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1、NEC 建筑合同解釋,Echo Aug. 2008,新工程合同與傳統(tǒng)合同http:/,傳統(tǒng)合同 FIDIC合同第一版于1957年出版,隨后幾乎每隔十年進行一次修改。1988年FIDIC合同第四版對第三版又作了大量的修訂,對合同雙方在工程管理實踐活動中各自的責任、義務(wù)、權(quán)利規(guī)定得更為明確,風險分攤更為合理,以致于世界銀行及其它金融機構(gòu)貸款的項目指定使用FIDIC合同,成為當今世界各國建筑業(yè)界推崇的實施工程項目的國際慣例。 盡管FIDIC合同條件在過去40多年中經(jīng)過多年修訂,但其指導思想仍屬于傳統(tǒng)合同的管理模式,即項目業(yè)主聘用咨詢工程師管理工程,由咨詢工程師提供設(shè)計文件包括技術(shù)說明、施工圖、工程量

2、清單,承包商依據(jù)圖紙、技術(shù)說明對工程量清單中的各項逐一報價。FIDIC合同授予咨詢工程師很大的權(quán)力,因此,承包商對咨詢工程師的公正性一直持慣于懷疑態(tài)度,新工程合同的指導思想 英國土木工程師學會(ICE)于1995年出版的第二版“新工程合同”(New Engineering Contract)是對傳統(tǒng)合同的一次挑戰(zhàn),它具有鮮明的指導思想,即:力圖促使合同的參與方按現(xiàn)代項目管理的原理和實踐,管理好其自身工作,并鼓勵良好的工程管理,以實現(xiàn)每一項目業(yè)主的目標質(zhì)量、成本、工期。這一指導思想在NEC系列合同中的工程施工合同(Engineering and Construction Contract,簡稱

3、ECC合同)核心條款第一條作了明確規(guī)定:“雇主、承包商、項目經(jīng)理和監(jiān)理工程師應(yīng)按本合同的規(guī)定,在工作中互相信任、相互合作。裁決人應(yīng)按本合同的規(guī)定獨立工作。”而且,這一指導思想貫穿于所有合同條件中,特別反映在如“早期警告”機制、“裁決人”制度、“提前竣工資金”、“補償事件”等合同條件中,充分反映了NEC合同的“新”的指導思想。 NEC合同首先引入合同雙方“合作合伙”(partnering)的思路來管理工程項目,以減少或避免爭端。各自合同雙方雖有不同的商業(yè)目標,但可以通過共同預(yù)測及防范風險來實現(xiàn)項目目標,同時實現(xiàn)各自的商業(yè)目標,1 The NEC engineering and construct

4、ion contractCore clauses-General(總則,New words: Employer 業(yè)主,contractor 承包商,subcontractor 分包商,project manager 項目經(jīng)理,supervisor 監(jiān)理工程師,adjudicator 裁決人,the contract date 合同生效日,works information 工程信息,site 工地現(xiàn)場,plant 設(shè)備,material 材料, the completion date 竣工日期,(accepted)programme (已認可的)施工進度計劃,applicable law 適用

5、法律,defect 缺陷,fee 間接費,ambiguity/discrepance 歧義,inconsistency 矛盾, working area 施工作業(yè)區(qū)域,Actions 10-工作原則 10,10.1 The Employer, the Contractor, the Project Manager and the Supervisor shall act as stated in this contract and in a spirit of mutual trust and co-operation. The Adjudicator shall act as stated

6、in this contract and in a spirit of independence. 10.1 雇主、承包商、項目經(jīng)理和監(jiān)理工程師應(yīng)按本合同的規(guī)定,在工作中相互信任、相互合作。裁決人應(yīng)按本合同的規(guī)定獨立工作,Identified and defined 11-合同用詞及其定義 11,Terms 11.1 In these conditions of contract, terms identified in the Contract Data are in italics and defined terms have capital initials. 11.1 在本合同的條件中

7、,合同資料所確認的用詞以斜體字表示,另外專門定義的用詞首字母大寫。(本條給出了用于本合同主要用詞的定義。在選項條款中給出專用于某一特定選項的用詞的其他定義。以首字母大寫表示的用詞,為在工程施工合同條文中用以表示有專門定義,以區(qū)別于非專門定義的用詞。在本使用指南中對斜體字和首字母大寫采用與在工程施工合同條文中相同的約定。,11.2 (1)The Parties are the Employer and the Contractor. 11.2 (1)當事方為雇主和承包商,2)Others are people or organizations who are not the Employer,

