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1、PBS1第一次作業(yè)目錄: TOC o 1-5 h z HYPERLINK l bookmark4 o Current Document 一、基礎(chǔ)知識 2 HYPERLINK l bookmark6 o Current Document 1、造血干細(xì)胞和造血細(xì)胞 2 HYPERLINK l bookmark8 o Current Document 2、血細(xì)胞發(fā)生過程的形態(tài)演變 3 HYPERLINK l bookmark10 o Current Document ( 1 )紅細(xì)胞發(fā)生: 5 HYPERLINK l bookmark12 o Current Document ( 2)粒細(xì)胞發(fā)生:

2、5 HYPERLINK l bookmark14 o Current Document ( 3)單核細(xì)胞發(fā)生: 6、血小板發(fā)生 6 HYPERLINK l bookmark18 o Current Document 、淋巴細(xì)胞發(fā)生: 6 HYPERLINK l bookmark20 o Current Document 3、凝血和抗凝過程 7( 1 )凝血 7 HYPERLINK l bookmark24 o Current Document (2)抗凝 104、血小板 12( 1)血小板的形態(tài)和數(shù)量 12(2)血小板的功能 13(3)血小板的形成 15二、急性髓性白血?。?AML) 16De

3、finition 16Description 16Demographics 18Causes 19 HYPERLINK l bookmark26 o Current Document symptoms 20 HYPERLINK l bookmark38 o Current Document AML 的遺傳學(xué)基礎(chǔ) 23AML 伴有 t(8 ; 21)(q22 ; q22) 23 HYPERLINK l bookmark42 o Current Document 2、AML 伴有 t(15;17)(q22;q12 or q21)及其變異體 24 HYPERLINK l bookmark44 o C

4、urrent Document 3、AML伴有inv(16)(p13q22)和骨髓嗜酸粒細(xì)胞異常 27 HYPERLINK l bookmark46 o Current Document 4、AML 伴有 t/del(11)(q23) 28 HYPERLINK l bookmark48 o Current Document 5、其他染色體異常 28 HYPERLINK l bookmark50 o Current Document AML 的發(fā)病機(jī)制 29 HYPERLINK l bookmark52 o Current Document 1、放射因素: 29 HYPERLINK l book

5、mark54 o Current Document 2、病毒因素: 30 HYPERLINK l bookmark56 o Current Document 3、遺傳因素: 30 HYPERLINK l bookmark58 o Current Document 4、化學(xué)因素: 30 HYPERLINK l bookmark60 o Current Document AML 的檢查 31 HYPERLINK l bookmark62 o Current Document 外周血檢查 31血細(xì)胞計數(shù) 31血細(xì)胞形態(tài) 31 HYPERLINK l bookmark64 o Current Docu

6、ment 骨髓象檢查 32 HYPERLINK l bookmark66 o Current Document 凝血檢測 32 HYPERLINK l bookmark70 o Current Document 凝血酶原時間 (PT): 32部分凝血活酶時間 (APTT): 32 HYPERLINK l bookmark68 o Current Document 纖維蛋白原(FIB): 33凝血酶時間(TT): 33 HYPERLINK l bookmark72 o Current Document D二聚體定量:33 HYPERLINK l bookmark74 o Current Docu

7、ment 纖維蛋白(原)降解產(chǎn)物(FDP): 33 HYPERLINK l bookmark76 o Current Document 六、骨髓增生的分級 33參考文獻(xiàn): 34、基礎(chǔ)知識1、造血干細(xì)胞和造血細(xì)胞各種血細(xì)胞都有一定的壽命,紅細(xì)胞的壽命平均約120天,白細(xì)胞的壽命為 數(shù)大、數(shù)周或數(shù)年。血細(xì)胞不斷地衰老和死亡,由新生的血細(xì)胞不斷補(bǔ)充,使外 周血循環(huán)中血細(xì)胞數(shù)量和質(zhì)量保持動態(tài)平衡。人的血細(xì)胞最早是在胚胎卵黃囊壁的血島生成,胚胎第6周,從卵黃囊遷 入肝的造血干細(xì)胞開始造血,第 45月脾內(nèi)造血干細(xì)胞增殖分化產(chǎn)生各種血細(xì) 胞。從胚胎后期至生后終身, 骨髓成為主要的造血器官,產(chǎn)生紅細(xì)胞系、粒細(xì)

