1、managementsystems and mea suresestablisecuritya ssessment is i ncl ude din thea nnmanagementsystem;developedhascomputerand thenetworkofd part -time workfor ceeducati on information,the protectisecuritybudgettoensure i nformation securityof investment.I _ _ _一. |_ _ _ 一 _|equipmentin t-I.he classroom
2、.equpmen necassroomsetup a Chinese teachereducatiWith Intelcompa- -一 -一necompa nyonn cloud platform, implemeny on XXEducation .1-1 .nt,resource li brary, test database, mailservi- 一Lheld sy stem,signe d ha snetw orkse curity responsion ofthe digitalcam pus construction andsustainabledevel opment. Si
3、xBureauattaches greatim porta ncet oinformationtechnologysecurity,i nfoByXX,e ducation information andequipment Centre XX network networksecurityand i nformation security.A ccordingto t heinformationtI I . 11.1. 一 _ III. I - -I 一-L L. City domain netw.- nted li nks thetwoorkoftopic caces, such ase-
4、platforms.At present,the cityssede sign, relie son Cisco-books,allintranetservices.bility;we bsite of informaticompa ny thought Shu aid-I . I 1-1a nyouguacuan pschool studentst ocomputeron management perNo for gradeprotecti ongradi ng record a nd eval .-L - I - . _I -I . .1sonnel i sresponsibl eforc
5、onfidentialmanagement, passwordmanagement,on comput er enjoys indepennformation technologysecurity,eechnol ogysecurity requirements,iendentright,Userntrust XX City Centerforessued a document renameand pa ssword oftheducationalinformationand e quires schools (units) implemecomputerforitsprqui pmentde
6、dicatedtot hew ork. Netw orksecurity l eading group was set up, chairedbyt he Educati onBurea uChief,hea d, forXXe ducation Metro -networkand informati on security emergencyresponse leant,defi ned theinformationsecurity guideline s,specifi cworkpra ctice s,proce dures,a ndre quireme nts.Clear indust
7、ryinformationsecurityincide nts (acci dent s) to detect, re portanddi sposaloprietar y,andreleaseofprovisi ons ispr ohi bited,suchachuan proje ctstafffree provides3198,vitalitythanhas threeyear s technol L一 1.1I10:1;809 equipmentclassesthroug h the classroom (primary andsecondary);36 ofthe campus ne
8、twork.Theestasofnotification(chuantaught letter(2013)18th,)requirements,Icity6 atea chi ng points im plementation teachingpoints digital educati on re sour ces ful lcoverproject, combine d I city specific situati on, devel ope d issued has XXCity Burea u on tea chi ng points digitalresources fullccc
9、orda nce with the unifie d arrangementofthewhole province,responsibleforuniversity education digitalresources covering proje ct manageme ntand im plementation.Ac cor dingto provi nces arra ngements, ICenter hasarrang ements Gongullcover projectof implementation programme, Estacuritygrade prote ction
10、 securitymanagementsy一.一 一constructionhe citysschoolsofopportunities,again plaI L . 一. -have access to edigitalresource s inm odersleaks,inve stigated for responsibility.Astem cccording to whois in charge ofwhonni ng eleme ntaryand mi - ducationalmetropolitanareddle schools cam pus一.-I . I _Iuctiona
11、a nd gradeevals in charge,wryan me sc ooscam pus newora na netw ork,school s have computernetworks,network a nd e ducation city domain -. - .一.一uation,impleme-L -ho is runninga nd whois responsidership. processes.Accorn distanceeducati ontea chi ng pr oject leadi nggroup, XX,chaired tclosednetwork,a
12、 ntation gra deprote.I he Secretaryforeducati-cir cuittelevi sion netwnd l ocalbroadcastion.E stablished,digitalreork, broadcastsourcesii on, command. T heteam assistlea der anddeputyleade r,responsi ble for network XX netw orkse curitya nd i nformation. eam. Informationsecuritywork Conference helde
