已閱讀5頁,還剩80頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)專心-專注-專業(yè)精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)音素的分類:元音和輔音;音素的個數(shù):共48個,元音音素20個,輔音音素28個。前元音i:ie中元音:后元音u:u:a:單元音元音開合雙元音eiaiiuau集中雙元音iu雙元音p b t d k g爆破音摩擦音f v s z h rt d tr dr ts dz破擦音mn鼻輔音輔音wj半元音l舌邊音開閉音節(jié)輔音+元音+輔音+不發(fā)音e :name bike home due plane shine開音節(jié)輔音+元音:he go hi do be tree three hell

2、o輔音+元音+輔音: bad bed sit hot cup let mad 閉音節(jié)元音+輔音: it is of in on up out ant第1課時 音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例i:eme he we eveni: easeat beat打敗 tea eat i: eebee deep teeth seei: iebelieve achieve piece field場地i: eykey i: eiceiling天花板 neither receive收到 either 音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例i isit chick pig sixierepeat forest pretty

3、benefit受益iubusy minuteiycity silly lily sorryieymoney honey monkey turkey火雞第1課時1、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,圈出下列單詞中元音字母組合發(fā)音相同的兩個單詞。seat rain bean cat gift feet teacher dogpig star tree jeepsweet sea fish the2、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,圈出下列單詞中元音字母組合發(fā)音相同的單詞。sofa sit kick lipink gift jam ship hand picture big sisterhot lick pig jelly鞏固練習(xí)抄寫音

4、標,一個抄5遍,邊抄邊讀。i:_ i:_繞口令Silly Billy! Silly Billy!Silly Billy loves Lily.Why is Silly Billy silly?Why does Silly Billy love Lily?Silly Billy isnt silly.連線。he i: sit we kid i b.第2課時音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例e e desk America pen yes e amany any e eahead bread ready lead(鉛)e aisaid e ueguess猜測 guest客人音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示

5、例abad map cap cat 第2課時 1、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組中不發(fā)e的單詞。cat well leg pen sweat map pet elephantegg ten tall desk bread head bed toy2、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組中發(fā)的單詞。rat bed face sport hear cup fat pear rice bat finger treesea young knife apple3、鞏固練習(xí)抄寫音標,一個抄5遍,邊抄邊讀。e:_:_ 連線。bedbag eapplepen b.第3課時音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例:erher : orword

6、 work : irskirt裙子 birthday first girl: urnurse hurt turkey purple: earearth early earthquake earn音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例 asofa breakfast banana abouteopen second ocomputer ordoctor monitor班長 actor visitorerwater driver teacher workerourcolour labour勞動urepicture pleasure 第3課時1、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,圈出下列單詞中元音字母組合發(fā)音相同的單詞。thi

7、rty beer thirsty wheat bank king her nurse turtle bird rabbit kneeroom run shirt term 2、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,圈出下列單詞中元音字母組合發(fā)音相同的單詞。a. mother sofa road smile b. sit father sister food c. hair deer tiger Chinad. sugar soon ear leader3、鞏固練習(xí)b.抄寫音標,一個抄5遍,邊抄邊讀。:_ :_ b.連線。mother :teacher dirty first 第4課時音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例a:

8、 afather class ask glassa: arcar card farm park a:alhalf palm a: auaunt laugh a:earheart 音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例omother love come money ulunch under sun run ooblood血 flood洪水 oucountry enough 第4課時1、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組中發(fā)a:的單詞。a. arm lip doctor card b .cloud cart garden gatec. ball scarf dark tiger d. job lorry March

9、park2、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組中發(fā)的單詞。hear cup bed air voice boy duck ant vase corn bear gun cute boy money her 3、鞏固練習(xí)a.抄寫音標,一個抄5遍,邊抄邊讀。 a:_ :_連線。mother cup car a: vase b.繞口令Calm down! Calm down! My aunt can start the car, star the car.第5課時音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例:altalk wall walk ball : orcorn morning short sport: auautum

10、n fault錯誤 : awdraw law: arwar quarter: oorfloor door outdoor: ourfour pour :aughdaughter caught(catch 的過去式):oughOught應(yīng)該 bought(buy的過去式)音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例 awant watch osong body sorry clockausausage香腸 because 第5課時1、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出發(fā)音是:的單詞寫在橫線上。Water talk bird bread _Idea chair sport hair_Cake bear walk cup_dri

