1、Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Part ThreeText AppreciationENTERText AppreciationUnit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Text Analysis 1. General Analysis 2. Theme 3. Structure 4. Further DiscussionWriting Devices 1. Homonyms 2. Antithesis 3. OnomatopoeiaIII. Sentence ParaphraseContentsUnit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Woo
2、d Plot of the story Setting of the story Protagonists of the story Writing techniques of the story Theme of the storyText AnalysisHave you got the key elements in the story?To be continued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Plot: the cultivation of friendship between a boy and an old lady
3、 Setting: Bear wood Protagonists: I and Mrs. Robertson- Glasgow Writing techniques: go to Writing Devices Theme of the story: go to the next pageText AnalysisFor reference.The end of General Analysis. Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Text AnalysisTrue friendship is both rare and precious. It exists deep
4、 in heart and does not change. It is enduring and rewarding.Theme of the StoryThe theme is summed up at the very end.The end of Theme. Part 1 (paras. 1 ) about:Part 2 (paras. ) about:Part 3 (paras. ) about:Part 4 (paras. ) about: Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Text AnalysisStructure of the Text4523 24
5、27 2837The lonely boy found his pleasure in Bear Wood.The boy met Mrs. Robertson-Glasgow in the Bear Wood and they became best friends.Mrs. Robertson-Glasgow became sick and dead while their friendship flourished more than ever before.The revelation of true love.The end of Structure. Unit 6 - Wisdom
6、 of Bear Wood Text AnalysisDifferencesSimilaritiesFriendship Between Two Souls old English woman lost her husband 12 American boy separated from friends 1. lonely2. common interestnature and knowledge3. true lovegiving not taking4. othersScan the text and list out the related information.To be conti
7、nued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Text AnalysisBeauties vs. BeautiesDiscuss in groups!Beauties that lie in the WoodBeauties that lie in the friendship a vaulted cathedral giving but no taking To be continued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Text AnalysisWhen I was 12 ye
8、ars old, my family moved to England, the fourth major move in my short life.In Para. 1Question: What does the author intend to emphasize, using this sentence as the opening?The author intends to impress the readers that the boy disliked moving very much. The comparison formed between 12 and 4 is imp
9、ressive.To be continued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Text Analysis Question: What can you learn from the first 3 sentences of Paragraph 2? From the Background information weve already got a good idea that in Berkshire there are lots of historic interests, including some famous ancie
10、nt castles. For little boys, ancient castles usually mean brave explorations and endless pursuit of mysterious treasures. The boy, however, had no taste for these kinds of things. Instead, he just loved nature. Maybe besides this reason, he was also trying to avoid any involvement with other boys.To
11、 be continued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Text AnalysisPay attention to the wording. Question: In the beginning of the story, what did Bear Wood mean to the little boy?heavenbut a lonely heaven (Was he really happy about the situation?)a secret fortress (What to defend? Did it form
12、 attachments or loneliness?)almost a holy place (Why holy?)a private paradise (Who was going to intrude into it?)To be continued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Text Analysis Question: What is the implication of Paragraph 7?Question: The owls are introduced, not native. What is indicat
13、ed here?Following the 6 short sentences connected by 5 ands and 1 so, the readers can feel, in a vivid way, the boy is not at ease and is eager to leave.In fact, neither the old lady nor the little boy is native in Berkshire. The only common thing is that they can share nature peacefully and happily
14、 with the introduced animals.To be continued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Text AnalysisComparison and contrastQuestion: Compare the two sentences. she was growing frailer and less inclined to laugh.I began to grow quickly. I played soccer and made a good friend.With time passing, th
15、e old lady was dying; at the meantime, with the inspiration of the friendship, the boy was developing into a confident and open-minded boy and no longer afraid of having new friends.To be continued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Text AnalysisIn Para. 26 Question: What is the implicati
16、on here? The old lady was so kind to the boy. She was so involved in furthering the communication with the boy that he even failed to notice how ill she was. Of course, because she was quite open to him, he could understand her loneliness.I suspected, of course, that she was lonely; I did not know s
17、he was ill.To be continued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Text AnalysisImage studyQuestion: Why does the image of the biscuit tin reoccur so many times in the last part of the story?Such an image entails a lot:the finest shortbread in the world made by the old lady;the everlasting fri
18、endship between them;the kindness best shown by the boys favorite snacks even before her death;the odds and ends kept to remind how much the boy had learned from the old ladynot only knowledge about nature, but also about lively life and rewarding friendship.To be continued on the next page.Unit 6 -
19、 Wisdom of Bear Wood How did the boy come to live in England?How did he like the frequent moves?What did he usually do to amuse himself?Why did Bear Wood become his favorite?How did the boy come to meet Mrs. Robertson-Glasgow?How did they become friends?Text AnalysisFurther Discussion About the Stor
20、yTo be continued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Why did they enjoy each others company so much?What did the boy discover about the elderly woman?Can you imagine what kind of life she had had?How did the boy suddenly lose his dear friend?Why did the boy remember so fondly his days in t
21、he Bear Wood?Retell the story in your own words.Text AnalysisFurther Discussion About the StoryThe end of Further Discussion. Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Writing DevicesHomonymsBear Wooda large strong animalstand sth. difficult or unpleasantHomonyms: words that happen to have the same sound and oft
22、en the same spelling but differ in meaning. In dictionaries, they are put in different entries.More examplesTo be continued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Writing DevicesHomonyms1. A _ is an animal.a. bareb. bear2. When it _, it pours.a. rainsb. reignsc. reins3. It is dishonest to _.
