1、會展場地租租賃合同Exhibbitioon Pllace Leasse Coontraact合同編號: Contrract Numbber: 出租方(甲甲方): Lessoor (PPartyy A): 承租方(乙乙方) Lesseee (PPartyy B): 根據(jù)中華華人民共和和國合同法法及其他他法律法規(guī)規(guī)的規(guī)定,甲甲乙雙方在在自愿、平平等、公平平、誠實信信用的基礎(chǔ)礎(chǔ)上,就會會展場地租租賃的有關(guān)關(guān)事宜達(dá)成成如下協(xié)議議。 In accoordannce wwith “Conttractt Laww of the Peopples Reepubllic oof Chhina” andd oth
2、her rrelevvant lawss andd reggulattionss, thhe Paartiees haave, baseed onn thee priincipples of eequallity, willlinggnesss, faairneess, honeest aand ccrediit, eenterred iinto the Conttractt conncernning issuues rrelatted tto leease of eexhibbitioon pllace and agreeed aas foollowws: 第一條 租賃場地地及用途 Arti
3、ccle 11 Leaase PPlacee andd Purrposee 1具體位位置: 1. Loocatiion: 2用途:用于乙方方舉辦 活動。 2. Puurposse: tto hoold tthe eeventt of by Partty B. 第二條 租賃期限限 Articcle 22 Terrm off Leaase 1租賃期期限為: 年 月月 日至 年 月 日; 1. Thhe teerm oof leease shalll sttart fromm aand eend oon ; 第三條 使用時限限 Articcle 33 Timme off Usee 1乙方使使用租賃區(qū)
4、區(qū)域的時限限為 時至 時。在租租賃期限內(nèi)內(nèi),乙方應(yīng)應(yīng)在約定的的時限內(nèi)使使用租賃區(qū)區(qū)域;如乙乙方需在約約定時限之之外使用租租賃區(qū)域的的,應(yīng)提前前征得甲方方同意并向向甲方支付付超時使用用費,超時費用用按照 方式式計算。1. Paarty B wiill uuse tthe lleasee areea frrom oclocck too ooclocck. WWithiin thhe teerm oof leease, Parrty BB shaall uuse tthe lleasee areea wiithinn thee stiipulaated timee, annd shhall obta
5、ain PPartyy As appprovval iin prrior and pay overrtimee usee feee to Partty A in ccase Partty B usess thee leaase aarea beyoond tthe sstipuulateed tiime. 第四條 租金支付付 Articcle 44 Renntal Paymment 1租金的的計算按照照以下標(biāo)準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)計算: 1. Thhe reentall shaall bbe caalcullatedd as: 2租金預(yù)預(yù)付 2. Prrepayymentt of Renttal 定金:甲方在
6、年年 月 日前向乙乙方支付定定金 元(最最高不得超超過總價款款 (200)。 Earrnestt monney: Partty A shalll paay Paarty B thhe eaarnesst mooney of (noot moore tthan 20% of tthe ttotall conntracct prrice at mmost) beffore . 預(yù)付款款:甲方在在 年 月 日前向乙乙方支付預(yù)預(yù)付款 元。 Advvancee payymentt: Paarty A shhall pay Partty B the advaance paymment of beefore
7、e.4 余款支支付: 4 Payymentt of sparre mooney: 5 支付方方式: 5 Payymentt metthod: 第五條 甲方提供供的基本服服務(wù) Articcle 55 Bassic SServiices Provvidedd by Partty A 1在租賃賃期限內(nèi)甲甲方向乙方方提供以下下基本服務(wù)務(wù): 1. Paarty A wiill pproviide PPartyy B wwith the folllowinng baasic servvicess witthin the termm of leasse: (1)租賃賃區(qū)域和公公共區(qū)域的的原建筑照照明。 (1
8、) Lighhtingg of the origginall buiildinngs iin thhe leease areaa andd pubblic areaa; (2)155-20名名服務(wù)人員員。 (2) 15-220 waaiterr;(3)音響響系統(tǒng)及燈燈光系統(tǒng) (3) Acouusticc sysstem and Lighhtingg sysstem;(4)其他他:提供DDJ一名 (4) Otheer sttipullatioons: Suppply aa DJ for Lesssee;2如乙方方需甲方提提供基本服服務(wù)之外的的其他服務(wù)務(wù),雙方應(yīng)應(yīng)另行達(dá)成成補充協(xié)議議。補充:如甲乙
