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-ia suffix forming names of countries, diseases, flowers, from L. and Gk. -ia, which forms abstract nouns of fem. gender. In paraphernalia, Mammalia, etc. it represents the L. and Gk. plural suffix of nouns in -ium or -ion. -iatric from Gk. iatrikos healing, from iatros physician, healer, related to iatreuo treat medically, from iaomai to cure, from iaino heat, warm, cheer. -ing suffix attached to verbs to mean their action, result, product, material, etc., from O.E. -ing, -ung, from P.Gmc. *unga (cf. O.N. -ing, Du. -ing, Ger. -ung). Originally used to form nouns from verbs and to denote completed or habitual action. Its use has been greatly expanded in M.E. and Mod.Eng. The other use of -ing is to form the prp. of verbs, and in this sense it developed from O.E. -ende (cf. Ger. -end, Goth. -and, Skt. -ant, Gk. -on, L. -ans). It evolved into -ing in 13c.-14c. -ise See -ize. -ish adj. suffix, from O.E. -isc, common Gmc. (cf. O.N. -iskr, Ger. -isch, Goth. -isks), cognate with Gk. dim. suffix -iskos. Colloquially attached to hours to denote approximation, 1916. -ism suffix forming nouns of action, state, condition, doctrine, from Fr. -isme, from L. -isma, from Gk. -isma, from stem of verbs in -izein. Used as an independent word, chiefly disparagingly, from 1680. -ist agent noun suffix, also used to indicate adherence to a certain doctrine or custom, from Fr. -iste, from L. -ista, from Gk. -istes, from agential suffix -tes. Variant -ister (e.g. chorister, barister) is from O.Fr. -istre, on false analogy of ministre. Variant -ista is from Sp. form, popularized in Eng. 1970s by names of Latin-American revolutionary movements. -istic adj. suffix, from L. -isticus (often via Fr. -istique), from Gk. -istikos, which is adj. suffix -ikos added to n. suffix -istes (see -ist). -itis noun suffix denoting diseases characterized by inflammation, Mod.L., from Gk. -itis, fem. of adj. suffix -ites pertaining to. Fem. because it was used with fem. noun nosos disease, e.g. Gk. arthritis (nosos) (disease) of the joints. -ize suffix forming verbs, M.E. -isen, from O.Fr. -iser, from L.L. -izare, from Gk. -izein. English picked up the Fr. form, but partially reverted to the correct Gk. -z- spelling from late 16c. In Britain, despite the opposition (at least formerly) of OED, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Times of London, and Fowler, -ise remains dominant. Fowler thinks this is to avoid the difficulty of remembering the short list of common words not from Greek (advertise, devise, surprise) which must be spelled with an -s-. I 12c. shortening of O.E. ic, first person sing. nom. pronoun, from P.Gmc. *ekan (cf. O.Fris. ik, O.N. ek, Norw. eg, Dan. jeg, O.H.G. ih, Ger. ich, Goth. ik), from PIE *ego(m) (cf. Skt. aham, Hitt. uk, L. ego, Gk. ego, Rus. ja). Reduced to i by 1137 in northern England, it began to be capitalized c.1250 to mark it as a distinct word and avoid misreading in handwritten manuscripts. The reason for writing I is . the orthographic habit in the middle ages of using a long i (that is, j or I) whenever the letter was isolated or formed the last letter of a group; the numeral one was written j or I (and three iij, etc.), just as much as the pronoun. Otto Jespersen, Growth and Structure of the English Language, p.233 The form ich or ik, especially before vowels, lingered in northern England until c.1400 and survived in southern dialects until 18c. The dot on the small letter -i- began to appear in 11c. L. manuscripts, to distinguish the letter from the stroke of another letter (such as -m- or -n-). Originally a diacritic, it was reduced to a dot with the introduction of Roman type fonts. The basic word for I in Japanese is watakushi, but it is not much used. Words that boys usually use are boku (polite) or ore (OH-ray), a rougher word, which can be rude depending on the situation. Girls usually use atashi (a feminine-sounding word) or the neutral watashi, but a tomboy might use boku like boys do. Ive contraction of I have, 1742, first attested in Richardsons Pamela. i.e. 1598, abbreviation of id est, from L., lit. that is; used in Eng. in the sense of that is to say. I.H.S. O.E., from M.L., representing Gk. abbreviation of IHSOUS Jesus, in which -H- is the capital of the Gk. vowel eta. The Roman form would be I.E.S. Mistaken