13、achsemester,a nd depl oymentofidingtot his units a ctual, esta blished has unitspersonnelma nagement,i nformationsy stem room management,andequipment management,a nd medi a manageme nt,and network security construction managemedinatinformation securityofdocument s issued ona reg ular basis. Informat
14、ionnt, andshi ppe d dime nsi onmanageme nt, andservi ce outsourciea netw orkand informati on securityemergencyresponse coorblished has network se curitymanagementsystem;theschool(units) accorprotecti on assessment,ork) for classifieblefor,w ho uses principle s ofwhois i nchargeofmanagementschoolotal
15、educatisified securityon information systems1hichwerenot clasdsecurity prote ction levels,withoutthird-level i nformation systems.ofwhich 1 (XX educationand resource netwXX educationalmetropolitan area.I 一一.一. -一high quality planningI. I - I .hiteboards,multimediaJ _ _to schools, hundrenetwork reali
16、zesWaWeb,vi deo, aI -t,electronicw160 million Yuat he standard,nZhaokuan,accorII- I -tothe targe.II. II- Lnding totofbroaoteint eractivevi deotea chi ng system of moderctionsystem oftherequiremeng network companycooperation, usiI I. .1_ _Inetworks intotn modernhe cl assrooms,realng broadcadista ncee
17、 ducation teachingize the triple play.stTV network,will.一一Schools sharephy1.1calfiberlayingtI I. 一Internetbaoeach school,to minim-.-.-III- - -um ofcost andwi dth, canme etthe needs of teachingchieve dhasphysicalfiberschoolschool pass; Ea.Ill- - I . .1 一 - 一 Ioftheschoolofficea nd ata nytime.Accordin
18、gtoch schoolMinistryconstructionstanceeducatiofeducation ostandards of campus netwonfull starteon digital resources coveringd impleme ntation teaorkand netw orkaccessto all rprojectwchi ng point s digitaleooms;一.-ducationresourcedsof megabytes. _ I 一XXeducati on metropolita一.-一 - .1.1dbandto t hetab
19、le,wire (ie:- - . -sfull coverprn area netwudi o)toje ct of notification(taughttechniorkce ntermachi ne roomequipmeI II .I .1 一 calletter(2012) 74tnt inthe Mih,)and XX Prnistryofeducation standardization maI . I .一一ov ince Departmentofeducation onclassrooms,remn education issueandXXfullcoveragect gr
20、oup lea dershipa湖南科技大學(xué)商學(xué)院綜合實(shí)驗(yàn)樓電梯井道整改工程1#、 2#、 3#電梯井道m(xù)prove,se curitypr evention ca pacity obvi ously e nhanced,securityhiddeforall equi pmentin the rooma reg ulardust,replace theold la bel.n and securityaccideRegularly host servernt obviouslyreduce d,effective guaradailyw ork,to publi cizerelate dkn
21、owledg eand information ses, netw orkswitches, coreroutingcurity considerations.ntees informati,firewalls,har dwaremainteon healthdevelopment.nance,such ase編制: 審核: 批準(zhǔn):XXE ducationEnhanced gl obal aw arene ssofnetw orkand information sequi pmentfailure,Centrereg ularlycarry out daycurit y,and strive
22、toato-daynetworkseshoul d be pr ocessedin atimely mannerin orchieve netw orkeveryone knows security monitoridertoe nsurng informationand equipmecurity a ndviresafe andrel iable operatius before theguard,toimprand soluti ons through ameeting,without rolling up thea bilitytosolvepr oblems,and fee dbac
23、ktosuperi ors in writing departmentstoresolve.Thr ough self-examinati on,we ar ewellaware,relativela ckofinvestme ntin educati on, facilities a nd equi pmentforfurtherfthoregeo-loedsatrenli nglitsepagrocuentdhestwatoirk ofneinvesrtaylolanteio.n pre pared ofAntoptifriecsaetinot,ni,nretquirehemeonpten
24、 space ofs psucbhloolreilcatseedrvmicaenagempelanttfopremr ofprovi nsocinanlelfamdiluiacrational reXsXouprrceovinceteacshtienagchers pnouimnbtesr d2i4g4it4a,l8e3 to t ducationhreetotaslonuurmcebsefrul lcofvteeracphreorjse,stucdteconstr ntuncutmionbemrainsa6g5e6m9 oftheonptenmsapnaucale,Ptahreti cula
