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1、工廠建造合同PLANT CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT第一條 定義“業(yè)主主”指 ?!俺邪獭敝钢??!肮S廠”指在在附錄中指定定的構(gòu)成成固定設(shè)設(shè)備的全全部機(jī)器器、設(shè)備備和材料料?!肮さ氐亍敝赴窗幢竞贤糜诮ńㄔ旃S廠的全部部地皮?!肮こ坛獭敝赋谐邪贪窗幢竞贤瑢?shí)施的的工程?!昂贤瑑r(jià)格”指指業(yè)主向向承包商商支付的的全部工工程款項(xiàng)項(xiàng)。Artticlle 11-DeefinnitiionssThhe OOwneer shaall meaan .Thhe CConttracctorr sshalll mmeann .Thhe PPlannt shaall meaan aall or

2、 anyy paart of thee maachiinerry, equuipmmentt annd mmateeriaals forrminng tthe perrmannentt innstaallaatioon aas sspeccifiied in Apppenddix().Thhe SSitee sshalll mmeann alll tthe lannd wwherre tthe plaant is to be connstrructted in acccorddancce wwithh thhis Conntraact.Thhe WWorkks shaall meaan tth

3、e worrks to be donne bby tthe Conntraactoor uundeer tthiss Coontrractt.Thhe CConttracct PPricce shaall meaan tthe tottal summ paayabble to thee Coontrracttor by thee Owwnerr foor tthe Worrks.第二條條 承包包商的職職責(zé)1. 承包商商應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)責(zé)設(shè)計(jì)、籌籌劃以及及在工地地上建造造工廠。2. 除了業(yè)業(yè)主根據(jù)據(jù)第條條提供的的項(xiàng)目和和設(shè)施,承承包商應(yīng)應(yīng)提供所所有為使使工廠成成功建造造所必需需的設(shè)備備、材料料、工具具、設(shè)

4、施施、勞工工和服務(wù)務(wù)。3. 承包商商應(yīng)根據(jù)據(jù)附錄中的日日程安排排施工。4. 承包商商應(yīng)根據(jù)據(jù)附錄中的規(guī)規(guī)定為業(yè)業(yè)主培訓(xùn)訓(xùn)工廠設(shè)設(shè)備的操操作和維維修人員員。5. 承包商商應(yīng)向業(yè)業(yè)主提供供附錄中規(guī)定定的備件件。6. 承包商商應(yīng)向業(yè)業(yè)主提供供附錄中指定定的維修修設(shè)備。Artticlle 22-Coontrracttors RRespponssibiilittiess1. Thee Coontrracttor shaall dessignn, eengiineeer, andd coonsttrucct tthe Plaant at thee Siite.2. Thee Coontrracttor s

5、haall proovidde aall equuipmmentt, mmateeriaals, tooolss, ffaciilittiess, llaboour andd seerviicess neecesssarry ffor thee suucceessfful connstrructtionn off thhe PPlannt eexceept thoose iteems andd faacillitiies to be supppliied by thee Owwnerr unnderr Arrticcle ().3. Thee Coontrracttor shaall perr

6、forrm tthe Worrks in acccorddancce wwithh thhe SScheedulle iin AAppeendiix ().4. Thee Coontrracttor shaall proovidde tthe Ownners pperssonnnel witth ttraiininng oof ooperratiion andd maainttenaancee off thhe PPlannt iin aaccoordaancee wiith Apppenddix ().5. Thee Coontrracttor shaall suppplyy thhe OO

7、wneer wwithh thhe ssparre ppartts sspeccifiied in Apppenddix ().6. Thee Coontrracttor shaall suppplyy thhe OOwneer wwithh thhe mmainntennancce eequiipmeent speeciffiedd inn Apppenndixx ().第三條條 業(yè)主主的職責(zé)責(zé)1. 業(yè)主應(yīng)應(yīng)提供工工地,并并在本合合同有效效期內(nèi)允允許承包包商自由由地、不不受干擾擾地出入入該工地地。2. 業(yè)主應(yīng)應(yīng)按時(shí)提提供附錄錄中指指定的物物件和設(shè)設(shè)施。3. 業(yè)主將將從有關(guān)關(guān)部門獲獲取為工工廠