8、 胞系、單核細(xì)胞系和巨核細(xì)胞-血小板系;這些細(xì)胞系稱為骨髓成分。脾和淋骨髓位于骨髓腔中,約占體重的4% 6%,是人體最大的造血器官。骨髓 分為紅骨髓(red bone marrow)和黃骨髓(yellow bone marrow)。胎兒及嬰幼 兒時期的骨髓都是紅骨髓,大約從 5歲開始,長骨干的骨髓腔內(nèi)出現(xiàn)脂肪組 織,并隨年齡增長而增多,即為黃骨髓。成人的紅骨髓和黃骨髓約各占一半。紅骨髓主要分布在扁骨、不規(guī)則骨和長骨幅端的骨松質(zhì)中,造血功能活躍。黃 骨髓內(nèi)僅有少量的幼稚血細(xì)胞,故仍保持著造血潛能,當(dāng)機(jī)體需要時可轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)?紅骨髓進(jìn)行造血。紅骨髓主要由造血組織和血竇構(gòu)成。血細(xì)胞發(fā)生是造血干細(xì)胞經(jīng)增殖、

9、分化直至成為各種成熟血細(xì)胞的過程。 造血干細(xì)胞(hemoplietic stem cell)是生成各種血細(xì)胞的原始細(xì)胞,又稱多能 干細(xì)胞(multipotential stem cell)。造血干細(xì)胞在一定的微環(huán)境和某些因素的調(diào) 節(jié)下,增殖分化為各類血細(xì)胞的祖細(xì)胞,稱造血祖細(xì)胞( hemopoietic progenitor),它也是一種相當(dāng)原始的具有增殖能力的細(xì)胞,但已失去多向分化 能力,只能向一個或幾個血細(xì)胞系定向增殖分化,故也稱定向干細(xì)胞(committed stem cell)。2、血細(xì)胞發(fā)生過程的形態(tài)演變血細(xì)胞的發(fā)生是一連續(xù)發(fā)展過程,各種血細(xì)胞的發(fā)育大致可分為三個階段:原始階段、幼稚

10、階段(又分早、中、晚三期)和成熟階段 。骨髓涂片檢 查,是血液病診斷的重要依據(jù)。血細(xì)胞發(fā)生過程中形態(tài)變化的一般規(guī)律如下:胞體由大變小,而巨核細(xì)胞的發(fā)生則由小變大。胞核由大變小,紅細(xì)胞的核最后消失,粒細(xì)胞的核由圓形逐漸變成桿狀乃 至分葉,巨核細(xì)胞的核由小變大呈分葉狀; 核內(nèi)染色質(zhì)由細(xì)疏逐漸變粗密,核仁 由明顯漸至消失;核的著色由淺變深。胞質(zhì)的量由少逐漸增多,胞質(zhì)嗜堿性逐漸變?nèi)?,但單核?xì)胞和淋巴細(xì)胞仍保持嗜堿性;胞質(zhì)內(nèi)的特殊結(jié)構(gòu)如紅細(xì)胞中的血紅蛋白、 粒細(xì)胞中的特殊顆粒均 由無到有,并逐漸增多。細(xì)胞分裂能力從有到無,但淋巴細(xì)胞仍有很強(qiáng)的潛在分裂能力。造血祖細(xì)胞6粒細(xì)胞巨人 、唾細(xì)胞系原單核細(xì)胞 幼

11、m核班胞 單核細(xì)胞原粒娜胞L 布幼粒晚幼粒桿狀核分葉核幼加劃胞學(xué)中幼粒晚幼制嗜福用細(xì)悒嗜堿吊中幼粒晚幼粉唱俄粒以胞晚幼紅網(wǎng)織紅紅加胞抗原刺激后W跚胞化(1)紅細(xì)胞發(fā)生:紅細(xì)胞發(fā)生歷經(jīng) 原紅細(xì)胞(Proerythroblast)、早幼紅細(xì)胞(或稱嗜堿性成紅 細(xì)胞,basophilic erthroblast )、中幼紅細(xì)胞(或稱多染性成紅細(xì)胞, polychromatophilic erythroblast)、晚幼紅細(xì)胞(或稱正成紅細(xì)胞,normoblast),后 者脫去胞核成為網(wǎng)織紅細(xì)胞,最終成為成熟紅細(xì)胞。從原紅細(xì)胞的發(fā)育至晚幼紅 細(xì)胞大約需34天。巨噬細(xì)胞可吞噬晚幼紅細(xì)胞脫出的胞核和其他代

