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1、Unit 3 The Snake Bite第1頁Warm-upReadingLanguage in UseCulture TipsProjectHomeworkThe Snake Bite第2頁Warm-up Watch the video and then discuss in groups how to deal with a snake bite when you are alone. Report your results to the whole class.第3頁Introduction of FunctionsExpressing Feelings of Distress and

2、 AnnoyanceIt is annoying to do I am not pleased at all with John was very upset when his father cancelled the family trip to the beach. You wouldnt believe it What a shame!第4頁Task 1What are you going to say if you witness the following situations?Young people being rude to the eldersYour fellow clas

3、smates struggling for food in the crowded varsity canteen Some really bad dormitory behaviorA street-vender overcharging a traveler第5頁Task 2Read the conversation on page 31 until you can speak it fluently.In pairs, make a similar conversation with the cues in the substitute box.第6頁 Suppose both of y

4、ou have visited a Live Market recently in the town and discovered the following wildlife was on sale for human consumption. The salesmen promised the customers that these animals would become delicacies on the dinner table. Choose any three animals from the list and describe their conditions on the

5、market. Then explain why we should not capture and kill them for human consumption. Finally, make three suggestions for educating and stopping people from killing and eating them. Task 3Wildlife for Human Consumption Work in pairs to complete the following worksheet and then present your work to the

6、 class. 第7頁WildlifeConditionsWhy should we not kill them?MonkeysMasked palm civetsMiceFrogsWeaselsWild duckPigeonsSnakesCrocodilesDolphinsDeer meatSuggest at least three ways to stop people from killing and eating wildlife: 第8頁Eat to Death? Risky Dinning Sparks Debate A Global Advocate for the Meal

7、that Cannot Speak for ItselfFor your reference, read the supplementary reading passages.第9頁Make Your Own DialogueConditions of the Animals Raised on the FarmsRead the dialogue on page 32 first then work with your partner on any one of the following questions. How do we view the mechanical production

8、 of poultry on modern farms? What are the disadvantages and advantages of raising animals using methods of mass production? 第10頁Mechanical Production of Poultry on Modern Farmsefficientlow costmore profitableeasy managementless staffsecure virus evolution stocking densityvirus survival and spreadunh

9、ygienic conditions contaminated airlack of sunlightgenetic selection for production traits AdvantagesDisadvantagesVS.第11頁Look and DescribeDont open the window, Thelma. Some of the humans can be downright dangerous.Look at the picture. Discuss what is going on in this scene. Make a story out of the p

10、icture. (Limit your story to approximately one minute.)第12頁How does the picture strike you?Where does the story occur?What are the humans doing there? What impressions do you get from these people?Whats the implication of the comments below the picture? Who made the comments?urban safari tour skull

11、bulging overstuffed cage warncruel greed gluttonous(饕餮) gloomyanimal rights a harmonious relationship with animals第13頁In small groups, discuss the following questions.Explain the term “be bound to do”.How would you put the saying into Chinese?Do you have an example to illustrate the saying?TipsIf we

12、 are bound to forgive an enemy, we are not bound to trust him.Quotable Quote第14頁be bound to : be sure and confident that something will happen If we are bound to forgive an enemy, we are not bound to trust him.即便我們決心寬恕敵人,也決不能相信敵人。第15頁Though thy enemy seem a mouse, yet watch him like a lion.敵人即使小如鼠,防

13、他也要如防獅。He that dallies with enemy gives him leave to kill him.把敵人看兒戲,無異于準許敵人殺害自己。One enemy can do more hurt than ten friends can do good.一個敵人為害,勝過十個朋友行好。Believe no tales from the enemy.敵人之言不可信。Do not despise your enemy.不可輕敵。Related Ideas in English第16頁ReadingTask 1 Pre-reading ActivitiesTask 2 Readi

14、ng ComprehensionTask 3 After-reading Activities第17頁Pre-reading Task IList at least three things that you can do to save your life:1. _2. _3. _What would you do to save your life if you were bitten by a poisonous snake? 第18頁For Your Reference If you or someone else is bitten by a venomous snake, seek

15、 immediate medical attention at the nearest hospital or medical facility. Stay calm, remove any rings that could restrict circulation if tissues swell, keep the bitten limb below the level of the heart, and immediately seek medical attention. Your most important aids in getting to a hospital and tre