8、建造造、設(shè)備備運(yùn)行所所必需的的執(zhí)照和和許可證證,包括括承包商商雇員的的工作許許可證。4. 業(yè)主應(yīng)應(yīng)按第條中規(guī)規(guī)定的合合同價(jià)格格向承包包商支付付工程款款項(xiàng)。Artticlle 33-Owwnerrs Ressponnsibbiliitiees1. Thee Owwnerr shhalll maake avaailaablee thhe SSitee annd ggrannt tthe Conntraactoor ffreee annd uuninnterrrupptedd acccesss ttherretoo thhrouughoout thee duurattionn off thhis C

9、onntraact.2. Thee Owwnerr shhalll prroviide thoose iteems andd faacillitiies speeciffiedd inn Apppenndixx () aat tthe timme ttherreinn esstabblisshedd.3. Thee Owwnerr wiill obttainn frrom thee reelevvantt Auuthoorittiess thhosee liicennsess annd ppermmitss neecesssarry tto cconsstruuct andd opperaat

10、e thee Pllantt onn thhe SSitee inncluudinng wworkk peermiit ffor thee Coontrracttors eemplloyeees.4. Thee Owwnerr shhalll paay tthe conntraactoor ffor thee Woorkss peerfoormeed tthe Conntraact Priice sett ouut iin AArtiiclee ().第四條條 合同同價(jià)格1. 在本合合同生效效后天內(nèi),業(yè)業(yè)主應(yīng)向向承包商商支付金金額為 合同價(jià)價(jià)格,作作為承包包商完成成該工程程并承擔(dān)擔(dān)本合同同規(guī)定

11、的的所有義義務(wù)的全全部報(bào)酬酬。2. 合同價(jià)價(jià)格不再再上調(diào),完完成工種種的成本本風(fēng)險(xiǎn)應(yīng)應(yīng)由承包包商承擔(dān)擔(dān),商定定合同價(jià)價(jià)格時(shí)應(yīng)應(yīng)認(rèn)為承承包商已已獲得全全部信息息并已把把所有可可能影響響成本的的因素估估計(jì)在內(nèi)內(nèi)。Artticlle 44-Coontrractt Prricee1. Witthinn () ddayss affterr thhe eeffeectiive datte oof tthiss Coontrractt, tthe Ownner shaall payy thhe CConttracctorr ass fuull andd coomplletee coompeensaatioo

12、n ffor acccompplisshinng tthe Worrks andd asssummingg alll oobliigattionns uundeer tthiss Coontrractt thhe CConttracct PPricce iin tthe amoountt off .2. Thee Coontrractt Prricee iss noot ssubjjectt too esscallatiion, annd tthe cosst oof eexeccutiing thee Woorkss shhalll bee thhe rriskk off thhe CCon

13、ttracctorr whho sshalll bbe ddeemmed to havve oobtaaineed aall infformmatiion andd taakenn innto acccounnt aall cirrcummstaancees wwhicch mmay afffectt thhe ccostt inn aggreeeingg thhe CConttracct PPricce.第五條條 設(shè)計(jì)計(jì)圖樣1. 承包商商應(yīng)根據(jù)據(jù)合同,在在附錄規(guī)定定的時(shí)間間內(nèi)向業(yè)業(yè)主提交交工廠建建造所需需的圖樣樣,供業(yè)業(yè)主審批批。業(yè)主主應(yīng)在收收到這些些圖樣后后一個(gè)月月內(nèi),對對圖樣進(jìn)進(jìn)行審核核

14、,并作作出批準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)或不批批準(zhǔn)的決決定。2. 承包商商應(yīng)對上上述圖樣樣中的任任何缺點(diǎn)點(diǎn)、錯(cuò)誤誤或疏漏漏負(fù)責(zé),除除非這種種缺點(diǎn)、錯(cuò)錯(cuò)誤或疏疏漏是因因業(yè)主書書面提供供的不準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)確信息息所致。3. 業(yè)主或或承包商商互相提提供的所所有圖樣樣和技術(shù)術(shù)資料,收收到方應(yīng)應(yīng)作為機(jī)機(jī)密文件件對待,除除非另有有商定,收收到方不不得將這這些圖樣樣和資料料用于與與本合同同無關(guān)的的其他目目的。Artticlle 55-Drrawiingss1. Thee Coontrracttor shaall subbmitt too thhe OOwneer ffor appprovval andd reevieew wwithhin

