已閱讀5頁,還剩4頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀






3、數(shù)形式,包括整數(shù)和浮點數(shù)。其中浮點數(shù)包括C語言允許的省略整數(shù)部分(如.5表示0.5)和省略小數(shù)部分(如2.E2表示2.0*102)算數(shù)運算符:+、+、-、-、*、/、%賦值運算符:=、+=、-=、*=、/=、%=、&=、|=、=關系運算符:、=、!=邏輯運算符:&、|、!位運算符:&、|、其他符號:-、.、#、(、)、?、:、,、;、字符:以單引號開始,以單引號結束,不能跨越多行字符串:以雙引號開始,以雙引號結束,不能跨越多行注釋:以/開始到行末,或者以/*開始,以*/結束,可以跨越多行運行環(huán)境CodeBlocks-13.12 with GCC compiler from TDM-GCC (4

4、.7.1, 32 bit)輸入形式命令行界面,指定C語言源文件作為輸入輸出形式所有標識符寫入指定的符號表文件分離出一個單詞后,對識別出的記號以二元式的形式輸出到用戶指定文件,其形式為記號屬性記號屬性IDkeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeynumarith-oparith-oparith-oparith-oparith-oparith-oparith-op符號表序號autodoubleintstructbreakelselongswitchc


6、othersothersothersothersothersothers others othersothers others others others charstringcomments=+=-=*=/=%=&=|=!=&|!&|-.#()?:,;字符字面量字符串字面量-主要數(shù)據(jù)結構vector table; /字符串向量,臨時存儲符號表set keywords; /字符串集合,存放所有關鍵字string buffer; /輸入緩沖區(qū),存放文件的一行string token; /字符串,存放當前單詞string:iterator forward; /字符串buffer的迭代器,向前掃描字

7、符核心算法識別無符號數(shù)的有限狀態(tài)自動機s0s23starts1s4s5s6Errordigite/Edigitdigitothers.digitothersdigitdigitdigit+/-/* 由上圖構造相應的無符號數(shù)識別子程序 */void get_digits() while(forward != buffer.end() & notEnd) switch(state) case 1: if(*forward = .) state = 23; else if(*forward = E|e) state = 4; else if(isdigit(*forward) state = 1;

8、else notEnd = fasle; break; case 23: if(*forward = E|e) state = 4; else if(isdigit(*forward) state =23; else notEnd = false; break; case 4: if(*forward = +|-) state = 6; else if(isdigit(*forward) state = 5; else Error;notEnd = false; break; case 5: if(isdigit(*forward) state = 5; else notEnd = false

9、; break; case 6: if(isdigit(*forward) state = 5; elseError;notEnd = false; break; default:break; /* 讀取一個字符后,如果是語言所定義的單詞符號的開始字符,則轉移到相應的識別識別過程,否則進入錯誤處理狀態(tài) */int main() init; open infile, outfile, tablefile; while (true) if (getline(infile, buffer, n) = true) +line; cnt_char += column; column = 0;forwar

10、d = buffer.begin(); else cnt_char += column; write table to tablefile; close infile, outfile, tablefile; output to console; get_nbc; switch (C) case a.z,A.Z,_: token.append; while(digit | letter | _) token.append; if(iskey) table_insert(); outfile key; else outfile ID; break; case 0.9: token.append;

11、 state = 1; get_digits(); state = 0; outfile num; break; case +,-,*,%: token.append; +forward; if(*forward = =) outfile asgn-op; else outfile arith-op; break; case /: token.append; +forward; if(*forward = =) outfile asgn-op; else if(*forward = /) while(forward != buffer.end() read comments; outfile

12、comments; else if(*forward = *) if(get_comments() outfile comments; else close infile, outfile, tablefile; else outfile arith-op; break; case &,|,: token.append; +forward; if(*forward = =) outfile asgn-op; else if(*forward = *(forward-1) outfile log-op; else outfile bit-op; break; case : token.appen

13、d; +forward; outfile bit-op; break; case : token.append; +forward; if(*forward = =) token.append; outfile rel-op; else if(*forward = *(forward-1) token.append; outfile bit-op; else outfile rel-op; break; case =: token.append; +forward; if(*forward = =) outfile rel-op; else outfile asgn-op; break; ca

14、se !: token.append; +forward; if(*forward = =) outfile rel-op; else outfile log-op; break; case : token.append; +forward; while(*forward != ) token.append; +forward; if(*(forward-1) = ) token.append; +forward; if(forward = buffer.end() Error; else outfile string; break; case : token.append; +forward; while(*forward != ) token.append; +forward; if(*(forward-1) = ) token.append; +forward; if(forward = buffer.end() Error; else outfile char; break; case .: token.append; +


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