25、rly witcitys thotraelgsatrassessme ntinformationw ork more thanto cutw eight 10. Throug h thism ode ofclassificationtrai ning,informationtePracticeisa regular roomsupervisi on,e ducationinformati onsteerichnology applicationca pabilitytrainingoftea chersi nourcityreached 100.ri ng,steprincipals ofed
26、ucati oninformationinto performance assessmentand schoollevel mnt.By the appropron ofthe system.Iupdates,educatiiatetechni calstaff,XX network eovenetw orkand informationseXX cityinformationand equipmengine room mainteon developmcurity,ensure that tent isstilluneve n, nepa ngho istudensdig t il 10 o
27、nonit oringa nd eval uation,to develop ascientific, operationalntwas estaheXXeducatiw educationconceptseducationinformatinancestaffonsite managementablishedwit hinthe Centre,educationalmetropolitan arend mai ntena nceon aregularba sis,sche dule dviewi ng of netw orks,systems,databaonsystem networka
28、nd information synee d tobefurt her enhanceering a ssessmendtosome extetrackinga netw orkce nter machi ne roomXX.Serversastemsecurity. Tracki ng reportingsystem rent and re stricting t hedevel opme ntofcity educatiquires allparties tnddatast oresand applicati onsto set upino strengthen collaboration
29、,w orkcloselywitXX Citymetropolitan areah emergency safetyplannetworkdevelopecenter machine room.dXXeducati on metropolitaWi ndowsServer2003,wicoonfstteruacthioernma s anndasgtuedmeenttsm,iannual.X.XDievicnefsirsatreplaabcle.tFoivre,cieiveTVnfsoigrnmationteprovince e ducationn areanetwdemonstrationc
30、ountiemanagementofeducationinformationa nd appli cations. ByMar ch 2016,100 oftheteachers,Iparticipatedina national e ducational technologytraining for primaryandowsSe rver2008,windowsServer2012, Liork,regularly carryout emergency drills,and carriend secondaryschool teangforce,furt herincreaseinputi
31、nXpXletmitle eanntadtiomondernofeadudcivaitsiionofaclaochers,the teachers have made to日期:日期:日期:d outspe cialfundsevducation,efforts topromery yearto proteserver systemsand vari ous data ba ckup, so tctthe securityofinformatiochsnso,lateoagytcehaecrhier ansosneecla sssmseancttlievvit eyl.sXliXnikneot
32、ethel ong wi ng,and Li Wanfu, aschool teacherseducationaltechnologyhattherewas ahar dwarefailure in.Annual 2-3 professi onaltrai ning fornetwork managnd Michael Jenki ns, a ndChe nJian,a nd Songand xiaochuanyun,7proficie ncytest certificate. Atpresent,allschools have as)ofcomputer,iersint hecit y,fo
33、rming technologywitnformationsystem securityproducts fordomestibitcomrade particih a strong professicuritysoftware.irussystemona regorkfailures aular basi s,and antiXXeducati onmetropolita-virussoftware send beca pabl eofsolvingse curityi ssues.nareanetwcuritya ssessment,timetoorkused by t he server
34、 for HPupgrade. Computer lamaintenance managemepatein province back boneface-t o-faceornetw orklear ning, doea ch teachi ng pointsare hasteachers participatei ntraini ng,October 17,2013,issuedcievdel unyi,tithenfeodruecfraotinot.nayear (individual)aInwaXrXd,. a divi sionofaocelaxspse,daitcelae duscs
35、ataiotnotialra nfonrkmedatfiizrasttiionDwivoriski,t onahectcitviytiees,swtablissheadwatrde he scdhthooelrnatiounnanli ng lemvienlisoftesriuapleornviccessto broa dband netw orks.Traini ngcla ssificationtrai ning ofteacher s,schooltea cher s,aca demic l eaders,informationtechnology,teacher training an
36、d net work managemeXX cityeducationinformationand equipmentpersonnel from the County,witnt Ce nter onrehintheschoolbacktquireme nsthe teas meetings,a nalysichi ng points schooloschooltrainingonce trainingi scomplete.XX series of effectiveinformation managementsystems and mea suresestablisecuritya ss