11、nk short bag door_2、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出發(fā)音是:的單詞寫在橫線上。doctor teacher box clothes_cold zoo clock dog_love boss lot violin_-watch beach fox girl_3、鞏固練習(xí)a.抄寫音標,一個抄5遍,邊抄邊讀。:_ :_圈出老師所讀的單詞poor pour wall wantdoor dog clock cathot hat short shopb.第6課時音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例u: oShoe do tou: uruler June July truth事實u: oogoose sch

12、ool too tooth u: uifruit juiceu:ousoup u: ueblue true音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例uusugar pull bull公牛 fulluoofoot good cook look uoushould could 第6課時1、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組中不發(fā)u:的單詞。Juice moon zoo pandaTooth school eye spoon Head boot noodles poolNoon cool boot watch2、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組中發(fā)u的單詞。mouth book look pullpush tape sugar fo

13、ot wood kind wolf bull bullet wood cook name3、鞏固練習(xí)a.抄寫音標,一個抄5遍,邊抄邊讀。 u:_ u:_b. 寫出下列單詞的元音音標。juice_ zoo_ tooth_ foot_truth_ fruit_ cool_ should_ 繞口令The fool is looking for the goose in the pool.Give two true tools to the troops.、第7課時音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例ei aname face taste cakeeiaimail rain train main waite

14、iayday play gay bay layei eagreat steak eieythey grey ei eigeight weight 音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例aiiknife ride bike kiteaiysky shy try fly aiiedie pie tie lieaiyebye aiuybuy guy aiighlight night knight騎士 fight打架 第7課時1、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組中發(fā)音不一樣的單詞。face wave sheep tail grape plane name coat time cat train snakerain so

15、on cake train2、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組中發(fā)ai的單詞.rice good jam right ship mine ice-cream mousecloud sit tie eyewrite small tennis kite3、a.抄寫音標,一個抄5遍,邊抄邊讀。 ei:_ ai:_ i_b. 寫出下列單詞的元音音標。eight_ late_ same_ cake_bike_ sky_ bye_ night_ toy_ boy_soil_ joy_ 第8課時音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例au ouabout shout mouse loudau owcow bow how tow

16、n城鎮(zhèn) au ourhour sour酸的 our flour面粉音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例uoold open note homeuoacoat road load boatuousoul面粉 shoulder肩膀 uowslow snow blow towuoughthough although 第8課時1、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組中不發(fā)au的單詞。Mouse cloud arm clownTeacher trousers cow houseTown dance flower house Tower blouse now baby2、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組中發(fā)u的單詞。a. coat g

17、oat tree river b. make window knife roadc. your white row coatd. boat hen nose lamp3、鞏固練習(xí)a.抄寫音標,一個抄5遍,邊抄邊讀。 au:_ u:_b. 寫出下列單詞的元音音標。about_ mouse_ cow_ loud_coat_ boat_ old_ slow_ 第9課時音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例iearear hear tear nearieerdeer beer啤酒i erehere merely只是 sincere真誠的音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例aredare敢 care careful

18、fareairhair air pair fairearpear wear bear yeareirtheir erethere where音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例uuaFebruary uoormoor荒野 poor uureassureuourtour旅游第9課時1、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組中發(fā)音為i的單詞。bear beer fair tail noodles pair near come horse near tower airring king here three2、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組中發(fā)的單詞.bear idea pineapple tailnoodles pair cl

19、imb come horse house tower airring king hare three3、.鞏固練習(xí)a.抄寫音標,一個抄5遍,邊抄邊讀。 i:_ :_ u:_b.根據(jù)老師讀的順序,在單詞下面寫上正確的序號,用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字寫。hear hair there ear air poorpear poor tour dear fare assure第10課時音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例pppen cap pig pet pppapple happy supper happen 音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例bbbig box banana bookbbbrabbit rubbish 垃圾

20、rubber橡皮r 音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例tttell toy eat cat tttbutte黃油r cattle牛 matter pretty音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例dddoll dog bad cardddddaddy ladder sudden突然音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例kkkid key kite darkkccake case cause musickckquick back luck clock音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例gggo give get goodgggegg beggar乞丐 foggy有霧的gguguy guess猜測 guest客人第10課時

21、練習(xí):1、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,圈出每組中沒有發(fā)音為p的單詞。ship phone sleep pearpick pen big pineappletaxi parrot sheep pigpanda pony pet truck 2、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,圈出每組中發(fā)b的兩個單詞.cab gift beach love pet god tub bed weather boy bus makerabbit read dress baby3、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組中沒有發(fā)t的一個單詞.taxi fat bag toy hat ticket tea duckpocket packet cat rain let p