9、雙雙方未達(dá)成成補充協(xié)議議的,在本本協(xié)議其他他條款約定定的服務(wù)條條款最終不不得超出本本協(xié)議第五五條之范圍圍,否則視視為約定無無效。2. A suppplemeent aagreeementt shaall bbe enntereed innto bbetweeen tthe PPartiies iin caase PPartyy B nneedss othher sserviices provvidedd by Partty A in aaddittion to bbasicc serrvicees. 第六條 設(shè)施的使使用 Articcle 66 Usee of Faciilitiies 1甲方
10、應(yīng)應(yīng)在簽約前前向乙方如如實說明與與租賃區(qū)域域有關(guān)的場場地情況,并并向乙方提提供場地設(shè)設(shè)施技術(shù)數(shù)據(jù)等書書面資料。乙方應(yīng)向向甲方如實實說明會展展情況,并并根據(jù)甲方方提供的數(shù)數(shù)據(jù)資料判判斷場地是是否滿足會會展需求。 修改后:11.簽約前前,乙方已已經(jīng)進(jìn)行充充分了解甲甲方出租場場地的有關(guān)關(guān)情況,知知悉甲方提提供場地的的相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)據(jù)資料,并并確認(rèn)甲方方的場地能能夠滿足乙乙方會展需需求。1. Paarty A shhall provvide truee infformaationn reggardiing ssituaationn of the leasse arrea tto Paarty B beefo
11、ree siggningg thee Conntracct, ttogetther withh wriittenn matteriaals iincluudingg on-sitee faccilitties and techhnicaal daata. Partty B shalll prrovidde trrue iinforrmatiion oof thhe exxhibiitionn to Partty A, andd to judgge iff thee plaace ccouldd meeet thhe exxhibiitionn reqquireementts inn accco
12、rdaance withh thee datta maateriials provvidedd by Partty A. 甲方未如實實提供場地地、設(shè)施的的有關(guān)情況況而造成乙乙方辦展活活動無法順順利進(jìn)行的的,應(yīng)賠償償由此給乙乙方造成的的損失;乙乙方未如實實說明展品品情況,造造成場地設(shè)設(shè)施無法滿滿足展品需需要的,乙乙方自行承承擔(dān)損失,造造成甲方場場地設(shè)施損損壞的,應(yīng)應(yīng)承擔(dān)賠償償責(zé)任。 In caase PPartyy A ffailss to provvide truee infformaationn of the placce annd faaciliitiess, whhich causses
13、 PPartyy B aa faiiluree in the exhiibitiion, Partty A shalll coompennsatee Parrty BB forr anyy losss inncurrred; Partty B shalll beear tthe lloss if PPartyy B ffailss to statte cllearlly thhe siituattion of eexhibbits so tthat the sitee faccilitties coulld noot meeet tthe nneedss, annd shhall undeer
14、takke thhe liiabillity of ccompeensattion in ccase of ddamagge too Parrty AAs faaciliitiess. 2甲方協(xié)協(xié)助乙方進(jìn)進(jìn)行展臺搭搭建、安裝裝、拆卸、搬遷及善善后等工作作。乙方進(jìn)進(jìn)行上述活活動時不應(yīng)應(yīng)妨礙甲方方場地內(nèi)的的其他展覽覽和活動。(補充:乙方進(jìn)行行展臺搭建建、安裝、拆卸、搬搬遷及善后后等工作相相關(guān)費用不不包含在乙乙方支付給給甲方的的的租金內(nèi),乙方進(jìn)行展臺搭建、安裝、拆卸、搬遷及善后等工作產(chǎn)生費用由乙方自行承擔(dān))。2. Paarty A abbidannce PPartyy B sshalll takke
15、 chhargee of builldingg, innstalllatiion, dismmantlling, remmovinng off thee boooth aand aafterr- trreatmment at iits oown ccost, whiich sshalll nott intterfeere wwith otheer exxhibiitionns annd acctiviitiess insside Partty As pllace. 3在租賃賃期限內(nèi),雙雙方應(yīng)共同同保持租賃賃區(qū)域和公公共區(qū)域的的清潔和暢暢通。 3. Wiithinn thee terrm off
16、 leaase, the Partties shalll toogethher kkeep the leasse arrea aand ppubliic arrea ccleann andd unoobstrructeed. 4如無甲甲方書面特特別許可,下下列物品禁禁止進(jìn)入甲甲方場館: 4. Thhe foollowwing artiicless shaall nnot eenterr intto Paarty As pllace withhout Partty As sppeciaal peermisssionn in writting: (1)危險險物,包括括但不限于于武器、槍槍支、刀、劍