15、thee tiime speeciffiedd inn Apppenndixx () ssuchh drrawiingss ass maay bbe rrequuireed ffor Connstrructtionn off thhe PPlannt uundeer tthiss Coontrractt. WWithhin onee moonthh affterr reeceiivinng ssuchh drrawiingss thhe OOwneer sshalll rreviiew andd appproove or dissappprovve tthe draawinng.2. Thee

16、 Coontrracttor shaall be ressponnsibble forr anny ddefeectss, eerroors or omiissiionss inn thhe aabovve ddrawwinggs uunleess succh ddefeectss, eerroors or omiissiionss arre ccaussed by inaaccuuratte iinfoormaatioon ffurnnishhed in wriitinng tto tthe Conntraactoor bby tthe Ownner.3. Alll drrawiingss

17、annd ttechhniccal doccumeentaatioon ddeliiverred by thee Owwnerr orr thhe CConttracctorr too thhe ootheer ppartty sshalll bbe ttreaatedd ass coonfiidenntiaal bby tthe recceivvingg paartyy unnlesss aagreeed othherwwisee, aand shaall nott bee ussed by thaat ppartty ffor purrposses othher thaan tthosse

18、 cconnnectted witth tthiss Coontrractt.第六條條 檢驗(yàn)驗(yàn)1. 承包商商應(yīng)該按按法律和和正常的的工程慣慣例的要要求,負(fù)負(fù)責(zé)工廠廠所有的的檢驗(yàn)和和試驗(yàn)工工作。2. 業(yè)主有有權(quán)在任任何適當(dāng)當(dāng)時(shí)間對對建造中中的工廠廠的材料料和工藝藝進(jìn)行檢檢驗(yàn)和測測試,費(fèi)費(fèi)用自理理。這種種檢驗(yàn)或或測試不不能免除除承包商商在合同同中應(yīng)盡盡的任何何義務(wù)。3. 完工后后的工廠廠應(yīng)由業(yè)業(yè)主進(jìn)行行檢驗(yàn)和和測試;工廠何何時(shí)可以以測試,承承包商應(yīng)應(yīng)提前以以書面形形式通知知業(yè)主。4. 承包商商應(yīng)根據(jù)據(jù)業(yè)主的的合理要要求,為為徹底而而有效的的檢測提提供所需需要的協(xié)協(xié)助、勞勞力、材材料、電電力、燃燃料

19、、設(shè)設(shè)備、備備用品和和儀器。5. 工廠通通過上述述測試后后,業(yè)主主應(yīng)向承承包商簽簽發(fā)一份份表示通通過測試試的證書書。檢測測中發(fā)現(xiàn)現(xiàn)的任何何問題未未圓滿解解決,工工廠不得得移交。Artticlle 66-Innspeectiion1. Thee Coontrracttor shaall perrforrm aall insspecctioon aand tesstinng oof tthe Plaant reqquirred by laww annd nnormmal enggineeeriing praactiice.2. Thee Owwnerr shhalll bee enntittled

20、d att alll rreassonaablee tiimess annd aat iits ownn coost to insspecct, exaaminne aand tesst tthe matteriialss annd wworkkmannshiip oof tthe Plaant undder connstrructtionn. SSuchh innspeectiion, exxamiinattionn orr teestiing if madde sshalll nnot relleasse tthe Conntraactoor ffromm anny oobliigatti

21、onn unnderr thhe CConttracct.3. Thee coomplleteed PPlannt sshalll bbe iinsppectted, exxamiinedd annd ttestted by thee Owwnerr, aand thee Coontrracttor shaall givve tthe Ownner reaasonnablle nnotiice in wriitinng oof tthe datte oon wwhicch tthe Plaant willl bbe rreaddy ffor tesstinng.4. Thee Coontrra

22、cttor shaall proovidde ssuchh asssisstannce, laabouur, matteriialss, eelecctriicitty , fuuelss, aappaarattus, sttorees aand insstruumennts as mayy bee reequiiredd annd aas mmay be reaasonnablly ddemaandeed tto ccarrry oout succh ttestts bby tthe Ownner prooperrly andd effficcienntlyy.5. Wheen tthe P

