatmade them feel.

2、Or ifthey had 44anactof kindness, how did that make them feel? In what way had that 45changed them?Then the deputyhead and the head-teacherand Iwould choose theones,the46 onesthat will stand out for their 47 of compassion and love towards others.WhenI was waitingformy daughterI48 someteachersthatwer

3、e at themeetingpassing by and I was 49 that they would tell me whether they liked the talk ornot, but they didnt50anything.Then this little 51 came to me and said,”you know, I enjoyed the meeting.”“Okay, then areyou goingto52alovelystory?”Iasked. “Im not 53atwriting,”the boy responded.So Iexplainedt

4、hatI would be 54ifhe couldjustwritea phraseor two about an act of kindness.I didnthave 55to talk tohim because he was in a hurry to 56hisfriendswho werewaitingforhim,butinmy 57 ,thatwas a beautifulact ofkindness.Thefact that he was able to 58 to talk to me for two minutes, to let me know thathe had

5、59themeetingwas worthallthe effortIhad 60preparingthetalkforthem41.A. newsB. lectureC. meaningD. benefit42.A. teachersB. childrenC. fellowsD. parents43.A.sceneB. stepC. fortuneD. story44.A. receivedB. passedC. desiredD. envied45.A. incidentB. actC. accidentD. event46.A. cleverest B. longestC. bestD.

6、 saddest47.A. doubtsB. ideasC. opinionsD. feelings48.A. noticedB. observedC. witnessedD. realized49.A. supposing B. hopingC. wonderingD. imagining50.A. sayB. addC. respondD. repeat51. A. heroB. emperorC. girlD. boy52. A. writeB. tellC. recordD. declare53. A. ambitiousB. positiveC. excellentD. specia

7、l54.A. concerned B. delightedC. amusedD. amazed55.A. timeB. patienceC. courageD. energy56. A. followB. accompanyC. treatD. join57. A. depthB. bottomC. heartD. day58. A. refuseB. encourageC. hesitateD. stop精品資料_59. A. attended B. enjoyedC. achievedD. operated60. A. looked intoB. put intoC. brought in

8、to D. turned into二、閱讀理解A.Iclearlyremember walkingback to my house aftercollectingtheafternoonmails.I saw a creditcard statement,another creditcardstatementand ourbank statements.It was in that moment that I felt nervous.I realizedthat even though I had marrieda man who I absolutelylovedand adored,I

9、really didnthave a clear sense of how he handled money and how the two of uswere going to combine our different approaches to handling money in our marriage.I was more organizedand detailed,but he was more of a laid-backtype.Iknew thatgettingon thesame financialpage was a key factorincreatinga succe

10、ssfulmarriageand financial future.I asked my husband if he would be willing to set up a time each week to talkabout our finances and develop a plan for getting rid of our credit card debt. Myhusband said he would be willing to do this. Admittedly, he was doubtful butwilling.Wecame toreferto ourweekl

11、ymeetingsas ourFinancialDates.We didn t reallyhave a clue as to what we were doing. All we knew was that we needed to give ourfinancesseriousattention.Some Dates were filledwithtenseconversations.OtherDates were filled with laughter, joy and creativity. However, we kept showing upfor ourDatesand we

12、nevergave up. What startedoutas a means forsurvivalbecamea powerful connecting thread in our relationship. Something shifted within us.Instead of our finances becoming a source of divisive(有爭議的 ) tension thatpulled us apart, they became the glue that held us together as we became a unifiedteam.Istil

13、lrecallthe daythatwe excitedlycrossedoffourlast creditcardpaymenton thechartwe had created.Wehad finallyarrived.Wewere free.We had been givenwings to fly.Now, whenever I feel huge stress I ask myself,“How am I contributing to whatis happening right now?”This gives me the final power to take action.

14、Even thoughmy husband and Idont have any guarantee againstfuturechallenges, Iam left withsomething deep within that is unshakable and that can never be taken away thememory of our past successes and the power to integrate (整合 ) these lessons in myday-to-day life.21. Why did the author feel nervous w

15、hen collecting the afternoon mails?A. She was not sure about her marriage.B. She didn tknow how to handle money.C. She could feel the pressure of the huge debt.D. She was reminded of the quarrels in the family.22. Which word can replacethe underlinedword “l(fā)aid-back”inthe second paragraph?A. looseB.