23、a. steal b. steel4. A _ is a type of tree. a. beach b. beechTo be continued on the next page.b 2. a 3. a 4. bUnit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Writing DevicesHomonyms5. Take me _ your leader!a. tob. tooc. two6. What a _ of good milk!a. waistb. waste7. My _ is naturally curly. a. hairb. hare8. The team _
24、the playoffs.a. wonb. one To be continued on the next page.5. a 6. b 7. a 8. aUnit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Writing DevicesHomonyms9. She vanished into thin _.a. airb. heir10. The _ of France is Paris. a. capital b. capitol11. Come _ right this minute! a. hear b. here12. The window _ was cracked. a.
25、pain b. paneThe end of Homonyms. 9. a 10. a11. b 12. bUnit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Writing DevicesAntithesisFamiliarity sometimes makes people physically invisible, for you find yourself talking to the heartto the essence, as it were, rather than to the face. (26)Antithesis: the relation between suc
26、cessive units that are put in contrasta pair of antitheseswhat is deep down vs. what can be physically seenTo be continued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Writing DevicesAntithesis: More ExamplesCaring for a family member yourself can be enriching and rewarding but also demanding and d
27、raining.As a spot on the weather map, Rochester is one chilly town. But as a model for educational reform, its shaping up as the hottest place in America.Terms like liberal and conservative do more to muddle than to clarify.Translation. Pay special attention to the italic words.KeysLesson 4 - Wisdom
28、 of Bear Wood Writing Devices自己照顧家人,雖然可以讓你在心靈上得到充實和回報,但這也是一份對你要求很高、甚至使你精疲力盡的工作。在氣象圖上,羅徹斯特只是一個寒冷的小城。但作為教育改革的典范,該城市正漸漸成為全美的炙熱焦點。自由、保守等字眼非但沒有澄清反倒讓人糊涂。Antithesis: More ExamplesThe end of Antithesis. Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Writing Devices Id leave the bright sun and the twitter and rustle of insect
29、s and animals outside and creep into another worlda vaulted cathedral,(4)Onomatopoeia: the formation of words that are like natural soundsOnomatopoeiaMore examplesTo be continued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Writing DevicesOnomatopoeia: More Examples the twitter of birds the rustle
30、of leaves the hiss of the snake the gurgle of the water the cracking of the fire the banging of the door the fluttering of the flag the rumbling of the waves the tick-tock of the clockCan you imitate the sounds of these words?To be continued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Writing Devi
31、cesTom Carvel, 84, the ice-cream tycoon whose voicea near-indescribable mix of grumble, mumble, rasp and gasp peddled his companys wares in radio and TV ads for 35 years, died in his sleep in Pine Plains, N.Y., Oct. 21.湯姆卡維爾10月21日在睡眠中卒于紐約州松原市,終年84歲。他在世時是冰淇淋業(yè)大亨,在無線電及電視廣告中推銷自己公司的產(chǎn)品達(dá)35年之久。他的聲音是一種幾乎無法描述
32、的 _ _的混合物。嘟嘟囔囔、咕咕噥噥、嘎喳嘎喳、噗哧噗哧Onomatopoeia: More ExamplesTo be continued on the next page.Translation. Pay special attention to the underlined words.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Writing DevicesOnomatopoeia: More ExamplesWhat be ye looking at? asked a man who had not observed the incident.Ho-ho-ho! la
33、ughed dark Car.Hee-hee-hee! laughed the tippling bride, as she steadied herself on the arm of her fond husband.Heu-heu-heu! laughed dark Cars mother, stroking her moustache as she explained laconically, Out of the frying-pan into the fire! From Tess of the dUrbervilles Chapter 10by Thomas HardyFor a
34、ppreciation.The end of Writing Devices. Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Sentence Paraphrase 1When I was 12 years old, my family moved to England, the fourth major move in my short life. (1)When I was 12 years old, my family moved to England, which was the fourth major move in my short life.noun phrasea
35、s a condensed non-restrictive relative clauseMore examplesgo to 2To be continued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Sentence Paraphrase Lottie grinned, a real wide open grin.His father was laughing, a queer sobbing sort of a laugh.back to 1Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Sentence Paraphrase
