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International Journal of Machine Tools received in revised form 12 September 2001; accepted 13 September 2001 Abstract Five-axis CNC machining centers have become quite common today. The kinematics of most of the machines are based on a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system. This paper classifi es the possible conceptual designs and actual existing implementations based on the theoretically possible combinations of the degrees of freedom. Some useful quantitative parameters, such as the workspace utilization factor, machine tool space effi ciency, orientation space index and orientation angle index are defi ned. The advantages and disadvantages of each concept are analyzed. Criteria for selection and design of a machine confi guration are given. New concepts based on the Stewart platform have been introduced recently in industry and are also briefl y discussed. 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Five-axis; Machine tool; Kinematic chain; Workspace; CNC; Rotary axis 1. Introduction The main design specifi cations of a machine tool can be deduced from the following principles: ? The kinematics should provide suffi cient fl exibility in orientation and position of tool and part. ? Orientation and positioning with the highest poss- ible speed. ? Orientation and positioning with the highest poss- ible accuracy. ? Fast change of tool and workpiece. ? Save for the environment. ? Highest possible material removal rate. The number of axes of a machine tool normally refers to the number of degrees of freedom or the number of independent controllable motions on the machine slides. The ISO axes nomenclature recommends the use of a right-handed coordinate system, with the tool axis corre- sponding to the Z-axis. A three-axis milling machine has three linear slides X, Y and Z which can be positioned everywhere within the travel limit of each slide. The tool axis direction stays fi xed during machining. This limits * Tel.: +66-2-524-5687; fax: +66-2-524-5697. E-mail address: bohezait.ac.th (E.L.J. Bohez). 0890-6955/02/$ - see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0890-6955(01)00134-1 the fl exibility of the tool orientation relative to the work- piece and results in a number of different set ups. To increase the fl exibility in possible tool workpiece orien- tations, without need of re-setup, more degrees of free- dom must be added. For a conventional three linear axes machine this can be achieved by providing rotational slides. Fig. 1 gives an example of a fi ve-axis milling machine. Fig. 1.Five-axis machine tool. 506E.L.J. Bohez / International Journal of Machine Tools (ii) two T axes and three R axes; (iii) one T axis and four R axes and (iv) fi ve R axes. Nearly all existing fi ve-axis machine tools are in group (i). Also a number of welding robots, fi lament winding machines and laser machining centers fall in this group. Only lim- ited instances of fi ve-axis machine tools in group (ii) exist for the machining of ship propellers. Groups (iii) and (iv) are used in the design of robots usually with more degrees of freedom added. The fi ve axes can be distributed between the work- piece or tool in several combinations. A fi rst classi- fi cation can be made based on the number of workpiece and tool carrying axes and the sequence of each axis in the kinematic chain. Another classifi cation can be based on where the rotary axes are located, on the workpiece side or tool side. The fi ve degrees of freedom in a Car- tesian coordinates based machine are: three translatory movements X,Y,Z (in general represented as TTT) and two rotational movements AB, AC or BC (in general rep- resented as RR).Combinations of three rotary axes (RRR) and two linear axes (TT) are rare. If an axis is bearing the workpiece it is the habit of noting it with an additional accent. The fi ve-axis machine in Fig. 1 can be characterized by X?Y?A?B?Z. The XYAB axes carry the workpiece and the Z-axis carries the tool. Fig. 3 shows a machine of the type XYZA?B?, the three linear axes carry the tool and the two rotary axes carry the work- piece. 507E.L.J. Bohez / International Journal of Machine Tools (ii) Group G1/G?4; (iii) Group G2/G?3; (iv) Group G3/G?2; (v) Group G4/G?1; (vi) Group G5/G?0. 