1、河南省南陽市2007年秋期高中三年級期終質(zhì)量評估英 語 試 題本試卷分第一卷(選擇題)和第二卷(非選擇題)兩部分??荚嚱Y(jié)束,將本試卷第二卷(主觀題答卷)和答題卡一并交回。第一卷(共三部部分,滿分1115分)注意事項: 1答第一卷卷前,考生務(wù)務(wù)必將自己的的姓名、準考考證號、考試試科目涂寫在在答題卡上。 2每小題選選出答案后,用用鉛筆把答題題卡上對應(yīng)題題目的答案標標號涂黑。如如需改動,用用橡皮 擦干凈后后,再選涂其其它答案標號號。不能答在在試題上。第一部分:聽力力(共兩節(jié),滿滿分30分)第一節(jié) (共55小題;每小小題1.5分,滿滿分7.5分)聽下面5段對話話。每段對話話后有一個小小題,從題中中所給
2、的A、BB、C三個選選項中選出最最佳選項,并并標在試卷的的相應(yīng)位置。聽聽完每段對話話后,你都有有10秒鐘的的時間來回答答有關(guān)小題和和閱讀下一小小題。每段對對話僅讀一遍遍。1. Whatt happpened to Joohn?A. Johnn was not aable tto go skiinng.B. It wwas tooo colld forr Johnn to ggo skiiing.C. Johnn felll and brokee his leg.2. Whatt doess the man ddo?A. A teelephoone opperatoor. BB. A rrepa
3、irrman. C. A seecretaary.3. Whicch of the ffollowwing iis truue acccordinng to the cconverrsatioon? A. Peteer feeels soorry ffor hiis beiing laate. B. Peteer feeels anngry wwith hhimsellf forr beinng latte. C. He iisnt very much conceerned aboutt his beingg latee.4. Why was tthe wooman aangry?A. The
4、 man bbroke the wwomans callculattor.B. The man ttook hher caalculaator wwithouut perrmissiion.C. The man ddidntt retuurn heer thee calcculatoor on time.5. Whatts thhe wommans probllem?A. The waiteer broought her tthe wrrong ffood.B. She brougght thhe wroong foood too the man.C. She doesnnt liike th
5、he foood shee has orderred. 第二節(jié)(共155小題;每小小題1分,滿滿分15分)聽下面5段對話話或獨白。每每段對話或獨獨白后有幾個個小題,從題題中所給的aa、b、c三三個選項中選選出最佳選項項,并標在試試卷的相應(yīng)位位置。聽每段段對話或獨白白前,你將有有時間閱讀各各個小題,每每小題5秒鐘鐘;聽完后,各各小題將給出出5秒鐘的作作答時間。每每段對話或獨獨白讀兩遍。聽第6段材料,回回答第6到7題。 6. Whatt are the sspeakeers maainly talkiing abbout?A. The trafffic inn Itally. B. The tri
6、p in Ittaly. C. The main sociaal prooblemss in IItaly.7. Whatt can we knnow abbout FFlorennce frrom thhe wommans wordss?A. Therre is an olld towwer.B. Therre aree inteerestiing peeople.C. Therre aree greaat musseums. 聽第7段材料,回回答第8到10題。 8. Why did tthe maan movve?A. He wwas noot goood at driviing. B.
7、Trannsporttationn was awfull. C. His aparttment was ppoor.9. How long did iit takke thee man to goo to wwork eevery day?A. Halff an hhour. B. One hour. C. TTwo hoours.10. Whiich off the folloowing is trrue acccordiing too the conveersatiion? A. The man hhas goot intto a hhabit of drrinkinng sinnce h
8、ee moveed.B. The man ttook bbuses becauuse hee coulldnt afforrd to buy aa car. C. The man hhas mooved tto a nnew pllace nnear aa subwway sttationn.聽第8段材料,回回答第11到13題。 11. Whaat staarts tthe coonverssationn?A. An aadverttisemeent. B. A TV progrram. CC. An articcle.12. Whoo willl shopp quicckly?A. Thos
9、se whoo knoww whatt theyy wantt to bbuy. B. Thosse whoo havee litttle mooney tto speend. C. Thosse whoo shopp at tthe chheapesst stoores.13. Whaat cann we cconcluude frrom thhe connversaation?A. Peopple offten bbuy thhings they reallly neeed.B. Peopple buuy thiings eeasilyy if ttime iis limmited.C.