17、、彈藥藥、炸藥易易燃物、放放射物或其其他危險物物品。 (1) Danggerouus arrticlles iincluudingg butt nott limmitedd to any weappon, gun, kniife, sworrd, ccartrridgee, exxplossive flammmablee artticlees, rradiooactiive aarticcles or ootherr danngeroous aarticcles. (2)未經(jīng)經(jīng)海關(guān)同意意的進(jìn)口物物品。 (2) Impoortedd gooods wwithoout tthe CCustooms
18、 perrmisssion. (3)任何何影響甲方方正常運作作或被有關(guān)關(guān)部門禁止止的物品。 (3) Any artiicle affeectinng noormall opeeratiion oof Paarty A orr forrbiddden bby reelevaant aauthooritiies. 第七條 甲方權(quán)利利義務(wù) Articcle 77 Rigghts and Obliigatiions of PPartyy A 1甲方有有權(quán)監(jiān)督乙乙方在租賃賃期限內(nèi)遵遵守本合同同約定及甲甲方的有關(guān)關(guān)規(guī)章制度度,并對乙乙方違反 有關(guān)約定的的行為予以以制止。(補充:由于于乙方違反反甲方管理理制
19、度導(dǎo)致致會展活動動無法進(jìn)行行的,相關(guān)關(guān)責(zé)任由乙乙方自行承承擔(dān),給甲甲方造成損損失的,甲甲方保留追追究乙方責(zé)責(zé)任的權(quán)利利。) 1. Paarty A shhall be eentittled to mmonittor PPartyy Bs acct too connformm to stippulattionss conntainned hhereiin annd reelevaant rruless andd reggulattionss of Partty A withhin tthe tterm of lleasee, annd prrohibbit aany PPartyy Bs acc
20、t aggainsst reelevaant sstipuulatiions. 2甲方應(yīng)應(yīng)按約定為為乙方提供供場地及相相關(guān)配套設(shè)設(shè)施和經(jīng)營營條件,保保障乙方正正常的會展展活動。 2. Paarty A shhall provvide the placce annd reelevaant ssuppoortinng faaciliitiess andd opeeratiion ccondiitionns ass stiipulaated to eensurre thhe noormall opeeratiion oof exxhibiitionn by Partty B. 3除有明明確約定外外,
21、甲方不不得不干涉涉乙方正常常的會展活活動。 3. Exxceptt as otheerwisse cllearlly sttipullatedd, Paarty A shhall not inteerferre wiith PPartyy Bs noormall exhhibittion actiivitiies. 4甲方應(yīng)應(yīng)對市場進(jìn)進(jìn)行物業(yè)管管理,并負(fù)負(fù)責(zé)場內(nèi)的的安全防范范和經(jīng)營設(shè)設(shè)施的建設(shè)設(shè)及維護(hù)、包括:建建筑物(包包括公共區(qū)區(qū)域及租賃賃場地)的的管理及維維修保養(yǎng);對乙方裝裝修的審查查和監(jiān)督;水、電、 氣、空空調(diào)、電梯梯、扶梯等等設(shè)備、管管道、線路路、設(shè)施及及系統(tǒng)的管管理、維修修及保養(yǎng);清
22、潔管理理;保安管管理并負(fù)責(zé)責(zé)市場的公公共安全;消防管理理;內(nèi)外各各種通道、道路、停停車場的管管理。 4. Paarty A shhall condduct proppertyy mannagemment to tthe mmarkeet, aand ttake charrge oof seecuriity iinsidde thhe pllace and consstrucctionn andd maiintennancee of operratioon faaciliitiess, inncludding manaagemeent, repaair aand mmainttenannce o
23、of buuildiings (inccludiing tthosee in publlic aarea and leasse arrea), insspectting and moniitoriing PPartyy Bs deecoraationn, maanageementt, reepairr andd maiintennancee of equiipmennt, ppipelliness, liines, faccilitties and systtem ssuch as wwaterr, poower, gass, aiir coondittioniing, escaalatoor