12、謝產(chǎn)物, 并為紅細(xì)胞的發(fā)育提供鐵質(zhì)等營養(yǎng)物。(2)粒細(xì)胞發(fā)生:從原粒細(xì)粒細(xì)胞發(fā)生歷經(jīng)原粒細(xì)胞(myeloblast)、早幼粒細(xì)胞(又稱前髓細(xì)胞, promyelocyte)、中幼粒細(xì)胞(又稱髓細(xì)胞,myelocyte)、晚幼粒細(xì)胞(又稱后髓細(xì)胞,metamyelocyte)進(jìn)而分化為成熟的桿狀核和分葉核粒細(xì)胞胞增殖分化為晚幼粒細(xì)胞大約需 46天。骨髓內(nèi)的桿核粒細(xì)胞和分葉核粒細(xì)胞 的貯存量很大,在骨髓停留45天后釋放入血。若骨髓加速釋放,外周血中的 粒細(xì)胞可驟然增多。(3)單核細(xì)胞發(fā)生:單核細(xì)胞的發(fā)生經(jīng)過原單核細(xì)胞(monoblast)和幼單核細(xì)胞(promonocyte) 變?yōu)閱魏思?xì)胞。幼單核

13、細(xì)胞增殖力很強(qiáng),約 38%的幼單核細(xì)胞處于增殖狀態(tài), 單核細(xì)胞在骨髓中的貯存量不及粒細(xì)胞多,當(dāng)機(jī)體出現(xiàn)炎癥或免疫功能活躍 時,幼單核細(xì)胞加速分裂增殖,以提供足量的單核細(xì)胞。(4)、血小板發(fā)生原巨核細(xì)胞(megakaryoblast)經(jīng)幼巨核細(xì)胞(promegakaryocyte)發(fā)育為 巨核細(xì)胞,巨核細(xì)胞的胞質(zhì)塊脫落成為血小板。原巨核細(xì)胞分化為幼巨核細(xì) 胞,體積變大,胞核常呈腎形,胞質(zhì)內(nèi)出現(xiàn)細(xì)小顆粒。幼巨核細(xì)胞的核經(jīng)數(shù)次 分裂,但胞體不分裂,形成巨核細(xì)胞。巨核細(xì)胞呈不規(guī)則形,直徑 40 70pm,甚至更大,細(xì)胞核分葉狀。胞質(zhì)內(nèi)有許多血小板顆粒,還有許多由滑面內(nèi)質(zhì)網(wǎng)形成的網(wǎng)狀小管,將胞質(zhì)分隔成許

14、多小區(qū),每個小區(qū)即是一個未來的血 小板,內(nèi)含顆粒。并可見到巨核細(xì)胞伸出細(xì)長的胞質(zhì)突起沿著血竇壁伸入竇腔 內(nèi),其胞質(zhì)未端膨大脫落即成血小板。每個巨核細(xì)胞可生成約2000個血小板。(5)、淋巴細(xì)胞發(fā)生:淋巴細(xì)胞的發(fā)生較復(fù)雜。淋巴細(xì)胞有多種亞群,它們既有發(fā)生育過程,又可 因抗原刺激出現(xiàn)小淋巴細(xì)胞母細(xì)胞化和單株增殖過程,而且還缺乏常規(guī)光鏡下可 見的分化標(biāo)志,故很難從形態(tài)上嚴(yán)格劃分淋巴細(xì)胞的發(fā)生和分化階段3、凝血和抗凝過程血液離開血管數(shù)分鐘后,血液就由流動的溶膠狀態(tài)變成不能流動的膠凍狀 凝塊,這一過程稱為血液凝固(blood coagulation )或血凝。在凝血過程中, 血漿中的纖維蛋白原轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)椴蝗?/p>

15、的血纖維。血纖維交織成網(wǎng),將很多血細(xì)胞網(wǎng) 羅在內(nèi),形成血凝塊。血液凝固后 1-2小時,血凝塊又發(fā)生回縮,并釋出淡黃 色的液體,稱為血清。血清與血漿的區(qū)別,在于前者缺乏纖維蛋白原和少量參 與血凝的其他血漿蛋白質(zhì),但又增添了少量血凝時由血小板釋放出來的物質(zhì)。血漿內(nèi)具備了發(fā)生凝血的各種物質(zhì),所以將血液抽出放置于玻璃管內(nèi)即可 凝血。血漿內(nèi)又有防止血液凝固的物質(zhì),稱為抗凝物質(zhì)( anticoagulant )。血 液在血管內(nèi)能保持流動,除其他原因外,抗凝物質(zhì)起了重要的作用。血管內(nèi)又 存在一些物質(zhì)可使血纖維再分解,這些物質(zhì)構(gòu)成纖維蛋白溶解系統(tǒng)(簡稱纖溶 系統(tǒng))(fibrinloytic system )。

