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May 2009doc.: IEEE 802.22-09/0107r1IEEE P802.22Wireless RANsCPE Spectrum Sensing AutomatonDate: 2009-05-1024Author(s):NameCompanyAddressPhoneemailGerald ChouinardCRC3701 Carling Ave. Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2H 8S2613-998-2500gerald.chouinardcrc.caAbstractThis document proposes a new version of section 9.3 for the 802.22 Draft as a response to comments #768 to #789 and comments #962 to #973. State of the document is as of May 24. Block diagrams were approved as “l(fā)ogical depiction of the behaviour of the spectrum automaton but not an implementation example”. It was agreed unanimously that these diagrams should be brought to the normative section 9.3. Further refinement to the text to reflect the diagrams was done and included in the Draft.Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.22. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEEs name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEEs sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.22.Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures , including the statement IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.22 Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at .9.3 CPE spectrum sensing automatonThe BS normally controls the sensing behavior of the CPE. However Although the operation of the CPE shallwill normally be under the complete control of the base station, there will be instances where the CPE will need to control its sensing behavior locally under the three following conditionswithout immediate control of the base station. These are:1. at the initial turn-on of the CPE before association is established with the base station;2. when the CPE looses contact with its base station; and3. during idle time when the base station has not attributed any specific task to either the CPE sensing signal path or the WRAN signal path, or both.The functionality of the CPE local autonomous spectrum sensing for these three specific cases and embodied in the local sensing automaton is covered in the following sub-clauses. A more detailed description using an example of a possible implementation is given in Annex B.9.3.1 Initial turn-onThe functionality of the CPE local autonomous spectrum sensing process, when the CPE is initially switched on before association with the base station, is summarized described below and depicted in Figure 1. and a description of an example of implementation is given in Annex D. This process is part of the more general CPE initialization process described in section 6.17.2. At initial turn-on and self-test, the CPE shall sweep a specific channel, a specified range of channels or all the channels that are likely to be impacted by the CPE operating on a given channel depending on the pre-set at the CPE or direction from the higher layers at thte CPE. If the operating channel is known from the outset (N), channels N and N+/-1 shall be sensed for the presence of incumbent operation. The CPE can then attempt to associate on the designated channel without further sensing. If the operating channel is not known, If all the TV channels that are withinof a the range of operation of the CPE need to shall be sensed, one additional channelplus one more channel at both ends of the range shall be sensed to cover the adjacent channel case unless it goes beyond the extent of the relevant TV band.For each channel, an RSSI measurement The RSSI measurements will generate more useful information than a simple signal detection and classification. When sufficiently high-level signals are present, the signal classification schemes developed for low signal levels may be replaced by simpler, faster and more effective signal classification schemes. Such fast incumbent signal classification schemes will beimplementation dependent. shall be performed on the WRAN signal path and attempt shall be made to capture a WRAN superframe header or a CBP burst. If an SCH is captured and the level of the RF signal is sufficiently high (see section 9.xxx), the WRAN signal path shall attempt to acquire the frame header, the broadcast PDUs sent by the BS to advertise the WRAN service for CPE initialization and the management packet providing the channel occupancy from the base station; i.e., the CHO-UPD MAC message. If an SCH can be acquired but the signal level is insufficient or a CBP burst can be captured, the presence of a WRAN signal shall be recorded along with the channel number and the measured RSSI. If an SCH or a CBP burst cannot be detected, RF signal sensing and the sensing path RSSI will be evaluated whether the level of the RF signal is sufficient to carry out a fast signal classification. For those TV channels where the RF energy is found to be insufficient to allow for fast signal classification or even provide for a reliable RSSI measurement, fine sensing shall be applied carried out to determine the presence of broadcast incumbents and their signal type. The result of the measurement and the signal classification shall be stored locally so that it can later be sent to the base station when association is established or later on upon request from the BS.The channel shall then be incremented to repeatand the above initial sensing shall be repeated. The order in which the channels are to be sensed will be implementation dependent. Note that the information acquired from the local