22、ig ten take 4、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,圈出沒有發(fā)音d的一個單詞。a. bed clothes hand b. dog cold five c. dance duck grape 5、在下列單詞中,圈出一個發(fā)sk的單詞。cake car desk neck mask rock ink clock根據(jù)老師讀的順序,在單詞下面寫上正確的序號,用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字寫。pig big tip dip kid give pet bag take dad kite gopose book talk dog key golfpay bay toy day Kate gooddisk truck silk duck

23、6、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,圈出發(fā)g的單詞。gas drive gum give violin bagjeans orange log bridge guesstank grade long language 7、鞏固練習(xí)a.抄寫音標,一個抄5遍,邊抄邊讀。 p:_b:_ t:_d:_k:_g:_第11課時音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例fffood five fire fatfphphone photo elephant physics物理學(xué)fghcough咳嗽 enough laugh大笑 音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例vvvary visit vase花瓶 live 音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例s

24、ssun school say sitsssclass pass glass grasssceface rice piece spacessehorse house sense音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例zsas his nose those zzzone zebra zoo zero第11課時練習(xí):1、選出下列單詞中發(fā)f的單詞并寫在橫線上。Knife flower foot fish pick get photo giraffe laugh leaf_ _2、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,在不發(fā)v的單詞上面打。violin move vote window van volcano white woman

25、victory wet wave vase3、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組中兩個沒有發(fā)s的單詞.whose juice lick student those case scarf shoesspace nose science meat tears piece bus nose 4、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,圈出每組中兩個發(fā)z的單詞. zoo freeze lick case game play busy shoestears peanut eagle zerodog nose rose meat5、鞏固練習(xí)a.抄寫音標,一個抄5遍,邊抄邊讀。 f:_ v:_ s:_z:_b.根據(jù)老師讀的順序,在單詞下面寫上正

26、確的序號,用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字寫。say sisters zero star nose rosewhose those this pass piece shoes第12課時音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例ththank tooth health three 音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例thfather mother this they 練習(xí): 1、寫出下列單詞th的音標。three_maths_tooth_mouth_2、根據(jù)音標補充下列單詞。n _ _anwe wea_ _eri:z _ _ese3、鞏固練習(xí)a.抄寫音標,一個抄5遍,邊抄邊讀。 :_ :_圈出老師所讀的單詞。than n, thin

27、in father f: tooth tu:this is, three ri: thick ik thank k b.第13課時音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例 ssure sugar chmachine 機器 chef 廚師 shshe shame short shoot射擊 cidelicious美味的 special特別的 tination國家 patient 耐心的音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例susually pleasureggarage車庫 prestige威望sivision眼力 decision決定音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例rrrice rock read breadrr

28、rworry sorry carry borrow借rwrwrite wrong wrap wreath花環(huán)音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例hhhave hero he has hwhwho whole whose whom第13課時練習(xí):根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,圈出下列單詞中發(fā)音為 的單詞。a. shell ship watch desk b. truck shirt skirt shipc. brush carrot sheep sleepd. hero shape street shelf2、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,圈出每組中發(fā)的兩個單詞.shell ship garage desktruck shirt p

29、leasure shipbrush casual sheep sleephero shape leisure shelf3、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組發(fā)r的單詞,然后在該單詞下面打勾.bread drive wrong rain workerriver father robot rope sisterwrite fruit rabbit crown drum4、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,把下列不發(fā)h的單詞找出來。ham hat white ( )horse whale who( )wheat hole hair( )5、鞏固練習(xí)a.抄寫音標,一個抄5遍,邊抄邊讀。 :_ :_ r:_h:_b.根據(jù)老師讀的順序

30、,在單詞下面寫上正確的序號,用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字寫。a. shop pleasure rice hasb. sheep vision read health第14課時音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例ttnature question tchcheese奶酪 check檢查 Chine chipsttch kitchen catch watch 音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例djjoke玩笑 jump jeep吉普車 Jackdgeage huge language語言 orange ddgefridge冰箱 judge判斷dggentle溫柔的 gentleman紳士音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例trt

31、rtrip truck貨車 train treat音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例drdrdriver drink dream夢 dry干的第14課時 練習(xí)1、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,圈出下列單詞中發(fā)音為t 的單詞。a. nature ship watch desk b. truck shirt skirt cheesec. brush carrot Chine sleepd. hero watch street shelf2、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,圈出每組中發(fā)d的兩個單詞.joke ship garage agetruck huge pleasure orangebrush casual sheep langu

32、agegentle jeep leisure shelf3、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組發(fā)tr的單詞,然后在該單詞下面打勾.a. trousers drive wrong rain workerb. river truck robot rope sisterc. write fruit trip crown drum4、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組發(fā)dr的單詞,然后在該單詞下面打勾.a. trousers drive wrong rain workerb. river truck robot dream sisterc. write fruit trip crown drum5、鞏固練習(xí)a.抄寫音標,一個