4.1.1. G5/G0? machine All axes carry the tool and the workpiece is fi xed on a fi xed table. Fig. 4 shows a machine with all the fi ve axes carrying the tool. The kinematic chain is XBYAZ (TRTRT). This machine was one of the earliest models of fi ve-axis machines to handle very heavy workpieces. As there are many links in the tool carrying kinematic chain, there can be a considerable error due to elastic deformations and backlash in the slides. 4.1.2. G0/G5? machine All axes carry the workpiece and the tool is fi xed in space. This construction is best used for very small workpieces (see Section 6.3). Fig. 4.XBYAZ machine. 508E.L.J. Bohez / International Journal of Machine Tools (b) rotation axes are implemented on machine table; (c) combination of both. The sequence of the axes in the tool or workpiece carrying kinematic chain is not important if the axes are of the same type R or T. In general, if there are N?Ttrans- latory axes and N?Rrotary axes in the workpiece carrying kinematic chain and NTtranslatory axes and NRrotary axes in the tool kinematic chain, then the numbers of combinations is 11: Ncomb?(N ? T?N?R)! N?T!N?R! (NT?NR)! NT!NR (3) with N?T?NT?3, N?R?NR?2 The number of combinations of each group will be given below case by case. The total number of combinations over all groups is 60. From the design point of view this is a more tractable number of alternatives to be con- sidered. 4.2.1. R?R? machine The two rotary axes carry the workpiece. The tool axis can be fi xed or carried by one (T), two (TT) or three (TTT) linear axes. The number of possible designs is the sum of the fol- lowing combinations: (i) For the group G0/G5? the tool is fi xed in space all the fi ve axes will carry the workpiece. The number of different designs is 10 (NT?=3 and NR? =2), (Figs. 15 and 16). (ii) For the group G1/G4?, NT+NR=1, so NT=1 and NR=0, is the only possible choice for the tool kinematic chain. Equation (3) gives NCOMB=6. The combi- nationsare:R?R?T?T?T;T?T?R?R?T;R?T?R?T?T; T?R?T?R?T; R?T?T?R?T; T?R?R?T?T. Fig. 9 shows these six designs. (iii)For the group G2/G3? the tool axes are TT so NT?=1, NR?=2, NT=2, NR=0 and Equation (2) gives NCOMB=3. The three design combinationsare: R?R?T?TT; R?T?R?TT and T?R?R?TT. The group G2/G3? contains three instances of the R?R? machine. These instances are represented in Fig. 10. (vi) If the tool axes are TTT the workpiece carrying axes can only be R?R?. So only one design combination is possible. From the above-mentioned fi ndings it can also be con- cluded that the total number of R?R? fi ve-axis machine confi gurations is 20. Machines with two axes on the clamping table can be seen in Figs. 1, 3, 6 and 8. The advantages are: Fig. 9.Members of group G1/G4?. 510E.L.J. Bohez / International Journal of Machine Tools R?TRTT; R?TTRT; R?TTTR. (ii) ForNT?=1andNT=2thesixcombinations are:T?R?RTT;T?R?TRT;T?R?TTR;R?T?RTT; R?T?TRT; R?T?TTR. (iii)For NT?=2 and NT=1 the six combinations are (see Fig.11):R?T?T?TR;T?R?T?TR;T?T?R?TR; R?T?T?RT; T?R?T?RT; T?T?R?RT. (iv)ForNT?=3andNT=0thefourcombinations are:R?T?T?T?R; T?R?T?T?R; T?T?R?T?R; T?T?T?R?R. 5. Workspace of a fi ve-axis machine Before defi ningtheworkspaceofthe fi ve-axis machine tool, it is appropriate to defi ne the workspace of the tool and the workspace of the workpiece. The Fig. 11.R?R machines in the group G2/G3?. workspace of the tool is the space obtained by sweeping the tool reference point (e.g. tool tip) along the path of the tool carrying axes. The workspace of the workpiece carrying axes is defi ned in the same way (the center of the machine table can be chosen as reference point). These workspaces can be determined by computing the swept volume 6. Based on the above-defi nitions some quantitative parameters can be defi ned which are useful for compari- son, selection and design of different types of machines. 5.1. Workspace utilization factor WR A possible defi nition for this is the ratio of the Boolean intersection of the workpiece workspace and tool workspace and the union of the tool workspace and workpiece workspace. WR?WSTOOL?WSWORKPIECE WSTOOL?WSWORKPIECE (4) A large value for WRmeans that the workspace of the tool and the workspace of the workpiece are about equal in size and overlap almost completely. A small value of WRmeans that the overlap of tool workspace and work- piece workspace is small and that a large part of the workpiece workspace cannot be reached by the tool. The analogy with two cooperating robots can be clearly seen. It is only in the intersection of the two workspaces of each robot that they can shake hands. For the fi ve-axis machine tool this corresponds to the volume