WRAN base stations through the CHO-UPD MAC message during initialization could be used to skip the non-available channels. It could also be used to skip the signal classification and low level sensing on channels belonging to the “occupiedprotected” set to save time although, since time is less critical at initialization, it may be useful that the CPE confirms that the incumbents indicated by the BS really exist in these occupied channels at its location.Once all the TV channels to be scanned have been sensed, the information on the local WRAN channel occupancy that would not create interference to local incumbents on channels N and N+/-1 shall be made available to the higher layers at the CPE. If there is no WRAN channel that can be used, the CPE initialization shall be aborted. Depending on the CPE implementation, this the information obtained from the various WRAN base stations may be presented to the local interface of the CPE so that it could ultimately be displayed on the screen of the user terminal to allow for an informed choice selection among available local WRAN networks (similar to the Access Point selection in Wi-Fi). Local algorithms could also be implemented in the CPE to automate the process for choosing the WRAN network.Once the choice of a WRAN service on TV channel N0 has been made by the user or a local routine, a process to verify that the WRAN TX/RX antenna is properly oriented for the selected channel could be carried out based on the fact that the RSSI can be obtained from both the WRAN directional and the sensing omni-directional antenna. The best alignment will be when the RSSI obtained from the WRAN antenna can be maximized relative to that obtained from the sensing antenna. Although useful, this process will not necessarily be successful especially in presence of high-level multipath.A second round of spectrum sensing shall then take place on the selected channel (N0) and its adjacent channels (N0+/-1). Since, by definition, a WRAN service is present on the selected channel, the WRAN signal path shall acquire the SCH or the CBP burst to determine the timing of the quiet periods in this channel. Low-powerRF signal sensing and signal classification shall then be carried out in on channel N0 by the sensing path during the quiet periods to verify the presence and attempttry to identification ofy whether an incumbent service is present underneath the WRAN service at the specific CPE location. The findings shall be recorded locally.The sensing process shall then move to sense the two adjacent channels during the quiet periods by measuring the RSSI and, depending on whether the measured signal level is high or low, senseing the presence of an incumbent signal and classifying its type using a fast algorithm or a low-level sensing scheme. If the channel belongs to the “occupied” set as signaled by the CHO-UPD message, the signal classification could be skipped since it is already known by the base station. The findings shall be recorded locally and if incumbents are found in these channels, the selected channel shall be eliminated removed from the list of available WRAN services and the updated list will shall be presented to the higher layers at the CPE for the selection of another WRAN service. If no more WRAN service exists, the CPE initialization shall be aborted. If no incumbent is present in the three channels sensed, the CPE initialization process shall continue as described in section 6.1617.2.If the authorization is refused by the currently selected base station, the currently selected channel shall be removed from the a new shortened list of available WRAN services at the CPE (entry “A” in Figure xxx) and this list shall be presented to the higher layers at the CPE for a new channel selection to be made. Then, the next round of sensing process shall be repeated with the alignment of the azimuth of the antenna toward the newly selected WRAN base station and the sensing of the newly selected channel (N0) and its adjacent channels (N0+/-1) as described above. Again, if no incumbent is present in the three channels, the CPE initialization process shall continue as described in section 6.17.2.Upon successful sensing results, the CPE association process will continue as described in section 6.16.2.Figure 1 Flow diagram for CPE sensing during initialization9.3.2 Loss of contact with the base stationIf the CPE looses contact with its base station, the CPE automaton local intelligence shall make sure that a reasonable number of attempts are made to re-connect with the base station, while avoiding any potential interference to licensed incumbents. The functionality of the CPE local automaton is summarized below for the loss of contact with the base station and depicted in Figure 2.The CPE shall first identify whether or not a WRAN signal is still present on the selected channel by trying to capture the superframe header (SCH). If successful within 2 seconds, attempts to re-associate shall be made through the BW Request opportunistic burst or upon specific invitation by the BS. If this does not work, the re-association shall start from an earlier stage with the CDMA ranging burst (entry “C” in Figure 1). If re-association cannot be achieved within 2 seconds, then the CPE shall execute the second round of initial sensing for the co-channel and first adjacent channels cases to protect the any broadcast incumbents that may have appeared