23、laant shaall havve ppasssed thee abbovee teestss, tthe Ownner shaall furrnissh tthe Conntraactoor wwithh a cerrtifficaate in wriitinng tto tthatt efffecct. No Plaant shaall be delliveeredd unntill anny ffaullts disscovvereed dduriing insspecctioon aare sattisffacttoriily recctiffiedd.第七條條 工地地1. 承包商商

24、應(yīng)在工工地上提提供所有有令業(yè)主主滿意的的材料、勞勞力、設(shè)設(shè)備、服服務(wù)和便便利,以以便順利利施工和和完工。2. 在總體體上得到到上述保保證的前前提下,承承包商應(yīng)應(yīng)提供下下列各項(xiàng)項(xiàng)必需品品:a. 建筑設(shè)設(shè)備;b. 工地上上使用的的運(yùn)輸工工具,包包括臨時(shí)時(shí)道路;c. 保護(hù)人人員和財(cái)財(cái)產(chǎn)安全全所需的的籬笆、燈燈光、崗崗哨以及及所有其其他材料料和服務(wù)務(wù);d. 為材料料和施工工人員(包包括業(yè)主主雇員)提提供臨時(shí)時(shí)倉庫、辦辦公室和和其他房房屋建筑筑;e. 在整個(gè)個(gè)工程移移交之前前提供電電話、滅滅火設(shè)備備和急救救設(shè)備;f. 供施工工人員使使用的衛(wèi)衛(wèi)生設(shè)備備和食堂堂。3. 承包商商應(yīng)遵守守當(dāng)?shù)胤ǚ梢?guī)定定的所安

25、安全及其其他條例例。4. 無論何何時(shí),承承包商都都不應(yīng)在在業(yè)主的的房產(chǎn)及及其鄰近近建筑物物、車道道和街道道上堆積積施工用用建筑材材料和建建筑垃圾圾,工程程完工后后,應(yīng)從從建筑物物及其周周圍清除除所有用用剩的材材料,保保持工地地和工廠廠安全、整整潔,以以備使用用。Artticlle 77-Innspeectiion1. Thee Coontrracttor shaall proovidde aat tthe Sitte tto tthe reaasonnablle ssatiisfaactiion of thee Owwnerr alll mmateeriaals, laabouur, equu

26、ipmmentt, sservvicees aand facciliitiees tthatt maay bbe nneceessaary forr thhe ppropper exeecuttionn annd ccompplettionn off thhe WWorkks.2. Witthouut pprejjudiice to thee geenerraliity of thee abbovee, tthe Conntraactoor sshalll pprovvidee, aas mmay be neccesssaryy, tthe folllowwingg:a. Connstrruc

27、ttionn eqquippmennt.b. Meaans of traanspportt wiithiin tthe Sitte iinclludiing temmporraryy rooadwwayss.c. Fenncinng, ligghtiing andd guuarddingg annd aall othher matteriialss annd sservvicees nneceessaary forr thhe ssafeety andd seecurrityy off peersoons andd prropeertyy.d. Temmporraryy sttorees, o

28、ffficees aand othher buiildiingss orr sttruccturres forr maaterrialls aand perrsonns eengaagedd inn thhe WWordds, inccluddingg peersoons empployyed by thee Owwnerr.e. Tellephhonees, firre-ffighhtinng eequiipmeent andd fiirstt-aiid eequiipmeent unttil thee whholee Woorkss haave beeen ttakeen ooverr.f

29、. Sannitaary andd caanteeen facciliitiees ffor thee usse oof pperssonss enngagged in thee Woorkss.3. Thee Coontrracttor shaall obsservve aall saffetyy annd ootheer rreguulattionns iimpoosedd onn thhe SSitee byy loocall laaws.4. Thee Coontrracttor shaall at alll tiimess keeep thee Owwnerrs prooperrty

30、 andd thhe aadjooiniing preemisses, drriveewayys aand strreetts ffreee off coonsttrucctioon mmateeriaals andd ruubbiish cauusedd byy thhe WWorkks, andd att thhe ccompplettionn off thhe WWorkks sshalll rremoove alll reemaiininng mmateeriaals froom aand aboout thee prremiisess annd sshalll lleavve tth

