1、第四冊第一課 making plans 訂計劃(451-465 句)izz451. what do you plan to do tomorrow?明天你打算做什么?452. i doubt that ill do anything tomorrow.明天我恐怕什么也不做。453. please excuse me for a little while. i want to do something.對不起,請稍等一會兒,我要辦點事。454. i imagine ill do some work instead of going to the movies.我想干點活,不去看電影了 .455.
2、 w川 it be convenient for you to explain your plans to him?你把你的計劃向他講一下,方便嗎?456. theres nothing to do because tomorrow is a holiday.明天是彳貿(mào)日所以沒事可做。457. whats your brother planning to do tomorrow?你的兄弟明天打算做什么?458. he cant decide what to do他決定不了要干什么。459. its difficult to make a decision without knowing all
3、 the facts.不了解全部事實,很難作決定。460. were trying to plan our future.我們正點想法替將來作打算。461. thats a good idea.那是個好主意。462. im hoping to spend a few days in the mountains我希望在山區(qū)住幾天。463. would you consider going north this summer?今年夏天你考慮到北方去嗎?464. if theres a chance youll go, id like to go with you.如果你有機會去,我想和你一起去.4
4、65. after you think it over, please let me know what you decide.等你想好了,請把你的決定告訴我。我急于想知道你的決定。第二課 making decisions 作決定(466-480 句)hz466. im anxious to know what your decision is.467. im confident youve made the right choice.我相信你已經(jīng)作了正點確的選擇。468. i want to persuade you to change your mind.我想說月艮你改變主意。469. w
5、ill you accept my advice?你愿意接受我的勸告嗎?470. what have you decided? 你是怎么決定的?471. ive definitely decided to go to california.我已肯定要去加利福尼亞州。472. he didnt want to say anything to influence my decision.他不想說什么來影響我的決定。473. she refuses to make up her mind她拒絕做出決定。474. i assume youve decided against buying a new
6、car.我想你已經(jīng)決定不買新汽車了。475. it took him a long time to make up his mind.他用了很長時間才打定主意。476. you can go whenever you wish.什么時候,隨你便。477. were willing to accept your plan.我們樂意采納你的計劃。478. he knows its inconvenient, but he wants to go anyway.他知道這不太方便,但不管怎么樣他還是要去。479. according to mr. green, this is a complicate
7、d problem.據(jù)格林先生認為,這是一個復雜問題。480. she insists that it doesnt make any difference to her.她堅持說,這對她無所謂。第三課 going places 旅游(481-495 句)izi481. are you going to go anyplace this year?今年你準備去什么地方嗎?482. if i have enough money, im going to take a trip abroad.彳貿(mào)如有足夠的錢,我準備去國外旅行一次。483. how are you going? are you g
8、oing by boat?你準備怎么去?準備從船嗎?484. its faster to go by plane than by boat坐飛機比乘船快。485. whats the quickest way to get there?到那兒去,最快的辦法是什么?486. altogether it will take ten days to make the trip.這次旅行總共要十天。487. i hope you have a good time on your trip祝你旅途愉快。488. im leaving tomorrow, but i havent packed my su
9、itcases yet.我準備明天出發(fā),但是我還沒有收拾好箱子。489. im going by air. i like flying.我乘飛機去,我喜歡飛機。490. my brother took a trip to mexico.我的兄弟去墨西哥旅行了一次。491. it was a six-hour flight.這是一次六小時的飛機。492. how many passengers were on the train?火車上有多少旅客?493. his friend was injured in an airplane crash.他的朋友在一次飛機事故中受了從傷。494. woul
10、d you like to go for a walk?你愿意去散步嗎?495. lets go out to the airport. the plane landed ten minutes ago.咱們到機場去吧,飛機十分鐘前就著陸了。第四課 going shopping 購物(496-510 句)izu我要去買東如果這件襯496. im going shopping because i need to buy some clothes.西,因為我需要買幾件衣服。497. if this shirt doesnt fit, may i bring it back later?衣不合身,我