for a L. contraction in the Middle Ages, after its Gk. origin was forgotten, and sometimes treated as short for Iesus Hominum Salvator Jesus Savior of Men. Alternate version I.H.C. (terminal -s- often written -c- in later Gk.) is found on vestments from 950 C.E., and may be the source of the H. in slang Jesus H. Christ. I.O.U. 1618, with punning reference to I Owe You. I.Q. 1922, abbreviation of intelligence quotient, a 1921 translation of Ger. Intelligenz-quotient, coined 1912 by W.L. Stern. iambic 1575, from L. iambicus, from Gk. iambikos, from iambos metrical foot of one unaccented followed by one accented syllable, from iaptein to assail (in words); the meter of invective and lampoon in classical Gk. from the time it was used for such by Archilochos, 7c. B.C.E. Iberian 1601, from L. Iberia, ancient name of the Spanish peninsula, from Gk. Iberes Celtic people of Spain; also the name given to an Asiatic people near the Caucasus. Of unknown origin, but the word as applied in Spain is believed to be related to the River Ebro. The earliest Eng. reference is to the Caucasians; in ref. to Spain and Portugal it dates from 1618. ibex 1607, from L. ibex wild goat of the Alps and Apennines, from a pre-L. Alpine language. The Ger. steinbock. ibid. 1663, abbreviation of L. ibidem in the same place, from ibi there + demonstrative suffix -dem. ibis 1382, from Gk. ibis, from Egyptian hab, a sacred bird of Egypt. ibogaine nerve stimulant, 1902, from Fr. ibogaine, from iboga, Congolese name of the shrub from which the chemical is extracted. ICBM 1955, acronym for Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile. ice O.E. is ice, from P.Gmc. *isa- (cf. O.N. iss, O.Fris. is, Du. ijs, Ger. Eis), with no certain cognates beyond Gmc. Slang meaning diamonds is attested from 1906. Ice cream is first recorded 1688 (as iced cream); icing in the sugary sense is from 1769; ice cube first recorded 1929. To break the ice to make the first opening to any attempt is from 1590, metaphoric of making passages for boats by breaking up river ice though in modern use usually with implications of cold reserve. iceberg 1774, partial loan-transl. of Du. ijsberg, lit. ice mountain, from ijs ice + berg mountain. An earlier term was sea-hill (1694). Phrase tip of the iceberg, in a figurative sense, first recorded 1963. ichneumon 1572, originally a weasel-like animal in Egypt, from Gk. ichneumon, lit. searcher, perhaps because it hunts crocodile eggs, from ichneuein hunt for, track, from ichnos a track, of unknown origin. Used by Aristotle for a species of wasp that hunts spiders. ichor 1638, from Gk., of unknown origin, possibly from a non-I.E. language. The fluid that serves for blood in the veins of the gods. Ichthyosaur 1830, coined from Gk. ichthys fish + sauros lizard. icicle M.E. isykle, from is ice + ikel icicle, from O.E. gicel (rel. to cylegicel cold ice), from P.Gmc. *jekilaz (cf. O.N. jaki piece of ice, dim. jkull icicle, ice, glacier). Dialectical ickle icicle survived into 20c. Icknield Way prehistoric trackway from Norfolk to Dorset, O.E. Icenhylte (903), of unknown meaning and origin. Name transferred 12c. to the Roman road from Burton on the Water to Templeborough. icky 1935, Amer.Eng., probably from icky-boo (c.1920) sickly, nauseated, probably baby talk elaboration of sick. Originally a swing lovers term for more sentimental jazz music. icon 1572, image, figure, representation, from L.L. icon, from Gk. eikon likeness, image, portrait, related to eikenai be like, look like. Eastern Church sense is attested from 1833. Computing sense first recorded 1982. iconoclast breaker or destroyer of images, 1596, from Fr. iconoclaste, from M.L. iconoclastes, from Late Gk. eikonoklastes, from eikon (gen. eikonos) image + klastes breaker, from klas- pt. stem of klan to break. Originally those in the Eastern Church in 8c. and 9c. whose mobs of followers destroyed icons and other religious objects on the grounds that they were idols. Applied to 16c.