1、Contract for Technology LicensingContract No. _This Coontracct (heereinaafter referrred tto as the “CContraact”) is maade annd enttered into as off _ (the date of siignatuure ) in _ (thhe plaace off signnaturee) thrrough frienndly nnegotiiationn by aand beetweenn _, a coompanyy incoorporaated aand e
2、xxistinng undder thhe lawws of _ wiith itts reggisterred adddresss at _, withh its princcipal placee of bbusineess att _ (hereeinaftter reeferreed to as thhe “Seeller”), andd _, a compaany inncorpooratedd and existting uunder the llaws oof thee Peopples Repubblic oof Chiina wiith itts reggisterred a
3、dddresss at _, with its pprinciipal pplace of buusinesss at _(hhereinnafterr refeerred to ass the “Buyer”). Whereass, thee Buyeer dessires to enngage the SSellerr to pprovidde thee Knoow-Howw relaated ddesignn, Tecchnicaal Doccumenttationn, Tecchnicaal Serrvice and TTechniical TTrainiing annd to obt
4、aiin froom thee Selller a licennse off Pateent annd/or Know-how iin rellationn to tthe Errectioon, Teest Ruun, Coommisssioninng, Peerformmance Test,operaation and mmainteenancee for the Plantt, as well as maanufaccture of thhe Conntractt Prodducts. Now it iss hereeby muutuallly agrreed aas folllows:
5、Articlee 1 Deefinittions1.1 “Accceptaance” meanss the Buyerr acceepted the LLicenssed Pllant in acccordaance wwith AArticlle 11.5. 1.2 “Coommisssioninng” meeans tthe opperatiion off the Plantt in acccordaance wwith AArticlle 11.4 forr the purpoose off carrrying out PPerforrmancee Testt.1.3 “Coontrac
6、ct” meeans tthis CContraact siigned by annd bettween the BBuyer and tthe Seeller, inclludingg Appeendicees atttachedd whicch shaall foorm ann inteegral part of thhis Coontracct.1.4 “Coontracct Prooductss” reffers tto alll typees of the pproduccts maanufaccturedd withh Pateent annd/or Know-how uunder
7、 the CContraact, ddetaills of whichh are speciified in Apppendiix 1.1.5 “Deestinaation Airpoort” rreferss to _Airrport.1.6 “Efffectiive Daate off the Contrract” meanss the date when the CContraact ennters into forcee uponn fulffillmeent off all the ccondittions stateed in Articcle “Pllant”
8、 meanss the equippment, machhineryy, insstrumeents, sparee partts andd mateerialss suppplied by thhe Buyyer as liisted in Apppendiix 2.1.8 “Errectioon” meeans pplacinng thee Plannt equipmment tto thee posiitionss accoordingg to tthe deesign drawiings, and cconneccting it wiith reelevannt equuipmennt
9、 andd utillitiess.1.9 “Immproveement” referrs to new ffindinngs annd/or modifficatiions mmade iin thee valiidity periood of the CContraact byy eithher paarty oon Pattent aand/orr Knoww-how in thhe forrm of new ddesignns, foormulaas, reecipess, inggredieents, indicces, pparameeters, calcculatiions, o
10、r anny othher inndicattors.1.10 “JJob Siite” mmeans the ssite wwhere the PPlant shalll be llocateed andd/or eerecteed, naamely _. 1.11 “KKnow-hhow” referrs to any vvaluabble teechniccal knnowleddge, ddata, indicces, ddrawinngs, ddesignns andd otheer tecchnicaal infformattion, conceerningg the Erectt
11、ion, Test Run, Commiissionning, Perfoormancce Tesst,operaation and mmainteenancee for the PPlant as weell ass manuufactuure off the Contrract PProduccts, ddevelooped aand owwned oor leggally acquiired aand poossesssed byy the Selleer andd discclosedd to tthe Buuyer bby thee Selller, wwhich is unnkno
12、wnn to eeitherr publlic orr the Buyerr befoore thhe Datte of Effecctivenness oof thiis Conntractt, andd for whichh apprropriaate prrotecttion mmeasurres haave beeen taaken bby thee Selller foor keeeping Know-how iin seccrecy. The speciific ddescriiptionn of KKnow-hhow iss set forthh in AAppenddix 3.