37、essment is i ncl ude din thea nnmanagementsystem;developedhascomputerand thenetworkofd part -time workfor ceeducati on information,the protectisecuritybudgettoensure i nformation securityof investment.equipmentin t-I.he classroom.equpmen necassroomsetup a Chinese teachereducatis ccorda onWith Intelc
38、ompa- -一 -一necompa nyonn cloud platform, implemeny on XXEducation .1-1 .nt,resource li brary, test database, mailservi- 一LCity domain netw.- nted li nks thetwoheld sy stem,signe d ha snetw orkse curity responsiorkoftopic caces, such ase- i on ofthee digitalcam pus construction andsustainabledevel op
39、ment.SixBureau attaches greatim porta ncet oinformationtechnologysecurity,i nformation technologysecurity,eByXX,e ducation information andequipment Centre XX network networksecurityand i nformation security.A ccordingto t heinformationtechnol ogysecurity requirementplatforms.At present,the cityssede
40、 sign, relie son Cisco-books,allintranetservices.bility;we bsite of informati on management percompa ny thought Shu aid-I . I 1-1a nyouguacuan pschool studentst ocomputerNo for gradeprotecti ongradi ng record a nd eval .-L - I - . _I -I . .1chuan proje ctstafffree provides3198,vitalitythansonnel i s
41、responsibl eforconfidentialmanagement, passwordmanagement,on compumputerenjoysindependentrigments,intrust XX City Centerforessued a document rehas threeyear s technol L一 1.1I10:1;809 equipmeofnotification(chuantaught letter(2013)18th,)requirements,Icity6 atea chi ng points im plementation teachingpo
42、ints digital educati on re sour ces ful lcoverproject,da nce with the unifie d arrangementofthewhole province,responsibleforuniversity education digitalresources covering proje ct manageme ntand im plementation.Accorntclassestcombine d I city specific situati on, devel ope d issued has XXCitydingto
43、provi nces arra ngements, ICenter hasarrang ements GongBureau on tea chi ng pointsdigitalresources fullcovr ojectbout poli cyand standard,一 一 . _ - - ssword ofthe,and poi nts ste p implementatiducationalinformationand equi pmentdedicatedtot hew ork. Netw orksecurity l eading group was set up, chaire
44、dbyt he Educati on BureauChief,hea d, forXXe ducation Metro -networkand informati on security emergencyresponse leaquires schools (units) impleme nt,defi ned theinformationsecurity guideline s,specifi cworkpra ctice s,proce dures,a ndre quireme nts.Clear industryinformationsecurityincide nts (acci d
45、ent s) to detect, re portanddi sposalorganizaticomputerforitspron carried outinformationseon, usingnce d,practica lGigabite ducationalmetropolitaof impleme ntation programme, Estaoprietar y,andreleaseschoolearthquakeHou reblishednarea network,tXX,fullcoverage ofofprovisi ons ispr ohi bited,suchacuri
46、tygrade prote ction securitymanagementsy一.一 一constructionhe citysschoolsofopportunities,again plaI L . 一. -have access to edigitalresource s inm odersleaks,inve stigated for responsibility.Astem cccording to whois in charge ofwho s in charge,wdership. processes.Accornni ng eleme ntaryand mi - ducati
47、onalmetropolitanarea netwddle schools cam pus一.-I . I _Iuctionaa nd gradeevale sc ooscam pus newora nork,school s have computernetworks,network a nd e ducation city domain -. - .一.一uation,impleme-L -ho is runninga nd whois responsi blefor,w ho uses principle s ofwhois i nchargeofmanagementschoolea n
48、etw orkand informati on securityemergencyresponse coorblished has network se curitymanagementsystem;theschool(units) accordinatii on, command. T heteam assistlea der anddeputyleade r,responsi ble for network XX netw orkse curitya ndinformation. eam. Informationsecuritywork Conference hedingtot his u
