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寒假作業(yè)1-Exercises (attributive clause I) I. Translate the following sentencese into English. 1.我昨天買了一本書,該書的作者是一位盲人。 2.我的辦公室在這棟大樓的二層,它很小。 3.你上個星期借給我的那本書很有趣。 4.那位老師教我英文,他是加拿大人。 5.和我一起工作的那個女孩已經(jīng)有男朋友了。 6.告訴我今天早晨你遲到的原因。 7.他們到的時候天正在下雨。 8.他是一個值得信賴的人。 9.你住的那家酒店叫什么名字? 10.接電話的那個男的告訴我你不在。 II. Choices. 1. The professor and her achievement_you told me about are admired by us all.a. who b. which c. that d. whom 2. I dont suppose anything happens_he doesnt foresee.a. that b.which c. what d. as 3. They shouted with the loudest voice_they could.a. when b. that c. which d. what 4. This is the book_on the subject.a. which there is b. that there is c. which is d. what is 5. He has written a book_name I have completely forgotten.a. whose b. which c. of which d. that 6. The meeting was postponed, _was exatly what I wanted.a. that b. which it c. and that d. this 7. Mr.Jones, _Jone was working, was very generous about overtime payment.a. for which b. for who c. whom d. for that 8. There is not much_can be done now.a. that b. which c. who d. what 9. He showed me a book, _I could tell that it was pretty old.a. which cover b. of which cover c. the cover which d. from the cover of which 10.This kind of solar cooker can be used only in the daytime_the sun is shining.a. when b. as c. while d. since 11.Solomon was diligent, responsible and hardworking, _he was promoted from a clerk to a manager.a. for which b. which c. for d. that 12.What is_ordered the English book?a. the ladys address in Beijing who b. the ladys address in Beijing which c. the address of the lady in Beijing who d. the address of the lady in Beijing which 13.There comes a time in every mans life_.a. then he has to think b. which he needs c. when he has to think d. threfore he has to work hard 14.No sample_we have received is satifactory.a. which b. what c. that d. who 15.Obviously there was little certainty_the chairman would agree to this proposal.a. which b. why c. what d. that 16.There cant be any life on Venus, _the temperature is as high as 90F.a. which b. when c. where d. there 17.The reason_he died was lack of medical care.a. which b. for that c. as d. why 18.This is the shop_I often buy foodstuff.a. where b. which c. of which d. to which 19.The reason_he gave for his being late was unacceptable.a. why b. that c. who d. for which 20.The shop_I told you about before has closed down.a. where b. in which c. at which d. which 21.Those guilty of a serious crime_refuse to reform must bu severely punished.a. which b. whom c. when d. who 22.Yet no film evidence had come to light_the men arrested were actually responsible.a. which b.as c. what d. that 23.Another food crop raised by Indians_strange to the European was called Indian corn.a. who were b. that were c. that was d.who was 24.They helped us time and again, _very kind of them.a. who were b. which was c. that was d. which were 25.”Do you like the book your father gave you?” “Very much. Its exactly_I wanted.”a. one which b. that c.one what d. the one 26.When reports came into London Zoo_a wild puma had been spotted 45miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.a. what b. as c. which d. that 27.Many birds have feathers_with their surroundings.a. colors blend b. that colors blend c. whose colors blend d. of which the colors that blend 28.Civil rights are the freedoms and rights_as a member of a community, state, or nation.a. may have a person b. a person who may have c. a person may have d. and a person may have 29.In the early 20th century, the “Model T”automaobile was mass-produced and sold at a price_could afford.a. the average person who b. that the average person who c. and the average person d. the average person 30.Im taking about friends_care deeply about other, _support each other, _make life worth living.a. who who who b. who that that c. that who who d. who which wich III. Fill in the blanks. Part one A story tells of two friends_were walking through the desert. At a specific point of the journey, they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one_got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, he wrote in the sand, “Today my best friend slapped me in the face.”They kept on walking until they found an oasis, _they decided to take a bath. The one_got slapped and hurt started drowning, and the other friend saved him. When he recovered from the fright, he wrote on a stone, “Today my best friend saved my life.”The friend_had saved and slapped his best friend asked him, “why, after I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now your write on a stone?”The other friend, smiling, replied, “When a friend hurts us, we should write it down in the sand, _the winds of forgiveness can erase it away, and when someone does something good for us, we should engrave it in the stone of the memory of the