



1、AndThenThereWere一、疑難句子理1.原句:FourlittleSoldierboysgoing outto Ared herringAndThenThereWere一、疑難句子理1.原句:FourlittleSoldierboysgoing outto Ared herringswallowed one and thentherewereShe went on: “A red herring - ts the vital clue. Armstrongs not dead. He took away the china Soldier to make you think he w

2、as. You may say what you like - Armstrongs on the island still. His disappearance is just a red herring across the 疑難點:red herring &a redherringacrossthetrack 理解:redherring 短語補充:drawaredherringacrossthetrackv. 參考譯文“四個小兵人出海去她(Vera)- 的線索。Armstrong沒有死他拿走了小兵人的瓷像,讓你以為他死了。你怎么說都行-Armstrong還在島上。 herring 吞掉了

3、,red herring 在這里有沒有特殊指代,究竟是什么意義呢?會2原句:Yes, youre right. He thought a minute. At any rate theres no Zoo on haveabitof trouble Vera cried: Dont you see? Were the Zoo. Last night, we were hardly human more.Werethe疑難點gettiner &wewerehardlyhumananymore &WeretheZoo.hardly /hdl/ ADV You use hardly to modif

4、y a ement when 疑難點gettiner &wewerehardlyhumananymore &WeretheZoo.hardly /hdl/ ADV You use hardly to modify a ement when you want t it is only a small amount or detail which makes it true, ttherefore itisbest toconsider the ite ementasbeing幾乎不 強(qiáng)調(diào)ppenor is not any more /nm/(also any more) ADVIfsomethi

5、ng doesanymore, sstopped happening oris nolongertrue不) ADVafter wewerehardlyhumananymore這里理解為hardly&anymoreWere the Zoo參考譯文(1“你說得對他想了想管怎樣這座島上沒有動物園。這Vera 就是動物園就是動物園 就在動物園。昨晚還像是人嗎引論:Vera對童謠接下來的內(nèi)容進(jìn)行了推理ThreelittlesoliderboyshezooAbigbearhuggedoneandthenthereweretwo”,并對其中的“Zooa br,3.原句:Sheamused herself

6、byreflectingon themeanshe might He might, as Philip had suggested, t one of the other two men was Or he sibly pretend to be mortally wounded himself, might drag groaningtoherdoor. 疑問:如何理解這段話理解:amuself by 以. 自reflecton考慮翻譯(1)她百無聊賴地坐在那兒一遍一遍地想阿姆斯特朗可能采(2)為了打發(fā)時間,她一直猜想A位其中一個已經(jīng)死掉了,就像PL4.原句理解:amuself by 以.

7、自reflecton考慮翻譯(1)她百無聊賴地坐在那兒一遍一遍地想阿姆斯特朗可能采(2)為了打發(fā)時間,她一直猜想A位其中一個已經(jīng)死掉了,就像PL4.原句:The wholething of going by the rhyme ismad! Dressing up the judge, Rogers when he was herself - arranging for a sticks - drugging Mrs. Rogers t she ee when Miss Brent died! Its like some childplaying a game.Its all gotto fi

8、t疑問:翻譯這段話理解:goingbytherhymefitin Itsall gottofitin p翻譯:(1)這所有的事情是瘋子干的,一件件的事都按照詩里描寫的發(fā)生(2)把整件事情和童謠暗合上本事就太瘋狂了,穿的 只大黃蜂。就像一個可怕的孩子在。這一切都嚴(yán)絲合縫5.原文t paralyzing atmosphere of t had wrapped them round like etyesterday whilethewindhowled outsidewas疑難點wrappedthemround理解:wrappedthemround 把他t 疑難點wrappedthemround理解

9、:wrappedthemround 把他t paralyzing atmosphere of fear( t had wrapped them round like a blet yesterday while the wind howled outside) was gone.t fear was參考譯文(1)昨天外面狂風(fēng)怒號時,像毯子一樣把他們裹挾起來的使人害怕(2)昨晚狂風(fēng)怒號時,像毯子一住他們二提1.原句:He doubledothe 疑問:doubledback ack再次返回,往回走,順原路折回(或逃走)2.原句:Bmurmured:rathergivinghimselfawayw

10、asnt疑問:giveaway這里什么意思解答:givelfaway(無意地。3.原句:Suddenlyshestiffenedto疑問:stiffened解答:stiffenedIf you stiffen, you stop moving and stand or sit with t are suddenly for ecauseyoufeel afraidor4.原句:If she were ent on murder, it was t she employ,not疑問:后半句話怎么解答如果她是阿姆斯特朗想謀殺她使用的應(yīng)該的狡猾的計謀employ,not疑問:后半句話怎么解答如果她是

11、阿姆斯特朗想謀殺她使用的應(yīng)該的狡猾的計謀而不是蠻三、生詞、短1. wedge/wedV to put or squeeze sth o a narrow space, t it cannot move 將擠入()原句:Itwasboth boltedand locked and hadan oak chair wedged underthe 2.cunning/knNtheability toachievesth bytricking or cheating eoplein a clever原句:Ifshewerenot entonmurder,itwas td 3.employ/mplV (

12、formal) tousesth such asaskill,method,etc.foraparticular e 原句:Ifshewerenot entonmurder,itwas d 4. means/minz N ng sth / of sth) an action, an object or a system by which a result achieved;away of achievingng sth 原句:Sheamused herself byreflectingon themeanshe might 5.stiffen/stfnV (sth) (with sth) to

13、 make yourself or part of your body firm, straight and lly because you V (sth) (with sth) to make yourself or part of your body firm, straight and lly because you are angry or frightened(尤指因氣憤或害怕,一部份)變僵硬,變僵直,繃緊原句:Suddenlyshestiffenedto6.stealthyngthingsquietlyorsecretly;donequietlyor secretly 的原句She

14、heard,orthoughtsheheardstealthysoundsoffootstepsthecreakofthe rustle of7.rustleN.a light dry sound like leaves or pie other 輕輕的摩擦聲;沙沙聲of r moving or rubbing against 原句Sheheard,orthoughtsheheardstealthysoundsoffootstepsthecreakofthe rustle of8.garmentN (formal)a piece of clothing一件)原句Sheheard,orthoug

15、htsheheardstealthysoundsoffootstepsthecreakofstairs, the rustle of garments.ack 原句:He doubled o the10. vamooseV (old-fashioned, informal) toleavequickly t.Wevesearchedthehousetoo.Youveheardus. not here,lyou. Hesgone -clean vanished, 11.ladN the lads pl. (BrE, informal) a group of friends free time w

16、ith 伙伴;哥們兒:t a man works with or 原句:Some11.ladN the lads pl. (BrE, informal) a group of friends free time with 伙伴;哥們兒:t a man works with or 原句:Somebright ladwanderingonthecliff willrecognizeSOSwhenhesees12.quietusN death, or t causes death, considered as e end to life 寂滅,解脫(人生的完結(jié)或讓人生得以完結(jié)的事物原句:Well,wevegotece of evidence. Only three n boys left on dinner-table. ItlooksasthoughArmstronghad gothis 13.stolidlyADV (usually disapproving)not showing much em


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