36、2My fathers government job demanded that he go overseas every few years, so I was used to wrenching myself away from friends. (1)twisting and pulling myself violently away from friendssubjunctive moodnot went or goesgo to 3More examplesTo be continued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Se
37、ntence Paraphrase1. In the past men generally preferred that their wives _ in the home.A. workedB. would workC. workD. were working2. Jean Wagners most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his insistence that it _ in a religious as well as worldly frame of reference.A. is to
38、 be analyzedB. had been analyzedC. be analyzedD. should have been analyzedC Cback to 2KeyUnit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Sentence Paraphrase 3Loving nature, however, I was most delighted by the endless patchwork of farms and woodland that surrounded our house. (2)However, as (because) I loved nature, I
39、 was really very happy to enjoy the endless pieces of farms and woods around our house.farms that look like small pieces of cloth of different colors when seen from far abovepresent participle phrase, showing the reasongo to 4More examplesTo be continued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood
40、 Sentence ParaphraseBeing a few minutes late, he was dismissed.Having been criticized, he made up his mind to improve his work thoroughly.back to 3Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Sentence Paraphrase 4In the deep woods that verged against our back fence, a network of paths led almost everywhere, and phe
41、asants rocketed off into the dense laurels ahead as you walked. (2)was close to; was at the edge or on the border ofa system of roads that cross each other and are connected to each otherpheasants went off like rocketsgo to 5Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Sentence Paraphrase 5Keeping to myself was my
42、way of not forming attachments that I would only have to abandon the next time we moved. (3)not mixing with or talking to other peopleI did not try to make many friends because in that way I did not have to give up my friendship the next time I had to move. gerund phrasesgo to 6More examplesTo be co
43、ntinued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Sentence ParaphraseYou can have it for the asking.I feel like going shopping today. How about you?Our family make a point of going to church every Sunday.The old lady had great difficulty getting on the bus.The children are having fun playing on
44、the playground. back to 5Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Sentence Paraphrase 6My own breathing rang in my ears, and the slightest stirring of any woodland creature echoed through this private paradise. (4)movementI could even hear my own breathing, and even the lightest movement of any bird or animal i
45、n the wood could be heard throughout this paradise.gerund phrasego to 7Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Sentence Paraphrase 7I proceeded quietly, careful not to alarm a bird that might loudly warn other creatures to hide. (5)movedI moved quietly and carefully so that I would not alarm any bird which mig
46、ht loudly warn other animals in the woods to hide.an adjective phrase:functioning as subject complement, which denotes the state the subject is ingo to 8More examplesTo be continued on the next page.Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Sentence ParaphraseTheyre not? I asked, fascinated.At a quarter to three
47、, he got up and crept downstairs, careful of the creaky boards, and let himself out.The cows looked at him, sleepy and surprised.back to 7Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Sentence Paraphrase 8Soon I saw a small brick cottage that glowed pinkly in the westering sun. (18)Soon I saw a small brick cottage s
48、hining with a pink color in the sun that was moving toward the west.go to 9Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Sentence Paraphrase 9and my well of knowledge about natural history began to brim over. (24)spring or fountainI began to know much about natural history, too much for a boy of my age.overflowmetaphor:knowledge linked to a wellexaggeration:having knowledge overflowinggo to 10Unit 6 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Sentence Paraphrase 10Familiarity sometimes makes people physically invisible,
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