



1、白居易長恨歌英文翻譯詩人借歷史人物和傳說,創(chuàng)造了一個(gè)回旋宛轉(zhuǎn)的動(dòng)人故事,并通過塑造的藝術(shù)形象,再現(xiàn)了現(xiàn)實(shí)生活的真實(shí),感染了千百年來的讀者, 詩的主題是“長恨”。該詩對(duì)后世諸多文學(xué)作品產(chǎn)生了深遠(yuǎn)的影響。下面是小編為您整理的關(guān)于白居易長恨歌英文翻譯的相關(guān)資料,歡迎閱讀!漢皇重色思傾國,御宇多年求不得。楊家有女初長成,養(yǎng)在深閨人未識(shí)。The Emperor was obsessed with love, crav ing for a woma n of peerless beauty.Hav ing bee n on the throne for many years, the Emperor, h

2、owever, failed to find such a beauty.A little girl of the Yang family had just grown up.Living in an inner chamber, this lady was hardly known to the public.天生麗質(zhì)難自棄,一朝選在君王側(cè)?;仨恍Π倜纳鶎m粉黛無顏色。With her lovely form and features gran ted by heave n and impossible to be con cealed,She was one day chose n f

3、or the imperial household.Whenshe turned and smiled, the beauty cast her spell with enchanting gestures,Overshadow ing all other beautifulcon cub ines in the royal court.春寒賜浴華清池,溫泉水滑洗凝脂。侍兒扶起嬌無力,始是新承恩澤時(shí)。During a chilly spri ngtime, the Emperor gave edict gran ti ng her to have a bath in Flower Pure P

4、ool,Where warm, creamy-ti nted spri ng water washed her delicate skin.While the maids were trying to support her out of the pool, her figure showed Ianguor and weariness.That was the time when she had just won theEmperors favor云鬢花顏金步搖,芙蓉帳暖度春宵。春宵苦短日高起,從此君王不早朝。The favored concubine had cloudy hair, fl

5、owery features, and gold hairpins swinging with every movementshe made.Shespent wonderful nights with the Emperor within the cosy canopy with hibiscus motifs.Every admi rable night was too short, so they didn t get up tillthesun was shining high in the sky.The Emperor, from that time forth, forsook

6、his morning audience.承歡侍宴無閑暇,春從春游夜專夜。后宮佳麗三千人,三千寵愛在一身。The concubine lavished all her time on seeking the Emperors pleasure and serving him at feasts.She would accompany the Emperor to spring outings and sleep with him night after night.There were three thousand charming concubines in the royal court.

7、But all the Emperor s favors to these three thousand were conferred on heronly.金屋妝成嬌侍夜,玉樓宴罷醉和春。姊妹弟兄皆列土,可憐光彩生門戶。She would refine her appearance and dress up in Golden Chamberbefore serving the Emperor for the night.When she retreated from revels held in Jade Tower, she would be slightly drunk, projec

8、ting an air of the spring.The concubine s sisters and brothers were all given titles,Which glorified and honored her family.遂令天下父母心,不重生男重生女。驪宮高處入青云,仙樂風(fēng)飄處處聞。This dissipated an ancient prejudice held by every family throughout the empire.Parents desired to have girls rather than boys.Li Palace soared

9、high up into the blue clouds.Far and wide, the breeze carried the melodious notes floating out of the palace.緩歌慢舞凝絲竹,盡日君王看不足。漁陽鼙鼓動(dòng)地來,驚破霓裳羽衣曲。Mellow melodies and soft dances mingled with the tunes played on silk and bamboo instruments.The Emperor indulged in these enchanting feasts day after day, but

10、 he could never see enough of them.Disaster overtook the empire when war drums, booming from Yuyang, shocked the whole earth,Completely ruining the melody titled Rainbow Skirt and Feathered Coat.九重城闕煙塵生,千乘萬騎西南行。翠華搖搖行復(fù)止,西出都門百余里。Smoke was rising from the imperial palace looming in the dust,While tens

11、of thousands of fleeing horses and carriages were heading southwest.The sumptuously decorated imperial carriage wobbled along the way, now moving and now pausing,Till it was brought to a halt somewhere over one hundred miles from the western gate of the capital.六軍不發(fā)無奈何,宛轉(zhuǎn)蛾眉馬前死。 花鈿委地?zé)o人收,翠翹金雀玉搔頭。The i

12、mperial guards refused to continue the journey, leaving the Emperor no choiceBut to give an edict to have his beloved concubine hanged, who wrinkled her eyebrows and died in front of the horse-driven imperial carriage.Her decorated hairpins fell to the ground, but no one picked them up.Hair decorati

13、ons, Curved Jade and Gold Siskin, and jade hairpins were all scattered about.君王掩面救不得,回看血淚相和流。 黃埃散漫風(fēng)蕭索,云??M紆登劍閣。 While she was dying, the Emperor could do nothing but cover his face.Later, when he turned around to take a look, blood and tears started rolling down his cheeks.Yellow dust billowed in the

14、 air while the cold wind was hissing.Along the narrow paths planked over cliffs, the fleeing royalty meandered their way to Dagger Tower.峨嵋山下少人行,旌旗無光日色薄。蜀江水碧蜀山青,圣主朝朝暮暮情。Very few people were spotted passing the foot of Emei Mountain.Flags and banners lost their glories against the declining sun.Altho

15、ugh the rivers of Shu were blue and the mountains green,The Emperor was still possessed by the memory of his lost love, either day or night.行宮見月傷心色,夜雨聞鈴腸斷聲。天旋地轉(zhuǎn)回龍馭,到此躊躇不能去。While dwelling in the temporary palace, he felt inexpressibly sad at the sight of the moon.Also, he felt profound anguish whenev