8、the Project Manager, the Supervisor, the Adjudicator, the Contractor, or any employee, Subcontractor or supplier of the Contractor. (2)其他人員為雇主、項目經(jīng)理、監(jiān)理工程師、裁決人、承包商以及承包商的雇員、分包商或供應(yīng)商以外的人員或機構(gòu),3)The Contract Date is the date when this contract came into existence. (3) 合同生效日指本合同生效之日。(合同成立通過不同方式有時通過詢盤為對方認可,有

9、時通過持久談判和討論后生效。無論合同通過何種方式成立生效,本款合同生效日來定義合同生效日。以文件形式記錄合同生效方式和合同生效日期很為重要。若非如此,就要承擔今后難以解決因合同引起的爭端而帶來的風險。,4)To Provide the Works means to do the work necessary to complete the works in accordance with this contract and all incidental work, services and actions which this contract requires. (4) 實施合同工程指根據(jù)本

10、合同為完成合同工程所從事的必要工作,也指本合同要求的一切附帶作業(yè)、服務(wù)和工作,5)Works Information is information which either specifies and describes the works or states any constraints on how the Contractor Provides the Works and is either in the documents which the Contract Data states it is in or in an instruction given in accordance

11、with this contract,5) 工程信息的內(nèi)容為 對合同工程的規(guī)定和說明,或 對承包商實施合同工程所用方法的要求; 其形式可為 合同資料規(guī)定的含有此種內(nèi)容的文件,或 按本合同發(fā)出的指令。 (工程信息指關(guān)于要實施的合同工程的信息。,6)Site Information is information which describes the Site and its surroundings and is in the documents which the Contract Data states it is in. (6)場地資料指 描述工地現(xiàn)場及其周圍環(huán)境狀況的資料,及 合同資料規(guī)

12、定的含有此種資料的文件。 (場地資料包括了工地現(xiàn)場周圍環(huán)境狀況的資料。,7)The Site is the area within the boundaries of the site and the volumes above and below it which are affected by work included in this contract. (7)工程現(xiàn)場是指場地界限以內(nèi)的區(qū)域,以及受本合同工程影響的該區(qū)域上空和地下的范圍。 (場地界限一般標識在合同資料第一部分中確定的圖紙上。,8)The Working Areas are the working areas unless

13、 later changed in accordance with this contract. (8)施工作業(yè)區(qū)指合同資料中所指的施工作業(yè)區(qū)域,以及以后根據(jù)本合同變更的區(qū)域。 (承包商可在合同資料第二部分中說明其所建議增加使用的施工作業(yè)區(qū)。這將包括承包商所建議為實施本合同的目的臨時使用的任何陸地區(qū)域。,9)A Subcontractor is a person or corporate body who has a contract with the Contractor to provide part of the works or to supply Plant and Material

14、s which he has wholly or partly designed specifically for the works. (9) 分包商為完成部分合同工程與承包商訂立合同關(guān)系、或供應(yīng)由其專為合同工程全部或部分設(shè)計的設(shè)備和材料的個人或企業(yè)實體。 (除本條規(guī)定,分包商這一定義并不包括承包商的供應(yīng)商。,10)Plant and Materials are items intended to be included in the works. (10) 設(shè)備和材料指將用于合同工程上的設(shè)備和材料。 (臨時用于施工但在竣工或竣工前撤離現(xiàn)場的各項設(shè)備和材料不計入設(shè)備和材料內(nèi)。,11)Equi

15、pment is items provided by the Contractor and used by him to Provide the Works and which the Works information does not require him to include in the works. (11) 施工設(shè)備是指由承包商提供并由其在實施合同工程時使用的設(shè)備,但工程信息未要求承包商將此類設(shè)備用于合同工程上,施工設(shè)備的定義較為廣泛,該詞包括了施工設(shè)備、車輛、消耗材料、工具、臨時工程、工棚、臨時出入道路和其他現(xiàn)場設(shè)施。 一般施工設(shè)備最終要從工地現(xiàn)場撤離,但第72條規(guī)定,經(jīng)項目經(jīng)