49、nits a ctual, esta blished has unitspersonnelma nagement,i nformationsy stem room management,andequipment management,a nd medi a manageme ntn distanceeducati ontea chi ng pr oject leadi nggroup, XX,chaired tclosednetwork,a ntation gra deprote.I he Secretaryforeducati-cir cuittelevi sion netwnd l oca
50、lbroadcastiork, broadcaste heldeachsemester,a nddepl oymentofint,and network security construction managemenformation securityofdocuments i ssued ona reg ular basis. Informationnt, andshi ppe d dime nsi onmanageme nt, andservi ce outsourcidsecurity prote ction levels,withoutthird-level i nformation
51、systems.hichwerenot classified securityon information systems1ork) for classifieotaleducatiXX educationalmetropolitan area.I 一一.一. -一dbandto t hetable,wire (ie:- - . -high quality planningI. I - I .ctionsystem oftherequiremeng network companycooperation, usiI I. .1_ _Inetworks intothe cl assrooms,re
52、alng broadcaize the triple play.stTV network,will.一一Schools sharephysi calfiberlayingt-1.1 I- 一Internetbaoeach school,to minim-.-.-III- - -160 million Yuaum ofcost an,accorII- I -ndwi dth, canme etthe needs of teachingto schools, hundrenetwork realizesWadsof megabytes. _ I 一Web,vi deo, aI -t he stan
53、dard,nZhaokuatothe targe.II. II- Lnding totchieve dhasphysicalfiberschoolschool pass; Ea.Ill- - I . .1 一 - 一 Ioftheschoolofficea nd ata nytime.Accordingtoch schoolMinistryconstructionstanceeducatiofeducation ostandards of campus netwL .onfull started implemeon digital resources coveringorkand netw o
54、rkaccessto all rntation teaprojectwchi ng point s digitaleooms;一.-ofbroaducationresourceXXeducati on metropolita一.-一 - .1.1sfull coverprn area netwudi o)toje ct of notification(taughttechniorkce ntermachi ne roomequipmeI II .I .1 一 calletter(2012) 74tnt inthe Mih,)and XX Prct group lea dershipa目錄 TO
55、C o 1-5 h z 一、工程概況 .2二、編制依據(jù) .2三、施工準(zhǔn)備 .2四、施工工藝 .3五、進(jìn)度計劃 .6六、安全文明施工措施 .6七、成品保護(hù) .7mprove,se curitypreve ntion ca pacity obviouslyeulardust,replanha nced,se curity hiddena nd securitya cci dentce the old la bel.obviouslyre duced,effective guaranteesintand maintenanceona regularba sis,sche dule dviewi ng
56、of netw orks,systems,databa ses andassociated equipmend make arecord.Computer lab mainteorkswitches,corerouting,firewalls,har dwaremainte nance, such asequi pmentfailure,shouldbepr ocessed i n a timelymanner in orand Ci sco products.In theirdaily work,t o publi cizerelated k nowle dge andinformation
57、 se curity considerati ons.Enhance d globa lawarene ss ofnetw orkandinformation se curit y,and strive to achievenetworkeveryand soluti ons t hrough a meeting ,without rolli ngup the abilityto solveproblems,andfee dbackto superi orsin writi ng de partments to resolve. T hrough self-exami nation, we a
58、re wellaware,relative lackofinve stment in e.- 一Ldl I . 一 一 一. .一 - . I_ I. .1 _ . I. _ I . - -一一der to ensuresafeand relia ble operation ofthesystem.ntwas establishedwithinthe Centre,educationalmetropolitanareanetw orkcenter ma chi neroom XX. Serversand data stfor good satthee-learite ground statio
59、n installation prspace thew orkof everyoned ofnotification, requirementsschoolrelateAt present,in theopen space ofpublicservidmanageme ntpersonnelfam iliar XX provi nce tea chi ng points digitaleducation resourcesfullcover project constructioceplatform ofprovi nci al educationalresourcesteachersnumb
60、er 2444, 83to the total numberof teachers,studentnumonek nows securityand virus before theg uard, to im provenetw orkand inf ormation security,ensure t hatthe XX e ducati onsy stem network a nd information systemsecurity.Tracking reportingsystem requiresallparties tostreducation,facilities a nd e qu
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