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1、高考資源網(wǎng)()言考資源網(wǎng)您身邊的高考專家版權所有高考資源網(wǎng)- -高考資源網(wǎng)()品專皆源網(wǎng)您身邊的高考專家版權所有高考資源網(wǎng)- -江西省重點中學協(xié)作體2020屆高三第一次聯(lián)考英語試題2020第一部分 聽力f共兩節(jié),清分3。分)第一節(jié)(共$小題;律小題1S分,滿分工5分)ki & u.潛謝聽所下面SK對話.每段對話后有一小應從題中所給的A, B三然震瞿最仔原憲每舅對詰后,你將有Q秒鐘的時間來回答有關小題和閱讀下一小園每段對話僅讀出_ whMdgs die Dornan do?A. An c*perator.工 How 踞 the speakers Unveiling?A. By car.出 A t

2、ypistB. By bus. Wh凱 did the woman think of the movie?A Funny.B. Boring.瑞石由 pan of the bo/s body gpt hurt?A. His leg.B, His head.t What art the speakers diking about?A. A paintingB. A museunL第二節(jié)1共15小題:每小題L5分;滿分22.5分)C, A secretaryC. By subway.C. Scary.C. His hand.C. Arcstanmnt.聽下面$段對話或獨白.每段對話或獨白后有幾個小

3、題,從感中所給的A、匕C1個 出量佳選項.聽暮段對話或獨白前,榔將有時間閱讀各個小題每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小蔻將給出5秒快的作答時間,國段對話或獨白讀兩遍,所第6段材料,回答第8 7題.6. Who h the man most likely to be?兒 A waite.工 Whai does the wornm 劍k about?A. Apadcagc.所第7般材料,回答第隊9題。B. A post。你如杜eric The room sen iceCh A hotel receptionistC. Her rcwni number.& Whai rrhtion 證 the Tvoman

4、 to Doctor Jensen?A HispttUent.B. Hig assistant.C Kis boss.9. When will ih mui mx Docwr Jensen11At 10 l 皿加 R Mondiy.At 3 p.m. nest Monday.Ai 3 p n next Wednesday.聽第8段材料,回等第W至12屆,Whai did the WDman jnke wi effort to look fur?A shirtB-AjfcckeLWhy did the woman buy 6c orange mater?Sbe wants io replace

5、加t old red one.She can ivear it with any colorIt is on wlr now.What color shoes did the woman buy?C. A dress.A. Black.B. Dark blueC. Dark brown丁西省點中學搟作悻2敞屆高三第一如學英語武卷第漳 共*頁聽第9段材伴13. Why does theTq buy his.hat di回答第13至16題.worrmn come to the man?aPflrtincnt. B. To rent his apartmenLC, To furnish his ap

6、artment.但 the wornnn want to de?RMnangt the furnitur已氏 DMde the Living rtKun.l do we know about Ihe HpHrtmcnt?A. The furniture is in good condition.BI has a big sic rage tuom,C. Buy a new cqITe亡 table.C. The kitchen is empty-I a T* hen will the speakers meetA. Ln two days 聽第10段材料,電 ain?In four days.

7、回答第17至20題0C. In five days* liar do Plan A and Plan B have in coimtiOTi?A, Both are expensive.B. Both include two meals.C- Both provide dinners six days a week.Which of the fblloing is closed on Sunchy?A. The Bengal GrillB. Tbc dorm訕ry cafeteria.C. The Tiger* Lair;9 In way i- the Ligers Llif differen

8、t from the dormitory cafeterias?Il doesnt take meal tickets.It permils taking friends,k charges lower prices.2 J. Hq* hae the durmitury caielcnas changed in recent years?A. They arc opa longer.They sctvu nore suidents.Tlicy offer a wider variety of foods.第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分如分)第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分3。分)司讀下列

9、短文A每題所給的兒B. g和D四個選項中,選出最佳選項.Sunbridge vacationsAVacation Deals OnlineSunbridge Re$ort Ambassadors. Two of our friendly,Booking with Sunbridge givs you the Sun bridge Advantage. Th 依 means out simpic price covers everything. Unlike oihtr websitts, we donTt lool you with a low price for airfare, ihm 即

10、eak (傕侑地W) in charges for hotel rental cars, and food until youre paying more chan you wanted. Our price is all inclusive and caflt M bc4i.Th。Sunbridge Advantage alsn induces our h&pfiJ staff members will meet you u( the airpon and take you to yuur hotel,Punta Senca Resort:11111a Sens Resort feature

11、s one of the finest Caribbean beaches. Tbe 色島id呵設施)include gardenare酒with quiet relaxation space and over two miles of pas for walking and jogping. rhe beauty of thegarden 印工B fountains-信 improved by thousands of tropical flowers, native sculptures, and tiiree spectacular江西省凄點中學悔作體2020屆高三第一次取考英語證卷 第