16、atment may be car keys or a cell phone. adj. full of or containing venom (poison)第19頁What to Do If Bitten by a Venomous SnakeAllow the bite to bleed freely for 15-30 seconds.Remove clothing (pant legs, shirt sleeves, rings and jewelry on bitten side).If the bite is on hand, finger, foot or toe, wrap

17、 leg/arm rapidly with 3 to 6 Ace or crepe bandage past the knee or elbow joint immobilizing it. Overwrap bite marks. Wrap ACE (elastic) bandage as tight as one would for a sprain. Not too tight. Check for pulses above and below elastic wrap; if absent it is too tight. Unpin and loosen. If pulses are

18、 strong (normal) it may be too loose. If possible, try and keep bitten extremity at heart level or in a gravity-neutral position. Evacuate to nearest hospital or medical facility as soon as possible. 第20頁For more Information: /srel/snake-4.htm What Not to Do If Bitten by a Venomous SnakeDo not eat o

19、r drink anything unless okayed by medical sources.Do not engage in strenuous physical activity.Do not apply oral suction to bite. Do not cut into or incise bite marks with a blade. Do not drink any alcohol or use any medication. Do not apply either hot or cold packs. Do not apply a narrow, constrict

20、ive tourniquet such as a belt, necktie or cord. Do not remove dressings/elastic wraps until arrival at hospital and antivenom available. Do not waste time or take any risks trying to kill, bag or bring in offending snake. 第21頁Pre-reading Task IIMatch the words with the pictures.muskmelon melon-and-g

21、arden patchsandbur buggy第22頁The Snake Bite In the West Bottom we raised watermelons and muskmelons for the market, but the house melon-and-garden patch was back of the barn on the edge of the cane field. One day I took a corn knife from the tool shed and went out to get me a watermelon for my own us

22、e. I was forbidden to carry a corn knife, which had a blade longer than my arm. But it was the best thing there was for cutting a melon. One swipe and your melon was in two. I was going along thumping melons for a ripe one when all at once my foot seemed to come down on something like a needle. I th

23、ought I had stepped into a mess of sandburs.Paras.1-2BackgroundReading Comprehension第23頁But when I looked, there was a rattler. I knew all about rattlers never being supposed to strike without warning. And I knew the sound of a rattler as well as I knew the notes of a quail. It was figured later tha

24、t maybe this one didnt have time to rattle. I must have stepped right into his mouth. I lit out for the house, yelling. I was sure I was going to die. That was all I could think of. Para. 3第24頁 Mamma whipped off her apron and tied the strings around my leg above the knee. She made me lie on the sofa

25、 in the front room and put Martha to watch me. There was not a man on the place or a horse in the lot. The nearest habitation was Mr. Howells, but he had no horse. The next nearest was Jim Andersons, exactly half a mile away by the shortcut through a field. Mamma made for the Andersons. One of the A

26、nderson boys jumped on a horse and started for town. A son of Clark who worked for the Andersons, drove Mamma home. When she got there, she found that Martha had taken off the apron strings because I had cried that they were too tight. Mamma put them back, yanking them so tight that I screamed. Para

27、. 4第25頁Then Mamma went to the porch to watch the road from town. Following the line between the Anderson and the Howell claims, the road ran along the crest of a rise so that you got the silhouette of anything that passed over it. I could always pick out our buggy and Tom, especially with papa drivi

28、ng. Anxious to get his nose in the manger, Tom would break into a gallop if you would let him and papa always did. Para. 5第26頁Herb Andersons instructions had been first to find Papa. If he couldnt do that right away, to find Dr. McKenzie. If he couldnt find him, to find Dr. Field or some other docto

29、r.Mamma was watching to see whose rig would show up. Every now and then she would come inside and try to get me to stop yelling.At length she said Its your father.Paras. 6-8T第27頁Language Points Background Thestory,astoldbyanAmericanboy,issetagainstthe backgroundoftheAmericancountrysideinthe19thcentu

30、ry.Thenarration,thereforeexhibitsfeaturesofbothculturalpicturesofthecountrysideofthatperiod,andthewaythata teenagerspoke.Wordslikesandbur,claim,buggy,porch,lot,rigarecharacteristicofAmericanculture.Besides,thetextcontainsmanycolloquialphrasestoreflectachildsstyleofspeaking.Phrasalverbsareusedoversin

