




1、- -英語試卷一、閱讀理解(本大題共 15 小題,共 30.0 分)AHave you ever realized that the smallest countries in the world have so much to offer ? Whether its historic and cultural heritage or unspoiled nature , these microstates are worth a visit GrenadaGrenada is a small country in the world It is located on island of Ca
2、ribbean , which is also known as The Island of Spice for several spices like cinnamon, ginger and rare nutmeg Grenada relies on tourism Its pristine beaches, warm turquoise water and unspoiled nature make it a wonderful holiday destination Recently ecotourism has been growing as well San MarinoLocat
3、ed within Italy and surrounded by the Apennine Mountains San Marino is visited by approximately 2 million tourists annually Its a beautiful country , which also claims to be the oldest surviving state in the world! Therefore its cultural and historic heritage is undoubtedly fascinating Although very
4、 small , the microstate has a lot of architectural attractions as well as the Romagna, which is loved by Italians , who are among the main guests hereMaldivesMaldives is located on the bank of Indian Ocean Maldives has a range of different habitats including deep sea, shallow coast , and reef ecosys
5、tems, fringing mangroves , wetlands and dry lands Visitors to the Maldives do not need to apply for a pre-arrival visa , regardless of their country of origin , provided they have a valid passport , proof of onward travel , and the money to be self-sufficient while in the country AndorraIts a pictur
6、esque microstate found in the Pyrenees Mountains , bordering Spain and France Over 10 million tourists visit Andorra every year! Unlike the neighboring countries high prices , the country has a duty-free policy , allowing shoppers to enjoy lower costs Also there are winter and summer resorts, so you
7、 can visit anytime Who might be interested in Grenada ? Architects B. Spice lovers C. Historians D. Mountain climbers Which of the following is a good choice for people who like building design ? A. Maldives B. San Marino C. Andorra D. GrenadaWhat is not required for a traveler to Maldives ? A. Mone
8、y B. A passportC. A visa D. A return ticket What measure has Andorra taken to attract travelers ? Offering lower prices B. Adopting visa-free policy C. Setting natural habits D. Developing scenic spot BMy friend , Jack, was a taxi driver We became friends quite by accident Five years ago,I made a tr
9、ip to Chicago The moment I stepped into a cab , I realized it was different The floor was covered with a rug (小地毯) There were small reproductions of paintings by Van Gogh inside the cab And the windows were spotless I told the driver I had never ridden in a more attractive taxi I like to hear my pas
10、sengers say that, he replied How long have you been decorating your cab ? I asked Its not mine , he said Its a company cab I hit upon the idea years ago when I worked as a clean-up man for the taxi company Each car that came in at the end of the day was like a garbage pit Cigarette butts and matches
11、 covered the floor Sticky stuff like peanut butter was on the seats or door handles I thought that if the company and the drivers would give people a car worth keeping clean, they might be more considerate As soon as I got my taxi license , I tried out my ideas I put a lot of extra decorations into
12、the cab they gave me to drive I got a nice rug and some flowers When each passenger got ou,t I checked to make sure that everything was in order for the next fare After about a month of my bringing in a spotless cab, the boss reserved the same car for me each day That was when I put up the reproduct
13、ions of great paintings Ive never been disappointed by people in the past ten years-no garbage Like I say , people appreciate beautiful things If we planted more flowers and trees in the city and made the buildings more attractive , more people would tend to keep the city clean Later, we became good
14、 friends I was impressed by the taxi-driver , who had hit on a great truth-a sense of beauty comes with the gift of life Most people dont have to be instructed about the rarity of beauty They respond when they find it And, if they are made to feel a part of it, they will try to add to it What made t
15、he writer surprised when he got into the taxi ? The beautiful decoration on the rug The style of decoration outside the taxi The masterpieces of well-known painters The impressive inner environment of the taxi Jack got the idea of decorating the cab when he got his taxi licensethe boss reserved the
16、same car for him each dayhe served as a clean-up man for the taxi companyD. he found the taxi he cleaned was full of cigarette buttsWhat does the story mainly tell us ? People can easily make friends when taking a taxi When people find beauty in life , they will try to add to it If we plant more flo