13、1.12 “LLast SShipmeent” mmeans the sshipmeent wiith whhich tthe acccumullated invoiice vaalue oof shiipped goodss has reachhed _ ( ) perrcent of thhe tottal Teechniccal Doocumenntatioon pricee.1.13 “PPatentt” referrs to any oor alll of tthe efffectiive paatent rightts posssesseed by the SSellerr and
14、 licennsed tto thee Buyeer undder thhe Conntractt in cconnecction with the Errectioon, Teest Ruun, Coommisssioninng, Peerformmance Test,operaation and mmainteenancee for the PPlant, as wwell aas mannufactture oof thee Conttract Produucts, the NNo. annd lisst of whichh are set fforth in Apppendiix 3.
15、1.14 “PPerforrmancee Testt” meaans thhe tessts foor exaamininng wheether the PPlant is abble too meett guarranteee figuures sspeciffied iin Apppendixx 1. 1.15 “TTechniical DDocumeentatiion” mmeans the ttechniical iindicees andd dataa, speecificcationns, drrawinggs, prrocessses, ttechniical aand quua
16、lityy stanndardss, andd otheer doccumentts carrryingg the descrriptioons annd expplanattions of Paatent, Knoww-how and oother technnical inforrmatioon, in cconnecction with the Errectioon, Teest Ruun, Coommisssioninng, Peerformmance Test,operaation and mmainteenancee for the PPlant, as wwell aas man
17、nufactture oof thee Conttract Produucts, to bee provvided by thhe Selller aas lissted iin Apppendixx 4.1.16 “TTechniical SServicce” meeans tthe teechniccal innstrucction, assiistancce andd guiddance rendeered bby thee Selller ass per Appenndix 66. 1.17 “TTechniical TTrainiing” mmeans the ttrainiing
18、reendereed by the SSellerr as pper Apppendiix 7.1.18 “TTest RRun” mmeans the iinitiaal runn of aa singgle maachinee or tthe whhole ssystemm of tthe Pllant wwithouut matterialls.1.19 “WWarrannty Peeriod” meanss the periood of the wwarrannty giiven bby thee Selller ass speccifiedd in AArticlle 12.2, d
19、uuring whichh the Selleer is respoonsiblle forr the defeccts off the Plantt as pper Arrticlee 12. Articlee 2 Sccope oof thee Conttract2.1 Thee Selllers Obliggationn2.1.1 TThe Seeller shalll provvide tthe deesign, Techhnicall Docuumentaation, and conduuct thhe Tecchnicaal Serrvice and TTechniical TTr
20、ainiing, aand grrant tthe Buuyer aa righht to use tthe Paatent and/oor Knoow-howw as sset foorth iin thee Conttract.2.1.3 TThe Seeller shalll provvide ddesignn in aaccorddance with Appenndix 55, andd submmit too the Buyerr the Technnical Docummentattion llistedd in AAppenddix TThe Seeller sh
21、alll condduct tthe Teechniccal Seervicees at the JJob Siite ass per Appenndix TThe Seeller shalll condduct tthe Teechniccal Trraininng as per AAppenddix 7.2.2 Thee Buyeers OObligaation2.2.1 TThe Buuyer sshall at hiis ownn costts andd expeenses, provvide tthe Seeller with all iinformmationn
22、and data conceerningg the desiggn as per AAppenddix 2. The Buyerr shalll enssure tthe coomplettenesss, corrrectnness aand acccuraccy of all ssuch iinformmationn and data.2.2.3 TThe Buuyer sshall at hiis ownn costts andd expeenses, perfform aall thhe civvil woorks, consttructiion, EErectiion, TTest R
23、Run, Commmissiooning and PPerforrmancee Testt in aaccorddance with the TTechniical DDocumeentatiion unnder tthe Teechniccal Seervicees rennderedd by tthe Seeller as peer Apppendixx TThe Buuyer sshall at hiis ownn costts andd expeenses, suppply alll thee equiipmentt, spaare paarts aand faacil
24、itties rrequirred. 2.2.5 TThe Buuyer sshall at hiis ownn costts andd expeenses, provvide tthe quualifiied annd apppropriiate ttechniical ppersonnnel, laborr, toools, uutilitties aand thhe Jobb Sitee in ttime ffor Errectioon, Teest Ruun, Coommisssioninng, annd Perrformaance TTest aas speecifieed in A