31、gleverbs,forinstance,lightoutfordepart;pickoutforrecognize,showupfor appear,breakintoforbeginabruptly.Theuseofchildphrases(Mamma,Papa)andsomecausativeverbsinmakeme lie,putMarthatowatch,getmetostopyelling alsohelp renderthetextfittingachildstone. 第28頁the house melon-and-garden patchapieceoflandforgro

32、wingvegetablesandmelons forfamilyuse.Knownasavegetablepatch.swipe:a)n.hardhit;b)v.tohitortotrytohitsomeoneorsomethingbyswingingyourarmoranobjectvery quicklye.g.Shetookaswipeatthevolleyball.她揮臂重擊排球。Heswipedatthedogwithhisstick,butmissed.他揮起手杖向狗打去,但未打中。第29頁forbiddenforbid:totellsomeonethattheyarenotal

33、lowedtodosomething,orthatsomethingisnotallowede.g.Insomecountries,womenareforbiddenfromgoing outwithoutaveil. 在有些國家女士不帶頭巾不準出門。Parkingforbidden!禁止停車!Camerasareforbidden!禁止拍照!第30頁sandburAnyofseveralgrassesofthegenus Cenchrus,especiallyC.tribuloides,oftheeastern UnitedStatesandtropicalAmerica,havingasp

34、inybur likeenvelopethatsurroundsseveralone-grainedspikelets.蒺藜草第31頁rattlev.tr.Tocausetomakeaquicksuccessionofshort percussivesounds:使發(fā)嘎嘎聲:rattledthedishesinthekitchen.使廚房里碗盆嘎嘎作響Toutterorperformrapidlyoreffortlessly:急速地講:快速或毫不費勁地說話和演出:rattledoffalistofcomplaints.說出一大堆埋怨話rattlern.Arattlesnake.響尾蛇第32頁q

35、uailn.Csmallbird,similartoapartridge鵪鶉第33頁whipped offwhipoff用鞭驅散獵犬;慌忙離去;突然拿走Hewhippedoffhiscoat.他快速地脫下外衣。(idm 習語) a fair crack of the whip = fair1. get, have, hold, etc the whip hand (over sb) be in a position where one has power or control (over sb) 位居控制(某人)地位: *Theiropponentshadthewhiphandanditwas

36、 uselesstoresist.他們因對手權柄在握,反抗也沒用.第34頁apronn.Agarment,usuallyfastenedintheback,wornoverall orpartofthefrontofthebodytoprotectclothing.圍裙on the placebothontheplaceandinthelotrefertotheboyshome.Lot:apieceoflandhavingaspecialuse. E.g.aparkinglot;aused-carlot;abuildinglot. 第35頁 strike:toattacksomeone,esp

37、eciallysuddenly(struck;struck,stricken)e.g.Thekillermightstrikeagain.兇手可能會再次攻擊 figure:reckon,estimate,conclude,think,believee.g.Iveneverbeenabletofigurehimout.我從來捉摸不透他.Ifigurehellbebacksoon我預計他很快會回來。第36頁 shortcutn.Amoredirectroutethanthecustomaryone.近路:Ameansofsavingtimeoreffort.捷徑 makefor:togointhe

38、directionofaparticularplace; headfore.g.Theyweremakingtowardstheriver.他們正向河邊走去.Ithinkitstimewemadeforhome.我想是時候我們該回家啦。第37頁yankvt.,vi.Topullwithaquick,strongmovement; jerk:突然拉動yankapersonoutofhisseat強拉一個人離開座位Heyankedoutaloosetooth.他猛拔出一顆松動了牙。第38頁between the Anderson and the Howell claimsbetweentheAnd

39、ersonsandtheHowellsland. Inthe19thcentury,manyAmericansmovedto theWestwheretherewasvastlandforthetaking. Theystakedoutsomepiecesoflandastheirownproperty.Formalrequestforthelandwasmade formining.Claimsreferstothepiecesoflandof thiskind. 第39頁silhouetten.darkoutlineofsb/sthseenagainstalight background黑