in the affected channels since the loss of connection with the base station (entry “B” in Figure 1).If the WRAN signal is no longer present in the channel, then the CPE shall select the next TV channel on in its back-up list and try to capture the superframe headerSCH to synchronize with the base station on this new channel and acquire the frame header. If successful within 2 seconds, attempts to re-associate shall be made through the BW Request opportunistic burst or upon specific invitation by the BS, or through the earlier stage of the CDMA ranging burst (entry “C” in Figure 1). If the new superframeSCH capture on the new channel is not successful, then the CPE shall select the next TV channel on its backup list and repeat the process until a successful superframe capture is achieved. If re-association on all the valid channels in the backup list has failed, the CPE shall re-start its entire initialization process (entry “D” in Figure 1).Figure 2 Flow diagram for CPE sensing during loss of contact with the base station9.3.3 CPE idle timeIn addition to being able to carry out all the in-band and out-of-band sensing requested process by under the contol of the base station through the specific MAC messages described in section Error! Reference source not found., the CPE shall have the necessary local routines to autonomously sense its operating channel, the TV channels in its the backup/ list and, as many channels as possible in its candidate channel list provided by the base station in the proper order of priority during its idle time. This process is described below and depicted in Figure 3. Since the channels adjacent to the one being sensed (N+/-1) will also need to be verified, the CPE will need to have the capability of re-tuning its sensing RF path and WRAN signal path to the channels adjacent to those contained in its lists of channels to be sensed. A RSSI measurement shall first take place on the sensing path and RSSI will also be acquired through the WRAN signal path along with an acquisition of the SCH or CBP if WRAN operation is detected on the channel.The CPE shall begin by its autonomous sensing operation by sensing the operating first channel in the backup/candidate channel list(N0) and its adjacent channels (N0+/-1) and it shall inform the BS of any urgent finding using the UCS Notification. If the last sensing has been carried out less than 2 6 seconds earlier, this the sensing on this channel can be skipped. The next channel is then selected s to be sensed shall be the backup channels (NB) in the order of the backup/candidate channel list. given in the list and their respective adjacent channels (NB+/-1). Again, if the sensing on a specific backup channel has been carried out less than 6 seconds earlier, this sensing can be skipped. The following channels to be sensed are the channels appearing in the candidate list (NC) in the order given in the list. Any channel sensed less than 6 seconds before can be skipped. The CPE shall try to go as deep as possible in the backup/candidate channel list given the amount of idle time provided for local sensing. A measure of the depth reached by the local out-of-band sensing process shall be kept at each CPE to keep track of the number of channels that the CPE has been able to clear, i.e., verify that there is no incumbent on the channel and its two adjacent channels within the 6 seconds validity period, between any interruption from the base station. After any interruption, the automaton will restart its out-of-band sensing process with the first backup channel and the depth will be reset to 1. Due to the nature of the algorithm, this process will be directed to any channel reaching the end of its period of validity (6 seconds) in order of priority from the first backup channel through the backup list and the candidate list.Sensing through the WRAN signal path will be interrupted and the WRAN signal path will be re-tuned to the operating channel N0 during the following intervals: If the CPE is implemented with two separate RF chains for WRAN operation and sensing, sensing through the sensing signal path would only need to be interrupted during the transmission periods on the WRAN signal path due to the limited RF isolation between the WRAN transmit path and the sensing receiving path. This additional time for sensing could then be used to explore more TV channels and more potential interference situations over a shorter time while the CPE is in normal operation if no other WRAN operation exists on the channels being sensed. However, when sensing is to be done on channels where WRAN transmissions are involved or on their respective adjacent channels, the WRAN signal path will be needed to acquire the SCH to identify the timing of the quiet periods so that the presence of incumbents can be sensed underneath the WRAN operation. Reduction in sensing time would only come from the les frequent re-tuning on the sensing path.- Superframe headers- Frame headers for the frames assigned to the base station to which the CPE is associated in a coexistence situation;- CPE receiving data during the DS subframe as signaled by the DS-MAP;- CPE transmitting data during the US subframe as signaled by the US-MAP;- CPE transmitting data during the opportunistic ranging/UCS notification/BW request window;- CPE monitoring activity as requested by the base s


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