16、理批準可留下某些施工設(shè)備。例如,承包商可請求留下臨時樁以節(jié)省拔樁費用。此外,項目經(jīng)理也可能同意將“難以回收”的模板留在原處,12)The Completion Data is the completion date unless later changed in accordance with this contract. (12)竣工日為合同資料中所指定的竣工日,或以后根據(jù)本合同變更的竣工日期。 (合同資料中規(guī)定的竣工日期可以各種方式改變,如因補償事件或趕工協(xié)議而改變。,13)Completion is when the Contractor has done all the work wh

17、ich the Works Information states he is to do by the Completion Data and corrected notified Defects which would have prevented the Employer from using the works,13)竣工是指承包商已經(jīng) 完成了工程信息中規(guī)定其在竣工日應(yīng)完成的所有工作,并且 改正了可能會妨礙雇主使用合同工程且已指出的缺陷。 (工程信息必須規(guī)定在竣工前應(yīng)完成的工作。這使雇主在規(guī)定竣工時,在其要求的程度上有一些靈活性,并盡量避免了因使用“基本竣工”或“部分竣工”之類的用詞而帶

18、來的不確定性。如在某些中東國家,通常以竣工等同于完全竣工,工程信息則要寫明在竣工前必須沒有缺陷。,14)The Accepted Programme is the programme identified in the Contract Data or is the latest programme accepted by the Project Manager. The latest programme accepted by the Project Manager superseds(to take the place of) previous Accepted Programme. (1

19、4)已認可的施工進度計劃是指合同資料中所確定的施工進度計劃,或項目經(jīng)理認可的最新施工進度計劃。項目經(jīng)理認可的最新施工進度計劃將取代所有先前已認可的施工進度計劃,15)A Defect is a part of the works which is not in accordance with the Works Information or a part of the works designed by the Contractor which is not in accordance with the applicable law or the Contractors design whic

20、h has been accepted by the Project Manager,15)缺陷指 合同工程中不符合工程信息的部分工程,或 由承包商設(shè)計的部分工程不符合 適用法律,或 已為項目經(jīng)理認可的承包商的設(shè)計。 (缺陷一詞具有嚴格的定義,它不包括屬于雇主責任的設(shè)計錯誤造成的工程中的缺陷。,16)The Defects Certificate is either a list of Defects that the Supervisor has notified before the defects date which the Contractor has not corrected o

21、r, if there are no such Defects, a statement that there are none. (16)缺陷證書可以為一份在缺陷責任解除日之前,監(jiān)理工程師已通知而承包商尚未改正的缺陷項目清單。如無缺陷時,該證書也可成為一份無任何缺陷的申明。 (缺陷證書簽發(fā)表明本合同當事方大部分合同義務(wù)的終結(jié)。在缺陷證書中所列的未改正的缺陷按第45條所述的辦法處理。,17)The Fee is the amount calculated by applying the fee percentage to the amount of Actual Cost. (17)間接費系指

22、用間接費率乘以實際成本計算得出的金額。 未包括在專門定義的實際成本內(nèi)的承包商的任何費用均視為與利潤一起已經(jīng)包括在間接費中(第52.1條)。間接費率由各投標人在合同資料第二部分中填報。此間接費率適用于已完工程的實際成本,也適用于在補償事件計價時對尚未實施工程的預(yù)計實際成本。在選項C/D/E/F中,也用于計算應(yīng)付給承包商的款項(見成本組成表中的說明,Interpretation and the law 12,New words: Be governed by 受法律管轄;適用于法律, submission提交件,acceptance 認可,notification 通知, recipient 收信

23、人(接受者),communication函件, submit/resubmit 提交/再次提交,due 到期,withhold 扣留、保留;拒絕給予,compensation event補償事件,12.1 In this contract, except where the context shows otherwise, words in the singular also mean in the plural and the other way round and words in the masculine also mean in the feminine and neuter. 12

24、.1 除上下文另有說明外,在本合同中,單數(shù)形式的用詞也具有復(fù)數(shù)的意義,反之亦然。陽性形式的用詞也具有陰性和中性的意義,12.2 This contract is governed by the law of the contract. 12.2 本合同受合同法管轄,Communications 13,13.1 Each instruction, certificate, submission, proposal, record, acceptance, notification and reply which this contract requires is communicated in

25、a form which can be read, copied and recorded. Writing is in the language of this contract. 13.1 本合同要求的每一指令、證書、提交件、建議、記錄、認可、通知和答復(fù)函均應(yīng)以可讀、可復(fù)制和可記錄的形式進行聯(lián)系并用本合同語言書寫。(“以可讀、可復(fù)制和可記錄的形式”一語包含了用郵件、電傳、電報、電子郵件、傳真,以及以光盤、磁帶或其他電子方式發(fā)送的文件。,13.2 A communication has effect when it is received at the lastest address not

