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1、2022-2022 同步譯林英語必修四新突破講義:Unit+2+Section+Reading+()(Welcome+to+the+unit+&+Reading )和答案馬拉松,全程距離 26 英里 385 碼,折合為 42.195 千米;跑馬拉松需要極大的耐力和毅力;土生土長的西伯利亞人鮑里斯 零下38度跑馬拉松;費奧多羅夫更是把這件事做到了極致:The Coldest Marathon How cold is too cold for a jog?For most people, below- freezing temperatures generally put a stop to ou

2、tdoor exercise,but Siberian native Boris Fyodorov is not most people. Minutes after the calendar tickedover to this past 2022 New Years Eve,Fyodorov set off on a solo, out - and- back marathon run from his home in the Siberian village of Oymyakon,completing the 26.2- mile coursehis first marathonin

3、just over five hours.During the run he experienced temperatures as low as 38. And that was just the way he wanted it. “ I heard about other marathons around the globe,naming themselves the coldest ,like the most recent North Pole marathon with runners going at 28,”Fyodorov told the Siberian Times.“

4、I thought surely this cannot be right.Our Oymyakon is the coldest inhabited place in northern hemisphere.Why dont we arrange a marathon here?”O(jiān)ymyakon is widely considered to be one of the coldest places on the planet,and its record- low temperature of 68,recorded in 1933,is tied for the coldest rec

5、orded temperature for any inhabited place on Earth.The average January temperature in the area is 50. Not only did Fyodorov finish the marathon in high spirits,but he also wants it to be colder the next time he tries it.“ I really want to organize the next Oymyakon marathon - 1 - / 8 2022-2022 同步譯林英

6、語必修四新突破講義:Unit+2+Section+ Reading+()(Welcome+to+the+unit+&+Reading )和答案in January when the air goes down to50 or 60,”he said. 閱讀障礙詞 1calendar n日歷2tick v. 時間過去3experience v. 經受,體驗4inhabited adj. 有人居住的5hemisphere n. 半球誘思導讀 依據短文內容,回答以下問題;1Before Oymyakon,what is the coldest marathon. North Pole maratho

7、n with runners going at28. 2What temperature will Fyodorov challenge in his next marathon. 50 or 60 . Section Reading Welcome to the unit & Reading .匹配以下單詞的詞性及漢語意思1.delightedAn.重要性,意義Bn.傳統(tǒng);風俗2.significance Cadj.開心的,興奮的3.tradition Dn.敬重;榮幸;節(jié)操;榮譽pete vt.敬重,敬重 某人 5.honour 610En.國家,民族;全體國民6.nation Fadj.

8、現(xiàn)代的,當代的;同一時代的7.contemporary Gn.獎牌,獎章,勛章8.medal Hn.缺席,不在場;不存在9.absence In.& vt.嘗試,努力,試圖10.attempt Jvi.競賽;競爭答案15CABJDEFGHI .挑選以下句中詞組的漢語意思- 2 - / 8 2022-2022 同步譯林英語必修四新突破講義:Unit+2+Section+ Reading+()(Welcome+to+the+unit+&+Reading )和答案A在逆境中 堅持 B參與 C使 起死回生 D為向 表示敬意E每四年 1.They held a party in honour of Mr

9、 Browns promotion to headmaster. 2.Did you take part in the school sports meeting last year. 3.He fainted暈倒 while he was running.It took the doctor two hours to bring him back to life. 4.He hung on to a tree in the flood,waiting to be rescued. 5.Like the Olympics ,the presidential election also take

10、s place every four years in that country. 答案15DBCAE The Olympic GamesGood afternoon, students and teachers. As a member of the International Olympic Committee委員會 , I am delighted to have been invited to your school to talk to you about the history and significance of the Olympic Games. Ill share som

11、e interesting facts and stories with you,and then well have time for questions. Do you know when the ancient Olympic Games began. It was in the year 776 BC. They were held at Olympia in Greece every four years, for almost 12 centuries,until AD 394. Some of the sports from the ancient Olympics are st

12、ill seen today,such as the long jump, wrestling摔跤 and running. At the ancient Olympics, by tradition the athletes were all men and they had to compete wearing no clothes . Single women were allowed to take part in their own competition, at a separate festival in honour of Hera,the wife of the Greek

13、god Zeus. Today,both male男性 and female athletes from around the world can take part,no matter what nation they come from . 奧林匹克運動會 同學們、老師們,下午好;作為國際奧委會的一名成員,我特別興奮應邀前 來貴校,跟大家談談奧運會的歷史和重要性;我將跟大家共享一下有關奧運會的 一些好玩史實和故事,然后我們會有時間來爭論一些問題;- 3 - / 8 2022-2022 同步譯林英語必修四新突破講義:Unit+2+Section+ Reading+()(Welcome+to+