in which the tool and workpiece reference point can meet. However, in the case where all the fi ve axes carry the workpiece and the tool is fi xed in space the above defi - nition would give a zero value for the workspace utiliz- ation. In the case of cooperating robots it would mean that there is only one point were they can shake hands. In the case of a fi ve-axis machine, the workpiece can still be moved in front of the tool and remove metal. The reason is that many points from the workpiece can serve as reference point on the workpiece. All points which can cut on the toolsurface can be used as tool reference point. It is therefore necessary to modify the above defi nition for the case of a fi ve-axis machine. All points of the largest possible workpiece which can be brought into contact with all the tool reference points should be considered as the intersection of the tool work- space and workpiece workspace in the case of fi ve-axis machines. The set of workpiece reference points which can be brought in contact with the set of tool reference points is defi ned as the machine tool workspace. WSMT?(WSTOOL?WSWORK),Toolref,Workref So the above formula should be modifi ed as follows. WR?(WSTOOL?WSWORKPIECE)Toolref,Workref WSTOOL?WSWORKPIECE (5) 512E.L.J. Bohez / International Journal of Machine Tools T2?FT2x,y,z,i,j,k; T3(8) ?FT3x,y,z,i,j,k; R1?FR1i,j,k; R2?FR2i,j,k The inverse of this transformations gives: x?FXT1,T2,T3,R1,R2; y?FYT1,T2,T3,R1,R2; z ?FZT1,T2,T3,R1,R2; i?FiR1,R2; j?FjR1,R2; k(9) ?FkR1,R2 The range of the machine axes is limited by the maximum travel of T1, T2, T3, R1and R2. The limits are the corner points of a fi ve-dimensional hypercube or par- allelotope with Nrr-dimensional Nr?2nr?n R? (10) hyper faces, faces, edges and points 12. To fi nd an approximation of the machine tool workspace a regular fi ve-dimensional pointgrid of equally spaced points can 513E.L.J. Bohez / International Journal of Machine Tools y=r sin sin ; z=r cos ; the range of is from 0 to 2 and from 0 to can be matched to the range of the machine rotary axes R1 and R2. At tool path to mill the largest possible part of a sphere can now be determined. The fi rst step in the determination is the selection of the orientation of the tool axis relative to the sphere. At each point x,y,z of the sphere there are three possible orientations along the unit vectors iriand i. If the tool axis is oriented along irthe tool axis will be perpendicular to the sphere sur- face. If the tool axis is oriented along ior i, the tool axis will be parallel to the isoparametric lines on the sphere = constant or = constant. The tool path can be generated with the following equations: x?r sin(y/2n) cos y; y?r sin(y/2n) sin y; z?r cos(y/n) for r=constant, n=number of turns and ?2n. The CL point will follow a spiral motion with n the number of full turns. The orientations of the tool vector for each CL point should be selected from the three possible orientation- s:Perpendicular to sphere: i?sin(y/2n) cos y, j?sin(y/2n) sin y, k?cos(y/2n) Parallel to the isoparameric line = constant: i?sin(y/2n) cos y, j?sin(y/2n) sin y, k?sin(y2/n) Parallel to isoparameric line = constant, which is always parallel to the xy plane: i?sin y, j?cos y, k?0. Normally it will be clear which toolorientation vector will give the largest r. The number of turns is not important as this toolpath will probably never be cut on the machine so a value, e.g. 10 can be taken. The angle can be related to maximum range of R1and R2through the geometry transform of the machine. The maximum radius of the sphere can be determined by starting with an initial guess r0and check if this is within the range of the machine. The problem can be somewhat be more complicated due to the many possible locations of the sphere on the machine table, here also a good initial guess starts the iteration process. A point x,y,z located on the sphere surface will have a radius r2=(x? x0)2+(y?y0)2+(z?z0)2. With x0, y0, z0the center of the sphere. The equation to be checked is: r2?FXT1,T2,T3,R1,R22?FYT1,T2,T3,R1,R22 ?FZT1,T2,T3,R1,R22 This relation must hold for all corner points of the fi ve- dimensional parallelotope which defi nes the machine range. Using equation (10) gives N1=80 corner points. 