



1、WeA. /i/ EveryoneisA.doesnttmanyliveswereB. he classroom, B.isntheearthquakeinC. D.C.areD.arent-Im too busy tomyfamily-WhynotcallthemA.B. C. D.to -HowmanyworkersWeA. /i/ EveryoneisA.doesnttmanyliveswereB. he classroom, B.isntheearthquakeinC. D.C.areD.arent-Im too busy tomyfamily-WhynotcallthemA.B. C

2、. D.to -Howmanyworkersarethereinyourthe A.Thenumberof, C.Anumberof, y factory overtwoB.Thenumberof, D.Anumberof, The doctordid what he could thedying A.B.to C. D.Ten years ago, there fullof A.usedtolive,C.were,he lake. Now there are B. had, a D.usedtobe,Each of us hasto write a reporteveryA.C.B.D.Th

3、ere are many people downstairs.Whatdo you thinkA.to B. is C. isD.-Iwanttoknowifyourdaughterwillgotothe-If your daughter does, so A.is B.willC. does D.are The managerasked the man .ThemansaidA.whatthestorywasC.ifthestorywasB.whenthestoryD.whotoldhimtheIdont likebread.Iwont eat itIam A.B.C. D.The stud

4、ents were so when they heard the A.frustrating,C.frustrated,B.frustrated,D.frustrating,PracticingA.bringKong fucan not only onesstrength,butalsodeveloponesB. takeC.buildD.pullTryonthisredskirt;youwill lookgreatA.B. C. D.butyourTVisgoing too -Oh,Imsorry.IllturnitdownrightA.IdliketotalkwithC.Ihatetosa

5、y B.Imreallytiredof D.I needyour 完形填空I he doorway, watching my older brother carefully putting o his bag. coughed uneasily. Finally when Rocky t I was there, he turned toward me with a s.“Im 2 tomorrow,”he“I know.” My was almost a whisper(低聲). I was at myself coughed uneasily. Finally when Rocky t I

6、 was there, he turned toward me with a s.“Im 2 tomorrow,”he“I know.” My was almost a whisper(低聲). I was at myself for being so butIwasntaboutto “My is early, but there is still time to come to the airport,” he said. Seeing lookonmyface,hequicklyadded,“IpromiseIwontleavewithoutsayingI tried to 8 , bu

7、t didnt. It is 9 to keep quiet if youre about to cry. promisedyouwouldntcry,”hesaidtome,tIwasclose to 10 I remember the day he taught me how to ride a I thought he was always behind me, holding the seat to keep me 12 . I was happy with this, but he knew couldnthold me upall mylife.Hetold tonedayhe w

8、ould haveto let His coughing stopped my thinking. What was left to say? How could I say13 to the who taught me everything?The next morning I 14 , looked at my alarm clock, and realized he had left WeneverevensaidGoodbye,Rocky! Although he may have been itwasonlyananswerinhisaway,I knew he heard me,

9、even A.B. B. B. B. B. B. B.B.B. B. B.FromnowB. C.C.C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C.C.C. C. C.lookedC.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.SoD.D.D.wokeA.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.gaveA.oB.stoodB. 閱讀理解AMyparentsdivorcedwhenIwas8yearsold.TheirmarriagewasamistakeofWorldAnd about 50 years ago, I was the only child I knew who ve a f

10、ather at home on Day.Divorcewasmonback So when my friends own for presents for their fathers, I decided since mother was both mother and father, no one else was like her, who better deserved(be worth) presentonFathersn Iboughtheralittlesetoftools,justafewthings,hammerrs(鉗子andscrewdriver(起子) and a bo

11、x to put all these things in. I got some ideas from my grandfather and named Mothers Tool Box. She was excited, more at the thought of being cared for on Fathers nof the present. She always said she liked her Fathers Day memories Mothers Tool Box. She was excited, more at the thought of being cared

12、for on Fathers nof the present. She always said she liked her Fathers Day memories n the Mothers ones.Itmade her feel land she was. Ihavehe pastfew years, greeting cards even made for “Mother on Fathers Day”. Ever since then, my mother has got cards on Day.Bytheway,sheknewjusthowtousethosetoolsandot

13、hersshehadeverusedovertheWhichtdivorcewasmon t MyparentsdivorcedwhenIwas8yearsMyparentsmarriagewasamistakeofWorldWar MymotherhasgotcardsonFathersD. IwastheonlychildwhoveafatherathomeonFathersWhatdidthewriterdecidetodowhenhesawfriendsforFathersDayA.GowithhisB.Buyapresentforhis D.AskhisgrandfatherforC

14、.Helphis“Hammer,rsandscrewdriver”areprobablythingsA.more oftenused by tcostalot of thismotherlikedC. verypopular t Mother wasexcited because A.shehetoolB.shewasdeeplylovedbyherD.she knewhowtousethe C.shesawthenameonthetoolWhydid motherfeel ShehadmoreFathersDayShehadonlyoneShewasbothMotherandShewasth

