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1、合作意向書,英文篇一:英文版合作意向書LOI EnglishHenan CBMDevelopment and Utilization Co., LtdAndDart Energy PTE LTDAndHong Kong Prosperous Clean Energy Company LtdLetter of Intent on CooperativeDevelopment of Unconventional GasDated: May 20, 2013Cooperating Parties:Party A:Henan CBM Development and UtilizationCo., Lt

2、dParty B:Dart Energy PTE LTDParty C:Hong Kong Prosperous Clean EnergyCompany Ltd1. Party A isa business entityincorporatedunder the approvalof Henan ProvincialGovernment. Itis responsibleexclusivelyforto the Cooperationcoal bed methane (CBM) exploration,extraction andA. Preconditionproduction, devel

3、opment and utilizationin HenanProvinceand is the firstprovincialCBMdevelopment and utilizationcompany in China. PartyA has obtained the qualification cooperateto exclusivelywith foreign enterprises.2. Party B is a company incorporatedandoperatingunder thelaws of Singapore.Thecompany has thetechnical

4、and capitalcapabilitiesof t assessing CBM resources,designing appraisaland pilot drillingprograms andsubject to technical success of those programs, moving to developing and producing commercially viable CBM. It has developed innovative, low cost horizontal and vertical drilling technology that is i

5、nstrumental in establishing the sustainable growth of commercial CBM production and pre- drainage of several coal mining areas.3. Party C focuses on clean energy and is engaged in developmentand utilization ofautomotive new energy,including LPG, CNG and CBM. Now the companyhas eight CNG gas stations

6、,two LPG gas stations and one L-CNG gas stationinoperation.4. It is the intention of the parties that Party A and Party B will cooperate and carry outexploration work in the 6 CBM blocks under the principleof “ easier block/cherry-pickdevelopment first subject to the condition thatthe choice is bene

7、ficialto all parties5. As part of theprocess of enteringinto thePSCs, the partieswish to commence atechnical evaluation with a view to determiningthe feasibilityand scale of CBM exploration anddevelopment within the corresponding areas To this end,all parties agree to include a confidentiality claus

8、e in this LOI with the aim of facilitating the providing and sharing of appropriate data.6. PartyB and Party C agree to cover the coststo carry outthe technicaldue diligenceand evaluation,andthe partiesagreetoformulatetheindicativetimetableforthenegotiationofthe PSCin detailsafterthecompletiondetail

9、safterthe completionofthetechnical due diligence and evaluation.a technicalcommercial& legalevaluationof thefeasiblearea selectedbyParty A to determinethe potentialfor CBMresources.The evaluationshall alsoidentify apreliminaryview of the mostpromisingareas forinitial explorationactivities,foilow

10、-upappraisaland potentialdevelopment of aproject in the corresponding area.full-scaleCBM2. Technical data.Party A willuse itsbestendeavors to coordinatethe collectionoftechnical data forthe cooperatedareas, as mayB. Cooperation Intentionparties propose to carryout1. Evaluation.Thebe necessary to con

11、duct the technical, commercialandlegalevaluation.At the same time,Party Aw訂1alsoarrange forParty B and Party Cto carryoutsiteand undergroundminevisit(s)of thecorresponding areas as appropriate and, if possible, carry out analysis ofphysical coal samples and available drill cores available from previ

12、ous drill core programs undertaken in respect of the corresponding areas.staffand partyB andParty Cs technicalpersonnel to worktogether,in orderto completeall thetechnical,commercia1 and legalevaluation,andefficientlyhandle themutualinterferenceissuesthat maybe occurin the evaluationminingwork.3.The

13、 partiesshall usetheir bestendeavors toParty A shallendeavorto arrangeandwork co-operatively atall times withinappropriatethe scope of the contentof the cooperationandbe reported to thevariouscompetentgovernmentshall, where possible, openly share information between them that willtheassist in accomp

14、lishing objective and purposes of this LOI.4. Production Sharing Contract. All parties shall use their bestendeavors to concludeand sign the PSCs. The rights and obligations ofeach partywill be defined in PSCs. The PSCs shallto theapprovalof therelevantregulatoryauthoritiesand theMinistryof commerce

15、of theauthoritiesafter being signed, and shall subjectPeople sRepublicof Chinaand othergovernmentauthorities.5. Joint Venture Three parties plan to set up a joint venture company outside of China,the proportion of the Joint Venture tentatively is:(1)Henan CBM 38%,Party B/Party C 62%, Party Bhas the