10、Peopple ennjoy sshoppiing whhen thhey arre freee. . 聽第9段材料,回回答第14到16題。 14. Whyy is tthe wooman iinvitiing thhe mann to tthe diinner partyy?A. Becaause hhe is the cchairmman. B. Becaause hhe is a docctor. C. Beecausee he hhelpedd her with the ppaper.15. Whoo is EElizabbeth?A. Anotther ddoctorr. B. Th
11、e womanns cllassmaate. CC. Dr. Hampptonss wifee. 16. Whaat doees thee man thinkk of tthe wooman?A. She has nno reaason tto holld a ddinnerr partty.B. She has eearnedd her own ssuccesss.C. She hasnt worrked hhard eenoughh. 聽第10段材料料,回答第117到20題。 17. Acccordinng to commoon bellief, in whhat waay aree th
12、e firstt chilld andd the only childd alikke?A. Theyy stroongly belieeve inn famiily ruules.B. Theyy tendd to ttake rresponnsibillity ffor thhemsellves.C. Theyy are very likelly to succeeed inn lifee.18. Whaat do peoplle usuually say aabout middlle chiildrenn? A. Theyy groww up tto be funnyy and char
13、mming. B. Theyy get less attenntion from theirr pareents. C. Theyy ofteen havve a ppoor ssense of diirectiion.19. Whaat do we leearn aabout laterr chilldren in thhe fammily ffrom aa receent sttudy oof birrth orrder?A. Theyy usuaally ddont folloow fammily rrules. B. Theyy tendd to bbelievve in theirr
14、 pareents ideass. C. Theyy dont likke to take chancces inn theiir livves.20. Whoo getss the speciial trreatmeent inn the familly?A. The latesst chiild. B. Thhe onlly chiild. C. Thhe firrst chhild. 第二部分:英語語知識運用(共共兩節(jié), 滿分45分)第一節(jié):單項填填空(共155小題,每小小題1分,滿分115分)從A、B、C、DD四個選項中中,選出可以以填入空白處處的最佳選項項,并在答題題卡上將該項項涂黑
15、。21. Aftter grraduattion II wentt to SSomaliia. Whhen I firstt set foot on _ sttrangee landd, I ddidntt knoww whatt the futurre hadd in _ sstore for mme. A. the ; / B. tthe ; the C. / ; a D. the; a22. My cousiin wennt to Canadda twoo yearrs agoo. He _ theree for a feww montths annd theen wennt to Am
16、eriica.A. workked B. wouldd workk C. wwould be woorkingg D. hhas beeen woorkingg23. To _ good relattionshhips wwith ppeoplee arouund yoou, yoou shoould mmake ppeoplee workk withh you ratheer thaan agaainst you.A. brinng up B. aadd upp C. keeep upp D. taake upp 24.1 haave too go tto worrk by taxi bec
17、auuse myy car _ at thhe garrage.A, willl be rrepairred B. is rrepairredC. is bbeing repaiired D. has been repaiired25. On heariing thhe newws, thhe girrl russhed oout wiithoutt hesiitatioon,_ lugggage _ on thhe flooor annd _ in the ddark. A. leftt; lieed; diisappeeared B. leavving; lyingg; dissappea
18、ared C. leavving; layinng; diisappeeared D. leftt; lyiing; ddisapppearinng26. Lasst yeaar thee welll-knowwn acttress did _ sshe _ heelp thhe pooor chiildrenn in tthe moountaiin villlage. A. all; coulld B. everrythinng; coould C. wwhat; couldd to D. thhat; ccould to27. Mucch _ I ssympatthize with you
19、r diffiicultiies, tthere is liittle I cann do tto hellp. A. althhough B. ssince C. if DD. as28. Diid he say aanythiing thhat _ yoou esppeciallly?Not reeally. Actuually I sleept thhroughh his speecch.A. adappted tto B. aattachhed too C. referrred tto DD. apppealedd to29.Tomm, didd you see .the ffilm
20、Jaws lastt nighht?Yes, bbut I reallly _, beecausee I haad lotts of work to doo.A. coulldnt have B. muustntt havee CC. neeednt have D. ouughtnt to have30. Muum, haave yoou seeen my mobille phoone?_ yyou boought last week? Im afraiid I hhavent seeen _. A. The one; it B. TThe onne; onne C. Onne; itt D.