16、er he heard the sound of jingling bells amid a night rain.After the uprising was subdued and peace restored, the Emperor embarked on the journey back home. But, upon reaching the heart-breakingplace, the Emperor lingered, totally unwilling to leave.馬嵬坡下泥土中,不見玉顏空死處。君臣相顧盡沾衣,東望都門信馬歸。From the soil along

17、 the Mawei slope, There was not a sight of his charming concubine, but the grave where her remains rested.The Emperor and his officials looked at one another, dissolving in tears that wet their robes.Facing eastward toward the gate of the palace, they went on horseback travelling back home in a leis

18、urely way.歸來池苑皆依舊,太液芙蓉未央柳。芙蓉如面柳如眉,對(duì)此如何不淚垂。Whenthey returned, they found the pools and the gardens were all just as before.And the hibiscus in Lake Taiye and willows in Weiyang Palace also remained unchanged.The hibiscus flow ers served as a reminder of the concubine s faceand the willow leaves her e

19、yebrows. What could the Emperor do but weep when he looked at them?春風(fēng)桃李花開日,秋雨梧桐葉落時(shí)。西宮南內(nèi)多秋草,落葉滿階紅不掃。The sight of peach trees and plum trees blossoming in the spring wind.And deciduous Chinese parasol trees losing their leaves amid autumn rain stirred the emotions of the Emperor s lost lover.West Pala

20、ce and South Palace were covered with autum grass,And the steps were blanketed with red leaves, which no one swept away.梨園弟子白發(fā)新,椒房阿監(jiān)青娥老。夕殿螢飛思悄然,孤燈挑盡未成眠。Ensemble musicians hair had been frosted not long earlier.Eunuchs and waiting maids whoused to serve in the concubine s palace were greatly aged.Ove

21、r the throne flew fire-flies while the Emperor brooded in the twilight.He still could not fall asleep even though the lonely lamp near by had run out of oil.遲遲鐘鼓初長夜,耿耿星河欲曙天。鴛鴦瓦冷霜華重,翡翠衾寒誰與共。Bells tolled and drums rolled before the dragging night hours.And the River of Stars grew sharp in the sky, jus

22、t before dawn.The mandarin-duck roof titles were covered with a thick blanket offrost in the cold.And the Emperors sumptuous quilt could not keep himwarm, for there was no one he could sleep with.悠悠生死別經(jīng)年,魂魄不曾來入夢(mèng)。 臨邛道士鴻都客,能以精誠致魂魄。The separation between life and death had kept them apart almost for on

23、e year,Yet no beloved spirit ever visited the Emperors dreams.A Taoist priest from Lingqiong visited the capital,Who was able to summon spirits through his concentrated mind.為感君王輾轉(zhuǎn)思,遂教方士殷勤覓。 排空馭氣奔如電,升天入地求之遍。The priest was so moved by the Emperors lasting attachment for his lost concubineThat he beso

24、ught other sorcerers to spare no efforts to help find her.He mounted the clouds and rode the mist, flying as fast as lightning,And searching everywhere, up to heaven and down to earth.上窮碧落下黃泉,兩處茫茫皆不見。 忽聞海上有仙山,山在虛無縹渺間。High up, the priest searched heaven, or Green Void; down below, he looked carefully

25、 under the earth, or Yellow Spring.But, in either place, he searched in vain for the concubine.Later, he heard accounts of an enchanted isle at sea,Which was shrouded in clouds and mist, with an air of mystery.樓閣玲瓏五云起,其中綽約多仙子。 中有一人字太真,雪膚花貌參差是。On the isle, there existed exquisite pavilions and fine t

26、owers among five-colored coulds,Where many divine beauties with shapely figures dwelled.One of them was by the name of The Ever True, who had skin white as snow and appearance as beautiful as flowers.She was more than likely the one the priest was looking for.金闕西廂叩玉扃,轉(zhuǎn)教小玉報(bào)雙成。 聞道漢家天子使,九華帳里夢(mèng)魂驚。So he w

27、ent to the west chamber of the golden pavilion and knocked at its jasper door.He then asked the girl called Cute Jade, who answered the door, to send word to the divine beauty living inside.Upon hearing that a envoy from the Emperor was waiting outside,The beauty was startled out of sleep in her sum

28、ptuously decorated canopy.攬衣推枕起徘徊,珠箔銀屏迤邐開。云鬢半偏新睡覺,花冠不整下堂來。She pushed aside her pillow, dressed herself, and paced back and forth.Then she walked out along rows of jewelled blinds and silver screens.Her cloudy hair slanted because of her great haste.And her flowery crown was loose as she came along t

29、he terrace.風(fēng)吹仙袂飄飄舉,猶似霓裳羽衣舞。 玉容寂寞淚闌干,梨花一枝春帶雨。A light wind filled her cloak making it flutter in the air.The divine beauty seemed to be dancing to the tune of Rainbow Skirt and Feathered Coat.Tear drops drifted down her sad, delicate face,A scene resembling a spring rain drizzling down on a pear tree

30、blossom.含情凝睇謝君王,一別音容兩渺茫。 昭陽殿里恩愛絕,蓬萊宮中日月長。With love glowing deep within her eyes, the divine beauty gazed at the priest and expressed her appreciation for the Emperor,Whose face and voice had been strange to her ever since their parting.The conjugal love between them at the Hall of Bright Sun had already ended.But the days in her Fairy Mountain Palace seemedto be passing quite slowly.回頭下望人寰處,不見長安見塵霧。 惟將舊物表深情,鈿合金釵寄將去。When she turned to looked down at the earth,What she could see was only fog and dust, rather than the c


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