31、e Sitte aand Plaant saffe, cleean andd reeadyy foor uuse.第八條條 承包包商的工工作人員員1. 承包商商將自費(fèi)費(fèi)為其全全部工作作人員提提供飲食食、交通通及一切切必要的的便利。2. 合同簽簽署后,承承包商應(yīng)應(yīng)指定一一名項(xiàng)目目經(jīng)理,在在工程進(jìn)進(jìn)行過程程中全權(quán)權(quán)代表承承包商。他他將在工工作時(shí)間間內(nèi)坐鎮(zhèn)鎮(zhèn)施工現(xiàn)現(xiàn)場。業(yè)業(yè)主向項(xiàng)項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理理發(fā)出的的所有指指示,如如同發(fā)給給承包商商本人一一樣,同同樣具有有約束力力。3. 如果業(yè)業(yè)主認(rèn)為為工地上上承包商商的雇員員品行不不端、不不能勝任任工作或或有失職職行為,可可要求承承包商將將此人調(diào)調(diào)離或更更換。Artt

32、iclle 88-Innspeectiion1. Thee Coontrracttor willl ssuppply at hiss owwn ccostt foood, trranssproot aand alll neecesssarry ffaciilittiess foor aall hiss owwn pperssonnnel.2. On siggninng tthe Conntraact, thhe CConttracctorr shhalll apppoiint a pprojjectt maanagger whoo wiill reppressentt thhe CConttr

33、acctorr att alll ttimees bbe ppressentt att thhe SSitee duurinng wworkkingg hoourss. AAll commmunnicaatioons isssuedd byy thhe OOwneer tto tthe proojecct mmanaagerr shhalll bee biindiing as if givven to thee Coontrracttor.3. Thee Owwnerr maay rrequuestt thhe rremoovall annd rrepllaceemennt oof aany

34、perrsonn emmplooyedd byy thhe CConttracctorr onn thhe SSitee iff suuch perrsonn iss inn thhe OOwneerss oppiniion guiiltyy off miiscoonduuct, inncommpettencce oor nneglligeencee.第九條條 責(zé)任任1. 在工廠廠被最終終驗(yàn)收之之前,承承包商應(yīng)應(yīng)對工廠廠的任何何損失或或損壞負(fù)負(fù)責(zé),并并自費(fèi)將將其修復(fù)復(fù),直至至業(yè)主滿滿意。然然而,如如果根據(jù)據(jù)本合同同,這類類損壞的的責(zé)任不不在承包包商,而而業(yè)主要要求予以以修復(fù),承承包商應(yīng)應(yīng)按業(yè)主

35、主指示辦辦理,但但費(fèi)用由由業(yè)主負(fù)負(fù)擔(dān)。2. 在最后后驗(yàn)收合合格證書書簽發(fā)之之前,凡凡因承包包商或其其分包商商的疏忽忽,或設(shè)設(shè)計(jì)、材材料或工工藝上的的缺陷而而產(chǎn)生的的任何財(cái)財(cái)產(chǎn)損失失或人身身傷害,承承包商應(yīng)應(yīng)向業(yè)主主賠償,并并保護(hù)業(yè)業(yè)主免受受由此而而產(chǎn)生的的各種訴訴訟、索索賠、要要求或費(fèi)費(fèi)用支出出。3. 如果業(yè)業(yè)主因某某種原因因遭受索索賠或訴訴訟,而而按本條條款規(guī)定定承包商商應(yīng)該或或可能對對該事由由承擔(dān)法法律責(zé)任任,則業(yè)業(yè)主應(yīng)立立即書面面通知承承包商。承承包商應(yīng)應(yīng)以業(yè)主主名義接接手并通通過談判判處理解解決或能能由此而而產(chǎn)生的的訴訟,并并承擔(dān)一一切費(fèi)用用。如承承包商要要求,業(yè)業(yè)主應(yīng)向向承包商商提供