15、ehappiestoneonFathersBTheworldhasmanybeautiful sounds.Wecanhearthesongsofbirdsandthelaughofpeople. We can listen to the cool music and news reports. And its all because of our ears! They bring us a world of sounds.But some people cant hear any sound at all. Some are born deaf. Others can hear well i

16、n their childhood, but too many loud sounds hurt their ears later on.Many people in China cant hear ordinary sounds clearly. A large number of them are children. Most of them are born with good hearing. But six children of every 1,000 have hearing problemswhenthey areborn.Andifachildhashearingproble

17、ms,heorsheusuallywill alsosomelearningproblemsatA lot of things can cause hearing problems. For le, too much earwax is not good our hearing. And noise n 85 decibels(分貝) can hurt our ears and make us lose hearingfor ashorttimeor evenfor Hearing is important for all of us. So we should do our best to

18、give our ears l DontettodotheTrytostay away fromwithtoo muchnoise. Ifyouhave togo,wear earplugs.Apair goodearplugs can cutthenoise by 30 Whenswimming,remembertoputoyourearstostopwaterfromgettingut anything o your ears. If you think you have too much earwax, ask mumordadtohelpyoucleanitKeep these ind

19、! Then you wont be saying “WHAT? WHAT?” when you Whatdoestheunderlinedword “earwax”heAmumordadtohelpyoucleanitKeep these ind! Then you wont be saying “WHAT? WHAT?” when you Whatdoestheunderlinedword “earwax”heA. B. C. D. paragraph, the writer wantstolusmanybeautiful B.describetheusesofD.showtheimpor

20、tanceofC.heWhichofthefollowingisNOTmentionedbythe HearingproblemscausedbyPeoplewithhearingWaystoprotectourDangerofloudHearing problems may be caused byA.alittleC.noiseB.learning problemsatn85D.tcan onlycut noiseby 15The underlined sentence means whenyougetolder,youknowitsnotpolitetoaskwhenyougetolde

21、r,youstillhavegoodwhenyougetolder,youwontasktheolderyouare, thefewerquestionsyoullCSamandKellyarebothverybusyandtheyneedtolivesomewhereclosetotheirheThey do ve any children now, but they would like to have he future. Right now, only have dacat.Kellyenjoysgrowing Kate doesnt spend much time at home.

22、She works a lot in the city. She wants a small place downtown市中心 ). There she can get to her office easily and have meals in the nearby Jack and Nancy have three children. They want to live a quiet life away from the busy city. arelooking fora largebuilding goodenough forthekidstoplay at Mr. Smith h

23、e countryside, but his wife and children really like city life. So theyd like hecenter of thecity but notveryfar fromthesubway Mr. and Mrs. Lee think it is a better way of life to he countryside. There they can fresh air and clean water in a calm environment. And their son can he open air, with andg

24、rassallaround. Butthey dontwanttowalkalongwayto thebusAOne-bedroom apartment he city center.Justafewminutes walk to somegood restaurants. No pets. No children.BThree-bedroom apartment in the city. Close to schools, parks and restaurants. Perfect for a family with pets. Apartmen s a small garden.CThi

25、s is the best apartment if youwanttoliveawayfromthe city life. Twofrom the village but near the bus stop. This place is great for a youngcouple(一對wi smallDEF選詞填空Whats the real meaning of the word “peace(和平,安寧)”? story somethingaboutl There was once a king who offered an award to an artist who could

26、the 2 picture peace. tried. The 選詞填空Whats the real meaning of the word “peace(和平,安寧)”? story somethingaboutl There was once a king who offered an award to an artist who could the 2 picture peace. tried. The king looked at all hehadtochoose nthe ctures. But there were only tow he really liked One pic

27、ture was a calm lake. The lake was a perfect thing for 4of the mountains around it. Overhead was a blue sky with clouds. tit rfectpictureof ho saw this picture The icture had mountains too. But they were rugged(高低不平). Above was the sky, from which heavy rain fell. A waterfall was rushing down the si

28、de of the mountain. This not look peaceful at all. But when the king looked 5 , he found behind the waterfall a very small bush 6iddle of the waterfall and a mother bird sitting on her nest in perfect peace.The king gave the award to the artist who ed 7picture. Why? explained the king, “peace doesnt

29、 mean in a place where there is no 9 , no trouble hard work”. Peace therealmeaningofhe midst of all those things, youre still calm in your heart. This 單詞拼寫Youdbetterbe,werenotManyteenagersthinktheyshouldbetochoosetheirownIspentawholenight Hewassosadatthebad noldfriendonline,soImverytiredthe could sayaThereare many inourlife.WeshouldfacethemMaryhasmuchowledge,shehasalargenotesisveryimportantforuss


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