21、 OOne; oone31. Youu can use aa largge plaastic bottlle,_ cutt off, as aa pot to grrow yooung pplantss in. A. the top iis B. the ttop off whicch C. whosee top D. with its ttop32. We live day bby dayybut in thhe greeat thhings, the time of daays annd weeeks _ soo smalll thaat a dday iss unimmportaant.
22、 A. is B. aare C. hhas beeen D. have been33. Nott untiil thee lastt notee diedd awayy ;_ thaat thee conccert wwas ovver. A. did the aaudiennce reealizee B. the audieence rrealizzed C. the audieence ddid reealizee D. reallized the aaudiennce34. It was hhis woorkmatte. Smmith, not hhe _ waas madde cha
23、airmann of tthe grroup, _ of coourse, madee him a litttle uupset. A. whatt; whiich B. whho; whhat C. thatt; whiich DD. thaat; whhat35. Thhe govvernmeent shhould consiider tthe meedicall refoorm aggain aand taake meeasurees to improove itt._. The mmedicaal serrvicess and efficciencyy are not ggood aa
24、t thee momeent. A. You are cconfussing mme B. Thats alll righht C. I cannt aggree mmore D. Goo aheaad第二節(jié):完形填填空(共155小題;每小小題1分,滿滿分15分)閱讀下面短文,從從短文后各題題所給的四個個選項(A、BB、C和D)中中,選出可以以填入空白處處的最佳選項項,并在答題題卡上將該項項涂黑。Have yoou gott suchh an experriencee as ggoes ffrom ffear tto exccitemeent liike thhe mann in tthis
25、ppassagge? He has been filleed witth feaar sinnce thhe airrcraftt tookk off. Now, the fear 36 to tterror aas thee red lightt comees 377 . Hee getss up wwith ddifficculty from his sseat aand mooves iinto 338 inn the open doorwway off the aircrraft. He fiixed hhis eyyes onn the red llight, prayying tt
26、hat ssomethhing wwill ggo 339 tto 400 itt fromm channging to grreen. He 41 whhat luunacy(精神錯亂)ddecideed himm to ttake 42 thhis spport, but hhe knoows thhat itt is ttoo 443 nnow too turnn backk. He rememmbers the 44 of hiis insstructtor duuring the wweeks of 445 : Howeverr ofteen youu 46 , yoou11 pro
27、baably nnever 47 the fear of itt. Youull bbegin to feeel 448 aas sooon as the pplane is inn the 49 ,and yyoulll havee somee 50 of ppure tterrorr whille youure wwaitinng to jump. 511 affter tthat yyoulll havee yourr rewaard. WWhen tthe paarachuute(降落落傘)opeens, yyoulll havee the most pleassant eexperi
28、ience of yoour 552 II prommise yyou thhat.The memmory oof thee prommise mmakes no 553 ; he coontinuues too prayy thatt someethingg willl go wwrong and 54 the wwhole thingg.Nothingg goess wronng. Thhe ligght tuurns ggreen.The jummpmastter taaps hiim on the sshouldder, 55 intoo his eyes eagerrly, aand
29、 shhouts:Readdy? Okay. Thenn OUT.”36. A. gets B. tuurns C, hoolds D. jjoins37. A. back BB. rouund C. throough D. on38. A. condiition - B. ssituattion C. posittion DD. imaaginattion39. A. far B. deeep CC, wroong DD. badd40. A. contrrol B. prreventt C, bllock D. hhold41. A. wondeers BB. douubts CC, su
30、rrprisees D. asstonisshes42. A. up BB. on CC. in D. foor43. A. late B. ffunny C. ddifficcult DD. fooolish44. A. warniing BB. advvice CC. sayying D. woords45. A. studyying B. fllying C. llearniing D. traiining46. A. run BB. plaay CC. jump D. walk 4 7. A. havee B. coonsideer C. loose D. ffind48. A. pl