24、s, and etc., clleaniing mmanaggemennt, ssecurrity manaagemeent aand ppubliic seecuriity oof thhe maarkett, fiire pproteectioon maanageementt, annd maanageementt of all passsagewways, roaads aand pparkiing llots insiide aand ooutsiide. 第八條 乙方權(quán)利利義務(wù) Articcle 88 Rigghts and Obliigatiions of PPartyy B 1乙
25、方應(yīng)應(yīng)按照約定定用途使用用甲方場地地,自覺遵遵守甲方依依法制訂的的各項規(guī)章章制度,服服從甲方的的監(jiān)督。 1. Paarty B shhall use Partty Bs pllace for the purppose as sstipuulateed, aand sshalll obsservee Parrty AAs ruules and reguulatiions estaablisshed in aaccorrdancce wiith llaws and acceept PPartyy As suupervvisioon. 2乙方應(yīng)應(yīng)按合同約約定及時支支付甲方租租金。 2. Paarty
26、 B shhall pay the renttal tto Paarty A inn timme ass stiipulaated hereein. 3. 乙方方有責(zé)任維維護(hù)租賃區(qū)區(qū)域和公共共區(qū)域的整整潔。租賃賃期限屆滿滿,乙方應(yīng)應(yīng)按時(建議修改改為:應(yīng)在在 小時內(nèi)內(nèi))把自己己及參展商商的所有物物品(展臺臺、展架、遺棄物以以及垃圾)移移出租賃區(qū)區(qū)域。有關(guān)關(guān)物品未能能按時移出出的,甲方方將視為遺遺棄物進(jìn)行行處理。乙乙方也可以以委托甲方方對上述物物品進(jìn)行清清理,所需需費用由乙乙方承擔(dān)。3. Paarty B shhall havee thee liaabiliity tto maaintaain
27、tthe lleasee areea annd puublicc areea inn a ccleann staatus. Upoon exxpiraationn of the termm of leasse, PPartyy B sshalll remmove all its or tthe ppartiicipaatingg exhhibittors artticlees foor exxhibiitionn (boooth, dissplayy, deereliicts and garbbage) outt of the leasse arrea. Any artiicle thatt
28、hass nott beeen reemoveed ouut inn timme shhall be ttreatted aas deereliicts. Parrty BB mayy alsso enntrusst Paarty A too treeat tthe aabovee artticlees att Parrty BBs coost. 4乙方應(yīng)應(yīng)合理使用用場內(nèi)的各各項設(shè)施,如如需安裝設(shè)設(shè)備、擺放放展品、設(shè)設(shè)置宣傳廣廣告等,應(yīng)應(yīng)先征得甲甲方同意,造造成損壞的的應(yīng)承擔(dān)修修復(fù)或賠償償責(zé)任。 4. Paarty B shhall use faciilitiies iinsidde thhe
29、 arrea iin a reassonabble wway, and shalll obbtainn Parrty AAs prrior permmissiion iin caase oof neeed ffor eequippmentt insstalllatioon, eexhibbits dispplay and publlicizzing adveertissemennt seetup, andd shaall uunderrtakee thee liaabiliity ffor rrepaiir orr commpenssatioon too anyy dammage. 5乙方保保
30、證自己和和自己的客客戶不會對對甲方或甲甲方場所進(jìn)進(jìn)行的其他他展覽會有有任何攻擊擊、損害或或干擾的不不正當(dāng)競爭爭行為。 5. Paarty B shhall pleddge tthat it oor itts cuustommers willl nott havve anny unnfairr commpetiitionn actts suuch aas atttackk, daamagee or inteerferrencee agaainstt Parrty AA or otheer exxhibiitionns att Parrty AAs pllace. 6乙方負(fù)負(fù)責(zé)對自己己財產(chǎn)進(jìn)行行妥
31、善保管管,并保證證其展品或或其他物品品,將不占占用或堆放放在非租賃賃區(qū)域(包包括室外場場地);否否則甲方有有權(quán)予以處處理,所需需費用由乙乙方承擔(dān)。 6. Paarty B shhall propperlyy keeep itts owwn prroperrtiess, annd ennsuree itss exhhibitts orr othher aarticcles woulld noot occcupyy or pilee up at tthe nnon-lleasee areea (iincluudingg outtdoorr fieldd); ootherrwisee Parrty