40、色輪廓;側影:*thesilhouettesofthetreesagainstthe eveningsky夜空襯托出樹木輪廓.anxious to get his nose in the mangerAmangerisafeedingboxinastableor barn.Hereitmeansthatthehorsewas anxioustoeat.第40頁buggyn.smallstrongly-builtmotorvehicle(堅固)小機動車gallop n.sing1)fastestpace(ofahorse,etc)withallfourfeetoff thegroundateac

41、hstride(馬等)飛跑,飛馳:*Herodeoffatagallop.他騎著馬飛奔而去.*atfullgallop(馬)飛奔2)(fig比喻)unusuallyfastspeed 飛快*toworkatagallop工作速度快.第41頁rigAvehiclewithoneormorehorsesharnessedtoit.馬車:show upToputinanappearance;arrive.露面;抵達第42頁At length1)Aftersometime;eventually:終于:經(jīng)過一段時間之后;最終:Atlengthwearrivedatourdestination.我們終于抵

42、達了目標地2)Foraconsiderabletime;fully:詳盡地:徹底地:spokeatlengthaboutthecourtruling.就法庭裁決做了長時間講話 第43頁Difficult Sentences1. In the West Bottom we raised watermelons and muskmelons for the market, but the house melon-and-garden patch was back of the barn on the edge of the cane field. for salecolloquial of 19t

43、h century EnglishBe back of =be behinda piece of land for growing vegetables and melons for family use. Known as a vegetable patch 我們在西伯頓種植西瓜和香瓜拿去賣,但家里自用瓜菜地在甘蔗田邊谷倉背后。 第44頁2. I was going along thumping melons for a ripe one when all at once my foot seemed to come down on something like a needle. vt.

44、to beat with or as if with a blunt object so as to produce a muffled sound or thud. People often decide whether a watermelon is ripe or not by thumping it with fingers.suddenlystep on我正沿著瓜地邊走邊拍打著想找一個熟瓜,突然感覺腳好像踩著針一樣被扎了一下。 Book 2-Unit 3第45頁3. I knew all about rattlers never being supposed to strike wi

45、thout warning. And I knew the sound of a rattler as well as I knew the notes of a quail. be expected to, as is presumed我知道據(jù)稱響尾蛇在攻擊之前都要發(fā)出響聲以示警告,而我對那響聲熟悉程度絕不亞于我熟悉鵪鶉叫聲。 n. the characteristic vocal sound made by a songbird or other animale.g. the clear note of a cardinalBook 2-Unit 3第46頁4. I lit out for

46、 the house, yelling.American slang, infml.to rush to e.g. The fox lit out for the forest.5. She made me lie on the sofa in the front room and put Martha to watch me. There was not a man on the place or a horse in the lot. a piece of land having a special usee.g. a parking lot; a used-car lot; a buil

47、ding lot* Notice the colloquial use of the verbs, like put Martha to watch me, they reflect a childs tone.Book 2-Unit 3第47頁6. Following the line between the Anderson and the Howell claim, the road ran along the crest of a rise so that you got the silhouette of anything that passed over it. claim: 聲言

48、(土地)為己之物In the 19th century, many Americans moved to the West where there was vast land for the taking. They staked out some pieces of land as their own property. Formal request for the land was made for mining. the top of a hill or a higher place這條路位于安德森和豪威爾兩家開墾地之間,一直延伸到小高地頂端,所以只要有些人馬越過高地頂端,你就能夠看清他

49、們輪廓。第48頁譯文:Paras.1-2響尾蛇傷我們在西波頓種植西瓜和香瓜供給市場。我家有一塊瓜地和花圃在緊靠甘蔗地谷倉背后。一天,我從工具棚里拿了把鐮刀想去砍個西瓜自己吃。他們是不許我拿這把刀,因為它刀刃比我胳膊還長。但它是切西瓜最好工具。一刀下去,西瓜就一分為二了。我正沿著瓜地邊走邊拍打著想找一個熟瓜,突然感覺腳好像被針一樣東西扎了一下。我為是踩在一堆蒺藜草上了。 第49頁Para. 3 轉眼一看,卻發(fā)覺是一條響尾蛇。我知道響尾蛇在攻擊之前都要發(fā)出響聲以示警告,而我對那響聲熟悉程度決不亞于我熟悉鵪鶉。以后我才明白它是沒有時間警告,我必定是一腳踩在它嘴巴上了。我邊往家飛奔,邊大聲喊叫,滿腦子

