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EARLYFUSIONfor Goal Directed Robotic Vision Aaron Walsman1Yonatan Bisk1Saadia Gabriel1Dipendra Misra2 Yoav Artzi2Yejin Choi1Dieter Fox1,3 AbstractBuilding perceptual systems for robotics which perform well under tight computational budgets requires novel architectures which rethink the traditional computer vision pipeline. Modern vision architectures require the agent to build a summary representation of the entire scene, even if most of the input is irrelevant to the agents current goal. In this work, we fl ip this paradigm, by introducing EARLYFUSIONvision models that condition on a goal to build custom representations for downstream tasks. We show that these goal specifi c repre- sentations can be learned more quickly, are substantially more parameter effi cient, and more robust than existing attention mechanisms in our domain. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods on a simulated item retrieval problem that is trained in a fully end-to-end manner via imitation learning. I. INTRODUCTION Robotics has benefi ted greatly from advances in computer vision, but sometimes the objectives of these fi elds have been misaligned. While the goal of a computer vision researcher is often “tell me what you see,” the roboticists is “do what I say.” In goal directed tasks, most of the scene is a distraction. When grabbing an apple, an agent only needs to care about the table or chairs if they interfere with accomplishing the goal. Additionally, when a robot learns through grounded interactions, architectures must be sample effi cient in order to learn visual representations quickly for new environments. In this work we show how inverting the traditional perception pipeline: Vision Scene Representation + Goal Action to incorporate goal information early into the visual stream allows agents to jointly reason and perceive: Vision + Goal Action, yielding faster and more robust learning. We focus on retrieving objects in a 3D environment as an example domain for testing our vision architectures. This task includes vocabulary learning, navigation, and scene understanding. Task completion requires computing action trajectories and resolving 3D occlusions from a 2D image which satisfy the users requests. Fast and effi cient planners work well in the presence of ground-truth knowledge of the world 1. However, in practice, this ground-truth knowledge is diffi cult to obtain, and we must often settle for noisy esti- mates. Additionally, when many objects need to be collected or moved, the planning problem search space grows rapidly. Unlikecomputationallyexpensivemodernvision algorithms,weareinterestedintrainingperception algorithms with a more natural source of supervision, example demonstrations and imitation learning, in lieu of expensive large scale collections of labeled images. This is 1Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington. 2Cornell University.3NVIDIA. F1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Hidden Dimension Size 128643216 Softmax AttentionNeural AttentionOur Early Fusion Fig. 1: We introduce a novel neural architecture for goal di- rected object detection which we demonstrate in a simulated table clearing task shown in the top row. We demonstrate that unlike conventional approaches, this structure is stable under extreme parameter budgets as seen in the bottom row. particularly important for developing agents that learn new object classes on the fl y (e.g. when being integrated into a new environment). Our work is most closely related to recent advances in instruction following and visual attention 2, 3, but we do not provide explicit supervision for object detections or classifi cations. Finally, we will make the assumption that goals are specifi ed by a simple list of object IDs, so as to avoid the ambiguity introduced by natural language commands. Contributions: We show that early fusion of goal infor- mation in the visual processing pipeline (EARLYFUSION) outperforms traditional approaches and learns faster. Further- more, model accuracy does not degrade in performance even when reducing model parameters by orders of magnitude (from 6M to 25K). II. TASKDEFINITION In order to test the performance of EARLYFUSIONwe built a simulated robotic task in which the objective is to collect objects in a 3D scene as effi ciently as possible. The agent is presented with a cluttered scene and a list of requested objects. Often there are multiple instances of the same object, and there can be unrequested objects blocking the agents ability to reach a target. This forces the agent to reason about which object is closest and remove obstructions 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) Macau, China, November 4-8, 2019 978-1-7281-4003-2/19/$31.00 2019 IEEE1025 as necessary. The list of requested objects that remain in the scene is presented to the agent at every time step, to avoid confl ating scene understanding performance with issues of memory. The goal (Fig. 1 and 3) is to train an agent to optimally collect a list of objects from a cluttered counter. A. Simulation Environment: CHALET Fig. 2: Our 16 object types. Our environment con- sists of a tabletop set- ting with randomly placed objects, within a kitchen fromtheCHALET4 house environment. Every episode consists of a ran- domlysampledenviron- ment which determines the setofobjects(number, position, orientation and type) in addition to which subset will be requested. When there is more than one instance of a particular object, collecting any instance will satisfy the collection criteria, but one may be closer and require fewer steps to reach. Fig. 2 shows the sixteen object types that we use for this task (six from CHALET and ten from the YCB dataset). Importantly, these are common household items, many of which cannot be detected by off the shelf ImageNet trained models. The objects are chosen randomly and placed at a random location (x,y) on the table with