25、ppenndix 22. 2.2.6 TThe Buuyer sshall at hiis ownn costts andd expeenses, perfform nnecesssary aadminiistrattion aand seecuritty guaard att the Job SSite.Articlee 3 Grrant oof Liccense3.1 Thee Selller aggrees to grrant tto thee Buyeer andd the Buyerr agreees too obtaain frrom thhe Selller aa liceens
26、e tto mannufactture tthe Coontracct Prooductss as wwell aas to conduuct Errectioon, Teest Ruun, Coommisssioninng, Peerformmance Test, operrationn and mainttenancce forr the Plantt with Patennt andd/or KKnow-hhow ass welll as tto usee and sell the CContraact Prroductts. Thhe namme, moodel, speciifica
27、ttion, and ttechniical ddata oof thee Conttract Produucts aare deetaileed in Appenndix 11. Thee Buyeer shaall noot makke usee of PPatentt and/or Knnow-hoow forr any purpooses oother than thosee stippulateed in the CContraact wiithoutt prioor wriitten approoval ffrom tthe Seeller. The annuaal outtput
28、 oof thee Conttract Produucts mmanufaactureed by the BBuyer shalll in nno casse excceed _. 3.2 (Opption 1) Thhe liccense grantted unnder tthe Coontracct shaall bee an eexclussive llicensse. Thhe Selller sshall not rretainn its rightt to ggrant the llicensses too any thirdd partties, or too expllore
29、PPatentt and/or Knnow-hoow as well as too selll the Contrract PProduccts byy itseelf wiithin the tterrittory sspeciffied iin Artticle 3.4. (Opttion 22) Thee liceense ggranteed undder thhe Conntractt shalll be a nonn-excllusivee liceense. The SSellerr shalll rettain iits riight tto graant thhe liccen
30、sess to aany thhird ppartiees, annd to exploore Paatent and/oor Knoow-howw as wwell aas to sell the CContraact Prroductts by itsellf witthin tthe teerritoory sppecifiied inn Artiicle Thee liceense ggranteed undder thhe Conntractt shalll be a nonn-trannsferaable aand noon-subblicennsing lice
31、nnse, uunder whichh the Buyerr shalll neiither be enntitleed to transsfer nnor grrant ssub-liicensee to aany thhird pparty withoout prrior wwritteen appprovall fromm the Selleer.3.4 Terrritorry3.4.1 TThe Seeller agreees to grantt the licennse too the Buyerr onlyy withhin thhe terrritorry of _ (ccoun
32、trry or regioon). TThe Buuyer sshall not eexplorre Pattent aand/orr Knoww-how in anny plaace otther tthan tthe Joob Sitte witthout previious wwritteen connsent of thhe Selller.3.4.2 The SSellerr agreees too grannt a llicensse to the BBuyer to usse andd selll the Contrract PProduccts onnly wiithin th
33、e tterrittory oof _ (Coountryy or rregionn). Inn casee the Buyerr faills to perfoorm itts oblligatiions uunder this Clausse, alll thee actuual loosses and ddamagees thuus inccurredd to tthe Seeller shalll be bborne by thhe Buyyer, aand thhe Selller sshall have the rright to teerminaate thhe Conntrac
34、tt withhout pprejuddice tto anyy remeedies speciified in thhe Conntractt.Articlee 4 Pricee 4.1 Thee Buyeer agrrees tto payy the totall Conttract pricee, Tecchnicaal Traainingg and Technnical Serviice feee to the SSellerr.4.2 Thee totaal Conntractt pricce, inncludiing prrice oof thee desiign, TTechni
35、ical DDocumeentatiion annd a llicensse feee in aa fixeed amoount, shalll be _(say _ onnly). The breeakdowwn priice iss as ffollowws:Fee forr desiign iss _(sayy _ only). Fee forr Techhnicall Docuumentaationss is _(say _ onnly).Licensee fee is _(Sayy: _ only)4.2.1 TThe tootal CContraact prrice ffor th
36、he Tecchnicaal Doccumenttationns is for ddeliveery CIIP (byy air) _ Airpoort. CCIP teerm shhall bbe intterpreeted iin acccordannce wiith INNCOTERRMS 20000, iissuedd by tthe INNTERNAATIONAAL CHAAMBER OF COOMMERCCE (ICCC).4.2.3 TThe abbove pprice is fiixed aand fiirm.4.3 Thee totaal Conntractt pricce