36、承承包商為為處理此此類索賠賠或訴訟訟所需要要的所有有資料和和幫助。Artticlle 99-Innspeectiion1. Thee Coontrracttor shaall be ressponnsibble forr alll llossses of or dammagee too thhe PPlannt bbefoore finnal acccepttancce, andd shhalll maake goood aal ssuchh looss or dammagee att thhe ccostt off thhe CConttracctorr annd tto tthe reaa

37、sonnablle ssatiisfaactiion of thee Owwnerr prroviidedd, hhoweeverr, iin tthe casse oof llosss orr daamagge tto tthe Plaant ariisinng ffromm orr occcassionned by cauusess foor wwhicch tthe Conntraactoor iis mmot ressponnsibble undder thee Coontrractt, tthe samme sshalll bbe mmadee goood by thee Coont

38、rracttor butt att thhe ccostt off thhe OOwneer, if thee Owwnerr soo diireccts.2. Thee Coontrracttor shaall inddemnnifyy thhe OOwneer iin rresppectt off alll ddamaage andd innjurry ooccuurriing befforee thhe iissuue oof tthe finnal acccepttancce ccerttifiicatte tto aany prooperrty andd peersoon aand

39、agaainsst aall acttionns, suiits, cllaimms, demmandds, chaargees aand exppensses ariisinng iin cconnnecttionn thhereewitth wwhicch sshalll bbe ooccaasioonedd byy thhe nneglligeencee off thhe CConttracctorr orr anny oof hhis subb-coontrracttorss orr byy deefecctivve ddesiign, maaterrialls oor wworkkm

40、annshiip bbut nott ottherrwisse.3. In thee evventt off anny cclaiim bbeinng mmadee orr acctioons brooughht aagaiinstt thhe OOwneer aarissingg ouut oof aany mattterr inn reespeect of whiich thee Coontrracttor is or mayy bee liiablle uundeer tthiss Arrticcle, thhe OOwneer sshalll pprommptlly nnotiify

41、thee Coontrracttor in wriitinng ttherreoff annd tthe Conntraactoor sshalll aat hhis ownn exxpennse takke ooverr annd ccondductt inn thhe nnamee off thhe OOwneer aall neggotiiatiionss foor tthe setttleemennt oof tthe samme aand anyy liitiggatiion thaat mmay ariise theereffromm. TThe Ownner shaall at

42、thee reequeest of thee Coontrracttor afffordd alll ssuchh innforrmattionn annd aassiistaancee ass thhe CConttracctorr maay rreassonaablyy reequiire forr thhe ppurpposee off deealiing witth aany succh cclaiim oor aactiion.第十條條 保險(xiǎn)險(xiǎn)1. 在不限限制承包包商責(zé)任任的情況況下,承承包商將將自費(fèi)投投保下列列險(xiǎn):a. 機(jī)器設(shè)設(shè)備從工工廠交貨貨到目的的地的運(yùn)運(yùn)輸險(xiǎn)。b. 為承包包商

43、和分分包商的的所的雇雇員投保保雇員賠賠償險(xiǎn),或或者根據(jù)據(jù)適用的的法律和和法規(guī)投投保類似似的法定定社會(huì)保保險(xiǎn)。c. 防備財(cái)財(cái)產(chǎn)損壞壞或人身身傷害的的產(chǎn)品責(zé)責(zé)任險(xiǎn),期期限到維維修期結(jié)結(jié)束,每每次事件件的金額額不少于于美美元。d. 對承包包商或其其分包商商在執(zhí)行行本合同同中使用用的所有有車輛投投保綜合合汽車責(zé)責(zé)任險(xiǎn)。2. 上述保保險(xiǎn)單應(yīng)應(yīng)以承包包商及其其分包商商、業(yè)主主、及其其工程師師、顧問問、雇員員、代理理人為聯(lián)聯(lián)合投保保人。保保險(xiǎn)單應(yīng)應(yīng)包含保保險(xiǎn)人放放棄對業(yè)業(yè)主及其其工程師師、顧問問、雇員員及代理理人的代代位權(quán)之之條款。3. 承包商商應(yīng)保持持上述保保單的完完全有效效性,直直到本合合同對其其規(guī)定的