12、2.頁共8頁雁ftiendly .tactions. One option 叫 toily should 而田加小n出 Series is one of our most 館; J 這口 ”電港 old stay and eat ftcc. We know yg |0Ve our Family Package, in which up to 也。出 需fUmily members prfer different 眈tivities.皿血 yuur family, bui we also know M sometimes 1 匚加g pur friendly staff can help die

13、 kids explore the Mom and Dad are cared for in ow 8Pti ;*“ c 由iding saUing lessons and bike trips.island Though a variciy of mtivitiea m? ?;也 ortcring exciting dining txperienceR. W e have APuma SencH also Matures a 加心 1g忸西叫 a seafood restaurant servingsU. a bakery and coffee 曲叫:吧: 利 for dinmg on X

14、beach.fresh-caught H$h from local fishermen, and a w聞 bar ?Guest renewSara P. W23,2O19卜皿it was EL j由由M一而孫wasMy famiiy and f to Punta Stnca tor a 皿 ._ 仃” 屈懺*“ 丫,小2 fe vnTnn1e I 胃as shocked to tinu the 出ffe亮nt restaurantexpcciiag something a Intle more spccinJ. For examp f +. itq m ihp wrekMost 用時氐門口l

15、w。m three of th restaurant wereoption weren t allopen every nightol Ine uclk. h open. And I realfy was unimpressed by dw food.Wbat is ihc main bibnetlt of (he Sunbridge Advantage?D- A low airfare.A reiativcly Jow toial price,B A 3mall boiel charge.C. A diount on food 2二 Hnw does the resort help fain

16、tlies have fim?A. It prosndes spatial (bod for children.It ha* diffiereni recreation cpiions.It 艮 playground equipment.Ii offers group traDSponation.23. How would Sant R likely SDinmajize her experience41A. DeiighTful B. Unpleasant C. Rewarding D, OrdinaryBWhen Sally Millsopp. 53, with ht?r 17-yearo

17、ld daughter, Ekannr, participated in Race for Life in 2019. She bad no idea if sbe would get io see her mother Jennifer Eanishaw again, who was desperately ill wiih a (bmi nf Jung cancer, but she encouraged hc paij to take part tn thu event as she knew the timdraismg *ould bdp others.They jniiiiacc!

18、 tu make it back to her bednidc juit in time to shjow her the pholugraphs. knnilbr, whu was a fbnner head teacher, passed awaj the fbilowing day,丹群4 76,M Mill50Pp and hur daughter are once again panic ipaiing io the Race for Life cn May L3 this year to the menwTy uf Jennifer, and will be speaking cm

19、 stage to itispire others.“Mum was a selfless person. J knew she really wanted us to do Race jbr Life bm it was hard nol knwing if I would be there with hei at the end When we reached the finish line, bkanot and I both fell 典 ihat wed doM aomeihing so positive at such a sad time. Wt had a big hug un

20、d knew it was something Mum would be proud M said Ms Millsopp,One in tw。people in the UK will he diagnosed wli!i cancer, but the good news is more people are surviving the diitw now than ever before. Cancer Research UK Race for Lift, in partn鼻信的p with Tesco, i$ 麗 inspinng 師。lenmly series of 5k JO尤 P

21、retty Muddy and Hiking events which raise millions of pounds every year to help beat cancer scorer by funding vi(d research.Gemma Turpin, Canmr Research UKTs Norwich event manager, said, uWe are very graieful to Sally and Eleanor for their stoiy that heights how special Racfor 妖運加 people. By followi

22、ng them, women in Norfclk can make a real difterence in the fight against cancer. Money raid through Race 他Li惶 is helping beat over 200 different types of cancer thats why every 跳中,every person and every penny raised counts.江西省電點中學蜂作體2020屆高三第一次聯(lián)考英語試端第3頁 共8頁您身邊的高考專家高考資源網(wǎng)()版權所有高考資源網(wǎng)- -您身邊的高考專家高考資源網(wǎng)()版

23、權所有高考資源網(wǎng)- -24, What do 8 about Jennifer Imshaw?A 5依uM忸心。即譏油爾yFm即, IL She bad u sense of 必id rcponsibihiy.She dinl 甫.皿 wemg Sally and E|eflnorShe vwEMfMul her confer s mflume 仆n Tn introduce a new topic for diitcustion.Ti. Living life with a selfless heartD, Struggling to survive from cancer,In 2(11,

