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I. IntroductionII. Individual differences in SLAIII. Input and inter-languageIV. Contrastive analysis and error analysis V. Foreign language teaching approachesI. IntroductionThe term Applied Linguistics (AL) is an Anglo-American coinage.AL in the past based itself mainly on the findings of theoretical linguistics especially in language teaching.1.1 Definition of Applied LinguisticsCorder 1974-Crystal 1985-Richards 1985-Steven 1992Corder 1974:AL is the utilization of the knowledge about the nature of language achieved by linguistic research for the improvement of the efficiency of some practical task in which language is a central component.Crystal 1985: AL is a branch of linguistics where the primary concern is the application of linguistic theories, methods and findings to the elucidation of language problems which have arisen in other areas of experience.Richards et al. 1985: AL covers two main points:1. The study of second and foreign language learning and teaching.2. The study of language and linguistics in relation to practical problems.Steven 1992:AL is a multidisciplinary approach to the solution of language-related problems.The problems it attempts to solve include speech pathology, machine translation, national language planning policy, various facets of communication research and many others.HU Zhuang Lin 2004:Applied Linguistics (AL) serves as a mediating area which interprets the results of linguistic theories and makes them user friendly to the language teacher and learner.1.2 EFL and ESL(EFL) ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE : Learning English in a community that doesnt speak English. (ESL) ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE: Leaning English in a place where it is the spoken language. According to UNESCO, second language is a language acquired/learned by a person in addition to his mother tongue. 1.3 Learning and AcquisitionLearning is a deliberate, conscious attempt to master a language, while acquisition is a less deliberate, subconscious process of mastering language. As a L2 learner, you can hardly speak in the same way as a native speaker. Phonologically, morphologically, syntactically, semantically and pragmatically, there bound to be some differences. 1.4 First and Second Language AcquisitionThink about a baby acquiring his first language.Think about a person acquiring a second language.What similarities and differences are there in the two processes? Second language learning :painstaking unsuccessfulFirst language acquisition: unconscious successfulFeature 1: Commandchildren normally achieve perfect L1 mastery adult L2 learners are unlikely to achieve perfect L2 mastery Feature 2: Success success guaranteed complete success rare Feature 3: Intuitions children develop clear intuitions about correctness L2 learners are often unable to form clear grammaticality judgments (The house is easy to catch fire.)Feature 4: Negative evidence correction not found and not necessary correction generally helpful or necessary Feature 5: Goals Target languagecompetence L2 learners are more concerned with fluency than accuracy, as target language competence is too difficult to achieve. II. Individual differences in SLAIndividual differences: Age, Personality traits, Cognitive style, Learning strategies, Motivation, Language aptitude2.1 Age and Second Language Acquisition Is it better to learn a second language when one is young or when one is older? Why? Lenneberg (1967) stated that L2 is best learned between age 2 and puberty.Case studyDo we actually find such a critical period for L2 acquisition?What would a critical period for L2 acquisition look like?Do late learners ever attain nativelikeness?Critical period for L2 acquisitionGeometric features”Heightened sensitivity at beginningClear point where offset (decline) beginsFlat period when critical period is overTemporal features”Heightened sensitivity through early childhoodSensitivity bottoms out when full neurocognitive maturity is reachedContinued low sensitivity throughout adulthoodTentative conclusionsIs there a sharp cutoff point where sensitivity begins to decline? NODoes sensitivity flatten out in adulthood? NOIs there a significant change in sensitivity when maturation is reached? NOAdvantages to being a younger learnerMore likely to develop a native-like accentLess to learn to be considered proficientMore likely to receive comprehensible inputAdvantages to being an older learnerCan consciously use strategies to aid learningHas knowledge from L1 to draw fromHas greater control over inputGrammatical CompetenceMastery of language code: Lexicon (vocabulary), Word formation rules, Sentence formation rules, Pronunciation rules, Spelling rulesSociolinguistic CompetenceMastery of appropriate language use in different contextsHow to speak to a friendHow to speak to someone in authorityHow to speak socially vs. ProfessionallyDiscourse CompetenceMastery of how to combine meanings and forms to create a text in different modes Examples: Telephone inquiry ,Narrative text, Oral reportStrategic CompetenceMastery of verbal and non-verbal strategies to compensate for breakdowns in communicationExamples: How to ask for help How to rephrase a statement2.2 Motivation There isnt much theory that “provides an all-round explanation of what we do and why.”(Drnyei 2003:1) “Motivation is a multifaceted construct, and the exact nature of the constituent components activated in a particular situation depends greatly on contextual factors.”