heart, _no wind can ever erase it.”Lets learn to write your hurts in the sand and to carve your blessings in stones.Part two Chicken Soup For The Soul Rose Real love lies not in_(what/which/that) is done and known, but in _(what/which/that) is done but not known Red rose were her favorites; her name was also Rose. And every year her husband sent them, tied with pretty bows.The year he died, the roses were delivered to her door. The card said, “Be my Valentine,” like all the years before.Each year he sent her roses, and the note would always say, “I love you even more this year than year on this day.” “My love for you will always grow with every passing year.” She knew_(what/which/that) this was the last time that the rose would appear.She thought_(what/which/*) he ordered roses in adance before this day. Her loving husband did not know_(what/which/that) he would pass away. He always liked to do things early before the time. Then, if he got too busy, everything would work out fine.She trimmed the stems and placed them in a very special vase and then put the vase beside the portrait of his smiling face. She would sit for hours in her husbands favorite chair, while staring at his picture, and the roses sitting there.A year went by, and it was hard to live without her mate. With loneliness and solitude_(what/which/that) had become her fate. Then the very hour as on Valentines before, the doorbell rang, and there were roses, sitting by her door.She brought the roses in, and then just looked at them in shock. Then went to get the telephone to call the florist shop.The owner answered and she asked him if he would explain_(what/which/that/why) someone would do this to her, causing her such pain.“I know_(what/which/*) your husband passed away more than a year ago,” The owner said, “I knew youd call, and your would want to know.” “The flowers_(what/which/that) you received today were paid for in advance.” “Your husband always planned ahead, he left nothing to chance.”“There is a standing order_(whtat/which/that) I have on file down here. And he has paid well in advance, youll get them every year. There also is another thing_(what/which/that) I think you should know, he wrote a special little cardhe did this years ago.”“Then should ever I find out_(what/which/that) hes no longer here, its the card_(what/which/that) should be sent to you the following year.” She thanked him and hung up the phone, her tears now flowing hard. Her fingers were shaking, as she slowly reached to get the card.Inside the card, she saw_(whtat/which/that) he had written her a note. Then as she stared in total silence, this is_(what/which/that) he wrote“Hello my love, I know its been a year since Ive been gone, I hope it hasnt been too hard for you to overcome.”“I know it must be lonely, and the pain is very real. For if it was the other way, I know_(what/which/that/how) I would feel. The love_(what/which/that) we shared made everything so beautiful in life. I loved you more than words can say, you were the perfect wife.”“You were my friend and lover, you fulfilled my every need. I know its only been a year, but please try not to grieve. I want you to be happy, even when you shed your tears. That is_(what/which/how/why) the roses will be sent to you for years.”“When you get these roses, think of all the happiness, _(what/which/that) we had together, and how both of us were blessed. I have always loved you and I know I always will. But, my love, you must go on, you have some living still.”“Please.try to find happiness, while living out your days. I know it is not easy, but I hope_(what/which/that) you find some ways. The roses will come every year, and they will only stop, when your doors not answered, when the florist stops knocking.”“He will come five times that day, in case you have gone out. But after his last visit, he will know without a doubt, to take the roses to the place where Ive instruced him, And place the roses where we are together once again.” 寒假作業(yè)2Exercises (attributive clause II) I.Choices 1.Water enters into a great variety of chemical reactions, _have been mentioned in previous pages.a. a few of what b. a few of which c. a few of that d. a few of them 2. _shrewd people_he described in his novel are to be found everywhere.a. such/like b. such/as c. so/like d.so/as 3. The Great Wall is the place_almost all tourist would like to visit when they come to Beijing.a. where b.which c. of which d. in which 4. He didnt have a good command of spoken English, _made it difficult for him to get a good job.a. that b. which c. what d.this 5. Collins struggle to make a place for herself in ballet is the kind of life story_a fascinating novel might be written.a.of that b. about which c. by whom d. for whom 6. The quality of teaching should be measured by the degree-_the students potentiality is developed.a. of that