24、 mone 山畫】125000 organs, mosiIy kidneys, were tnmsplant?d (移植)from one human being :,時1訃出仃記the L 而心 l Sr 心 But 1 htk of s j liable dtmors means the supply of organs is Emited. Thai has Jed rcscchn-s tu stud the question of hew to build???an& from the very beginningsOne pm dug approach is lo prim them

25、. Bio-printing originakd in the early 2000$, when it 明登 discovered that living ceHs sold be sprayed through the nuzzles (嘴嘴)of printers without being damaged.Sii 7Lan Revotek, a bioicchnologjr company based in Chengdu, China, has emcc疆同 1$ transplanted a pnntt-d of artery (4l.i;) into a monkey. This

26、 is the firt *p in trials of a technique intended for Else :r tunanh. Smilar); Org;bovo, a firm in San Diego, California. aninounceb。is m blame? Lingujsb whu gj wi into conununiti盟 to study, dixumcnt and describe language argue That theoretical JinyuisU, like Noam Chomsky, who draw conclusions about

27、 how languages 除近 星m had so much wtluencc ihsi linguistics M lately ignored the continuing disappeiinince oflangiiigcg 32, Why dues ihe author meniion 而nforc期 and the ozone layer in Paragraph I?A. To explain they art of great impomim,B. To prove they ha e corniectiun with language loss.C.由 show iuix

28、Kty abt)ui environmciml issues is unfounded.江西省.點中學怖作體W0屬高三第一次聯(lián)考英語試卷第5頁 共8貝高考資源網(wǎng)()高考資源陛您身邊的高考專家版權所有高考資源網(wǎng)- -高考資源網(wǎng)()您身邊的高考專家版權所有高考資源網(wǎng)- -* ” docs v l& hey J 產 Evan* say about Crwle speaks?H 拗ICXpreM 蟠岫訕 an: part oftheir culw.r :informHtion caustH problems Ibc ihem.b. QH仃 avt mum poicngl 埼 leam language

29、s Ilian m(tpcopk.M Whm 卜:? VMnger rnwnhtfrsi efthv wmmuniiy canbt communicate.八匚 MlchMl Krsuss pointed oui7.R L產即i# p沖ularity hngdKrcusftkonNdeMlyC :a齷 ajv faing to record languages before they die outD r 2 a時:h&vc made poor use ofimpnvcmcnLi in techoology.J5 WhA1n典瓶 & 電由coding trip should be &iwwa&

30、M.八 皿 be concluded from die text?B 小傀刖 languages will be developing well.玨同】ajigu逑叫 arc pmscrvM perfectly 而 West Africa.Mbcaj linguists may be to btac for the css 0mlig.家一 :(呢m$ky is fond of working M communities io research相:二9 $小區(qū)每小題2分,滿分1o分):會盤干的選項中選出能填入空白處的壁選琬選項中有兩項為多余選服HWnnw血m M電:岫皿必佃P怨血1百血皿皿曲底

31、been出oi硒鷗而球曲 叫MMtant qualities of an innovaiive (創(chuàng)新的)加,_ _先S然曹叩皿比.皿叫屈由觸、小(斗志)如PZvi”博is ofa g1;*m 8M e 至 Mind U che 而比曄 that a 1ml 嗎 % 詆 11g 如(hKuistofocuspoffic 血臉es that lie ahead for your tewn When leaders talk about the ressoos an approach mighl nm woric, e on 由由.詢Hkdy to jump in and insist on wh

32、y theTuam wii! succeed. Ir s a bit like reverse psychology (逆反心理).Through this knc of qucjrioning,3L 皿 qucMiw 球h 咯What problcins do you see that I 叫施 missing? Are there rcaS0dS we shouldn t go on And where might our assmptions be wrong?”you as 加 leader acknowledge that there may be challenges whiley

33、our team to ovuruQmu themahu showing your confidence m一一Burt 配加腿加叫 時plow want their managers io recogn區(qū) 叫 barriers 峋 overcome in order 彷 help the uam succeed.The ncxi time you want to encourage your team, express your confidence in tbeir abilities while acknowledgrng tha there may 酶 snuggles dong th

34、e wuy Thafs right, 40 Leaders who see the ghss as too hill 眈 tudly reduce the 卯匕比兜 of their reams. A_ With it, we can achieve ajiything.3 Theres a pcss血istic viewr, hoverC, To be a g詞 L飭 加u 口泯2 be 1濃optiui制池Ano指b way is for leaders to be mnre skilifiil in asking question出E Nowhere is aptinusm more i

35、mportant th皿 in leading organizations, F The following aft ways tor leaders to acid cutning aero居即 Fg optimistic, G NoWy 卬川$t0 需0欣式訕 a 阱150n 隔 ho frequently adds Md news and negative feelings to a gathering.社西省蜜點中學出作體2020屆高三第一次聯(lián)考美語憂等能6貫共g頁索三部分語音知聯(lián)用供兩節(jié),痛分必分)策一節(jié)完形攜空(共加小跳每小心,:彳露選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選.讀?而短文,