16、doubtfulC. generousD.精品資料_confident23. What can we learn from the Financial Dates?A. They showed the couple clear direction at first.B. They left the couple nothing but deep sadness.C. They were once interrupted but quickly continued.D. They strengthened the couples relationship at last.24. We can i

17、nfer from the last paragraph that when faced with stress the author will_.A. try to change the situation aloneB. focus onwhat contributesto itC. get power from the memoryD.feelfreeto do what she likesB.Attractions in YorkYork MinsterDeangate, York YO1 7HHEnjoythepeacefulatmosphereofthelargestMedieva

18、lGothiccathedralinNorthern Europe, a place for worship for over 1,000 years and a treasure house of800 yearsof stainedglass.Open dailysubjectto services.Please check inadvanceto avoid disappointment.Tel: 01904 557216E-mail: National Railway MuseumLeeman Road

19、, York YO26 4XJEnjoy a fantasticfreeday out forthe whole familyat the NationalRailway Museumin York. Exploreour three hugehalls full of trains and railwaylegends includingMallard the worlds fastest train and the Japanese Bullet Train.Open daily between 10am. - 6pm.Tel: 08448 153139.ukE-ma

20、il: .ukYork Castle MuseumEye of York, York YO1 9RYGet ready to take a tripto the world-famousrecreatedVictorianstreet,Kirkgate.The firststreetof itskind,visitedby 30 millionpeople,isalivewiththe sights,sounds and colorfulcharactersof York more than 100 years ago. Step insidethe shopsand me

21、et the interesting folk who work there.Opening hours: Mon - Sun 09:30 to 17:00Tel: 01904 687687.ukE-mail: .ukCliffords TowerTower Street, York YO1 9SABuilt by Williamthe Conqueror, it was twice burned to the ground, before beingrebuilt by Henry III in the

22、13th century. With sweeping views of York and thesurrounding countryside, it isnthard to see why Cliffords Tower played such akey role in the control of northern England.Opening hours: Mon - Sun 10:00 to 16:00Tel: 01904 646940.uk/cliffordstowerE-mail:精品資料_customersenglish-her

23、.uk25.Which of the following attractions is on Leeman Road?A. York MinsterB. Cliffords TowerC. York Castle MuseumD. National Railway Museum26.Where can visitors step into the well-known Victorian Street?A. York Castle MuseumB. National Railway MuseumC. York MinsterD. Cliffords Tower27. Whil

24、e visiting York Minster, the visitors can _.A. have sweeping views of York and countrysideB. go inside the shops and meet the folk working thereC. enjoy a treasure house of 800 years of stained glassD. see the worlds fastest train and the Japanese Bullet Train28. If you want to know more information

25、 about Cliffords Tower, you can _.A. phone 01904 557216B. write a letter to Tower Street,York YO1 9SAC. visit the website .ukD. .ukC.Scientistshave longbelievedone way tostoptheEarth s atmosphere fromwarmingis by planting more trees. The idea is that more trees

26、will take in or absorb someof the carbon dioxide(CO2 ) in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a gas from cars,factoriesand otherhuman activities.The gasholdsheat inthe Earth s atmosphere,which warms the planet. However, two new studies have found that trees may not beas helpful in reducing carbon diox

27、ide as thought.Thefirststudywasdone atDukeUniversityinDurham,NorthCarolina.Researchersgave extracarbondioxidetoa testareawhere pine treeswere growing.The trees grew thirty-four percent faster during the first three years. However,intime,thetreesslowedtoabouttheirnormalgrowthrate.The scientistssay th

28、isis because trees need other things, such as nitrogen.In the second study, researchers from Duke and Bowdoin College in Brunswick,Maine examined thesoilaroundtrees.They discoveredthatas theleavesbroke downinto the soil, all the carbon was not trapped in the soil. Much of it was releasedinto the atm

29、osphere as carbon dioxide.The findings of the two studies were published last month in Nature magazine.They suggest there islimited valuein plantingtrees to reduce the carbon dioxidepollution in the atmosphere.Forest planting has been a part of negotiations(商議 ) on a world agreement toreduce greenho