(Drnyei 2003:1) Instrumental motivation- Immediate achievement Go abroad Social responsibility Individual development-Instrumental motivation Cultural motivation-Intrinsic interest Go abroad Social responsibility Information medium-Integrative motivation Interest motivation Situational motivation-Learning situation-Situational motivation Metacognitive strategiesA. Centering your learningB. Arranging and planning your learningC. Evaluating your learningAffective strategiesA. Lowering your anxietyB. Encouraging yourselfC. Taking your emotional temperatureSocial strategiesA. Asking questionsB. Cooperating with othersC. Empathizing with othersResearch has demonstrated(1) Learners are actively involved in their learning.(2) Learners use different kinds of strategies(3) Learners have different beliefs about strategy use and learning approaches(3) Several factors have powerful influence on strategy choice/use:motivation, proficiency, years of study,sex, major, if requirementThe good language learner: (1) is guesser, but an accurate guesser! (2) has a strong drive to communicate. (3) is not often inhibited (a risk-taker). (4) focuses on communication, but also attends to form.(5) practicesand creates opportunities to do so.(6) knows what is appropriate.(7) monitors his own and the speech of others.(8) attends to meaning.(9) Actively participates (aloud and silently).III. Input and Inter-language3.1 Input theory by Krashen Interaction theory by Long Output theory by Swain3.2 InterlanguageDefinition of inputQuestion:Could you explain “input” in second language acquisition?Learners most direct source of information about the target language is the target language itself. When they come into direct contact with the target language, this is referred to as input. (/wiki)Stephen Krashen (University of Southern California) is an expert in the field of linguistics, specializing in theories of language acquisition and development. Much of his recent research has involved the study of non-English and bilingual language acquisition. During the past 20 years, he has published well over 100 books and articles and has been invited to deliver over 300 lectures at universities throughout the United States and Canada. 3.1 Krashens Input HypothesisKrashens theory of second language acquisition consists of five main hypotheses: 1) the Acquisition-Learning hypothesis, 2) the Monitor hypothesis, 3) the Natural Order hypothesis, 4) the Input hypothesis, 5) the Affective Filter hypothesis. Input HypothesisThe best methods are therefore those that supply comprehensible input in low anxiety situations, containing messages that students really want to hear. These methods do not force early production in the second language, but allow students to produce when they are ready, recognizing that improvement comes from supplying communicative and comprehensible input, and not from forcing and correcting production. The Input hypothesis is Krashens attempt to explain how the learner acquires a second language. This hypothesis claims that “humans acquire language in only one way-by understanding messages or by receiving comprehensible input” (Krashen, 1985:2)Comprehensible input: i+1; output plays little role. Comment on Input theoryInfluential: application in SLT, Types of input, Ways of input, Variety of input, Sufficiency of input, Efficiency of inputControversial: How to quantify and qualify the “i”and “1” in “i+1”Ignorance of outputViews diverge greatly as to what kind of input should be provided for language learners. Authentic input, Comprehensible input (Krashen): i+1Premodified input, Interactively modified inputInput-based teachingDirect method, Natural approach, Total physical response, Communicative approach, Community language learning (CLL) , Suggestopedia, Silent wayLongs Interaction HypothesisLongs interaction hypothesis proposes that language acquisition is strongly facilitated by the use of the target language in interaction. In particular, the negotiation of meaning has been shown to contribute greatly to the acquisition of vocabulary (Long, 1990). Study: NSs-NNSs, negotiation for meaning-comprehensible inputThe Interaction Hypothesis highlights the role of social interaction in increasing the amount of comprehensible input that students receive. This interaction includes students asking for help when they do not understand input. Perhaps, the collaborative setting in groups and the trust that can grow among groupmates make it more likely that students will have opportunities to repair comprehension breakdowns.Swains Output HypothesisMerrill Swain(Ph.D., University of California)She is Professor in the Curriculum, Teaching and Learning department at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto. website: http:/www.oise.utoronto.ca/mlc/swain.htmThe output hypothesis claims that the act of producing language (speaking or writing) constitutes, under certain circumstances, part of the process of second language learning.It states that while comprehensible input is necessary for L2 learning, learners also need to speak and to write, i. e., produce output, in their L2. Three functions of output in second language learning:1) the noticing/triggering function 發(fā)現(xiàn)所想與所能之間的差別2) the hypothesis-testing function 測試語言假設(shè)3) the metalinguistic (reflective) function.