a random upright orientation (). Positions and orientations are sampled until a non- colliding confi guration is found. A random subset of the instances on the table are used for the list of requested objects. This process allows the same object type to be requested multiple times if multiple of those objects exist in the scene. Additionally, random sampling means an object may serve as a target in one episode and a distractor in the next. The agent receives 128x128 pixel images of the world and has a 60 horizontal fi eld of view, requiring some exploration if a requested object is not in view. Fig. 3: Collecting the Jello (blue box) requires more steps than the peach (orange box) due to occluding objects. An object may be collected if it is within the magenta circle. Our agent consists of a fi rst-person camera that cantiltupanddown andpanleftandright with additional collect, remove and idle ac- tions. Each of the pan and tilt actions determin- istically rotate the camera 2 in the specifi ed direc- tion. The collect action removes the nearest object that is within 3of the center axis of the camera and registers the object as having been collected for the purposes of calculating the agents score. This region is visualized in Fig. 3 as a magenta circle in the center of the frame. The remove action does the same thing as collect, but does not register the item as having been collected. This is used to remove superfl uous items occluding the requested target. Finally, the idle action performs no action and should only be used once all requested items have been collected. All actions require one time step, therefore objects which are physically closer to the center of the camera may take more time steps to reach if they are occluded. For example, in Fig. 3 the peach (orange box) requires fewer steps to collect than the Jello box (blue box) because the banana and Rubiks cube must be removed fi rst. The precision required to successfully collect an object makes this a diffi cult task to master from visual data alone. III. MODELS In our task, models must learn to ground visual represen- tations of the world to the description of what to collect. How to best combine this information is a crucial modelling decision. Most multimodal approaches compute a visual fea- ture map representing the contents of the entire image before selectively fi ltering based on the goal. This is commonly achieved using soft attention mechanisms developed in the language 5 and vision 6, 7, 8 communities. Attention re-weights the image representation and leads to more informative gradients, helping models learn quickly and effi ciently. Despite its successes, attention has important limitations Most notably, because task specifi c knowledge is only incorporated late in the visual processing pipeline, the model must fi rst build dense image representations that encode anything the attention might want to extract for all possible future goals. In complex scenes and tasks, this places a heavy burden on the initial stages of the vision system. In contrast, we present a technique that injects goal information early into the visual pipeline in order to build a task specifi c representation of the image from the bottom up. Our approach avoids the traditional bottleneck imposed on perception systems, and allows the model to discard irrelevant information immediately. Our system may still need to reason about multiple objects in the case of clutter and occlusion (e.g. target vs distractor), but its perception can ignore all objects and details that are not relevant for the current task. Below, we briefl y describe the three models (Figure 4) we compare: Traditional approaches with delayed goal informa- tion (LATEFUSION and 2. The model can compute and retain the spatial informa- tion needed for its next ac- tion without requiring the addition of a spatial grid. These benefi ts allow us to obviate the complexity of other approaches, minimize parameters, and outperform other ap- proaches on our task. D. Imitation Learning All models are trained with imitation learning using an oracle with direct access to the simulators state. Similar to DAgger 10 and Scheduled Sampling 11 we use an alternating two-step training process. In the fi rst step, we roll out trajectories using the current model while collecting supervision from the expert. In the second step we use batches of recent trajectories to train the model for a small number of epochs. We then repeat this process and collect more data with the improved policy12. We found that for our item retrieval problem this was faster to train than a more faithful implementation of DAgger which would train a new policy on all previous data at each step, and offered 1027 signifi cant improvements over behavior cloning (training on trajectories demonstrated by the expert policy).2 Rather than teach our agents to fi nd the shortest path to multiple objects, which is intractable in general, we design our expert policy to behave greedily and move to collect the requested object that would take the fewest steps to reach (including the time necessary to remove occluding objects). E. Implementation Details Since our goal is to construct a lightweight network that is fast to train and evaluate, we use a simple image processing stack of four convolution layers. While this is small relative to models trained for state-of-the-art performance on real images, it is consistent with other approaches in simple simulated settings 13. All convolutions have 33 kernels with a padding of one, followed by 22 max-pooling, a ReLU nonlinearity 14 and batch normalization 15. This means each layer produces a feature map with half the spatial dimensions of the input. The convolution layers are followed by two fully connected layers, the fi rst of which uses a ReLU nonlinearity and Dropout 16 and the second of which uses a softmax to produce output controls. The number of convolution channels and hidden dimensions in the fully connected layers vary by experiment (see Section IV-B). 