33、抄5遍,邊抄邊讀。 t:_ d:_ tr:_dr:_b.根據(jù)老師讀的順序,在單詞下面寫上正確的序號,用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字寫。a. Chine orange trip dreamb. drink picture treat jumpc. truck driver joke chips第15課時音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例mmmilk meet meat maymmmsummer swimmer游泳者音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例nnnose note筆記 noise nearnnndinner funny可笑的音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例nmonkey pink thank ngthing song

34、 sing wrong音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例lllate girl left livelllball wall valley山谷 village村莊 第15課時練習(xí)根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,圈出下列單詞中發(fā)音為m 的單詞。meat near lie move meet nose most lookleap milk may noiseswimmer string summer stop根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,圈出每組中發(fā)n的兩個單詞.a. note ship garage noiseb. truck run pleasure penc. near casual sheep named. gentle sun

35、 leisure shelf根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組發(fā)的單詞,然后在該單詞下面打勾.a. monkey drive wrong rain workerb. river song robot rope sisterc. write fruit English crown drum根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組發(fā)l的單詞,然后在該單詞下面打勾.a. light drive wrong learn workerb. river ball robot girl sisterc. write fruit live crown drum.鞏固練習(xí)a.抄寫音標,一個抄5遍,邊抄邊讀。 m:_ n:_ _l:_b.根據(jù)

36、老師讀的順序,在單詞下面寫上正確的序號,用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字寫。a. name love English dreamb. drink late thing jumpc. run live swim wrong第16課時音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例tstshats ants pets boats(以t結(jié)尾的名詞的復(fù)數(shù),加了s后,要變音為ts)tstesgates kites (以te結(jié)尾的名詞的復(fù)數(shù),加了s后,要變音為ts)tstslets thats (以t結(jié)尾的單詞加了s后,要變音為ts。音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例dzdsbeds hands kids(以d結(jié)尾的名詞變復(fù)數(shù)時加了s后變音為dz

37、)dzdesrides grades(以de結(jié)尾的單詞加了s 后變音為dz音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例wwwash wait watch wantwwhwhat white why when音標常見字母及字母組合單詞示例jyyour yes yard院子 yellowjuuse usually universe宇宙 university大學(xué)第16課時1、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,圈出下列單詞中發(fā)音為ts 的單詞。a. hats this ants those b. meets nose most gatesc. lets milk kites noise2、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,圈出每組中發(fā)dz的單詞.a. b

38、eds ship garage noiseb. truck run pleasure wordsc. near casual sheep ridesd. grades sun leisure shelf3、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組發(fā)w的單詞,然后在該單詞下面打勾.a. want drive wrong rain workerb. river where robot rope wolfc. write fruit wall crown window4、根據(jù)發(fā)音規(guī)則,找出每組發(fā)j的單詞,然后在該單詞下面打勾.a. year drive wrong learn workerb. river yeste

39、rday robot girl sisterc. write fruit young crown jet5、鞏固練習(xí)a.抄寫音標,一個抄5遍,邊抄邊讀。 ts:_ dz:_ w_j:_b.根據(jù)老師讀的順序,在單詞下面寫上正確的序號,用阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字寫。a. wait year lets wordsb. kites kids what yardc. yellow grades gates where第17課時判斷每組單詞中變色字母的發(fā)音是否一樣,一樣的寫S(same),不一樣的寫D(different).team sit ( ) b.cat bag ( ) c. police lip ( )d.fe

40、et fit ( ) e. leg head ( ) f. city monkey ( )g. her girl ( ) h. duck car ( ) I. about sister ( )j. god good ( ) k. pool cook ( ) l. but lunch ( )把字母或字母組合填在句子中,并寫出所補部分的發(fā)音。oar ey aeaee Time is mon_ .時間就是金錢。We are h_ppy today. 我們今天很高興。Do you have br_d for lunch? 你午飯吃面包嗎?How busy the b_ is! 蜜蜂真忙碌??!I have a Christmas c_d .我有一張圣誕卡。May I c_me in? 我可以進來嗎?第18課時根據(jù)變色部分的發(fā)音吧下列單詞進行分類。rose rain coin snow night break now south boy die dear year hair sure pear poorei_ ai_ i_u_au_ i_ u_B.根據(jù)給出的一系列單詞及音標,嘗試著自己把單詞讀出來。a. lake leik b. ice ais c. voice vis d. down d


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