-17c. Protestants in Netherlands who vandalized former Catholic churches on similar grounds. Extended sense of one who attacks orthodox beliefs or institutions is first attested 1842. Iconoclasm in this sense is from 1858. id 1924, in Joan Rivieres translation of Freuds Das Ich und das Es, from L. id it (translation of Ger. es it in Freuds title), used in psychoanalytical theory to denote the unconscious instinctual force. Idaho c.1860, as a place name, originally applied to part of what is now eastern Colorado (Idaho Territory org. 1863); from Kiowa-Apache (Athabaskan) idaahe enemy, a name applied by them to the Comanches. idea 1430, figure, image, symbol, from L. idea idea, and in Platonic philosophy archetype, from Gk. idea ideal prototype, lit. look, form, from idein to see, from PIE *wid-es-ya-, suffixed form of base *weid- to see (see vision). Sense of result of thinking first recorded 1645. ideal 1410, from L.L. idealis existing in idea, from L. idea in the Platonic sense (see idea). Sense of perfect first recorded 1613. The noun meaning perfect person or thing is first recorded 1796 in a translation of Kant. The abstract idealism, also from 1796, originally meant belief that reality is made up only of ideas. Idealist one who represents things in an ideal form is from 1829, as is idealistic. Ideally in the best conceivable situation is from 1840. Ide fixe (1836) is from Fr., lit. fixed idea. identical 1620, as a term in logic, from M.L. identicus the same, from L.L. identitas identity, ult. from L. idem the same (from id it, that one) + demonstrative suffix -dem. Replaced M.E. idemptical, from M.L. idemptitas, from L. idem. identify 1644, regard as the same, from Fr. identifier, from identit (see identity). Sense of recognize first recorded 1769. I.D. (pronounced as separate letters), short for identification, is attested from 1955. identity 1570, from M.Fr. identit (14c.), from L.L. (5c.) identitatem (nom. identitas) sameness, from ident-, comb. form of L. idem (neut.) the same (see identical); abstracted from identidem over and over, from phrase idem et idem. Term identity crisis first recorded 1954. ideology 1796, science of ideas, originally philosophy of the mind which derives knowledge from the senses (as opposed to metaphysics), from Fr. idologie study or science of ideas, coined by Fr. philosopher Destutt de Tracy (1754-1836) from ido- of ideas, from Gk. idea (see idea) + -logy. Meaning systematic set of ideas, doctrines first recorded 1909. Ideologue first recorded 1815, in ref. to the Fr. Revolutionaries. Ideology . is usually taken to mean, a prescriptive doctrine that is not supported by rational argument. D.D. Raphael, Problems of Political Philosophy, 1970ides (pl.) c.1330, middle day of a Roman month, from Fr. Ides (12c.), from L. idus the eighth day after nones, a word perhaps of Etruscan origin. The 15th of March, May, July, and October; the 13th of other months. idiom 1588, form of speech peculiar to a people or place, from M.Fr. idiome, from L.L. idioma a peculiarity in language, from Gk. idioma peculiarity, peculiar phraseology, from idioumai I make my own, from idios personal, private, prop. “particular to oneself,” from PIE *swed-yo-, suffixed form of base *s(w)e-, pronoun of the third person and reflexive (referring back to the subject of a sentence), also used in forms denoting the speakers social group, (we our-)selves (cf. Skt. svah, Avestan hva-, O.Pers. huva ones own, khva-data lord, lit. created from oneself; Gk. hos he, she, it; L. suescere to accustom, get accustomed, sodalis companion; O.C.S. svoji his, her, its, svojaku relative, kinsman; Goth. swes ones own; O.N. sik oneself; Ger. Sein; O.Ir. fein self, himself). Idiomatic is first attested 1712. idiosyncrasy 1604, from Fr. idiosyncrasie, from Gk. idiosynkrasia a peculiar temperament, from idios ones own (see idiom) + synkrasis temperament, mixture of personal characteristics, from syn together + krasis mixture. Originally in Eng. a medical term meaning physical constitution of an individual. Mental sense first attested 1665. idiot c.1300, person so mentally deficient as to be incapable of ordinary reasoning, from O.Fr. idiote uneducated or ignorant person, from L. idiota ordinary person, layman, in L.L. uneducated or ignorant person, from Gk. idiotes layman, person lacking professional skill, lit. private person, used patronizingly for ignorant person, from idios ones own (see idiom). Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself. Mark Twain, c.1882Idiot box television set is from 1959; idiot light dashboard warning signal is attested from 1968. Idiocy (1487) is perhaps modeled on prophet/prophecy. idle O.E. idel empty, void, useless, common W.Gmc. (cf. O.S. idal, O.Fris. idel empty, worthless, O.Du. idil, Ger. eitel vain, useless, mere, pure), of unknown origin. Idle threats preserves original sense; meaning lazy is c.1300. The verb sense of running slowly and steadily without transmitting power (as a motor) first recorded 1916. idol c.1250, image of a deity as an object of (pagan) worship, from O.Fr. idole, from L.L. idolum image (mental or physical), form, used in Church L. for false god, from Gk. eidolon appearance, later mental image, apparition, phantom, also material image, statue, from eidos form (see -oid). Figurative sense of something idolized is first recorded 1562. Meaning a person so adored is from 1591; hence idolize (1598). idolatry c.1250, from O.Fr. idolatrie, shortened from L.L. idololatria (Tertullian), from Gk. eidololatria worship of idols, from eidolon image + latreia worship, service. idyll 1601, from L. idyllium, from Gk. eidyllion short, descriptive poem of rustic or pastoral type, lit. a little picture, dim. of eidos form (see -oid). Idyllic first recorded 1856 in Amer.Eng.; lit. suitable for an idyll; full of natural, simple charm. if O.E. gif (initial g- in O.E. pronounced with a sound close to Mod.Eng. -y-), from P.Gmc. *ja-ba (cf. O.N. ef, O.Fris. gef, O.H.G. ibu, Ger. ob, Du. of), probably originally from an oblique case of a noun meaning doubt (cf. O.H.G. iba, O.N. if doubt). Iffy is first attested 1937 in Amer.Eng.; originally associated with President Franklin D. Roosevelt. igloo 1824, Canadian Eng., from an Eskimo word for house, dwelling (cf. Greenlandic igdlo house). igneous 1664, from L. igneus of fire, fiery, from ignis fire, from PIE *egni- (cf. Skt. agnih fire, sacrificial fire, O.C.S. ogni, Lith. ugnis fire). ignis fatuus will o the wisp, jack-a-lantern, 1563, from M.L., lit. foolish fire. It seems once to have been more common than presently. ignite 1646 (implied in ignitable), from L. ignitus, pp. of ignire set fire. Attested earlier as an adj. (1560). Ignition is from 1612, act of heating to the point of combustion; meaning means of sparking an internal combustion engine is from 1881. ignoble 1447, from M.Fr. ignoble, from L. ignobilis unknown, undistinguished, not noble, from in- not + nobilis noble, infl. by Old L. gnobilis known, famous, renowned, noble. ignominious 1526, from M.Fr. ignominieux (14c.), from L. ignominiosus disgraceful, shameful, from ignominia loss of a (good) name, from in- not + nomen (gen. nominis) name. Influenced by Old L. gnoscere come to know. ignoramus 1577, Anglo-Fr. legal term, from L. ignoramus we do not know, first person present indicative of ignorare not to know (see ignorant). The legal term was one a grand jury could write on a bill when it considered the prosecutions evidence insufficient. Sense of ignorant person came from the title role of George Ruggles 1615 play satirizing the ignorance of common lawyers. ignorant c.1374, from O.Fr. ignorant, from L. ignorantia, from ignorantem, prp. of ignorare from in- not + Old L. gnarus aware, acquainted with, from Porot-L. suffixed form *gno-ro-, related to gnoscere to know (see know). Form influenced by ignotus unknown. Cf. also see uncouth. Colloquial sense of ill-mannered first attested 1886. Ignorance is attested c.1225, from O.Fr. ignorance, from L. ignorantia. ignore 1611, not to know, to be ignorant of, from Fr. ignorer, from L. ignorare not to know, disregard, from ignarus not knowing, unaware (see ignorant). Sense of pay no attention to first recorded 1801 and not common until c.1850. iguana 1555, from Sp., from Arawakan iguana, iwana, the local name for the lizard. Foure footed beastes . named Iuannas, muche lyke vnto Crocodiles, of eyght foote length, of moste pleasaunte taste. Richard Eden, Decades of the New World, 1555Dinosaur name Iguanodon is 1830, from iguana + stem of Gk. odonys tooth, on model of mastodon; so called because the fossil teeth and bones were thought to resemble those of the lizard. Iliad 1579, from L. Illias (gen. Illiadis), from Gk. Ilias poiesis poem of Ilion (Troy). ilk O.E. ilca same (n. and adj.), probably from demonstrative particle i- (cognate with Goth. is he and first element of L. idem) + -lic form (see like). Of similar formation are which and such. Phrase of that ilk implies coincidence of n


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