16、在生理止血中,血凝、抗凝與纖維蛋白溶解相互配合,既有效地防止了失 血,又保持了血管內(nèi)血流暢通。(1)凝血凝血因子血漿與組織中直接參與凝血的物質(zhì),統(tǒng)稱為凝血因子( blood clotting factors ),其中已按國際命名法用羅馬數(shù)字編了號的有12種(表3-4) o止匕外,還有前激肽釋放酶、高分子激肽原以及來自血小板的磷脂等直接 參與凝血過程。除因子IV與磷脂外,其余已知的凝血因子都是蛋白質(zhì),而且因 子H、叩、IX、X、XI、刈以及前激肽釋放酶都是蛋白酶。這些蛋白酶都屬于 內(nèi)切酶,即每一種酶只能水解某兩種氨基酸所形成的肽鍵。因而不能將某一知 肽鏈分解成很多氨基酸,而只能是對某一條肽鏈進(jìn)行

17、有限的水解。通常在血液 中,因H、叩、IX、X、XI、刈都是無活性的酶原,必須通過有限水解在其肽 鏈上一定部位切斷或切下一個片段,以暴露或形成活性中心,這些因子才成為 有活性的酶,這個過程稱為激活。被激活的酶,稱為這些因子的“活性型”, 習(xí)慣上于該因子代號的右下角加一 “ a”字來表示。如凝血酶原被激活為凝血酶,即由因子II變成因子H a。因子即是以活性型存在于血液中的,但必須有因 子田(即組織凝血激酶)同時存在才能起作用,而在正常時因子田只存在于血 管外,所以通常因子即在血流中也不起作用表3-4按國際命名法編號的凝血因子編號同義名因子I纖維蛋白原(fibrinogen )因子H凝血酶原(pr

18、othrombin)因子田組織凝血激素(tissue thromboplastin)因子IVc+因子V前力口速素(proaccelerin)因子叩因子u前轉(zhuǎn)變素(proconvertin)抗血友病因子(antihemophilic factor,AHF)因子IX血漿凝血激酶(plasma thromboplastin component,PTC)因子XStuart-Prower 因子因子XI血漿凝血激酶前質(zhì)(plasma thromboplastin antecedent,PTA)因子刈接觸因子(contact factor)因子xin纖維蛋白穩(wěn)定因子(fibrin-stabilizing f

19、actor)凝血過程基本上是一系列蛋白質(zhì)有限水解的過程,凝血過程一旦開始,各 個凝血因子便一個激活另一個,形成一個“瀑布”樣的反應(yīng)鏈直至血液凝固。 凝血過程大體上可分為三個階段:1、因子x激活成x a;2、因子H (凝血酶原)激活成H a (凝血酶);3、因子I (纖維蛋白原)轉(zhuǎn)變成I a (纖維蛋白)。雅廉活陶牛成外加性戰(zhàn)H途經(jīng)內(nèi)碑性群H途沖姓Mft總堂和 國嗣事長內(nèi)性現(xiàn)A3t和內(nèi)廢段悌口PK. HJiVKXIS 17-1凝血里程因子x的激活可以通過兩種途徑。如果只是損傷血管內(nèi)膜或抽出血液置于 玻璃管內(nèi),完全依靠血漿內(nèi)的凝血因子逐步使因子X激活從而發(fā)生凝血的,稱 為徑內(nèi)源性激活途徑(intr

20、insic route);如果是依靠血管外組織釋放的因子ID來參與 因子x的激活的,稱為外源性激活途徑(extrinxic route ),如創(chuàng)傷出血后發(fā) 生凝血的情況。在凝血的某些階段,內(nèi)源性途徑與外源性途徑之間存在著功能的交叉,也 就是說,這兩條途徑之間具有某些“變通”的途徑。例如,外源性的因子VD a 和田可以形成復(fù)合物直接激活因子IX,從而部分代替了因子XI和刈a的功能。這一機(jī)制得以解釋為什么在因子IX缺乏時的出血傾向,較因子XI和刈缺乏時更 為嚴(yán)重。另一方面,內(nèi)源性因子刈的裂解產(chǎn)物和因子IXa也能激活外源性的因子即。(2)抗凝肝素是一種酸性粘多糖,主要由肥大細(xì)胞和嗜堿性粒細(xì)胞產(chǎn)生,存