50、想都是自己必定要死了。第50頁Paras. 4 媽媽趕快解下圍裙用上面帶子綁在我膝蓋上部。她扶我到前屋沙發(fā)上躺下,讓瑪莎照看我。當初在場既沒有一個男人也沒有一匹馬。最近住宅是豪威爾先生家,但他家沒有馬。再遠點是吉姆安德森家,穿過田地抄近路也有半英里距離。媽媽沖向安德森家。安德森一個兒子跳上馬就直奔城里,在安德森家打工克拉克兒子用車把媽媽送回家?;氐郊?,媽媽發(fā)覺圍裙帶已被瑪莎解開了,因為我直叫系得太緊。媽媽給我重新綁上,她用力很猛以致于我失聲叫了起來。 第51頁Paras.5 然后,媽媽又到門廊朝那條通往城里路張望。這條路位于安德森和豪威爾兩家領地中間,一直延伸到小山頂端,所以從這里你能夠看見全

51、部途經(jīng)人或物。我總是遠遠就能識別出我們馬車和湯姆,尤其是父親趕車時候。這時,假如得到允許,湯姆就會因為急于吃到馬槽里東西而撒腿跑起來,父親也總是允許它這么做。第52頁Paras.6-8赫伯安德森意見是首先找父親,假如他不在就找麥肯斯醫(yī)生,再不成就找菲爾德或別醫(yī)生。媽媽一邊盯著看誰馬先出現(xiàn),一邊不時地進屋撫慰我。終于,媽媽說道:“你父親來了?!?(呂睿中譯,胡一寧審校)第53頁Para. 1The narrator went to the house melon-and-garden patch.Para. 2-3All at once the narrator came down on som

52、ething. It turned out a rattle had just attacked him.Para. 4Mother applied the first aid.Para. 5Para. 6Mother looked for aid.Herb Anderson gave the instructionto find Papa.Para. 7-8Papa finally showed up.ANarrativeText Structure第54頁Story Reproductionthe narrator, going to the house melon-and-garden

53、patchall at once, come down on something, an unusual attack by a rattle snakemothers first aidmother looking for helpHerb Andersons instructionsat length, father showing up第55頁Group Activity The narrator did not tell the reader how he was saved. Work with your partners designing an ending for the st

54、ory to show how he was saved. Present your ending to the class.第56頁Role-play the textWhat happened first?Then?Next what did your mother do?Later on, where did your mother go to get help?Finally what was your mothers worry?Suppose you were the brother of the boy in the story, give an account of the s

55、nakebite incident to your friend. Limit your story to approximately one minute.第57頁Language in UseTask 1 Grammar DevelopmentTask 2 Vocabulary Building第58頁Task 1 Grammar DevelopmentThe past tense is a verb tense expressing action, activity, state or being in the past of the current moment (in an abso

56、lute tense system), or prior to some other event, whether that is past, present, or future.Simple past is formed for regular verbs by adding ed to the root of a word. Example: He walked to the store. Simple past is used for describing acts that have already been concluded and whose exact time of occ

57、urrence is known. Furthermore, it is used for retelling successive events. That is why it is commonly used in storytelling.Past Tenses第59頁Past perfect simple is formed by combining the simple past form of to have with the simple past form of the main verb. Example: I had shouted “Help”, but Past per

58、fect simple is used for describing secluded events that have occurred before something else followed. The event that is closer to the present is given in simple past tense.Example: After we had visited our relatives in New York, we flew back to Toronto.第60頁The past continuous tense (also called the

59、past progressive tense) is commonly used in English for actions which were going on (had not finished) at a particular time in the past. The already occurring event is presented in past progressive, the new one in simple past. Example: We were sitting in the garden when the thunderstorm started. Whe

60、n I arrived, the party was in full wing. Paul was dancing with Mary, and Pat and Peter were drinking champagne.第61頁1. They _ while I was cooking dinner. A. were cleaning up B. had cleaned up2. There was no food left when I returned. They _ everything! A. had eaten B. ate C. were eating3. By the time


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