17、wers and trees , we can keep the city clean D. We have to be taught to find beauty and make it more beautiful CArtificial intelligence (AI) technology may soon be a useful tool for doctors It may help them better understand and treat diseases like breast cancer in ways that were never before possibl
18、e Rishi Rawat teaches AI at the University of Southern Californias ( USC) Clinical Science Center in Los Angeles He is part of a team of scientists who are researching how AI and machine learning can more easily recognize cancerous growths in the breast Rawat provides information about cancercells t
19、o a ComPUter. He SayS this data helps the machi ne Iear n. YoU Can PUt the data into computers and they will learn the patterns and the pattern recognition is important to making decisions David Agus is another USC researcher He says machines are not going to take the place of doctors Computers will
20、 not treat patients , but they will help make certain decisions and look for things that the human brain cant recognize by itself Once a confirmed cancerous growth is removed, doctors still have to treat the patient to reduce the risk of cancer returning The form of treatment depends on the kind of
21、cancer Currently , researchers take a thin piece of tissue, put it on a small piece of glass and add color to better see the cells That process could take days or even longer Scientists say artificial intelligence can do something better than just count cells Through machine learning , it can recogn
22、ize complex patterns, or structures, and learn how the cells are organized The hope is that machines will soon be able to make a quick identification of cancer that is free ofhuman mistakes. All Of a SUdden , We have the ComPUting power to really do it in real time We couldnt have done this, we didn
23、t have the computing power to do this several years ago, but now its all Changed . AgUs adds that the proCess CoUld be done for almost no Cost in the developing world. He says that having a large amoUnt of information aboUt patients is important for a maChine to effeCtively do its job in mediCine .T
24、he University of SoUthern California researChers are now only stUdying breast CanCer . BUt doCtors prediCt artifiCial intelligenCe will one day make a differenCe in all forms of CanCer .In Rishi Rawats researCh , .the data pUt into CompUters ContribUtes to CanCer reCognitionmany CanCers are being st
25、Udied at the momentmaChine learning has replaCed doCtors workthe foCUs is on the CUre for CanCerDavid AgUss words in Paragraph 3 are Used to .provide some adviCe for doCtorsintrodUCe the development of CanCerappeal to sCientists to researCh into CanCerexplain the fUnCtion of AI in treating CanCerWha
26、t Can we infer from the text ? AI Can make deCisions for doCtors .Developing CoUntries might be laCk of fUnds .AI will hopefUlly make an aCCUrate identifiCation of CanCer .CompUting power has long helped with the identifiCation of CanCer .What is the aUthors attitUde towards AI Used in treating CanC
27、er ? A. Positive.B. Indifferent . C. DoUbtfUl .D. Negative.DAt 88, my grandmother Vera has dementia and barely reCognizes me. BUt Im determined to help her age with dignity and graCe in her home for as long as she Can .SinCe 2015, Ive been a manager at Honor, a teChnology Company that Uses a website
28、 and an app to pair professional Caregivers ( we Call them Care Pros) with loved ones who need a hand. I want to make sUre we are offering all oUr Clients (客戶), inClUding my grandmother , a serviCe that is affordable, with people who are reliable , diverse and skilled. On SUndays. Amy, my - -grandmo
29、thers most-loved Honor ProfeSSiOnal CaregiVer , comes OVer to get her dressed forChUrCh. She loves the time She SPe nds With Amy. Thats the best gift I Can give her and the best gift I Can give myself. Care giving Can exhaust a family emotionally and PhySiCally . At Honor , were trying to Create SOm
30、eth ing that makes it easier for wome n to be moms, daughters, and SiSterS all at once. Thats Why this company WaS built .What SetS Honor apart from other Care givi ng SerViCeS is that were equally focused On treati ng the Care Pros well. We Pay higher-tha n-average rates and they Can get health ben
31、 efits and SiCk leave. Most of our Care Pros are wome n , and a lot of them arc Sin gle mothers .The tech no Iogybehind our app allows Care Pros to Set ParameterS (參數(shù))based On When, where, and how much they Want to work so they CanControl their SChedUIeS . The company also allows ContinUity of care.