b. with which c. in which d. to which 7. Basic research provides the capital fund of scientific knowledge_which the applied researchers draw to give society a rich rate of interest.a. on b. out c. up d. back 8. Hiram Revels, the first Black member of the United States Senate, served as senator from Mississippi, an office_he was elected in 1870.a. which b. to which c. and which d. at which 9. They will move into the new house next Friday, _it will be completely furnished.a. by the time b. by which time c. by that time d. by this time 10.The tall rectangular buildings may well give way to a more complex and exciting shape providing areas_which the individual can fully identify himself.a. to b. for c. with d. by 11.We can separate oil into the chemical compounds_it is composed.a. of which b. with which c. in which d. from which 12.We have found a useful compound_we can separate some important elements.a. of which b. with which c. in which d. from which 13.Noise in a room may be reduced by carpeting, draperies, and upholstered furniture, _absorb sound.a. which they all b. of them all c. all of which d.of all which 14.After the First World War, the author Anais Nin became interested in the art movemnt kown as Surrealism and in psychoanalysis, both_her novels and short stories.a. in which the influence b. of which influenced c. to have influence d. its influence in 15.I dont think the number of people_this happens is very large.a. when b. to whom c. that d. of which 16.Anthony Jason, _Louis succeeded in the experiment, was a friend of mine.a. with the help from whom b. with whose help c. with the help of his d. with his help 17.Hes written a book_the name Ive completely forgotten.a. whose b. which c. of which d. that 18.Watercolor provides a brilliant transparency and freshness, _it allows extraordinarily free brushwork.a. that b. during c. which d. and 19. Mahalia Jackson, _combined powerful vitality with great dignity, was one of the best-known gospel singer in the United States.a. it was her singing b. which songs c. who sang d. whose singing 20.Mr.Jones, _John was working, was very generous about overtime payment.a. for whom b. for who c. whom d. for that 21.Arthur Millers play Death fo a Salesman is the tragic story of a man destroyed by his own hollow values and those of the society_.a. he lives in which b. in which he lives c. which in he lives d. in that he lives 22.In the United States, a primary elecion is a method_voters selec the nominees for public office.a. in that b. by which c. by those d. is that 23.Emily Dickisons garden was a place_great inspiration for her person.a. that she drew b. by drawing her c. from which she draw d. drawn from which 24.We moved to the new house in the suburbs so that the kids would have a garden_.a. in which to play b. to play with c. to play d. where to play 25.He showed me a book, _I could tell that it was pretty old.a. which cover b. of which cover c. the cover which d. from the cover of which 26.Solomon was diligent, responsible and hardworking, _he was promoted from a clerk to a manager.a. for which b. which c. for d. that 27. “Did the audience participate in the party?” “Yes, the actors_to involve the audience were successful.” a . whom it was the function b. of which the function was c. whose function it was d. whose were the function 28.The doctors all blamed the irresponsible boy_to protect the little girl.a. it was he that was b. whose duty was it c. it was whose duty d. whose duty it was 29.The project requires more labor than_because it is extremely different.a. has been put in b. have been put in c. being put in d. to be put in 30.He often sat in a small bar drinking considerably more than_.a. he was in good health b. his good health was c. his health was good d. was good for his health 31.The costs of distribution and sales make up a large part of prices that_.a. all products are paid for b. are paid for all products c. for all products paid d. for which all products paid 32.Without facts we cant form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factual knowledge_our thinking.a. upon which to base b. which to base upon c. which to be based on d. to which to be based 33.His great grandmother was among the last to settle in_is now the famous mountain resort.a. that b. where c. which d. what 34.More middle-aged persons suffer from heart trouble than_.a. it generally is realized b. is generally realized c. generally it is realized d. generally is realized. 35.Poverty is also threatening the companys most valuable resource, its staff, _.a. who are increasingly being lured b. which is increasingly being lured c. lured increasingly d. to be increasingly lured 36.So quickly are science and technology advancing_is a possibility today may be a reality tomorrow.a. which b. what c. th
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