16、right to bringin a strategic partner,PartyB,s finalshare ratio must benotlessthan31%.(2)The JointVenture will signthePSCwithHenanCBM, theparticipatinginterestinDevelopmentperiod willbe Henan CBM 20% and the JointVenture80%respectivelyConfidentiality1. The parties shall ensure that all Data referred

17、to in Clause 2 above and data, obtainedfrom any subsequent joint evaluation activity relating to the cooperation, including any physical sampling analysis information:(1 Is used solely for the purposes stated in this LOI;(2) Is only disclosed to its employees, officers,consultants and directors fora

18、chieving the cooperationpurposewho shallexecute confidentiality agreement.2. No party shall disclose to any person orinstitution without prior consent of allparties any information, including but notlimited to the cooperation partners and content,technology,operatingany otherinformation.3. Ifany par

19、tyterms, thenon-defaultagainstthe defauItand claimfor compensationC. Miscellaneousmethods,legaldocuments andbreachestheconfidentialityparty willprosecutepartyforlegal liabilitiesfor its losses.1. Governing Law. This 101 according to, the Lawsof Chinashall be governed by, and construed2. Termination.

20、 This LOI shall terminate:(1) After six months of execution date of this LOI;(2) sign the PSCThe conditionof item (1) and Item (2)thatoccurs the later shallprevail. The confidentiality terms inclause 3 shall survive the termination of this LOL3. Whereas Party A is a State-owned enterprise under the

21、supervisionof Henanprovince of the People s Republic of China,accordingto the relevantlaws andregulations,rulesandpolicies,ifthe mattersof thecooperationand contentthereof need tobeapprovedor recored,they shallbe subject totheapprovalof the administrativeauthoritiesPartyB andParty C fully understand

22、this and haveno objection.4. Thisagreement isexecuted inChinese andEnglish Ifthere is anyinconsistency,theChineseversion shallprevai1.This letter of Intentis executed inthemeetingroom at the 3th floor of Henan CBMDevelopment and Utilization Co.,Ltd of the People s Republic ofChina on May 29, 2013.篇二

23、:英文合作意向書agree customary legal opinions must be delivered the content of which shall bemutually agreed upon雙方同意遵守交/投資的法慣, this loi is in duplicate one copy for each party each of which shall bedeemed anoriginal when executed.本意向書式兩份,雙方各持一份,執(zhí)時效等同于原件。party a:party b:甲方: 乙方: signed by: signed by:委托人 簽字:

24、?.委托人簽字:?. . date :date :日期:日期:page 2 of 2篇二:公司英文商函合作意向書模板、格式合作項目意 向書letter of intent for projectdate:july28, 2014 (日期)at tn : ohwan k&: c corporation (廿攵件:公司名稱)正文內(nèi)容(全英文,格式頂頭寫,每段隔開一行)。sincerely yours, xxxxx 公司名稱 co.,ltd.(英文名稱需蓋章)地址:公司地址電話(tel):86- xxxxx傳真(fax) : 86- xxxxxx add:翻譯上述地址電話傳真篇三:英文版合作意

25、向書loi english henan cbm development and utilization co. , ltdand dart energy pte ltdand letter of intent on cooperativedevelopment of unconventional gas dated: may 20, 2013cooperating parties:party a: henan cbm development and utilizationpreconditionincorporatedco. , Itdparty b: dart energy pte ltda

26、.to the cooperation1. party a is a business entityunder the approval of henanprovincial3. party c focuses on clean energy and is engaged in developmentand utilizationof4. it is the intention of the parties that party a and party b willcooperateand carry outexploration workin the 6 cbm blocksunder th

27、eprinciple of“ easierblock/cherry-pickdevelopment first” subjectto the conditionthatthe choice isbeneficialtoallparties, technicalevaluationwith a viewtodetermining the feasibilityandscale of cbmexplorationand developmentwithinthecorrespondingareas, to this end, allpartiesthis loi with the aim of fa

28、cilitatingthe providing and sharing of appropriate data.6. partyb and party c agree to cover the coststo carry outthe technical duediligenceb. cooperationintentionevaluationofthe feasiblearea selectedby party ato determinethe potentialfor cbm resourcestheevaluationshallalsoidentify apreliminaryviewo

29、f the mostpromisingareasforinitialexplorationactivities,foilow-upappraisalandpotentialdevelopmentofa full-scalecbmproject in thecorrespondingarea.2. technical data.partya willuse itsbestendeavors to coordinatecollection ofthe3. the partiesshalluse their bestendeavors towork co-operativelyat all time

30、swithin4. productionsharing contractall partiesshall use their best endeavors toconcludethe proportion of the joint venture tentatively is:(1) henan cbm 38%, party b/party c 62%, party b has the right tobring in astrategic partner, party bs final share ratio must be not less than 31%.(2) the joint v