14、the+unit+&+Reading )和答案大家知道古代奧林匹克運動會是何時開頭的嗎?是在公元前 776 年;直到公元 394 年,奧運會始終在希臘的奧林匹亞舉辦,每四年一次,這樣連續(xù)了將近 12個世紀;古代奧林匹克運動會中的有些運動項目今日仍能見到,如跳遠、摔跤、賽跑;在古代奧運會上,依據傳統(tǒng),運動員都是男性,他們必需裸體競技;未婚女性可以參與她們自己的競技競賽,競賽在一個特地紀念赫拉希臘神話中眾神之王宙斯的妻子 的節(jié)日舉辦;如今,世界各地的男女運動員都能參與競賽,不管他們來自哪個國家; 助讀講解 現(xiàn)在分詞短語wearing no clothes 在句中作相伴狀語;no matter wh

15、at nation they come from是 no matter what引導的讓步狀語從句;The contemporary Olympics were first held in 1896, in Athens.It was a Frenchman,Pierre de Coubertin,who brought the Olympics back to life He dreamt that the Olympics would make it possible for people of all countries to live side by side in peace. No

16、w people all over the world are helping to realize this dream.Among them are many well-known聞名的 athletesDid you know that perhaps the most famous boxer拳擊手 of all time first came to public attention during the 1960 Rome Olympics. He won the gold medal for the USA, under his birth name Cassius Clay. A

17、fterwards,this young man went on to win the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship冠軍 in 1964 and later changed his name to the one we all know, Muhammad Ali. He returned to the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996 to light the Olympic flame at the opening ceremony. 現(xiàn)代奧運會于 1896 年在雅典首次舉辦;讓奧運會得以重生的是法國人皮埃爾德

18、顧拜旦;他理想奧運會能促成全部國家的人民和平相處;如今,世界各地的人們都在幫忙實現(xiàn)這個理想,其中就有許多聞名的運動員;大家知道在 1960 年羅馬奧運會上首次引起公眾矚目的,可能是有史以來最為聞名的一位拳擊運動員嗎?他為美國贏得了金牌,當時他的名字仍是誕生時的名字卡修斯 克萊;此后,這個年輕人又贏得了1964 年世界重量級拳擊錦標賽冠軍,后來他改了名,即眾所周知的穆罕默德阿里; 1996 年,他重返奧運會,在亞特蘭大奧運會開幕式上點燃奧運圣火; 助讀講解 It was.who.是強調句型,強調a Frenchman, Pierre de - 4 - / 8 2022-2022 同步譯林英語必修

19、四新突破講義:Unit+2+Section+Reading+()(Welcome+to+the+unit+&+Reading )和答案Coubertin;make it possible是“make賓語賓補” 結構; it 是形式賓語,真正的賓語是 to live side by side in peace; Among them are many well-known athletes.是完全倒裝句;此處將作表語的介詞短語among them置于句首,是為了強調;Another sports star I would like to mention is Michael Jordan. Ev

20、eryone knows of his success in the NBA, but do you know that he helped the USA basketball team win the gold medal at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. Jordan also returned to the Olympics after many years, but unlike Muhammad Ali, he was still competing for medals. At the 1992 Barcelona Olympics,Jordan

21、 won his second Olympic gold medal as a member of the so- called Dream Team Chinese athletes have also made important contributions to the Olympic Games. At the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, the Peoples Republic of China returned to the Olympics after 32 years absence. I am sure the whole of China must

22、 have felt proud when Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for his country. Deng Yaping ,who won four Olympic gold medals in 1992 and 1996 , is perhaps the greatest female table tennis player the world has ever seen . At the 2022 Athens Olympic Games, Liu Xiang excited 使興奮 people all over Asia when h

23、e became the first Asian to win the gold medal in the mens 110 metre hurdles.跨欄 另一位我想提及的體育明星就是邁克爾喬丹;大家都知道他在NBA 的勝利,但你們知道嗎?他幫忙美國籃球隊獲得了1984 年洛杉磯奧運會的金牌;多年后,喬丹也重返奧運會,但與穆罕默德阿里不同的是,喬丹仍舊是為了角逐獎牌而返回奧運會的;在 1992 年巴塞羅那奧運會上,喬丹作為所謂“ 夢之隊” 的一員,贏得了自己的其次塊奧運會金牌;中國的體育運動員也同樣為奧運會做出了重要奉獻;1984 年洛杉磯奧運會上,中華人民共和國在闊別 32 年后重返奧運