26、ified by the recipient for receiving communications or, if none is notified, at the address of the recipient stated in the Contract Data. 13.2 當函件送達收件人告知的最新地址時,函件方才生效。若收件人未告知最新地址,則當函件送達至合同資料中寫明的收件人地址時,函件即生效,13.3 If this contract requires the Project Manager, the Supervisor or the Contractor to reply

27、 to a communication, unless otherwise stated in this contract, he replies within the period for reply. 13.3 若本合同要求項目經(jīng)理、監(jiān)理工程師或承包商對函件作出答復(fù),除非本合同另有規(guī)定,這一答復(fù)應(yīng)在答復(fù)期內(nèi)作出,13.4 The Project Manager replies to a communication submitted or resubmitted to him by the Contractor for acceptance. If his reply is not acc

28、eptance, he states his reasons and the Contractor resubmits the communication within the period for reply taking account of these reasons. A reason for withholding acceptance is that more information is needed in order to assess the Contractors submission fully,13.4 項目經(jīng)理應(yīng)對承包商提交或再次提交要其認可的函件作出答復(fù)。若答復(fù)為不

29、認可,項目經(jīng)理應(yīng)說明其理由,承包商應(yīng)在答復(fù)期內(nèi)考慮這些理由后再次提交函件。項目經(jīng)理不予以認可的理由為,尚需進一步的資料以全面評價承包商所提交的函件。 此兩條規(guī)定了在合同條件中各處(合同資料第一部分所確定的)答復(fù)期一詞的使用,13.5 The Project Manager may extend the period for reply to a communication if the Project Manager and the Contractor agree to the extension before the reply is due. The Project Manager no

30、tifies the extension which has been agreed to the Contractor,13.5 若在函件答復(fù)期期滿之前,項目經(jīng)理和承包商均同意延長函件答復(fù)期,項目經(jīng)理可以延長函件答復(fù)期。項目經(jīng)理應(yīng)將雙方同意的延長期限通知承包商。 本條規(guī)定了可通過雙方協(xié)議延長函件答復(fù)期。對于工程施工合同中規(guī)定的其他行為期限,其延長時間(如果有的話)已在相關(guān)條文中說明。 工程施工分包合同中也有類似條款。除非已得到項目經(jīng)理同意,主合同作相應(yīng)延長,否則承包商不應(yīng)同意延長分包合同中的函件答復(fù)期,13.6 The Project Manager issues his certifica

31、tes to the Employer and the Contractor. The Supervisor issues his certificates to the Project Manager and the Contractor. 13.6 項目經(jīng)理向雇主和承包商簽發(fā)證書。監(jiān)理工程師向項目經(jīng)理和承包商簽發(fā)證書,13.7 A notification which this contract requires is communicated separately from other communications. 13.7 本合同要求的通知書應(yīng)與其他函件分開傳遞。 (本合同規(guī)定通知書

32、應(yīng)與其他函件分開傳遞,是為了避免遺漏重要事項。例如,提交顯示工程延誤的經(jīng)修訂的施工進度計劃不能算作該項延誤的早期預(yù)告,從而使得可避免的工程延誤不予遺漏。,13.8 The Project Manager may withhold acceptance of a submission by the Contractor. Withholding acceptance for a reason stated in this contract is not a compensation event. 13.8 項目經(jīng)理可以不認可承包商提交的函件。以本合同規(guī)定的理由不認可承包商提交的函件不屬于補償事件

33、。 (在工程施工合同中的許多情況下,項目經(jīng)理必須認可或拒絕由承包商提交的建議文件。,NEC(newengineeringcontract新工程合同)裁決程序,1)早期預(yù)警程序 早期預(yù)警是指一旦發(fā)現(xiàn)可能出現(xiàn)諸如增加合同價款、推遲竣工、工程使用功能降低等問題,發(fā)包人和承包人均應(yīng)立即向?qū)Ψ桨l(fā)出早期警告。合同各方共同召開早期預(yù)警會議。在會議中,各方研究并提出解決措施,以避免或減少該問題的影響,尋求對將受影響的所有各方均有利的解決辦法,并決定最終應(yīng)采取的措施。 2)補償事件程序 補償事件是指并非因承包人的過失而引起的事件,如發(fā)包人要求改變工程以及出現(xiàn)雙方難以控制的情況等,承包人有權(quán)根據(jù)補償事件對合同價款