11、回頭可以把它退了嗎?498. what size shoes do you wear? 你穿幾號鞋?那套衣服你穿很合適。這件衣服是綢做的,對不對?我想試試這件毛衣。我很想買一輛新轎車。那種電熨斗賣多少錢?499. that suit looks very good on you.500. this dress is made of silk, isnt it?501. id like to try on this sweater.502. im interested in buying a new car.503. whats the price of that electric iron?5
12、04. how much is this rug?這條地毯多少錢?505. is this toothpaste on sale today?這種牙膏今天減價出售嗎?506. thats a beautiful leather wallet, but it costs too much.刃 b 只皮火很漂亮,但價錢太貴了。507. how much do i owe you 一共多少錢?508. that will be eighteen dollars and seventy-five cents.十八美元七十五美分。509. do you have change for a twenty-
13、dollar bill?你能換開一張二十元的鈔票嗎?510. the clerk helped me find what i wanted.店員幫我找到了 我所要買的東西。第五課 eating in a restaurant 餐館進膳(511-525 句)匠511. what would you like to eat?你想吃什么?512. id like a bowl of tomato soup, please.請給我要一盆西紅柿湯513. the waiter seems to be in a hurry to take our order.月艮務(wù)員彳以乎彳艮急著要我們點菜。514. w
14、hich would you rather have - steak or fish?你想吃哪個菜,牛排還是魚?515. i want my steak well-done.我要的牛排燒透點。516. what kinds of vegetables do you have?你要什么蔬菜?517. ill have mashed potatoes and green beans.我要土豆泥和青豆。518. would you please pass the salt?請你遞一下鹽好嗎?519. they serve good food in this restaurant.這家飯館賣的飯菜很好
15、。520. are you ready for your dessert now?現(xiàn)在可以給您上甜食嗎?521. this knife is dirty. would you bring me a clean one, please?這把刀是臟的,請您給我一把干凈的好嗎?522. may i have the check, please? 請開帳單,好嗎?523. you have your choice of three flavors of ice cream.有三種冰激凌任你選。524. we have vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry.有香草的、巧克
16、力的和楊梅的。525. we invited two guests to dinner, but they didnt come.我 4請了兩位客人吃晚飯,但是他們都沒有來。第六課 going out for the evening 參加晚會(526-540 句)二526. how long did the movie last?我部電影多長?527. the feature started at 9 oclock and ended at 11:30.正片九點開始放映到十一點半結(jié)束。528. they say the new film is an adventure story. 據(jù)說,這部
17、新片子是部 驚險故事片。529. a group of us went out to the theater last night.昨天晚上我們一群人去看戲了。530. the new play was good and everybody enjoyed it.這個新編的居 u 目彳艮好,大家都很欣賞。531. by the time we got there, the play had already begun.我4至u達刃l(wèi)l時,戲已經(jīng)開始了 .532. the usher showed us to our seats.招待員把我們領(lǐng)到座位上。533. the cast of the
18、play included a famous actor.我個戲的演員名單中有一位名演員。534. after the play was over, we all wanted to get something to eat.戲演完后,我們都想找點吃的。535. there was a big crowd and we had difficulty getting a taxi.人彳艮多,我們好不容易找到一輛出租汽車。536. the restaurant was f川ed, so we decided to go elsewhere.飯館客滿,所以我們決定到別的地方去。537. my bro
19、ther wants to learn how to dance.我的兄弟想學跳舞。538. we dont go dancing very often.我們不常去跳舞。539. which would you rather do - go dancing or go to a play?你喜歡做什么,去跳舞還是去看戲?540. im not accustomed to going out after dark.天黑以后我不習慣出門。第七課 making appointments 約會(541-555 句)hz我想約個時間去你愿意安排一541. id like to make an appoi