37、doees nott coveer thee Techhnicall Servvice ffee annd Tecchnicaal Traainingg fee speciified in Apppendiix 6,77.4.4 Thee totaal Conntractt pricce as well as thhe Tecchnicaal Traainingg and Technnical Serviice feee shaall noot be regarrded oor in any wway bee expllainedd or iinterppretedd as ccoveriin
38、g anny of the ccustomm dutiies, ttaxes, or cchargees, feees, aand exxpensees unlless eexpresssly llistedd in tthe Coontracct. Articlee 5 PPaymennt 5.1 Dowwn PayymentWithin _ ( ) ddays aafter signiing thhe Conntractt, thee Buyeer shaall paay _ ( ) perccent oof thee totaal Conntractt pricce amoountinn
39、g _ by T/T tto thee Selller. .The BBeginnning oof Opttion.5.2 Opption One: Paymeent byy Sighht L/CCThe ballance of thhe tottal Coontracct priice ammountiing _ ( ssays _ onnly ) shalll be ppaid bby an irreevocabble Leetter of Crredit at siight, issueed witthin _ ( ) dayys aftter siigningg the Contrra
40、ct bby a rreputaable bbank iin _ acceeptablle to the SSellerr in ffavor of thhe Selller. The LLetterr of CCreditt shalll be availlable upon the ppresenntatioon of the ffollowwing ddocumeents ttill _(speciific eexpiraation date or a speciific ccircummstancce forr the expirrationn of tthe Leetter of C
41、rredit).5.2.1 _ ( ) peercentt of tthe tootal CContraact prrice aamountting _ (say _ onnly) sshall be paaid byy the Buyerr to tthe Seeller withiin _ days afterr the folloowing documments have been submiitted by thhe Selller: (a) Billl of Ladinng in one (1) orriginaal andd _ ( ) ccopiess;(b) Commmerci
42、ial Innvoicee in oone (11) oriiginall and _ ( ) coopies;(c) Paccking list in onne (1) origginal and _ ( ) coppies;(d) Cerrtificcate oof Oriigin iin onee (1) origiinal aand _ ( ) copiies;(e) Inssurancce Pollicy iin onee (1) origiinal aand _ ( ) copiies;5.2.2 _ ( ) peercentt of tthe tootal CContraact
43、prrice aamountting _ (say _ onnly) sshall be paaid byy the Buyerr to tthe Seeller withiin _ days afterr the folloowing documments have been submiitted by thhe Selller:(a) Onee (1) copy of thhe Accceptannce Ceertifiicate signeed by the BBuyer as peer Artticle 11.5, or tthe Seellers wriitten stateemen
44、t speciifyingg the lapsee of mmore tthan sseven (7) ddays aafter the SSellerrs nootice requeestingg the Buyerr to iissue the AAccepttance Certiificatte in accorrdancee withh Artiicle 111.5;(b)One ( 1 ) copyy of ccommerrcial invoiice.5.2.3 _ ( ) peercentt of tthe tootal CContraact prrice aamountting
45、_ (say _ onnly) sshall be paaid byy the Buyerr to tthe Seeller withiin _ days afterr the folloowing documments have been submiitted by thhe Selller: a) One (1) ooriginnal Leetter of Reetentiion Guuaranttee inn the form of Apppendiix 10; b) One (1) ccopy oof Commmerciial Innvoicee.5.2 Opption Two: Pa
46、ymeent unnder aa L/GThe ballance of thhe tottal Coontracct priice ammountiing _ (saay _ onlyy ), pplus iintereest foor defferredd paymment iin thee amouunt off _ (say _ oonly ), tottalingg _ (say _ oonly ) as ddetailled inn Appeendix 12 shhall bbe paiid by the BBuyer by innstalllmentss as sspeciffie
47、d iin Apppendixx 12 aand baacked by ann irreevocabble Leetter of Guuaranttee inn favoor of the SSellerr as pper thhe Apppendixx 11, issueed witthin _ ( ) dayys aftter siigningg the Contrract bby thee repuutablee bankk in _ aaccepttable to thhe Selller. .The EEnd off Optiion.5.3 Alll the bankiing chh
48、argess incuurred in thhe Selllerss bankk shalll be bornee by tthe Seeller whilee thosse inccurredd outsside tthe Seellers bannk shaall bee bornne by the BBuyer.Articlee 6 DDeliveery off Tecchnicaal Doccumenttationn 6.3 Thee Deliivery of thhe Tecchnicaal Doccumenttationn6.3.1 TThe Teechniccal Doocume