31、enture will sign the psc with henan cbm, the participating interestin development period will be henan cbm 20% and the joint venture 80% respectivelyconfidentiality1. the parties shall ensure that all data referred to in clause 2above and dataobtainedfrom any subsequent joint evaluation activity rel

32、ating to the cooperation,including any physical sampling analysis information:(1) is used solely for the purposes stated in this loi;to its employees, officers,consultantsand directorscooperationpurposeconfidentialityagreement.(2) is only disclosed2.forachievingthewho shallexecuteno party shall disc

33、lose to any person or institution withoutprior consentof allparties any information, including but not limited to the cooperationpartners legal documents and any otheroperating methods,information.3. if any party breaches the confidentialityterms, the non-defauIt party willprosecutec. miscellaneous1

34、. governing law. this loi shall be governed by, and construed according to, thelawsof china2. termination. this loi shall terminate:(1) after six months of execution date of this loi;(2) sign the pscthe conditionof item (1) and item (2) thatoccurs the later shall prevail, theconfidentiality terms in

35、 clause 3 shall survive the termination of this loi.3. whereas party a is a. state-owned enterprise under the supervision of henanprovince of the people s republic of china, according to the relevant laws andregulations, rules and policies, if the matters of the cooperation and content thereofneed t

36、o be approved or recored, subject to the they shall beapproval of theadministrative authorities.floor of henancbm development and utilizationfully understand this andobjection.4. this agreement isparty b and party cco., ltd of thehave noexecutedinChineseandprevail.thisletterofroom at the 3thintentis

37、 executedin the meetingenglish if there is any inconsistency, the Chinese version shallpeople5 s republic of china on may29, 2013.篇四:合作意向書范本合作意向書范本甲方:乙方:為滿足各自經(jīng)濟利益,甲乙雙方本著互惠互利、平等合作的原則,達成合約:一、乙方應具備如下基本前提條件:乙方對該專案已經(jīng)完成書面可行性建設方案與商業(yè)實施方案;該項目已經(jīng)中國政府同意并批準進行建設與經(jīng)營;乙方對該項目具備合法、獨立的建設權(quán)與經(jīng)營權(quán);乙方能夠獨立落實并完成項目投資 各項基本實施條件并提

38、供辦理的相關手續(xù);乙方對于向甲方(投資人)就該項目所提供的相 關書面檔的真實、合法與有效性能夠承擔法律責任,并有經(jīng)濟實力與甲方共同完成投資合作 過程中所發(fā)生的經(jīng)濟成本;二、在乙方提供相關項目資料后,甲方認為乙方有能力滿足上 述第一條款的所有內(nèi)容,則開始執(zhí)行如下協(xié)議條款:三、甲方與乙方就 項目合作,項目投資總額為億兀人民幣,乙方需甲方對該項目投入前期資金億元人民幣四、甲乙雙方約定項目合作期為 一一-年;五、甲乙雙方合作,甲方認可對該項目投入現(xiàn)匯為合作條件, 乙方認可以自有資產(chǎn)或項目資產(chǎn)(包括項目建設權(quán)與經(jīng)營權(quán)、對該項目已投入資產(chǎn)、該項目預期所形成的固定資產(chǎn)及經(jīng)營收益)作為合作條件及投資資本金償還

39、抵押與向甲方利潤分 配保障。乙方確認在合作期內(nèi)自有項目的凈收益值為億元人民幣(甲方認可乙方就 該項目 提供第三方擔保);六、甲方向乙方項目現(xiàn)匯投入幣種為 一一幣,按投入當期 匯率兌換人民幣,多余兌換金額由甲方即時收回;七、甲乙雙方就專案合作,建成后專案總資產(chǎn)所有權(quán)明確歸屬 于乙方所有;八、甲乙雙方合作,乙方可依據(jù)眾多會計師事務所中可能實際出現(xiàn)的最低收費價格和甲方每次有可能投入的實際合作資金(首次為萬元整)為上限來確認每次最高評估價值,并辦理資產(chǎn)評估的相關手續(xù)和支付評估費用。乙方 專案經(jīng)營現(xiàn)狀需在簽約所在地并由具備國際專業(yè)水準機構(gòu)進行評估與審計,經(jīng)甲方確認后作為投資法律保障,在與乙方辦理合作抵押