34、和工期的影響要求補償,包括獲得額外付款或延長工期。 3)裁決人程序 在工程施工過程中出現(xiàn)分歧乃至產(chǎn)生糾紛是難免的。而且,由于工程師代表的是發(fā)包人的利益,處理補償事件可能引發(fā)承包人對其公正性的懷疑,在此種情況下,就要依靠裁決人來解決糾紛,The Project Manager and the Supervisor 14,14.1 The Project Managers or the Supervisors acceptance of a communication from the Contractor or his work does not change the Contractors r

35、esponsibility to Provide the Works or his liability for his design. 14.1 項目經(jīng)理或監(jiān)理工程師對承包商提交的函件的認可并不改變承包商對實施合同工程的責任或?qū)ζ湓O(shè)計所應(yīng)承擔的合同責任,14.2 The Project Manager and the Supervisor, after notifying the Contractor, may delegate any of their actions and may cancel any delegation. A reference to an action of (涉及

36、到的行為)the Project Manager or the Supervisor in this contract includes an action by his delegate. 14.2 在通知承包商后,項目經(jīng)理和監(jiān)理工程師可以對其任一行為授權(quán),也可以撤銷此種授權(quán)。在本合同中,涉及項目經(jīng)理和監(jiān)理工程師的行為包括了其授權(quán)代表的行為,14.3 The Project Manager may give an instruction to the Contractor which changes the Works Information. 14.3 項目經(jīng)理可以向承包商發(fā)出指令變更工程

37、信息。(變更工程信息的權(quán)利只歸項目經(jīng)理及其受權(quán)代表。雇主或監(jiān)理工程師均不能變更工程信息。在與工程信息變更有關(guān)時,工程施工合同不限定“變更”一詞的本來意義。從而,該詞的意義包括了對工程信息內(nèi)容的增加、刪減以及更換。例如,若項目經(jīng)理簽發(fā)了新的技術(shù)要求,雖然其本意只不過為澄清先前簽發(fā)的圖紙或技術(shù)規(guī)范條文,這類簽發(fā)新的圖紙、如同變更工程信息一樣,增加了承包商必須要完成的工作內(nèi)容。,14.4 The Employer may replace the Project Manager or the Supervisor after he has notified the Contractor of the

38、name of the replacement. 14.4 在替換人選通知承包商后,雇主可撤換項目經(jīng)理或監(jiān)理工程師,Adding to the working areas-增加施工作業(yè)區(qū) 15,15.1 The Contractor may submit a proposal for adding to the Working Areas to the Project Manager for acceptance. A reason for not accepting is that the proposed addition is not necessary for Providing th

39、e Works or the proposed area will be used for work not in this contract,15.1 承包商應(yīng)將要求增加施工作業(yè)區(qū)的建議提交項目經(jīng)理認可。項目經(jīng)理部認可的理由為 所擬增加的施工作業(yè)區(qū)非實施合同工程所必需,或 所擬區(qū)域?qū)楸竞贤酝獾墓こ趟褂谩?(本條不妨礙項目經(jīng)理和承包商一致同意增加并不單為本合同下工程獨用的施工作業(yè)區(qū)。本條規(guī)定了項目經(jīng)理沒有義務(wù)認可此種施工作業(yè)區(qū)。,Early warning-早期警告 16,New words Impair 削弱;instruct 命令,通知,指示;ambiguity 含糊,不明確 inc

40、onsistency/discrepancy 差異,矛盾,Early warning-早期警告 16,16.1 The Contractor and the Project Manager give an early warning by notifying the other as soon as either becomes aware of any matter which could increase the total of the Prices, delay Completion or impair the performance of the works in use,16.1

41、一經(jīng)察覺將導致下列結(jié)果的問題,承包商和項目經(jīng)理任一方應(yīng)立即向?qū)Ψ桨l(fā)出早期警告 增加合同價款總額, 推遲竣工,或 削弱合同工程的使用功能。 (本條款的目的在于,對將可能影響工程成本、竣工時間和質(zhì)量的一切事件有責任盡早發(fā)出警告。對承包商未發(fā)出早期警告的處罰款是減少有關(guān)補償事件的應(yīng)付款額。為最大限度的增加與承包商研究問題的可用時間,從而增加尋求滿足雇主利益的最佳解決方法的可能性,應(yīng)鼓勵項目經(jīng)理發(fā)出早期警告。,16.2 Either the Project Manager or the Contractor may instruct the other to attend an early warni