32、AA shaall bbe enntitlled tto haandlee succh exxhibiits aand aarticcles at PPartyy Bs coost. 7乙方如如為宣傳會會展活動而而需使用甲甲方名稱、商標(biāo)和標(biāo)標(biāo)識,應(yīng)事事先取得甲甲方書面同同意,否則則乙方應(yīng)承承擔(dān)由此產(chǎn)產(chǎn)生的法律律責(zé)任。 13. PPartyy B sshalll obttain Partty As prrior apprrovall in casee of needds off usiing PPartyy As naame, traddemarrk annd loogo ffor ppubli
33、iciziing tthe eexhibbitioon; ootherrwisee Parrty BB shaall uunderrtakee thee leggal lliabiilitiies iincurrred hereeby. 8. 乙方方會展活動動及展示物物品應(yīng)在國國家法律法法規(guī)規(guī)定范范圍內(nèi)進(jìn)行行,如會展展中有違法法活動或者者乙方展覽覽之物品可可能侵犯第第三人的權(quán)權(quán)益(包括括但不限于于人身權(quán)、財產(chǎn)權(quán)等等),甲方方有權(quán)立即即終止本協(xié)協(xié)議,造成成甲方損失失的,甲方方有權(quán)追究究乙方的責(zé)責(zé)任。9. 補充充:會展期期間,如因因乙方或乙乙方原因?qū)е碌诘谌嗽斐沙杉追降膿p損失,乙方方對甲方應(yīng)應(yīng)承
34、擔(dān)全部部賠償責(zé)任。第九條 違約責(zé)任任 Articcle 99 Deffaultt Liaabiliitiess 1甲方未未按約定提提供場地或或用水、用用電等市場場內(nèi)的經(jīng)營營設(shè)施或條條件致使乙乙方不能正正常經(jīng)營 的,應(yīng)減減收相應(yīng)租租金,乙方方有權(quán)要求求甲方繼續(xù)續(xù)履行合同同或解除合合同,并要要求甲方賠賠償相應(yīng)的的損失。 1. Inn casse Paarty A faails to pproviide tthe pplacee or wateer, ppowerr andd othher ooperaationn faccilitties or ccondiitionns inn thee mar
35、rket, whiich ccausees Paarty B a faillure in nnormaal opperattion, Parrty AA shaall rreducce thhe ammountt of renttal, and Partty B shalll bee enttitleed too reqquestt Parrty AA to conttinuee to perfform the Conttractt or termminatte thhe Coontraact, and to ccompeensatte foor reelevaant lloss. 2乙方未未
36、按照約定定支付租金金及其他費費用的,應(yīng)應(yīng)每日向甲甲方支付遲遲延金額的的 %的違違約金。 2. Inn casse Paarty B faails to ppay tthe rrentaal annd otther expeensess as stippulatted, it sshalll payy Parrty AA thee liqquidaated damaages as pper % of the amouunt nnot dduly paidd forr eacch daay ovverduue. 3. 補充充:如乙方方擅自中止止或解除合合同,甲方方已經(jīng)收取取的費用不不需向乙方方退還
37、,甲甲方有權(quán)追追收乙方尚尚未支付的的費用。第十條 爭爭議解決 Articcle 110 Seettleementt of Dispputess 本合同項下下發(fā)生的爭爭議,由雙雙方當(dāng)事人人協(xié)商解決決,或向有有關(guān)部門申申請調(diào)解解解決;協(xié)商商或調(diào)解解解決不成的的,按下列列第 種方方式解決。 Any ddispuute aarisiing ffrom or iin coonnecctionn witth thhe Coontraact sshalll be setttled by tthe PPartiies tthrouugh cconsuultattion, or may be ssubmiitt
38、edd to releevantt deppartmment for mediiatioon; ffailiing tthe ssame, of the folllowinng waays sshalll be adoppted. (一)依法法向人民法法院起訴; 1. FFile a laawsuiit too Peooples Coourt in aaccorrdancce wiith llaws; (二)提交交仲裁委員員會仲裁。 2. Suubmitt thee dissputee to Arbiitrattion Commmitteee foor arrbitrratioon. 第十一條 不可抗抗力 Articcle 111 Foorce Majeeure 因發(fā)生自然然災(zāi)害、重重大疫情等等不可抗力力或突發(fā)事事件的,經(jīng)經(jīng)核實可全全部或部分分免除責(zé)任任,但應(yīng)及及時通知對對方,并在在合理期限限內(nèi)提供有有效證明。 In caase oof anny foorce majeeure or eemerggencyy succh ass natturall dissasteers aand kkey eepideemic situuatioons, liabbilitties may, upoon v
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