增加元語言知識沒有輸出需要的輸入不易轉(zhuǎn)化為程序性知識沒有輸入幫助的輸出不利于語言體系的拓展輸出-輸入結(jié)合的教學(xué)活動更具有交際的真實性(文秋芳,2008)3.2 InterlanguageThe type of language constructed by second or foreign language learners who are still in the process of learning a language is often referred to as interlanguage. It is often understood as a language system between the target language and the learners native language. E.g. data from SWECCLInterlanguage is a dynamic language system, which is constantly moving from the departure level to the native-like level.Can be done in two ways: investigating the psychological, biological or neurological mechanisms involved in the production of interlanguage; investigating the linguistic features of interlanguage.Concerning the linguistic features of interlanguage, the following questions can be asked:Linguistically, how is interlanguage in general different from the target language or the native language? In what way is lower level interlanguage different from higher level interlanguage?How is the interlanguage system used to convey meaning?IV. Contrastive Analysis and Error AnalysisWe assume that the student who comes into contact with a foreign language will find some features of it quite easy and others extremely difficult. Those elements that are similar to his native language will be simple for him, and those elements that are different will be difficult. Lado, 1957, 24.1 Contrastive Analysis (1940s -1960s)Paul Nation is Professor in Applied Linguistics at the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (LALS) at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. “Research shows that the first language has a small but important role to play in communicating meaning and content.” (Paul Nation, in his article, The Role of the First Language in Foreign Language) 4.1.1 Definition of Contrastive Analysis (CA)A way of comparing L1 and L2 to determine potential errors for the ultimate purpose of isolating what needs to be learned and what not in a second language learning situation. (Gass & Selinker, 2001:72) An approach to the study of SLA which involves predicting and explaining learner problems based on a comparison of L1 and L2 to determine similarities and differences” (Saville-Troike, 2006: 34)4.1.2 Objectives of CAProviding insights into similarities and differences between languages;Explaining and predicting problems in L2 leaning Developing course materials for language teaching 4.1.3 Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis Main assumptions 1) L2 learning involves overcoming difficulties in the linguistic systems of the target language; 2) The main difficulties in learning a L2 are caused by interference from the L1; 3) Contrastive analysis can predict, or at least account for, difficulties in L2 learning, so teaching materials based on contrastive analysis can reduce the effects of interference and difficulties, and facilitate L2 learning.Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis Where two languages were similar, positive transfer would occur; where they were different, negative transfer, or interference, would result. (Larsen-Freeman & Long 1991: 53) 3 versions of the CA hypothesisThe Strong Version: Fries & LadoIt (a priori) claimed that prediction of difficulties in learning L2 could be made based upon a comparison of two languages. This starts with a crosslinguistic analysis and then attempts to predict trouble spots. The Weak Version: Wardhaugh (1970)It (a posteriori) claimed that cross-linguistic comparison could help to explain learner errors. This starts with learner errors and attempts to account for them with cross-grammatical comparisons. The Moderate Version: Oller & ZiahosseinyIt differs from the above two in that it emphasizes the significance of minimal distinctions, which may actually cause the greatest interferences and difficulties.4.1.4 Procedures of CA2 principles of CA as proposed by Halliday:Describe before comparingComparing patterns, not whole languagesSteps:The separate description of the relevant features of each language;The establishment of comparability;The comparison and contrast.4.1.5 Evaluation of CAHA. Application, Prediction & Diagnosis of errorsTesting, Course design, Selection, Grading,Contrastive teachingB. Problems with contrastive analysis Problem #1The predictions made by proponents of the CAH were often inaccurate, or even false.There was underprediction (i.e. the CAH failed to predict some errors). There was overprediction (i.e. the CAH predicted errors that did not materialize).French object pronouns precede the verb: Je les vois I them see. English L1 learners of French will say:*Le chien a mange les instead of Le chien les a mange* Il veute les encore instead of Il les veut encore (Ervin-Tripp, 1974)But, French L1 learners of English do not sayI them see. (Je les vois) instead of I see them Why does it work one way but not the other?Problem #2It is not true that similarity always equals ease of learning and difference always equals difficulty; (sometimes its the other way round)Problem #3L1 transfer is effected by other factors, e.g. the amount and type of TL exposure learners receive.Problem #4Many studies have shown SLLs from very different L1 backgrounds make similar errors.This suggests that many of the most common learner errors are not due to interference of native language.See Ortega, 2009. Section 3.1 p. 310nly about 30% of errors have been attributed to L1. This ranges from 3% for child Spanish learners of English (Dulay & Burt, 1973) to 50% for adult Chinese ESL (Tran Chi Chau 1975)Conclusion While interference plays a role in SLA, so do many other factors and thus the role of the first language is less than what was thought by proponents of CA.4.2 Error Analysis EA refers to the study and analysis of the errors made by second and foreign language learners.Purposes of EA:1) identify strategies which learners use in language learning;2) identify the causes of learner errors;3) obtain information on common difficulties in language learning, as an aid to teaching or in the preparation of teaching materials.4.2.1 Error and mistakeError: Systematic deviation by learners who have not yet mastered the rules. More difficult to correct. Indication of learners attempt to figure out the L2 systemMistake: Random performance slip caused by fatigue, excitement, etc. Readily self-corrected.4.2.2 Types of errorsStructural errors (breaking of a rule)e.g. (1) The fast economic growth causes peoples living condition has improved. (2)


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