32、 EaCh Care Pro notes in the Caregivers app how the client is feeling or What should happen On the following Shift . That Way , the clients family Can Stay UP to date On their loved Ones health . When I WaS working With my team at Honor , I Wanted to Create opportUnities for people who looked like me
33、 . Im proud to Say that there are Single moms and other women WithOUt traditiOnal educatiOnal training who lead teams here . The makeup of this company PrOVeS that people With diverse backgroUndSCan be Part of a SUCCeSSfUI tech company . ThiS has to be a model for the future . rm Con fide nt it will
34、 happe n .The author mentiOnS Amy to .Share a PreCiOUS memoryadvocate Cari ng for the elderlyshow the importa nce of CaregiVerSinform the readers of a touching storyWhiCh of the following about Honor is true ? It allows flexible working SChedUIeS .It gives higher SaIary and more Paid leave .It mainl
35、y employs Single mothers and males .It matches CaregiVerS With clients at random .What does the Underlined Part stay UP to date PrObabIy mean ? Go to bed later tha n usual .Get the IateSt informatiOn .Attend to somebody at fixed time .ACCOmPany somebody day and night .The last ParagraPh intends to t
36、ell US that .wome n are able to hold UP half the SkySUCCeSS has nothing to do With educati OnHonor will PrObabIy have a better futurepeople With diverse backgro UndS will be a model二、閱讀七選五(本大題共5小題,共10.0分)How to PerSUade people ConVinCing people that your Way is the best Way is Often Very difficult -
37、especially When youre nOt quite SUre Why theyre Saying no . The trick is to get them wondering Why theyre Say ing no . (1)_ .Understand how timing is everything . KnoWing how to PerSUade people isnt just in words and body Ianguage - its also in knowing the right time to talk to them . (2) , you will
38、 most likely achieve faster, better results.Get to know them. A large Part of Whether or n Ot PerSUaSi On is effective is based On the gen eral relatiOnShiP between you and your client/son/friend/employee . If you dont know the PerSOn well , its vital to Start build ing this relati on ShiP immediate
39、ly - find com mon ground as soon asPOSSibIe. HUmans, in general, are more fond of people that are SimiIar to them .(3).(4) . People are more PerSUaded by a fas, Con fide nt talker tha n accuracy . The faster you talk, the less time your listener has to PrOCeSS What youve Said and question it You may
40、 Create the feeling that you truly grasp the SUbjeCt by running through the facts at WarP SPeed , Con fide nt of them all .Create Urge ncy In Order to get people to act in the mome nt, you have to be able to Create a SenSeof Urgency .(5) , its UnIikely theyll Change their minds in the future . You m
41、ust PerSUade peoplein the PreSent; its all that matters .A . Talk fastB . CommUniCate With OtherSC. If some One is aware of thisD . And With the right tricks , you Can do itE . So find parallels and make them knownF . If theyre not motivated eno Ugh to Want WhateVer you have right nowG . If you appr
42、oach people Whe n they are more relaxed and ope n to discussi On16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G三、完形填空(本大題共 20小題,共30.0分)A boy guarded the barrel (桶) in his fathers Winery . EVer
43、y morning he (21) UP every barrel With a PieCe of cloth, and then PUt them in(22)row UPon row . To his (23), the Wind blew the barrels here and there (24). The boy WaS so angry that he wrote a Ietter to the Wind, Please dont blow down my barrels . After (25) that , his father asked the boy With a sm