49、nntatioon lissted iin Apppendixx 4 shhall bbe dellivereed CIPP _airpoort byy air withiin _ ( ) montths affter tthe Efffectiive Daate off the Contrract.6.3.2 TThe daate off airwway biill shhall bbe reggardedd as tthe acctual delivvery ddate oof thee Techhnicall Docuumentaation.6.3.3 WWithinn _ ( ) wo
50、rkiing daays affter ssendinng eacch lott of tthe Teechniccal Doocumenntatioon, thhe Selller sshall inforrm thee Buyeer of the CContraact nuumber, itemm numbber, nnumberr and date of aiirway bill and tthe fllight.6.3.4 IIn casse of shorttage, loss of orr damaage too the Technnical Docummentattion ddu
51、e too the Selleers rreasonn, thee Selller shhall mmake ssuppleement to thhe Buyyer wiithin _ ( ) ddays aafter receiiving the BBuyers wriitten notifficatiion wiithoutt any furthher chharge.6.3.5 BBeforee deliivery of wrrittenn verssion oof thee Techhnicall Docuument, the Selleer shaall prrovidee the
52、Buyerr withh an eelectrronic copy of thhe Techniical DDocumeent thhroughh agreeed emmail aaddresss.Articlee 8 TTechniical SServicce andd Techhnicall Traiining8.1 Thee Selller shhall ddispattch teechniccal peersonnnel too Job Site to reender Technnical Serviice inn accoordancce witth Conntractt accoo
53、rdingg to aa timee scheedule agreeed upoon bettween both partiies. TThe nuumber, speccialtyy, rannk, trreatmeent off the persoonnel, and paymeent ass welll as tthe coontentts, annd reqquiremments of Teechniccal Seervicee are speciified in Apppendiix 6.8.2 Thee Buyeer shaall haave thhe rigght too sen
54、dd its technnical persoonnel to thhe rellevantt facttory sselectted byy the Selleer forr traiining. The numbeer, sppeciallity, treattment of thhe perrsonneel, annd payyment as weell ass the conteents, time scheddule, and rrequirrementt of ttrainiing, aare sppecifiied inn Appeendix 7.8.3 Eitther ppar
55、ty shalll provvide aassisttance to thhe othher paartyss techhnicall perssonnell in ttheir appliicatioon forr visaa, worrking permiit, annd/or otherr neceessaryy formmalitiies foor rennderinng Tecchnicaal Serrvice or trraininng undder thhe Conntractt in tthe otther ppartys facctory.8.4 Eitther PParty
56、s tecchnicaal perrsonneel shaall abbide bby thee lawss of tthe otther ppartys couuntry and tthe reegulattions of thhe othher paarty dduringg theiir staay in the oother partyys coountryy.Articlee 9 AAppliccable standdards 9.1 Thee Selller shhall ccarry out tthe deesign of Pllant aaccordding tto thee
57、exissting standdards of thhe Peoopless Repuublic of Chhina, namelly GB.Articlee 10 Desiggn andd Desiign Liiaisonn10.1 Thhe Buyyer shhall pprovidde to the SSellerr withhin _ ( ) dayys aftter thhe Efffectivve Datte of the CContraact, aall thhe dessign ddata wwhich shalll be ttaken as thhe dessign bbas
58、is. The Selleer shaall noot be liablle to the BBuyer for, and tthe Buuyer sshall indemmnify the SSellerr and hold the SSellerr harmmless from any ddamagees or failuure caaused by thhe inccompleetenesss, inncorreectnesss andd/or iinaccuuracy of anny succh infformattion aand daata.10.2 A desiggn liaai
59、son meetiing shhall bbe helld in the _ ( ) moonth aafter receiiving abovee menttionedd desiign daata, tthe Seeller will dispaatch hhis teechniccal peersonnnel too the Job SSite tto parrticippate iin thee meetting. Durinng thee meetting pperiodd, thee Selller wiill diiscusss withh the Buyerr the rele
60、vvant ddesignn detaails. Both partiies shhall ssign aan agrreemennt outtlininng thee desiign deetailss.10.3 Duuring the ddesignn liaiison mmeetinng, thhe Selller aand thhe Buyyer shhall pprovidde asssistannce too the otherrs diispatcched ppersonnnel iin arrranginng enttry viisas tto thee resppectivv
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