31、eassed B. frrighteened C. iintereested D. distturbedd49. A. air B. diistancce C. oopen D. cloudds50. A. chancce BB. timme C. momeent D. whilee51. A. So B. And C. Orr D. Buut52. A. work BB. fliight C. joourneyy D. llife53. A. diffeerencee B. eexcepttions C. ddoubt D. mistaake54. A. face B. sstop C. d
32、eal DD. calll55. A. noticces B. seees C. loooks D. wwatchees第三部分:閱讀讀理解(共20小小題;每小題題2分,滿分分40分)閱讀下列短文,從從每題所給的的四個選項(AA、B、C和和D)中,選選出最佳選項項,并在答題題卡上將該項項涂黑。AISLAMABBAD, DDec. 227 (Xiinhua)-Forrmer PPakisttani PPrime Minisster BBenaziir Bhuutto wwas kiilled in a suiciide atttack Thurssday nnear tthe caapitall
33、 Islaamabadd, herr partty andd inteerior minisstry ssaid.The suiicide attaccker ffirst openeed firre at her aas shee got into her ccar annd theen bleew himmself near the ccar affter BBhuttoo finiished addreessingg an eelectiion raally iin a ppark iin Rawwalpindii, somme 30 kms ssouth from Islammabad
34、.Police confiirmed that Bhuttto wass shott by hher atttackeer beffore hhe bleew himmself up inn a suuicidee bombb attaack Thhursdaay outtside a cammpaignn rallly. Wiitnessses saaid thhat arround 20 otther ppeoplee weree alsoo killled annd morre thaan 40 injurred inn the attacck. Bhhutto and hher see
35、cretarry Nahheed KKhan wwere ttaken to a locall hosppital in thhe citty wheere shhe succcumbeed to injuriees. Innformaation Secreetary of Bhhuttos Pakkistann Peopples PParty (PPP) Sherrry Reehman was aalso iinjureed.Interioor minnistryy Spokkesmann Brigg Javeed Iqbbal Chheema said that the aattackke
36、r sttruck whilee Bhuttto waas leaaving the vvenue and tthe bllast ssevereely daamagedd her vehiccle.Doctorss saidd thatt Bhuttto waas hitt at hher neeck annd cheest annd theey triied too savee her life. Rehmman Maalik, Bhutttos ssecuriity addvisorr, connfirmeed herr deatth at 6:13 p. m. Former PPrim
37、e Minisster NNawaz Shariif wennt to the hhospittal annd exppresseed conndolennces(吊吊唁) wiith PPPP leaaders and wworkerrs andd conddemnedd the assasssinattion (暗殺). HHe annnounceed canncellaation of ellectioon cammpaignn of hhis paarty aas a ssign oof sollidariity wiith thhe PPPP.In majoor citties oo
38、f Pakkistann likee Rawaalpinddi, Kaarachii, Pesshawarr and Quettta, PPPP suppporteers weent onn streeets cchantiing annti-goovernmment ssloganns. Thhey allso buurned tyress in sseveraal citties.Bhutto, leadder off the oppossitionn Pakiistan Peoplles PParty, servved twwice aas Pakkistann s pprime min
39、isster bbetweeen 19888 andd 19966. Shee had returrned tto Pakkistann on OOct. 118 aftter ann eighht-yeaar exiile. BBorn oon Junne 21, 19533 in tthe sooutherrn Pakkistanni citty of Karacchi. BBhuttoo was the ffirst womann to bbe a pprime minisster oof thee Musllim woorld.Pakistaani Prresideent Peerve
40、z Mushaarraf is hooldingg an eemergeency mmeetinng at the ppresidencyy Thurrsday with top ggovernnment officcials afterr the assasssinattion oof Bhuutto, statee-run televvisionn repoorted. Mushharraff appeealed to thhe nattion tto remmain ppeacefful affter tthe deeath oof Bhuutto so thhat thhe eviil