21、在于大 多數(shù)組織中,在肝、肺、心和肌組織中更為豐富。肝素在體內(nèi)和體外都具有抗 凝作用,肝素抗凝的主要機(jī)制在于它能結(jié)合血漿中的一些抗凝蛋白,如抗凝血 酶田和肝素輔助因子H ( heparin cofactor H )等,使這些抗凝蛋白的活性大 為增強(qiáng)。當(dāng)肝素與抗凝血酶II的某一個e -氨基賴氨酸殘基結(jié)合,則抗凝血酶出 與凝血酶的親和力可增強(qiáng)100倍,使兩者結(jié)合得更快,更穩(wěn)定,使凝血酶立即 失活。當(dāng)肝素與肝素輔助因子n結(jié)合而激活后者時,被激活的肝素輔助因子n特異性地與凝血酶結(jié)合成復(fù)合物,從而使凝血酶失活,在肝素的激活作用下, 肝素輔助因子滅活凝血酶的速度可以加快約1000倍。蛋白質(zhì)C (prote

22、in C )是近年來引起注意的另一種具有抗凝作用的血漿 蛋白,分子量為62000,它由肝合成,并有賴于維生素 K的存在。蛋白質(zhì)C以 酶原形式存在于血漿中,蛋白質(zhì) C在凝血酶的作用下發(fā)生有限的酶解過程,從 分子上裂解下一個小肽后即具有活性。激活的蛋白質(zhì)C與血管內(nèi)皮表面存在的輔因子凝血酶調(diào)制素(thrombomodulin )結(jié)合成復(fù)合物,在Ca2+存在的條件下 這種復(fù)合物使蛋白質(zhì)C的激活過程大大加快。纖維蛋白溶解:在生理止血過程中,小血管內(nèi)的血凝塊??沙蔀檠?,填塞了這一段血 管。出血停止、血管創(chuàng)傷愈合后,構(gòu)成血栓的血纖維可逐漸溶解,先形成一些 穿過血栓的通道,最后可以達(dá)到基本暢通。血纖維溶解的

23、過程,稱為纖維蛋白 溶解(簡稱纖溶)。纖維蛋白溶解(纖溶)系統(tǒng)包括四種成分,即纖維蛋白溶解酶原(plasminogen)(纖溶酶原,血漿素原)、纖維蛋白溶解酶(plasmin)(纖 溶酶,血漿素)、纖溶原激活物與纖溶抑制物。纖溶的基本過程可分兩個階段,即纖溶酶原的激活與纖維蛋白(或纖維蛋白原)的降解。軒福薛原激活費(fèi)卜+-用海弊堀一*鼾萌!* 纖溶庫抑制物www. Adl26. doii鐘城量白及野雄蛋白朦一舒維堡白降解產(chǎn)物+3促進(jìn)作用(一:h抑制作用纖維蛋白溶解系統(tǒng)1.纖溶酶原激活纖溶酶原很可能是在肝、骨髓、嗜酸性粒細(xì)胞與腎中合成 的;在正常成年人每100ml血漿中約含10-20mg纖溶酶原,

24、嬰兒較少,婦女晚 期妊娠時增多。纖溶酶原激活物分布廣而種類多,主要有三類:第一類為血管激活物,在小血管內(nèi)皮細(xì)胞中合成后釋放于血中,以維持血漿內(nèi)激活物濃度于基本水平。 血管內(nèi)出現(xiàn)血纖維凝塊時,可使內(nèi)皮細(xì)胞釋放大量激活物。所釋放的激活物大 都吸附于血纖維凝塊上,進(jìn)入血流的很少。肌肉運(yùn)動、靜脈阻斷、兒茶酚胺與 組胺等也可使血管內(nèi)皮細(xì)胞合成和釋放的激活物增多。第二類為組織激活物,存在于很多組織中,主要是在組織修復(fù)、傷口愈合等情況下,在血管外促進(jìn)纖 溶。腎合成與分泌的尿激酶 就屬于這一類激活物,活性很強(qiáng),有助于防止腎小 管中纖維蛋白沉著。第三類為依賴于因子刈的激活物,例如前激肽釋放酶被刈a 激活后,所生

25、成的激肽釋放酶即可激活纖溶酶原。這一類激活物可能使血凝與 纖溶互相配合并保持平衡。血漿中的激活物的半衰期約13分鐘,通常迅速被肝清除。纖溶酶原的激活也是有限水解的過程,在激活物的作用下,脫下一段肽鏈 成為纖溶酶。4、血小板(1)血小板的形態(tài)和數(shù)量PlateletsPlatelets, also called thrombocytes (thromb- +-cyte, blood clot cell), are a component of blood whose function (along with the coagulation factors) isto stop bleeding b

26、y clumping and clotting blood vessel injuries. Platelets have no cell nucleus: they are fragments of cytoplasm that are derived from the megakaryocytesof the bone marrow, and then enter the circulation. These unactivated platelets are biconvex discoid (lens-shaped) structures未活化呈雙凸圓盤形,當(dāng)受至U機(jī)械或 化學(xué)刺激時伸

