



1、I see on the mathematical literacy ofstude nts ofSecon daryschool mathematicsis an importantbasic discipli nes,bears a heavyresponsibilityin thepromoti onof quality educatio nin the process.Un dersta ndingsbased on their ownteach ing practice inmathematicsteach inghow to developstude ntsmathematical

2、 literacy? Now.First, the emphasis on the mathematical applicati on aware ness trai ningTo stude nts in Professordichotomy creati on of situati onal quiz part CCTV2 shopp ing street in commodity prices, and allow stude nts to class quiz the price of the phone, so all of a sudden en thusiasm for lear

3、 ning mobilized the en tire class lear ning effect is very good. Usual teaching, teachers can focus on the cultivati on of stude nts mathematical applicati on aware ness, so that we can make all stude nts like math, and fond of mathematics,change from passive learningtoactive learning,to consciously

4、 make learningmasters.Over time, stude nts math aware ness enhan ceme nt, they will con sciously use mathematical th in ki ng of ways to dealwith a variety of practical problems and also some of the daily life seems the problem has nothing to do with math tran sformed into a mathematical problem, re

5、ally achieve a“give student to teach him to fisheries rather than only gran ted to fish goal.Second,stre ngthe nthe ability of logicalthinking, a good quality of thinking Logical thinking ability in mathematics is to con duct a comprehe nsive an alysis of the properties of mathematical objects accor

6、d ingto the proper law of thought and form,abstraction,reasoningability. It is one of the basicmathematical ability, but also mathThe quality of the core.Teach ing should pay atte nti on to theformati on ofthekno wledgediscovery process. Teach ing shouldchange very much at home “ Style + method ” of

7、 teach ing, to heuristic teach ing into mathematics teach ingactivities.Specifically, theuseof a concept, formulas,theoremsteach ing,trai ningthegeneralityof students thi nki ngandcreativeuseofkno wledge-basedapplicati onsteach ingstude ntsthi nkingcon ti nuityandbroad use of typical cases, exercise

8、s of multiple soluti ons and exte nd cha nge cultivate agility and profo und; lear ning experie nee accumulated and correcti on of problems, stude nts thinking directivity and critical thinking.Third, pay attention to the penetrationof themathematical way of thinkingMathematical way ofthinking is th

9、e soul and esse nee of mathematicsis thecore, it is a means of stude nts to acquire kno wledge, bond con tact of kno wledge, and kno wledgeinto the ability ofthe bridge, which is more than knowledgeof generalapplicability, abstract gen erality. Stude ntsto mastermathematical way of thinking will be

10、able to more quickly access to kno wledge, a more thorough un dersta nding of the kno wledgeand life-l ongben efit.Teachers to fullytap the the textbook contains mathematical thinking, a prominent mathematicalth inkingmethods of teach ing,students creative ability.Fourth, pay atte nti onto the culti

11、vati onofstudents computingpower The computingpower isthe basic mathematical ability, the entrance exam in ati on of the computi ng power of the test count reas on able and logical reas oning test.Stren gthe nreas oning trainingteach ing stude nts master basic kno wledge on the basis of that practic

12、e is required to do step by step basis, there are plenty of reasons,and pay attention to the order ofoperati ons. Problem solv ing ofte n a lot of ways to solve the problem, which requires us to be good at optimiz ing and from. Another had to strengthenthe operationalexercises, form good habits and

13、ability are trained to improve stude nts comput ing is no excepti on, we muststre ngthe n the practicestricttrai ning. Exercisesmathematical con cepts, theorems, rules and formulas can be better practice to use them.Requires students todevelop the habit of specificati on writ ing, n eat writi ng, th

14、e correct format, writi ng correct, do not scribble, not altered to keep the job neat appearanee.Secondly also letstude nts build error correct ing this, usually miscalculated the accumulated for the future is no Ion ger an error.In short, the culture of stre ngthe ningthequality of the high school

15、studentsmath is importantresponsibilitiesof each math teacher usual teaching, weshould always be the starting point for all the work of improv ing the quality of stude nts, to keep lear ning and a firm grasp of modernmathematicalknowledgelevelknowledge, and understandthat the knowledgeof theimplicati on of mathematical thinkin g, lear ning theoretical kno wledge of mathematics educati on, psychological kno wledge and scie nee to pass on to stude nts the method level to seriously study the teach in gs, the study of law, and


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