41、 dessigns of teerroriists ccan bee defeeated, staate TVV saidd.56. Whaat is the bbest ttitle for tthis ppassagge? A. The lifettime oof Bennazir Bhuttto. B. Pakiistans Bhuutto kkilledd in ssuicidde atttack. C. The confllict bbetweeen Mussharraaf andd Benaazir BBhuttoo. D. Killling oof Pakkistanni opp
42、positiion leeader Bhuttto conndemneed worrldwidde.57. Whaat doees thee undeerlineed worrd coondemnn meaan?A. exprress vvery sstrongg disaapprovval off sb (sth), usuaally ffor mooral rreasonnsB. say what sbs punisshmentt willl beC. forcce sb to acccept a diffficullt or unpleeasantt situuationnD. expr
43、ress oones approoval oor admmiratiion foor sb (sth)58. Whiich off the folloowing is TRRUE acccordiing too the passaage? A. Onlyy Bhuttto waas killled iin thee suiccide aattackk. B. Pakiistanii Pressidentt Mushharraff wentt to tthe hoospitaal andd exprressedd conddolencce with PPP lleaderrs andd work
44、kers. C. Nawaaz Shaarif oonce sservedd twicce as Pakisstanss primme minnisterr betwween 11988 and 11996. D. It wwas juust abbout 770 dayys sinnce Bhhutto had rreturnned too Pakiistan afterr an eexile.59. Froom thee passsage, we caan inffer thhat_.A. Bhuttto waas thee firsst womman too be aa primme m
45、innisterr of tthe Muuslim worlddB. Bhuttto waas stiill Prrime MMinistter beefore she wwas kiilledC. Bhuttto waas nott in PPakisttan foor 8 yyears beforre Octt. 18, 20077D. Pakiistanii peopple arre livving aa peacceful life nowBSometimme in the nnext ccenturry, thhe fammiliarr earlly-newwspapeer on t
46、he ffront door will disapppear. And insteead off readding yyour nnewspaaper, it wiill reead too you. You 11 gget upp and turn on thhe commputerr newsspaperr justt likee swittchingg on tthe TVV. An electtronicc voicce willl telll stoories aboutt the latesst eveents, guideed by a proogram that selecct
47、s thhe typpe of news you wwant. Youlll eveen gett to cchoosee the kind of vooice yyou waant too hearr. Wannt morre informaation on thhe briief sttory? A simmple ttouch makess the entirre texxt apppear. Save it inn yourr own persoonal ccomputter iff you like. Thesse aree amonng thee preddictioons frr
48、om coommuniicatioon expperts workiing onn the newsppaperss of tthe fuuture. Picttured as paart off broaader hhome-bbased mediaa and enterrtainmment ssystemms, coomputeer newwspapeers woould uunite printt and broaddcast reporrting, offeering news and aanalyssis wiith viideo iimagess of nnews eeventss
49、.Most off the technnologyy is aavailaable nnow, bbut maaking more peoplle bellieve that they dontt needd papeer to read a newwspapeer is the nnext sstep. But rresisttance to coomputeer newwspaperr may be sttrongeer froom witthin jjournaalism. Sincce it is suuch a cultuural cchangee, it may bbe thaat
50、 thee pressent ggeneraation of joournallists and ppublisshers will have to diie offf befoore thhe nexxt genneratiion reealizee thatt the newsppaper indusstry iis no longeer a nnewspaaper iindusttry. TTechnoology is maaking the eend off tradditionnal neewspappers uunavoiidablee.Despitee techhnologgic