40、手續(xù)之后,即時投入合作資本(有關專業(yè)評估與審計機構(gòu)由甲乙雙方共同認可);如果甲方根據(jù)中國境內(nèi)專業(yè)律師機構(gòu)出具的有關盡職調(diào) 查報告 認為乙方的情況比較特殊,雖然未做評估與審計,但已可根據(jù)乙方所提供的相關項目資料和 甲方去乙方所在地所進行的前期實地考察,確認乙方具備投資條件,則在乙方能夠以現(xiàn)實自 有資產(chǎn)或項目資產(chǎn)作為抵押并與甲方辦理合作抵押手續(xù)之后,甲方應將首批合作資金一一-萬 元在一一-個工作日內(nèi)以甲乙雙方認可的方式投入,余款按乙方根據(jù)項目專案建設進 度向甲方提出相關書面申請并經(jīng)甲方回函確認后分批投入(乙方可以負擔甲方去乙方項目所 在地辦理合作抵押手續(xù)過程中所發(fā)生的差旅費,或為甲方報銷相關差旅費

41、用);九、甲方對乙方項目投資,在雙方約定合作期內(nèi),乙方 按照甲 乙雙方約定的每年 %的投資收益比例以及甲方實際投入資金數(shù)量,每年向甲方分配 經(jīng)營利潤,直至合作期滿;十、甲乙雙方合作期內(nèi),乙方自由計劃償還甲方投入資本金, 于合作期滿時,乙方需無條件全額償還甲方投入資本金;十一、甲方責任:1、甲方依據(jù)乙方提供的有關項目資料,經(jīng)初步論證后,如認為乙方的項目有考察的必要,則應向乙方發(fā)出考察的通知,在得到乙方的回函確認后,由乙方支付費用,為甲方安排相關考察人員的差旅事宜,但不予提供現(xiàn)金給甲方自行使用。甲方對乙方的項目考察完畢當日,應向乙方出具內(nèi)容同時包括考察完畢的結(jié)束語和一一天之內(nèi)最終確認甲方是否有必要

42、對乙方項目繼續(xù)運作的回函。如到時間后,甲方仍不通知乙方, 則乙方可認定甲方不會對該項目投資,同時該協(xié)議作廢。如果在約定時間之內(nèi),甲方回函通知乙方應找相關的專業(yè)機構(gòu)對乙方的項目做盡職調(diào)查報告,則甲乙雙方的合作進入本協(xié)議條款的第2條內(nèi)容;2、甲方可自由決定乙方的項目專案現(xiàn)狀是否有必要辦理律師盡職調(diào)查、評估和審計。如果,甲乙雙方共同認可的相關律師事務所經(jīng)過調(diào)查之后出具的盡職調(diào)查報告得出乙方的項目不具有真實、有效并合法的結(jié)論,那么本協(xié)議同時作廢(涉及律師調(diào)查的相關費用由乙方承擔)反之,如果盡職調(diào)查報告得出乙方的項目具有真實、有效并合法的結(jié)論,那么,從相 方不予書面通知乙方是否繼續(xù)辦理評估和審計委托手續(xù)

43、并陳述相關正當理由,或在相關專業(yè)機構(gòu)對乙 方的項目所做評估或?qū)徲嬑吹贸鲆曳巾椖砍霈F(xiàn)重大問題結(jié)論之日起的一一天內(nèi)甲方未辦理合作抵押手續(xù),或甲方在和乙方辦理合作抵押手續(xù)之日起的一一甲乙雙方合作,甲方 認可對該 項目投入現(xiàn)匯為合作條件,乙方認可以自有資產(chǎn) 或項目資產(chǎn)(包括項目建設權(quán)與經(jīng)營權(quán)、對該項目已投入資產(chǎn)、該項目預 期所形成的固定資產(chǎn)及經(jīng)營收益)作為合作條件及投資資本金償還抵押與向甲方利潤分配保 障。推薦閱讀:-天內(nèi)甲方未投入資金,則甲方均將被視為違約,應以乙方與甲方簽署的頭一份合約(如備忘合約、合作意向書)后乙方所發(fā)生的所有相關費用 數(shù)額為基 數(shù),一一倍賠償乙方經(jīng)濟損失;3、甲乙雙方合作期內(nèi),

44、甲方不得以任何理由要求乙方提前償還資 本金;如乙方自愿提前償還甲方資本金及投資收益,雙方約定利潤分配比例不變;4、約定合作期內(nèi),甲方不參與乙方日常經(jīng)營管理,乙方需定期向 甲方提供專案運營財務報告。十二、乙方責任:1、甲乙雙方合作期內(nèi),對于甲方投入資金,乙方需專 款專用于合 作項目上,不得以任何理由使用在其它項目上。如經(jīng)甲方發(fā)現(xiàn)并證實,則甲方有權(quán)即時終止和約并向乙方追究違約責任;2、甲乙雙方合作期內(nèi),甲方可以提出要求:就乙方向甲方所提供 專案或資產(chǎn)相關合法所有權(quán)及其它書面檔,需經(jīng)雙方認可的中國公證機構(gòu)公證備存;3、甲乙雙方合作期內(nèi),乙方作為甲方合作條件的專案 或資產(chǎn)不得 以任何形式用于其他抵押及