42、ng meeting. Each may instruct other people to attend if the other agrees. 16.2 項目經(jīng)理或承包商都可要求對對方出席早期警告會議。每一方都可在對方同意后要求其他人員出席這種會議,16.3 At an early warning meeting those who attend co-operate in making and considering proposals for how the effect of each matter which has been notified as an early warnin

43、g can be avoided or reduced, seeking solutions that will bring advantage to all those who will be affected and deciding upon actions which they will take and who, in accordance with this contract, will take them,16.3 在早期警告會議上,與會各方應(yīng)在下列方面合作: 提出并研究建議措施以避免或減少作為早期警告而通知的每一問題的影響, 尋求對將受影響的所有各方均有利的解決辦法,以及 決定

44、與會各方應(yīng)采取的行動以及根據(jù)本合同應(yīng)采取行動的一方。 (要求承包商和項目經(jīng)理合作的意圖,是盡可能確保所采取的行為和做出的決定可避免或減輕問題對費用/質(zhì)量和時間方面的影響。,16.4 The Project Manager records the proposals considered and the decisions taken at an early warning meeting and gives a copy of his record to the Contractor. 16.4 項目經(jīng)理應(yīng)在早期警告會議上將所研究的建議和作出的決定記錄在案,并指令解決此種歧義和矛盾,Ambig

45、uities and inconsistencies-歧義和矛盾 17,17.1 The Project Manager or the Contractor notifies the other as soon as either becomes aware of an ambiguity or inconsistency in or between the documents which are part of this contract. The Project Manager give an instruction resolving the ambiguity or inconsist

46、ency,17.1 一經(jīng)察覺在本合同組成文件之中或各組成文件之間存在歧義和矛盾,項目經(jīng)理或承包商均應(yīng)立即通知對方。項目經(jīng)理應(yīng)發(fā)出指令解決此種歧義和矛盾。 本條旨在確保盡快采取措施來處理合同文件中出現(xiàn)的歧義和矛盾。本合同文件并無規(guī)定的優(yōu)先順序。項目經(jīng)理有責任發(fā)出指令,來解決合同文件之間出現(xiàn)的歧義和矛盾。為消除此種歧義和矛盾所作出變更工程信息的指令屬于補償事件。若在雇主所提供的工程信息與作為工程信息一部分的由承包商提供并已包括在合同資料第二部分中的設(shè)計出現(xiàn)矛盾,上述指令一般要求該設(shè)計應(yīng)遵循雇主的工程信息。此種變更指令不屬于補償事件(60.1條),Health and safety 18,18.1

47、The Contractor acts in accordance with the health and safety requirements stated in the Works Information. 18.1 承包商的行為應(yīng)符合工程信息中規(guī)定的對健康和安全的要求,Illegal and impossible requirements不合法和不可能的工程信息 19,19.1 The Contractor notifies the Project Manager as soon as he becomes aware that the Works Information requir

48、es him to do anything which is illegal or impossible. If the Project Manager agrees, he gives an instruction to change the Works Information appropriately,19.1 一經(jīng)察覺在工程信息中有不合法和不可能的要求時,承包商應(yīng)立即通知項目經(jīng)理。若項目經(jīng)理同意,他應(yīng)發(fā)出指令適當變更工程信息。 (為解決不合法和不可能的工程信息而對工程信息所作的變更屬于補償事件。,1.1.2 The contractors main responsibilities,N

49、ew words: Works information 工程信息,demolition 拆除,Subcontracting 分包,approval 批準,instruction 指令, compensation event 補償事件,Providing the Works-實施合同工程 20,20.1 The Contractor Provides the Works in accordance with the Works Information. 20.1 承包商應(yīng)按工程信息實施合同工程,The Contractors design-承包商的設(shè)計 21,21.1 The Contracto