20、ntment to see mr. cooper.看庫柏先生。542. would you like to arrange for a personal interview?次個別會談嗎?543. your appointment will be next thursday at 10 oclock.你約會的時間是在下星期四的十點鐘。544. i can come any day except thursday.除星期四,我哪一天都可以來。545. he wants to change his appointment from monday to wednesday. 他想 把他的約會從星期一
21、改到星期三。546. she failed to call the office to cancel her appointment.她沒有打電話到辦公室取消她的約會。547. im going to call the employment agency for a job.我準備至u職業(yè)介紹所申請工作。548. please fill in this application form.請?zhí)顚戇@份申請表。549. are you looking for a permanent position?你要找個固定職業(yè)嗎?550. im going to call a plumber to come
22、this afternoon.我準備今天下午叫一個管道工人來。551. i couldnt keep the appointment because i was sick.我病了沒去赴約。552. im a new employee. i was hired yesterday.我是個新雇員。我昨天才受雇的。553. please call before you come, otherwise we might not be home.來以前請先打個電話,否則,我們可能不在家。554. lets make a date to go shopping next thursday.我們就定在下星期
23、四去買東西吧。555. w川 you please lock the door when you leave?你離開時請鎖上門好嗎? 第八課 visiting the doctor 看病(556-570 句)匕昨天我去請醫(yī)生醫(yī)生發(fā)現(xiàn)我太他給我作了 x556. i went to see my doctor for a check-up yesterday.作了一次檢查。557. the doctor discovered that im a little overweight.胖了 一點。558. he gave me a chest x-ray and took my blood press
24、ure.光胸透并量了血壓。559. he told me to take these pills every four hours他告訴我每隔四小時服用一次這種藥丸.560. do you think the patient can be cured?你認為這個病人能治好嗎?561. they operated on him last night.昨晚給他做了一次手術(shù)。562. he needed a blood transfusion.他需要輸血。563. my uncle had a heart attack last year.我叔叔去年害了一場心臟病。564. they had to
25、call in a heart specialist.他們不得不請來一位心臟病專家。565. what did the doctor say?醫(yī)生說什么?566. the doctor advised me to get plenty of exercise.醫(yī)生建議我多鍛煉。567. the doctor said i look pale.醫(yī)生說我臉色蒼白。568. if i want to be healthy. i have to stop smoking cigarettes.如果要想身體健康,我心須戒煙。569. the physician said smoking is harmf
26、ul to my health.內(nèi)科大夫說,吸煙對我的健康有害.570. its just a mosquito bite. theres nothing to worry about.這是蚊蟲咬傷的。沒有什么可擔心的。第九課 making telephone calls 打電話(571-585 句)hz571. youre wanted on the telephone. 有電話找你。572. what number should i dial to get the operator?找總機電話員我該拔什么號?573. i want to make a long distance call.
27、我要打個長途電話。574. pick up the receiver and deposit a coin in the slot.拿起聽筒之后,放一個硬幣在這個孔口里。575. i tried to call mr. cooper, but the line was busy.我想給庫柏先生打個電話。但一直占線。576. you must have dialed the wrong number.我定是拔錯號了。577. i dialed the right number, but nobody answered.我拔的號是對的, 但沒有人接。578. the telephone is ri
28、nging, would you answer it, please?電話鈴響了,請你接一下,好嗎?579. would you like to leave a message?你愿意留個話嗎?580. who is this? i dont recognize your voice.誰呀?我聽不出你的聲音來。581. would you please tell mr. cooper i called?請你告訴庫柏先生,說我給他打過電話,好嗎?582. is this empire 5-4093?你這兒是 em5-4093 號嗎?583. i have to hang up now.現(xiàn)在我該把電話掛了。584. put the receiver closer to your mouth. i cant hear you.請把電話筒靠近你嘴邊一些,我聽不清你的話。585. would you mind calling back sometime tomorrow?明天什么時候請你回 我一個電話,好嗎? 第十課 writing letters 寫信(586-600 句)cz586. how long has it been since youve heard from your uncle?從你上次接到你叔父的信以來有
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