3 a) Images: Our images are RGB and 128x128 pixels, but as is common practice in visual episodic settings 19 we found our models performed best when we concatenated the most recent three frames to create a 9x128x128 input. 4 b) Requests: Models are provided the remaining items to collect as a list of one-hot vectors. Each of these items is passed through a learned embedding (linear) layer to produce an encoding. These are then summed to produce a single dense vector (Target). Because the sequence order is not important to our task, we found no benefi t from RNN based encodings, though the use of an embedding layer, rather than a count vector, proved essential to model performance. IV. EXPERIMENTS We tested all four models on a series of increasingly cluttered and diffi cult problems. We also tested these models with varying network capacity by reducing the number of convolution channels and features in the fully connected layers. In all of these experiments, our EARLYFUSION model performs as well or better than the others, while typically training faster and with fewer parameters. A. Varying Problem Diffi culty To test models on problems of increasing diffi culty, we built three variations of the basic task by varying clutter and the number of requested items. In the simplest task (SIMPLE), each episode starts with four instances randomly 2Collecting 50 traj. in each roll-out step, and training on the most recent 150 traj. for three epochs in each training step produced the best results. 3All of our models are optimized with Adam 17 with a learning rate of 1e-4, and trained with dropout 16. The training loss was computed with cross-entropy over the action space. All models and code were written in PyTorch 18 and will be made available. 4 Frames are black when they are not available in the fi rst two frames. Training TrajectoriesTraining TrajectoriesTraining Trajectories 05,00010,00000 Agreement 0 1 0 1 0 15,00030,000 15,00030,000 10,00020,000 10,00020,000 1 SIMPLE (4 Instances, 1 Request) MEDIUM (8 Instances, 2 Requests) HARD (12 Instances, 3 Requests) Early FusionAttentionLate Fusion Training TrajectoriesTraining TrajectoriesTraining Trajectories 05,00010,00000 F1 0 1 0 1 0 1 AgreementF1 AgreementF1 Softmax Attention Fig. 6: Model performance on SIMPLE, MEDIUM, and HARD learning paradigms. Models were run to convergence. placed on the table and one object type is requested. Next, for MEDIUMeight instances are placed and two are requested. Finally, for HARDtwelve instances are placed and three are requested. Note that as the clutter increases, the agent is presented with not only a more complicated visual environ- ment, but must also work in a more complex action domain where it is increasingly important to use the remove action to deal with occluding objects. The agents goal is to collect only the requested items in the allotted time. To evaluate peak performance for these experiments we fi xed the number of convolutions and hidden layer dimensions in the fully connected layers to 128. Each episode runs for forty-eight steps, during which it is possible for the agent to both successfully collect requested objects and erroneously collect items that were not requested. We therefore measure task completion using an F1 score. Precision is the percentage of collected objects that were actually requested, and recall is the percentage of requested objects that were collected. The F1 score is computed at the end of each episode. In addition, we report overall agreement between the model and the experts actions over the entire episode. Figure 6 plots the results of all four models on each of these problems as a function of training time. a) SIMPLE:Except for the LATEFUSIONmodel, which performs poorly in all scenarios, all models are able to master the easiest task. The EARLYFUSIONand SOFTMAX ATTENTIONMAPmodels learn quickly, but ATTENTION MAPeventually catches up to them. The failure of the LATE FUSIONbaseline on this task shows that even the simplest version of this problem is non-trivial. b) MEDIUM: The intermediate problem formulation is clearly more diffi cult, as no models are able to perform as well on it as the easiest problem. The EARLYFUSIONmodel gains a small but signifi cant improvement in performance while SOFTMAXATTENTIONMAPand ATTENTIONMAP are slightly worse, but comparable to each other. c) HARD: This case contains more cluttered images and more complex goal descriptions. The EARLYFUSION model is clearly superior; it learns signifi cantly faster than the other models and results in higher peak performance. 1028 025,00050,0000 Agreement 0 1 0 1 25,00050,000 25,00050,000 16 channels/layer32 channels/layer 0 0 1 25,00050,000 Agreement 0 0 1 7,50015,000 Agreement 0 0 1 5,00010,000 Agreement Training Trajectories 0 0 1 25,00050,000 F1 Training Trajectories 0 0 1 7,50015,000 F1 Training Trajectories 0 0 1 5,00010,000 F1 64 channels/layer128 channels/layer256 channels/layer Early FusionAttentionLate Fusion Training TrajectoriesTraining Trajectories 025,00050,0000 F1 0 1 0 1 AgreementF1 Softmax AttentionEarly Fusion (1/2 channels) Fig. 7: Ablation analysis showing the effect of the number of convolution channels and fully-connected hidden units on network performance. Note that the scale of the x-axes in these plots varies due to longer training times for smaller networks to converge. Dashed EARLYFUSION lines plot the performance of the model with half the reported number of fi lters to include a comparison ensure where model has fewer parameters than the attention based approaches. Fig. 8: Attention visualizations for ATTENTIONMAPand SOFTMAXATTENTIONMAPmodels. Targets are indicated here with magenta boxes in the top row. It is also worth comparing the ATTENTIONMAPand SOFTMAXATTENTIONMAPmodels. While these models perform similarly on these tasks, the SOFTMAXATTENTION MAPmodel learns faster than t


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