27、出偽足而呈不規(guī)則形 ,2 -&m in greatest diameter. Platelets are found only in mammals, whereas in other animals (e.g. birds, amphibians) thrombocytes circulate as intact mononuclear cells.On a stained blood smear, platelets appear as dark purple spots, about 20% the diameter of red blood cells. The smear is us

28、ed to examine platelets for size, shape, qualitative number, and clumping. The ratio of platelets to red blood cells in a healthy adult is 1:10 to 1:20.(2)血小板的功能The main function of platelets is to contribute to hemostasis: the process of stopping bleeding at the site of interruptedendothelium. They

29、 gather at the site and unless the interruption is physically too large, they plug the hole. First, platelets attach to substances outside the interrupted endothelium: adhesion. Second, they change shape, turn on receptors and secrete chemical messengersactivation. Third, they connect to each other

30、through receptor bridges:aggregation. Formation of this platelet plug (primary hemostasis) is associated with activation of the coagulation cascadewith resultant fibrin deposition and linking (secondary hemostasis). These processes may overlap: the spectrum is from a predominantly platelet plug, or

31、white clot to a predominantly fibrin clot, or red clot or the more typical mixture. The final result is the clot. Some would add the subsequentclot retraction and platelet inhibition as fourth and fifth steps to the completion of the process and still others a sixth step wound repair.內(nèi)皮F組蛆暴露(內(nèi)皮損傷)血小

32、板黏附血小板初期釋放ADP等I血小板聚集.adp 5-HTI血管收縮反腐I血小板進(jìn)一卡激活、棒放血小板促橫柞用纖維蛋白形成 血塊收編堅固的茶血塊血小板的止血功能Low platelet concentration is thrombocytopenia and is due to either decreased production or increased destruction. Elevated platelet concentration is thrombocytosis and is either congenital, reactive (to cytokines), or d

33、ue tounregulated production: one of the myeloprolerative neoplasmsor certain other myeloid neoplasms. A disorder of platelet function is a thrombocytopathy.血小板病Normal platelets can respond to an abnormality on the vessel wall rather than to hemorrhage, resulting in inappropriate platelet adhesion/ac

34、tivation and thrombosis: the formation of a clot within an intact vessel. These arise by different mechanisms than a normal clot.Examples are: extending the fibrin clot of venous thrombosis; extendingan unstable or ruptured arterial plaque, causing arterial thrombosis; and microcirculatory thrombosi

35、s. An arterial thrombus may partially obstruct blood flow, causing downstream ischemia; or completely obstruct it, causing downstreamtissue death.(3)血小板的形成Platelets derive from totipotent marrow stem cellsThrorribapDlchnFiofm wnd iwr牯21tli 曰 stem cellMogftkfi ryocytePhtetetsPlatelets extruded from m

36、egakaryocytes? The average life span of circulating platelets i8 to 9 days Life span of individual platelets is controlled by the internal apoptotic regulating pathway,which has a Bcl-x timer.抗凋亡蛋白計時器? Old platelets are destroyed byphagocytosisin the spleen and liver.脾和肝臟和吞噬作用清除二、急性髓性白血病(AML)1、Defin

37、itionAcute myelocytic leukemia (AML) is an acute cancer that affects white blood cells, primarily those of the granulocyte or monocyte types.2、DescriptionAcute myelogenous leukemia and acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL)are other names for AML and refer to the identical disease.AML又被稱作急性骨髓性白血病或者急性非

38、淋巴細(xì)胞白血病The cells that make up blood are produced in the bone marrow and the lymph system. The bone marrow is thespongy tissue 海名帛狀組織 found in the large bones of the body. The lymph system includes the spleen (an organ in the upper abdomen),the thymus (a small organ beneath the breastbone), and the t

39、onsils (an organ in the throat). In addition, the lymph vessels (tiny tubes that branch like blood vessels into all parts of the body) and lymph nodes (pea-shaped organs that are found along the network of lymph vessels) are also part of the lymph system. The lymph is a milky fluid that contains cel

40、ls. Clusters of lymph nodes are found in the neck, underarm, pelvis, abdomen, and chest.The main types of cells found in the blood are the red blood cells (RBCs), which carry oxygen and other materials to all tissues of the body; white blood cells (WBCs), which fight infection; and the platelets, wh

41、ich play a part in the clotting of the blood. The white blood cells can be further subdivided into three main types: granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes.粒細(xì)胞、單核細(xì)胞和淋巴細(xì)胞The granulocytes, as their name suggests, have particles (granules) inside them. These granules contain special proteins (enzymes

42、) and several other substances that can break down chemicals and destroy microorganisms such as bacteriaMonocytes are the second type of white blood cell. They are also important in defending the body against pathogens. The lymphocytes form the third type of white blood cell.The bone marrow makes st