36、從蚯文后各題所給的A. B、C和D四個選現(xiàn)圜嘉. , n 14一怔holiday42“ WhMis a B叫Z帕小嚅:L工力小一即嗎一 通曲。叫but M3靛好喳曲獨1 h運彳w鼻 for about cleaning叩低附科廣 loved, die 懼3 toys my father made.-.叱曲的停no longer -Ftnally I M even timcl則1制他嗎;理處;也soon return to呷白田優(yōu)一 出儂心_里一山吧哪丁鵬:1ndm加sEtoglfMdW&NbigI m岫1 deal汨th眥叫ngs必刈* 竹-lt皿0tl即女工黑品濫雷片.土瑟:else/ a

37、writer wtotc.三. i 3tte收 mJ got ,tuck dowr memory hue because the datebaoks (記事本) 叫,十&If For fiveII詢d皿in網(wǎng)3M小字體)館田嗎吧軌魯(方儀Though majiy 叫回統(tǒng) are 53 r there arc atill a lot of days, and those days hold_i4_e dateixtohi mesm _ 55 to anyone but me. I should have thrown them away, but 1 couldn l I cou t 5& wi

38、th out-of-focus photos, either, or so many 57_ _ : Th睡5 as They Are,也 book Itxmght From the Pen of the Dreamer” by my childhood acquaintance Lenny Silver.rhtn: a ridiculoiui glass tat but theres a story 58 . tt iL My mother loved it but she 5?it to her sister And when her sisier died, her family gav

39、e it to me.Our things hold memories and the timew of uur lives, which is why it is so 60 to let them go.4LA, yetB. evenC.利D. just42. A. madeB. valuedC* demandedD.changed43. A. 口 BossilyB. desireC. reasonD, result44.A-jweddB. approvedC. forgotD. owned45. A, deal wi 由B. rely coC【wk forD. learn from姐A.

40、加咽iB.becauseC. unless 、 , D. until47. A. ThereforeB. MoreoverC. HoweverD. Otherwise4s. A- &口 thrmghB. njfertoC. hand overD. show off核 A. wssaryB. urgentC. rareD, certain50. A, doubtingB. cleaningC, imaginingD. accepting5L A. boughtB. borrowedC. foundD. returned52. A. iranshtedB. wroteC, copiedD. adm

41、iredA. tuptyA, joysA. sornedimgA. agreeA. booksB. beautiful H. squares B. anything 0- compart B. lettersC publicC. expectationsC, nothingC. playC. toys C. read0. simple i., D.加居 iiregD.明grythingD. pan5g A sentB introducedD picturesTSfl Ji59. A. explained 儆 A fairB, gaveB. fiiaC. provedC. hardD. atta

42、ched D, applied D. important盯西施點中學血體演0屆后第一次時英語試卷第7頁共顧 一節(jié)共ro小同則、JBi”* 肝耽相在空白處埴二;翳B分)Mitn y 即 ihat meone h4s aT域當?shù)膯蜗蚧蚶ㄌ杻葐伍g的止清形大前M 0f叱皿訝幾曲而加曹科吧耙刈2? Are加嗯the peraoo血I kMaboul the childhood 魯端口聞?7 * 心皿黑 111M 窿: k 55tt MM (hit a伽2 k呼卜小升格由悵巾to叼wjt熱窿tnfl.同則依k W協(xié)describe函入 皿5|展餐的1由1_(利器2 2加3K后齒憎PR*.、旦fl P加網(wǎng)

43、-63Ed順疝世明g keep memwiei 旅 p4rtIn 加就應 EMnatm to be 5/限1M -1麗dh 埠 in brain.阿 Mve (c 11M 乜叫鵬 k 值口改d m the brain. And l,州baring,何叫睡心皿5m川:;:爐工匯而_ ornwftofporfigjj0 mim *fh#加而杷0 _67 _nW1 PmdlCt 81fd 例就on the pieces that make 叩 vaiirMmojycm 加 68_Qrg由工1W1n叫.ffer加啊to bep皿皿5 66rk? 1V 吁 Qf曲睜.Poor ninriticm ud癡語如阿 thelMOwibelang term A vision or 呼颯皿加西o lead to的 他巾,間加4由陋旃嗯ZLh*r柏*m7呻皿仙損傷)皿期配ability嬴嬴優(yōu).3Viu JJiicHiiiation.第匹篦分寫作供兩節(jié),清分筋分)茬*衽文改情(共10小題每小霞I分


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