44、ile , Can the Wind read your (26) ? The little boy Said , I dont know , but I have no Way of dealing With the Wind .The next morning , When the little boy ran to look at the barrels , he found that the Wind had(27)his request, still blowing the barrels here and there . The little boy felt (28)and bu
45、rst into tears . HiS father StrOked his head gently and said, Son, dont be sad. We Cant deal With the Wind , but We Canthink of our OWn methods to (29Xlhe barrels .Then the little boy (30)his tears and Sat near the barrels to think over and over . After thinking half a day, he fin ally (31)a Way . H
46、e(32)some Water from the well and POUred it into those(33)barrels . At (34), the little boy got UP in a rush , ran OUt and SaW the barrels still (35)in good order . He SmiIed happily and told his father , We do have a Way to (36)the barrels from blowing down . Its a Very (37)Way , that is, to add We
47、ightS to the barrels . The little boys father SmiIed(38 .We cant Change many things, but We Can add the Weight of our OWn (39), so that We Can Stand(40)in the world not to be knoCked over .21.A. WiPedB. PiCkedC. bUiltD. took22.A. USeB. needC. orderD. Charge23.A. angerB. sorrowC. amUseme ntD. Con fUs
48、i On24.A. gen erallyB. slowlyC. SUdde nlyD. OVerni ght25.A. discuss ingB. Say ingC. See ingD. Writ ing26.A. dema ndB. reqUestC. decisi OnD. Sig n27.A. SharedB. an SWeredC. ig noredD. Con Sidered28.A. n ervousB. SadC. SCaredD. tOUched29.A. Con trolB. blowC. makeD. arrange30.A. SqUeeZedB. droppedC. Sh
49、OWedD. dried31.A. PUt UP WithB. PUt throUghC. Came UP WithD. Came throUgh32.A. SPrayedB. drankC. POUredD. collected33.A. broke nB. emptyC. clea nD. neat34.A. daybreakB. noonC. dUskD. mid ni ght35.A. PIaCedB. throw nC. movedD. SPread36.A. SaVeB. SeParateC. freeD. stop37.A. importa ntB. n atUralC. n e
50、cessaryD. SimPIe38.A. an xioUslyB. excitedlyC. approv in glyD. hesita ntly39.A. WeaIthB. mi nd40.C. respon SibiIityD. PreSSUre41.A. StraightB. firmC. hardD. high四、 語法填空(本大題共1小題,共15.0分)With the (1) (invent) Of PerSOnal computers, the Internetand Cell Phones, people now havemore immediate access to Ot
51、herS and information any time in history . Losing that access Can lead to discOnneCtanxiety ,(3) is a psychological term USed to describe the (4)( anXiety)feelings that people experience When they are Unable (5) ( USe) their cell PhoneS or Cannot log On to the Internet. Some PeoPle_(6)_( affect) by
52、discOnnect anXiety may Start to feel UPSet When (7) Cannot reach their friends onIine . OtherS get really WOrried When they are not able to respOnd to emerge ncies, and this makes them feel (8) (help).Still OtherS are so depe ndent on theircell PhoneS that they are frighte ned of miss ing any phone
53、calls. Cell PhoneSand the Intern et (9)(become) the most importa nt tech no IogiCal tools to these people , who Cannot afford to live (10) these things.五、 短文改錯(cuò)(本大題共1小題,共10.0分)假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請(qǐng)你修改你同桌寫的以下作文.文中共有10處語言錯(cuò)誤,每句中最多有兩處.每處錯(cuò)誤僅涉及一個(gè)單詞的增加、刪除或修改.增加:在缺詞處加一個(gè)漏字符號(hào)( ,并在其下面寫出該加的詞.刪除:把多余的詞用斜線()劃掉.修改:
54、在錯(cuò)的詞下劃一橫線,并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞.注意:1.每處錯(cuò)誤及其修改均僅限一詞;2 .只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計(jì)分.I have two pets, Polly and Sally . They are green-and-blue parrot. Their home is a Shady tree in the garden Where they are freely to fly from branch to branch . There has a wooden box for them in a tree. ThiS is their nest, Where they sleep at night there and take SheIter Whenever it - -rain Every morning , after clean their nest,
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