44、的義務(wù)解解除為止止。業(yè)主主有權(quán)隨隨時(shí)索取取保單、背背書、續(xù)續(xù)保和保保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)收收據(jù)的復(fù)復(fù)印件。如如果承包包商未能能全面投投保,業(yè)業(yè)主應(yīng)有有權(quán)代表表承包商商辦理上上述保險(xiǎn)險(xiǎn),支付付所有相相關(guān)保費(fèi)費(fèi),并從從支付給給承包商商的款項(xiàng)項(xiàng)中扣除除有關(guān)費(fèi)費(fèi)用。Artticlle 110-IInsppecttionn1. Witthouut llimiitinng tthe Conntraactoorss liiabiilittiess thhe CConttracctorr wiill at hiss owwn eexpeensee taake outt thhe ffolllowiing inssuraanc

45、ee:a. Traanspporttatiion inssuraancee onn thhe mmachhinee annd eequiipmeent froom iits delliveery ex worrks to arrrivaal aat tthe Sitte.b. Worrkerrs ccomppenssatiion inssuraancee foor aall Conntraactoorss annd ssubcconttracctorrs empployyeess enngagged or simmilaar sstattutoory socciall innsurrancce

46、 iin aaccoordaancee wiith thee apppliicabble lawws aand reggulaatioons.c. Prooducct lliabbiliity inssuraancee aggainnst dammagee too prropeertyy orr innjurry tto pperssonss unntill thhe eend of thee maainttenaancee peeriood iin tthe summ noot llesss thhat (ammounnt) US dolllarrs pper occcurrrencce.d

47、. Commpreehennsivve aautoomobbilee liiabiilitty iinsuurannce in resspecct oof aall vehhiclles useed bby tthe Conntraactoor oor hhis subb-coontrracttor in connnecctioon wwithh hiis CConttracct.2. Thee afforeesaiid ppoliiciees oof iinsuurannce willl bbe ttakeen oout in thee naamess off thhe CConttracc

48、torr annd iits subb-coontrracttorss, tthe Ownner, thheirr ennginneerr, cconssulttantt annd eemplloyeees andd aggentts aas tthe joiint inssureed aand thee poolicciess shhalll coontaain a wwaivver of inssureerss riightts oof ssubrrogaatioon aagaiinstt thhe OOwneer, itss ennginneerr, cconssulttantt ann

49、d eemplloyeees andd aggentts.3. Thee Coontrracttor shaall maiintaain thee afforeesaiid ppoliiciees iin ffulll foorcee annd eeffeect unttil thee diischhargge oof hhis oblligaatioons undder thiis CConttracct, andd thhe OOwneer sshalll hhavee thhe rrighht tto ddemaand froom ttimee too tiime coppiess of

50、f thhe ppoliiciees, enddorssemeentss annd rreneewalls aand recceippts forr paaymeent of inssuraancee prremiiumss. IIf tthe Conntraactoor ffaills tto mmainntaiin aany of theese polliciies in fulll fforcce aand efffectt, tthe Ownner shaall havve tthe rigght to rakke oout succh ppoliiciees aand payy al

51、ll rrelaativve ppremmiumms oon bbehaalf of thee coontrracttor andd too deeducct tthe rellevaant cossts froom aand summs oowinng tto tthe Conntraactoor.第十一一條 完完工1. 一俟工工廠的全全部建設(shè)設(shè)和安裝裝工程完完工,承承包商應(yīng)應(yīng)通知業(yè)業(yè)主,并并根據(jù)附附錄的的規(guī)定進(jìn)進(jìn)行機(jī)械械安裝完完成測試試工作,直直至業(yè)主主滿意。2. 測試圓圓滿結(jié)束束后,業(yè)業(yè)主應(yīng)簽簽發(fā)一份份完工證證明書。在在完工證證明書簽簽發(fā)之前前,不得得給工廠廠進(jìn)料。3. 如果在在建造和和

52、安裝中中出現(xiàn)不不影響完完成安裝裝的小缺缺陷,或或者在測測試中測測出不影影響工廠廠開工的的缺陷,業(yè)業(yè)主應(yīng)簽簽發(fā)完工工證明書書,而承承包商則則有義務(wù)務(wù)盡快修修復(fù)這些些不足之之處。Artticlle 111-IInsppecttionn1. On commpleetioon oof aall connstrructtionn annd eerecctioon wworkk off thhe PPlannt, thee Coontrracttor shaall infformm thhe OOwneer aand shaall carrry outt meechaaniccal ereectiion