43、em cells, which are the precursors of the different blood cells. These stem cells mature through stages into either RBCs, WBCs, or plateletsIn acute leukemias, the maturation process of the white blood cells is interrupted. The immature cells (or blasts) proliferate rapidly and begin to accumulate i

44、n various organs and tissues, thereby affecting their normal function . This uncontrolled proliferation of the immature cells in the bone marrow affects the production of the normal red blood cells and platelets as well.Acute leukemias are of two types:acute lymphocytic leukemia and acute myelogenou

45、s leukemia. Different types of white blood cells are involved in the two leukemias. In acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), it is the lymphocytes that become cancerous. AML is a cancer of the monocytes and/or granulocytes.The reason certain leukemias are now called acute is because of names received de

46、cades ago. Before the discovery of modern methods of cancer treatment, these were illnesses that progressed rapidly. In contrast, chronic leukemias were, in this period before newer methods had been invented, illnesses that progressed more slowly.3、DemographicsApproximately 23 new cases of AML appea

47、r per each million Americans each yearMen are somewhat more likely to develop AML than are women. Approximately 29 new cases appear per every million males while approximately 19 new cases appear per every million females per year.Older persons are considerably more likely to develop AML. Approximat

48、ely 13 people per million younger than 65 years of age will develop AML. In contrast, 122 people per million older than 65 years of age will develop the disease.AML sometimes affects children.About 500 children develop AML in the United States every yearApproximately one in five of all children who

49、develop leukemia develop AML The disease affects boys and girls in roughly equal numbers. Children of all ethnic groups may develop the disease. If one of two identical twins develops AML, the chances are considerable that the other twin will develop it as well.4、 CausesAML is neither contagious nor

50、 inherited. However, people who suffer from certain genetic disorders, such asFanconi anemia, Klinefelter syndrome, Patau syndrome, Bloom syndrome, and Down syndrome, are at greater risk of developing AML than the general population. A child with Down syndrome is roughly 14 times as likely as the av

51、erage child to develop leukemia.Any person who has been exposed to radiation at high doses is at heightened risk of developing AML, as are people exposed to benzene 苯,a chemical used in the manufacture of plastics, rubber, medicines, and certain other chemicals. Another group of people at increased

52、risk for developing AML are those who have been treated for cancer with certain medicines, for example, chloramphenicol 氯霉素, phenylbutazone苯基丁氮酮(一種止痛退燒藥保泰松),chloroquine氯唾,and methoxypsoralen.甲氧補(bǔ)骨月旨素5、symptomsThe symptoms of AML are generally vague and non-specific. A patient may experience all or so

53、me of the following symptoms:? weakness or chronicfatigue 疲勞乏力? fever of unknown origin 不明原因 的發(fā)熱發(fā)熱是急性白血病最常見癥狀,熱型、發(fā)熱程度不同。其病因主要是由 各種病原體感染引起,如細(xì)菌(包括結(jié)核菌)、衣原體、支原體、病毒、真菌等。 感染的部位最常見于與外界直接接觸的組織器官,包括消化系統(tǒng)的口腔、齒 齦、咽部、扁桃體、肛周;呼吸系統(tǒng)的支氣管和肺以及泌尿系統(tǒng),也有根本找 不到感染部位的發(fā)熱。因此,臨床上對上述系統(tǒng)的體檢相當(dāng)重要。導(dǎo)致感染的 主要原因包括:中性粒細(xì)胞數(shù)目的減少和缺乏及功能的異常;由于化療

54、和 糖皮質(zhì)激素的應(yīng)用,使人體細(xì)胞和體液免疫明顯減弱。? shortness of breath 氣短? anemia 貧血貧血可為首發(fā)癥狀,就診時可能已較嚴(yán)重?;颊咄憩F(xiàn)為乏力、心慌、 氣促、蒼白和浮月中。其主要原因是由于異常增生的白血病細(xì)胞對骨髓中增殖幼 紅細(xì)胞的抑制或破壞,導(dǎo)致紅細(xì)胞的生成減少;對于急性髓系白血?。ˋML),紅細(xì)胞的無效生存是一個重要因素,即使大量輸血,急性白血病貧血癥狀的改善 仍然有限;另外.很多化療藥如阿糖胞甘、甲氨蝶吟、柔紅霉素均可干擾細(xì)胞 核酸尤其是脫氧核糖核酸的合成,從而導(dǎo)致紅細(xì)胞的巨幼變,加重貧血;還有急性淋巴細(xì)胞白血病可伴發(fā)自身免疫性溶血,也是貧血的原因之一