50、r designs the parts of the Works Information states he is to design. 21.1 承包商應(yīng)完成工程信息中規(guī)定由其承擔的部分工程的設(shè)計,合同工程中要求承包商設(shè)計的部分應(yīng)在工程信息中做出規(guī)定,建議一個單位的工程的各個部分不要由不同當事方設(shè)計,這樣容易造成責任不清。 當承包商要求設(shè)計工程某一部分時,雇主應(yīng)在工程信息中規(guī)定設(shè)計應(yīng)遵循的準則,如合同工程的形式、幾何形狀與尺寸、規(guī)范、技術(shù)規(guī)程、標準以及環(huán)境準則。 當承包商要進行大部分工程設(shè)計時,其設(shè)計準則應(yīng)以功能要求形式表示。其中應(yīng)說明完工后的特點、性質(zhì)和功能并應(yīng)包括雇主希望對工程外觀、耐久

51、性、運行和維護費用等的限制。 對在合同資料第一部分工程信息中的設(shè)計范圍劃分的變更、或設(shè)計準則的改變或增加均構(gòu)成了對工程信息的變更,屬于補償事件。,21.2 The Contractor submits the particulars of his design as the Works Information requires to the Project Manager for accepting the Contractors design is that it does not comply with the Works Information or it does not comply

52、 with the applicable law. The Contractor does not proceed with the relevant work until the Project Manager has accepted his design,More Comparison of ECC of ICE Conditions BY KELVIN HUGHES, NEC USERS GROUP SECRETARY,Under the ECC, any or all of the design responsibility can be apportioned to the con

53、tractor through the works information (clause21.1,Under clause 21.2, the contractor is required to submit the particulars of its design for acceptance by the project manager, before it is allowed to proceed with tha twork.There are two reasons for not accepting the design which would not give rise t

54、o a compensation event: it does not comply with the works information it does not comply with the applicable law. Obviously the contractor is ultimately responsible for ensuring that its design meets both the works information and the applicable law. Note that under clause 14.1, the project managers

55、 acceptance of a communication from the contractor or of its work does not change the contractors responsibility to provide the works or its liability for its design,21.2 承包商應(yīng)按工程信息的要求,將設(shè)計細節(jié)提交項目經(jīng)理認可。項目經(jīng)理不認可的理由為 該設(shè)計不符合工程信息的要求,或 該設(shè)計不符合適用法律。 只有當項目經(jīng)理認可其設(shè)計后,承包商方可繼續(xù)進行相關(guān)工作,21.3 The contractor may submit his

56、 design for acceptance in parts if the design of each part can be assessed fully. 21.3 若設(shè)計的每一部分可完整審核,承包商可將其設(shè)計按各部分分批提交項目經(jīng)理認可。 (承包商提交的設(shè)計應(yīng)便于分批正確計價。例如,無上部結(jié)構(gòu)及其所支撐設(shè)備的某些詳圖,基礎(chǔ)設(shè)計就不能正常計價。,21.4 The contractor indemnifies the Employer against claims, compensation and costs due to the Contractor infringing a pat

57、ent or copyright. 21.4 承包商應(yīng)保障雇主免于承擔因承包商侵害專利或版權(quán)引起的索賠、補償和費用,infringe,v.(upon, on)fml to go against (a law, etc.) or take over (the right of another person) 破壞, 侵犯, 違反 infringe a contract; infringe a patent. 違反一項合同;侵犯專利權(quán) to infringe upon a nations fishing rights 侵犯一個國家的捕魚權(quán),21.5 The Contractors liabilit

58、y to the Employer for Defects due to his design that are not listed on the Defects Certificate is limited to the amount stated in the Contract Data in addition to any damages stated in this contract for delay or low performance,21.5 對于因承包商設(shè)計而產(chǎn)生的但未列入缺陷證書中的缺陷,承包商對雇主所承擔的合同責任只限于合同資料中所規(guī)定的金額,以及本合同規(guī)定的工期延誤或

59、合同工程使用功能欠佳的損失賠償費。 (本條保證了承包商因工期延誤或因合同工程使用功能欠佳損失而可能必須支付的罰款。,Using the Contractors design -使用承包商的設(shè)計 22,2.1 The Employer may use and copy the Contractors design for any purpose connected with construction, use, alteration or demolition of the works unless otherwise stated in the Works Information and fo

60、r other purposes as stated in the Works Information,22.1 除非在工程信息中另有規(guī)定,雇主為合同工程的施工、使用、改造或拆除的目的以及為工程信息中規(guī)定的其他目的,均可使用和復(fù)制承包商的設(shè)計,Design of Equipment-施工設(shè)備的設(shè)計 23,23.1 The Contractor submits particulars of the design of an item of Equipment to the Project Manager for acceptance if the Project Manager instruct


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