24、會;我信任,當許海峰為自己的祖國贏得第一枚金牌時,整個中國都為之感到驕傲;鄧亞萍或許是世界上最宏大的女乒乓球運動員,她在 1992 年和 1996 年共贏得四枚奧運金牌;2022 年雅典奧運會上,劉翔奪得了男子 110 米跨欄的金牌,作為獲得此項目冠軍的第一位亞洲人,他讓全亞洲的人都為之興奮;助讀講解 I would like to mention 是定語從句, 修飾 another sports star,該從句省略了在從句中作賓語的引導語that/who/whom; must have done 表示對過- 5 - / 8 2022-2022 同步譯林英語必修四新突破講義:Unit+2+S

25、ection+Reading+()(Welcome+to+the+unit+&+Reading )和答案去情形的確定推測,意為“ 過去肯定做了 ” ;who won four Olympic gold medals.是 who 引導的非限制性定語從句; the world has ever seen是省略了關系代詞 who 或 that 的定語從句,修飾先行詞the greatest female table tennis player;The Chinese led the way at the 2022 Beijing Olympics, winning 51 gold medals .

26、For the first time in history,the Chinese womens gymnastics體操 team won the gold medal. However, the athlete that some people remember most . was Zhang Ning,a former badminton champion. At the age of 33 ,she was much older than the other players. Yet, she hung on to win the gold medal in the final ma

27、tch. These are some of the Olympic athletes who have brought joy to people across the world with their attempts to push the boundaries界限 of human achievement . . We are looking forward to seeing more of them in future Olympic Games. Join me in wishing the Olympic Movement a successful future to matc

28、h its past glory. Thank you. Now, are there any questions?在 2022 年北京奧運會上中國隊一路領先,共贏得了51 枚金牌;歷史上第一次,中國女子體操隊贏得了金牌;然而,一些人最不能遺忘的是前羽毛球冠軍張 寧,她當時 33 歲,年齡遠大于其他選手,然而,她卻在決賽中苦苦堅持,最終贏 得了金牌;這些是努力推動人類成就極限、給世界人民帶來歡樂的奧林匹克運動員中的 一部分;我們期望在將來的奧運會上能看到更多這樣的運動員;讓我們共同希望 奧林匹克運動有一個勝利的將來,以襯托其過去的輝煌;感謝大家;現(xiàn)在,大家有沒有問題?助讀講解 現(xiàn)在分詞短語 w

29、inning 51 gold medals 作狀語,表示補充說明;. 定語從句 that some people remember most 修飾 the athlete;此處關系詞作remember的賓語,因而也可以省略;. who have brought joy to people. 是 who 引導的定語從句,修飾 athletes,who 在從句中作主語;第一步 速讀 明白文章主題和段落大意速讀 P2223教材課文,挑選正確答案 What is the main idea of the passage. ATo talk about players in Olympics. - 6

30、- / 8 2022-2022 同步譯林英語必修四新突破講義:Unit+2+Section+Reading+()(Welcome+to+the+unit+&+Reading )和答案BTo talk about the history and significance of the Olympics. CTo say something about ancient Olympics. DTo say something about the contemporary Olympics. 答案 B 其次步 細讀 把控文章關鍵信息 細讀 P2223教材課文,挑選正確答案;1Which of the

31、following is TRUE about the ancient Olympics. ABoth men and married women were allowed to compete at the games. BThe ancient games were always held at the same place named Olympia. CMarried women were allowed to take part in the Olympics in honour of Zeuss wife. DAthletes from different parts of the

32、 world could take part in the games. 2The writer actually wants to by asking the question“ Do you know when the ancient Olympic Games began?”Aget the right answer Bget the audience interested in his topic Cgive you a chance to speak Dshow what he knows about the games 3At the Atlanta Olympic Games,M

33、uhammad Ali Awon the gold medal Bwon his first World Heavyweight Boxing Championship Cchanged his name Dlighted the Olympic flame 4Mr Johnson mentioned several well-known athletes in his speech.Among them won at least two gold medals. Muhammad AliMichael JordanXu Haifeng Deng YapingLiu XiangZhang Ning BACD5What didnt Mr Johnson mention about Chinese athletes and Chinese history of - 7 - / 8 2022-2022 同步譯林英語必修四新突破講義:Unit+2+Section+Reading+()(Welcome+to+the+unit+&+Reading )和答案taking part in the Olympics. AWhen China first took part in the games. BWho won the first g


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