55、。? weight loss that is not due to dieting or exercis啾重下降? frequent bacterial or viral infections 頻發(fā)的細(xì)菌病毒感染? headaches 頭痛顱內(nèi)出血是白血病患者出現(xiàn)中樞神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)障礙的常見原因,多見于血小板 計數(shù)顯著減少或急劇下降、白血病原始細(xì)胞數(shù)很高、以及并發(fā)DIC者?;颊叱S蓄^痛、惡心、嘔吐等顱高壓癥狀以及眼底出血、癲癇樣發(fā)作、進(jìn)行性意識障 礙和出血病灶相應(yīng)部位的肢體運(yùn)動、感覺障礙。腰椎穿刺檢查表現(xiàn)顱內(nèi)壓力增 高,腦脊液呈血性或可找到白血病細(xì)胞,頭顱 CT可協(xié)助診斷,其預(yù)后較差。? skin

56、rash皮疹急性白血病患者特異性皮膚損害表現(xiàn)為斑丘疹、結(jié)節(jié)、月中塊等,是由于白血病細(xì)胞浸潤所致,以急性單核細(xì)胞白血病較多見。另外,在化療期間,由于患者免疫力低下,易發(fā)生帶狀皰疹病毒感染。? non-specificbone pain不明原因的骨痛由于白血病細(xì)胞大量增殖浸潤,使骨內(nèi)張力增加,骨膜和骨皮質(zhì)受到破 壞,造成骨痛。其中胸骨叩痛、壓痛對急性白血病診斷具有意義。常有患者以全身骨骼疼痛為首發(fā)癥狀,誤以為風(fēng)濕病。其骨關(guān)節(jié)疼痛多見于兒童,可累及 肘、腕、膝、牌關(guān)節(jié),呈游走狀,有時肩、背、肋骨、脊柱、長骨痛可持續(xù)很 長時問,但無紅月中熱痛表現(xiàn),以此鑒別于其他骨關(guān)節(jié)疼痛疾病。? bleeding 出

57、血 easy bruising 瘀彳b blood in urine or stools 血 尿、血便出血是急性白血病過程中較為嚴(yán)重的一種癥狀,幾乎所有的患者在疾病過 程中均有可能出現(xiàn)此癥狀。 主要表現(xiàn)為皮膚瘀點(diǎn)和瘀斑、鼻出血、牙齦出血和口舌血泡,嚴(yán)重時可表現(xiàn)為消化道、泌尿和呼吸系統(tǒng)的出血,視網(wǎng)膜出血可導(dǎo) 致失明或視力減退,耳內(nèi)出血可致眩暈、耳嗚和聽力下降,而顱內(nèi)出血可導(dǎo)致 顱神經(jīng)或肢體運(yùn)動和感覺的障礙,甚至危及生命 ,資料顯示急性白血病患者死 于出血者高達(dá)62%,其中87%為顱內(nèi)出血。在急性白血病中 AMLM3型和 AML M5型的出血傾向更為嚴(yán)重,容易合并 DIC,引起出凝血障礙。? en

58、larged lymph nodes and/or spleen 淋巴結(jié)或脾腫大肝、脾、淋巴結(jié)月中大是急性白血病常見體征,是臨床醫(yī)生必須注意的重要 體征。它們大多為輕至中度月中大。 肝臟月中大以急性單核細(xì)胞白血病多見。月中大 的肝、脾一般質(zhì)地柔軟,無觸痛,一般肋下兩指以內(nèi),很少發(fā)現(xiàn)有巨脾者,但 對于兒童急性淋巴細(xì)胞白血病(ALL患者,有脾大平臍的報道,但很少發(fā)生脾梗 死。淋巴結(jié)月中大以急性淋巴細(xì)胞白血病最多見,達(dá) 90%,而急性髓系白血病較 少見,僅占30%。月中大的淋巴結(jié)不僅位于頜下、頸部、腋下、腹股溝等處,還 可在縱隔、腹膜后、肝門等深部,壓迫鄰近組織并引起相應(yīng)癥狀。? abdominal

59、 fullness 腹脹A small minority of patients with AML have a tumor of leukemic cells at diagnosis Such a tumor may appear in the lung, breast, brain, uterus, ovary, stomach, prostate, or certain other places in the body.Some children with AML present to their doctor with very few symptoms, while other c

60、hildren present with severe symptoms.Anemia is usually present. The symptoms of the anemia may include fatigue, dizziness, headache, paleness of the skin, or, infrequently, congestive heart failure. Easy bruising, bleeding gums, and nosebleeds may be present, as may fever. There may be swollen gums,


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