30、use gases that scientists believe cause global warming. The UnitedStates,Canada, Japan and some otherindustrialcountrieshave supportedthe idea.Butthisnew research suggeststheideaisnotaseffectiveas environmentalactivists had thought. Scientist Ram Oren of Duke University ledthe study on treegrowth. H

31、e says that earlier estimates on the ability of forests to absorb carbondioxide were overly hopeful.Some scientists not involved in the studies say the research provides some ofthe first evidence on how trees react to carbon dioxide. Other scientists say theresearchdisagreeswitha beliefamong some co

32、aland power companies.The companiessay thatmore carbon dioxideintheatmosphere willnotcreateharmfulglobalwarming.精品資料_Instead, they say it will increase forests and other plants.29. What is the purpose of this passage?A. Introduce some new ideas about the relationship between trees and carbon dioxide

33、.B. Introduce recent condition of global industrial pollution.C. Call on people to plant more trees to reduce greenhouse gases.D. Point outthatpower companies should be responsible forthe rising levels ofcarbon dioxide.30. Why did the researchers put trees in extra carbon dioxide in the first study?

34、A. To learn whether trees can still absorb carbon dioxide under extreme conditions.B. To get more oxygen from these trees.C. To evaluate the maximum carbon dioxide that trees can absorb.D. To see the effect of carbon dioxide on the growth rate of these trees.31. What happened to the leaves falling f

35、rom the trees in the second study?A. They broke down and the main parts turned into oxygen.B. They broke down and the carbon content mainly turned into carbon dioxide.C. They broke down and the carbon content was mainly absorbed in the soil.D. They absorbed more carbon dioxide.32. Scientist Ram Oren

36、 thinks that common beliefs of the trees ability to absorbcarbon dioxide are _.A. realisticB. negativeC. over-optimisticD.objective新題型專題訓練(1)一、閱讀七選五:Guide for TeenagersThe teenage years can be tough, and its normal to feel sad every nowand then.But ifthese feelingsdont go away or become so intenseth

37、atyou can t handlethem,you may be sufferingfrom depression.Help is availableand you have more power thanyou think.Try not to isolate(使孤立 ) yourselfWhen youre depressed, you may not feel like seeing anybody or doing anything.Justgettingout of bed in the morning can be difficult,but isolatingyourselfo

38、nlymakes depression worse.36. Go travelling. Get close to nature. Spend timewith friends, especially those who are active.37Making healthy lifestyle choices can do wonders for your mood. Ever heard ofa runnershigh?Physicalactivitycan be as effectiveas medicationsfordepression,so get involvedin sport

39、s,rideyour bike,or take a dance class.Any activityhelps!38 As for food, make sure you re feeding your mind with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.精品資料_Avoid alcohol and drugsYou maybe try drinking or use drugs in an effort to escape from your feelingsand get a mood boost, even if just f

40、or a short time. However, substance use cannot onlymake depressionworse, but can cause you to become more depressed.39.You will need special treatment for your substance problem.Ask for help if you are stressedStress and worry can lead to depression. Talk to a teacher if exams or classesseem overwhe

41、lming.In addition,ifyou have a healthconcernyou feelyou can t talkto your parentsabout,see a doctor.40.Ifyou re dealingwithrelationship,friendship, or family problems, talk to an adult you trust.A. Keep your body healthyB. Even a short walk can be beneficial.C. Turn to your parents for help.D. As yo

42、u get out into the world, you may find yourself feeling better.E. In short, drinking and taking drugs will make you feel worse-not better-in the long run.F. The more exercise you do, the healthier you will be.G. A health professional can help you approach your parents and guide you toward proper tre

43、atment.二、閱讀填詞:Last Friday, as usual I rode my bike home. But at a crossing, I 61._(sudden) knocked an old man off his bike. I hurried over and found that his leg62._ (injure). Nervous and worried, I called my mom and told her whathad happened. We decided to take him to the hospital first.Shortly after we arrived at the hospital, my mother came. I had some doubt_63_ there was anything seriously wrong with the old man. The doctor gave theold man a 64._(detail)examination.To our delightand relief,therewasnothing seriously wrong wi


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