53、commpleetioon ttestts sspeccifiied in Apppenddix () too thhe ssatiisfaactiion of thee Owwnerr.2. On sattisffacttoryy coomplletiion of succh ttestts tthe Ownner willl iissuue aa ceertiificcatee off coomplletiion of ereectiion of thee Pllantt. NNo ffeeddstoock shaall be fedd innto thee Pllantt unntill

54、 a cerrtifficaate of commpleetioon oof eerecctioon hhas beeen iissuued.3. In thee evventt off miinorr deeficciennciees iin tthe connstrructtionn annd eerecctioon wworkk whhichh doo noot pprevventt errecttionn coomplletiion andd/orr inn thhe eevennt oof ddefeectss reeveaaledd byy thhe ttestts wwhicch

55、 ddo nnot preevennt tthe staart-up of thee Pllantt, tthe Ownner shaall isssue a ccerttifiicatte oof ccompplettionn off errecttionn annd tthe Conntraactoor sshalll bbe oobliigedd too reectiify thee deeficciennciees aas qquiccklyy ass poossiiblee thhereeaftter.第十二二條 最最后驗(yàn)收收1. 完工證證明書頒頒發(fā)之后后,承包包商應(yīng)提提前天將工工廠

56、性能能測試的的時(shí)間通通知業(yè)主主。2. 為使測測試準(zhǔn)時(shí)時(shí)開始,業(yè)業(yè)主應(yīng)按按附錄中的要要求提供供原料和和其他設(shè)設(shè)備,而而承包商商應(yīng)按通通知的時(shí)時(shí)間開始始性能測測試。3. 性能測測試將按按附示的規(guī)定定進(jìn)行。測測試成功功后,業(yè)業(yè)主應(yīng)簽簽發(fā)一份份最后驗(yàn)驗(yàn)收證明明書,證證明工廠廠已從證證書簽發(fā)發(fā)日起移移交業(yè)主主。4. 如果工工廠未能能通過性性能測試試,承包包商在進(jìn)進(jìn)行他認(rèn)認(rèn)為必要要的調(diào)整整之后,應(yīng)應(yīng)在業(yè)主主在場的的情況下下重新進(jìn)進(jìn)行測試試,時(shí)間間由雙方方商定,條條件照舊舊。5. 在最后后驗(yàn)收合合格證書書簽發(fā)之之前,工工廠不得得投入商商業(yè)性運(yùn)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)。如如工廠未未能通過過性能測測試,業(yè)業(yè)主仍可可酌情頒頒發(fā)最后后

57、驗(yàn)收合合格證書書,條件件是承包包商必須須盡快糾糾正工廠廠存在的的問題。Artticlle 112-IInsppecttionn1. Folllowwingg thhe iissuue oof tthe cerrtifficaatess off coomplletiion of ereectiion thee Coontrracttor shaall givve tthe Ownner () daays notticee off thhe ddatee whhen he willl bbe rreaddy tto ccarrry oout perrforrmannce tessts of the

58、e Pllantt.2. Thee Owwnerr shhalll prroviide thee feeedsstocck aand othher facciliitiees rrequuireed iin AAppeendiix () to enaablee thhe ttestts tto ccommmencce oon ttimee annd tthe Conntraactoor sshalll bbegiin tthe perrforrmannce tessts at thee tiime so nottifiied.3. Thee peerfoormaancee teestss wi

59、ill be carrrieed oout in acccepttancce wwithh thhe pprovvisiionss off Apppenndixx () aand on theeir succcesssfuul ccompplettionn, tthe Ownner shaall isssue a ffinaal aacceeptaancee ceertiificcatee sttatiing thaat tthe Plaant hass beeen takken oveer bby tthe Ownner as froom tthe datte ttherreoff.4. I

60、f thee Pllantt faailss too paass itss peerfoormaancee teest, thhen thee Coontrracttor, affterr maakinng ssuchh addjusstmeentss ass hee coonsiiderrs nneceessaary, shhalll reepeaat ssuchh teestss inn thhe ppressencce oof tthe Ownner at a ttimee too bee aggreeed uuponn unnderr thhe ssamee teermss annd


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