5.7. Orientation angle index of a fi ve-axis machine OAI If a large range of orientation is required it should be possible to make a complete sphere. To make a complete sphere two RR axis are needed. One axis with a range of 360 and another perpendicular axis with a range of 180 are the minimum requirement. The Orientation angle index is defi ned as the ratio of the product of the max range of the two rotary axes divided by 360180 multiplied by 12/90. With 12the angle in degrees between the two rotary axes (e.g. in Fig. 6, 12=45). OAI? ?R1?R2 360180 a12 90 (11) If this index is 1 it is possible to mill a full sphere. Often there is only a subspace of the workspace available in which this full range of the two rotary axes orien- tations can be used. To be able to asses the size of the part OAIindex should be used in combination with OSI 6. Selection criteria of a fi ve-axis machine It is not the objective to make a complete study on how to select or design a fi ve-axis machine for a certain application. Only the main criteria which can be used to justify the selection of a fi ve-axis machine are discussed. 6.1. Applications of fi ve-axis machine tools The applications can be classifi ed in positioning and contouring. Figs. 12 and 13 explain the difference between fi ve-axis positioning and fi ve-axis contouring. 6.1.1. Five-axis positioning Fig. 12 shows a part with a lot of holes and fl at planes under different angles, to make this part with a three- axis milling machine it is not possible to process the part in one set up. If a fi ve-axis machine is used the tool can 514E.L.J. Bohez / International Journal of Machine Tools (ii) injectors of fuel pumps; (iii) profi les of tires; (iv) medical prosthesis such as artifi cial heart valves; (v) molds made of complex surfaces. 6.2. Axes confi guration selection The size and weight of the part is very important as a fi rst criterion to design or select a confi guration. Very heavy workpieces require short workpiece kinematic chains. Also there is a preference for horizontal machine tables which makes it more convenient to fi x and handle the workpiece. Putting a heavy workpiece on a single rotary axis kinematic chain will increase the orientation fl exibility very much. It can be observed from Fig. 4 that providing a single horizontal rotary axis to carry the workpiece will make the machine more fl exible. In most cases the tool carrying kinematic chains will be kept as short as possible because the toolspindle drive must also be carried. 6.3. Example 1 fi ve-axes machining of jewelry A typical workpiece could be a fl ower shaped part as in Fig. 14. This application is clearly contouring. The part will be relatively small compared to the tool assembly. Also small diameter tools will require a high speed spindle. A horizontal rotary table would be a very good option as the operator will have a good view of the part (with range 360). All axes as workpiece carry- ing axes would be a good choice because the toolspindle could be fi xed and made very rigid. There are 20 ways in which the axes can be combined in the workpiece kinematic chain (Section 4.2.1). Here only two kinematic chains will be considered. Case one will be a T?T?T?R?R? kinematic chain shown in Fig. 15. Case two will be a R?R?T?T?T? kinematic chain shown in Fig. 16. For model I a machine with a range of X=300 mm, Fig. 14.Jewel application 515E.L.J. Bohez / International Journal of Machine Tools (ii) additional rotation axes cause additional position error; (iii) the higher cut- ting speeds on the machine axes for the same feed. The purchase of a fi ve-axis machine must be preceded by a profound study of the range of products which have to be machined. The parts should be classifi ed either as fi ve-axis positioning or fi ve-axis contouring or both. Machines with a turning table are for example very good to produce rotational workpieces such as compressors. One rotary axis on the tool side and one rotary axis on the workpiece side will provide a larger workspace util- ization factor. The recently introduced virtual axis machines have as a main advantage, the potential of higher dynamical response and higher stiffness. The workspace utilization factor is however much lower in comparison with the classical fi ve-axis machine. The higher rigidity of these machines makes them very appropriate for the design of high speed spindles 19 needed for high speed milling. References 1 J.A. Baughman, Multi-axis machining with APT, in: W.H.P. Les- lie (Ed.), Numerical Control Users Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1970, pp. 271298. 2 R.M. Sim, Postprocessors, in: W.H.P. Leslie
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