45、擔保;4、甲乙雙方合作期滿,如乙方未按雙方約定全額償還甲方投資資 本金及分配項目經(jīng)營利潤,則乙方認可將自有資產(chǎn)及專案資產(chǎn)無條件轉(zhuǎn)讓給甲方所有;5、甲方為乙方投入的首批合作資金,由此發(fā)生的銀行 手續(xù)費經(jīng)乙 方確認后,先由甲方承擔,而后,從首批合作資金到賬之日起的一一-日之內(nèi),乙方對甲方做出相應的全額補償;6、合作期內(nèi)如評估結(jié)論證實乙方不具備亦不符合本意向書約定的 合作條件,審計結(jié)論證實乙方嚴重違反財務制度,則甲方有權(quán)終止與乙方資金合作,有權(quán)要求乙方賠償甲方經(jīng)濟損失;十三、甲乙雙方合作需恪守誠信第一原則,合作期間應 保持順暢 溝通。若發(fā)生爭議應先協(xié)調(diào),協(xié)調(diào)不成,依法于簽約地人民法院提起訴訟; 十四

46、、本意向書中英文對照,一式兩份,甲乙雙方各執(zhí)一份。當英文定義與釋意等發(fā)生沖突或差異的情況下,以中文解釋含義為準;十五、本協(xié)議簽署當日,甲方應該向乙方提交相關公司背景資料(如營業(yè)執(zhí)照復印件等);十六、從本協(xié)議簽署之日算起,一一天以內(nèi) 如果甲乙雙方均未再提出疑義,則本協(xié)議正式生效。甲方:乙方:簽署時間:年 月曰簽署時間:年 月 日篇五:中英文合作協(xié) 議一一合作協(xié)議書cooperation agreement 合同編號: contract no.: 簽訂地點:西安signing place of contract: xian甲、乙雙方本著互利互惠,誠實守信,優(yōu)勢互補的原則,經(jīng)過友好協(xié)商,就甲方對于

47、乙方生產(chǎn)太陽能電池組件中介合作事宜,達成如下協(xié)議:party a and party b agree to sign the cooperation contract on producing ofsolar panels, and that party a introduces buyers for party b, for mutual benefitsin conditions as follows :1.合作內(nèi)容cooperative content根據(jù)甲乙雙方協(xié)商,達成以下合作 內(nèi)容:to conclude the below contentsof cooperation accor

48、ding to negotiations betweentwo parties:(1) 甲方介紹、協(xié)助和促成乙方與簽訂生產(chǎn) 買賣合同;價格為,總價格為。party a authorizes party b to produce for theunit priceis, in sum .(1)甲方的責任、權(quán)利和義務partyas(2) 甲方應認真與其推薦的客戶進行聯(lián)絡,介紹并推廣乙方的產(chǎn)品,并為乙方與客戶的溝通、談判、商務運作等相關商務活動提供商業(yè)咨詢服務,最終促成乙方與采購商簽訂買賣合同;on behalf of party b, party a is responsible to conta

49、ct with, introduce party bs products to and operate related business activities with, promote signing contract between party b and(3) 如果在采購合同執(zhí)行過程中,由于甲方客戶方面的不當,發(fā)生問題,在乙方的要求下,甲方有義務進行協(xié)調(diào)解決執(zhí)行合同的問題;并要求甲方客戶按采購合同及本合同條款執(zhí)行。由于乙方的原因沒有執(zhí)行好合同條款的情況下,那么甲方有權(quán)要求乙方按采購合同及本合同條款執(zhí)行。in the process of execution purchase contra

50、ct, when hasundeserved problems, party a has duty to coordinate solving problems when partyb do not perform under the terms of contractwell , party a has right to require partyb executing terms of purchase contract2雙方的責任、權(quán)利和義務responsib訂ities,rightsand obligationsresponsibility, rights and obligations:a甲方負責與其推薦的客戶進行聯(lián)絡、介紹并推廣乙方的產(chǎn)品,并協(xié)助乙方對客戶的溝篇三:中英文投資合作意向書Letter of Intent合作意向書 After friendlyconsultations based on the principles of equality and mutual benefit 本著平 等互的原則,經(jīng)過友好的協(xié)商,Party A/甲方and與Party B/乙方have agreed to execute this Letter of Intent LOI to accord the understan


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