51、al advannces, it coould ttake ddecadees to replaace neewspriint wiith coomputeer scrreens. It mmight take 30 too 40 yyears to coomplette thee channgeoveer beccause people nneed tto buyy compputerss and becauuse neewspappers hhave eestabllishedd finaanciall inteerestss in tthe paaper iindusttry.60. T
52、hee bestt titlle forr thiss passsage iis _. A. Compputer newsppaperss are well likedd B. Newsspaperrs aree out of faashionn C. New commuunicattion ttechnoology is cooming D. Newsspaperrs willl likkely bbe on the ccomputter61. It mightt takee 30 tto 40 yearss for compuuter nnewspaapers to reeplacee t
53、radditionnal neewspappers, becauuse_. A. it iis tecchnoloogicallly immpossiible nnow B. compputer newsppaperss are too eexpenssive C. therre is stronng ressistannce frrom peeople D. tradditionnal neewspappers aare eaasy too readd62. Whiich off the folloowing is NOOT an advanntage of coomputeer newws
54、papeers? A. Theyy are cheapper thhan trraditiional newsppaperss.B. Theyy are very conveenientt to uuse. C. You can gget moore innformaation from them quickkly. D. You can eeasilyy keepp infoormatiion foor futture uuse.63. We can iinfer from the ppassagge thaat _. A. all technnologiical cchangees are
55、e goodd B. peopple allways resisst neww thinngs C. it ttakes time for nnew teechnollogiess to rreplacce oldd oness D. tradditionnal neewspappers aare heere too stayy for anothher ceenturyy CFrom eaarly ttimes, man has bbeen iintereested in arrt. Peeople have oftenn workked toogether too colllect aar
56、id ssave tthe woorldss art treassures.Fine arrt treeasurees froom manny couuntriees aree keptt in aan artt museeum caalled the LLouvree in PParis, Frannce. TThe woorks oof artt havee beenn colllectedd by tthe peeople of Frrance over many centuuries. It iis thee bigggest aart muuseum in thhe worrld.T
57、he Louuvre hhas noot alwways bbeen aa museeum. TThe fiirst bbuildiing waas a ccastlee. In 1190, it wwas thhe kinngs ccastlee withh highh wallls andd a roound ttower. It hhad a riverr to kkeep oout thhe eneemies.Over thhe yeaars, tthe nuumber of thhe buiildinggs aroound tthe caastle grew. By 11350, t
58、he ccastlee no llongerr needded too be eextendded. TThe Loouvre becamme a ppalacee homee for Frencch kinngs annd queeens.During timess of ppeace, new treassures were brougght inn. Durring tthe daays off war, manyy treaasuress weree stollen, aand thhe buiildinggs, weere daamagedd.When Frranciss I bee
59、came king of Frrance in 15515, hhe broought in maany arrtistss fromm otheer couuntriees. Onne of the aartistts wass Leonnardo da Viinci ffrom IItaly. Da VVincis Moona Liisa iis thee bestt-knowwn paiintingg in tthe muuseum todayy.In 17933, thee Louvvre beecame a pubblic mmuseumm, jusst as it iss now.
60、 It iis a pplace wheree art treassures are kkept ffor evveryonne to enjoyy. Eveery yeear miillionns of peoplle froom alll overr the worldd comee to tthe Loouvre to seee thee mastterpieeces.64. Howw longg has the LLouvree beenn a puublic museuum? A. For over 800 yyears. B. Sincee 13 550. C. Sincce 15
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