1、3PAR 競爭分析EMC Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein ibject to change without notice.議程EMC Vmax競爭分析EMC VNX競爭分析2 Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein ibject to change without notice.3PAR vs EMC Vmax
2、 Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein ibject to change without notice.HP 3PAR vs. EMCSS10400SS10800Silver Bullet for EMCSS7400四控SS7400雙控SS7200傳統(tǒng)技術性能不隨容量增長管理復雜,難以變化存在熱點盤,性能有限主/從控制器不能雙活MiSt- 多控對性能有限控制器損壞性能陡降架構復雜10+種架構,難以管理- 升級,投資難保護VNX2- 7600/8000/
3、VMAX10KVNX2- 5400/5600VNX2- 5600/5800VMAX20KVMAX40K Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein ibject to change without notice.VMAX引擎 = VNX雙控 + S-RIO交換機互聯并不存在所謂的Global Memory全局共享緩存,物理緩存全部,采用簡單的索引在每個主控板和/轉發(fā)緩沖區(qū)進行跨主控板的內存調用采用CMI進行主控板之間的內存鏡像,與Clariion/VNX完全相
4、同所有內存完全鏡像,包括了控制內存/寫內存/讀內存使用與VNX相同的DAE,每個DAE兩塊LCC卡(卡A連odd Dir.,卡B連even Dir.),多個DAE雛菊鏈級聯Director 控制器VMAX的引擎才是獨立控制器,Dir.只是集成了CPU和Memory的主控板整個引擎是一個故障單點,主控板只是這個故障單點的一部分,兩個主控板必須通過引擎內的主 動式中板鏡像內存、交換信息、共享主機端口卡槽和其它主動式中板 shared前端接口卡槽- shared管理模塊- shared風扇 shared電源- sharedVMAX的引擎互聯VMAX10K2.0 x8VMAX20K1.0 x8VMAX
5、40K2.0two x8PCIe版本PCIe通道PCIe帶寬/主控 8*500MB/s=4 8*250MB/s=2 16*500MB/s=8板PCIe“聚合”帶寬/引擎實際的PCIe系統(tǒng)“聚合”帶寬 S-RIO版本S-RIO端口通道 S-RIO端口/引擎S-RIO “聚合”帶寬/主控板S-RIO端口/引擎S-RIO“聚合”帶寬/引擎實際的S-RIO系統(tǒng)“聚合”帶寬 EMC宣稱的“聚合”帶寬/引擎 EMC宣稱的系統(tǒng) “聚合”帶寬GB/s8GB/sGB/s4GB/sGB/s16GB/s32GB/s2.0 x4232GB/s2.0 x42128GB/s2.0 x4410GB/s10GB/s20GB/
6、s44820GB/s20GB/s40GB/s80GB/s80GB/s320GB/s50GB/s24GB/s50GB/s200GB/s192GB/s400GB/s業(yè)界主流S-RIOVer2.0(6.25Gbaud),最大聚合帶寬交換機帶寬30GB/s,12個x4端口(2.5GB/s),100ns時延VMAX緩存鏡像可以在Engine鏡像也可以跨Engine鏡像(不)奇偶搭配1對1,鏡像的“對象”在系統(tǒng)IMPL時決定一個Dir.故障導致的結果是兩個Dir.實際上都不可用每個Loop的前5塊盤上的部分空間用于沉降,共40 x9GB=360GB,存放物理緩存的兩份邏輯拷貝(數據和元數據),SPS繼續(xù)供
7、電5分鐘最大472GB Global Memory(跨Dir.鏡像后)實際數據緩存在35%60%,取決于各種Data Servi(TimeFinder、SRDstVP等)的使用情況,取50%作為均值,假定配置512GB緩存,實際可用的讀寫緩存在鏡像后只有128GB,再扣除SFB的部分(假設占1/4),實際真實讀寫緩存只有96GB為每個Volume分配固定數量的cache slot(在高負載時可以微量調整,最大是基數的三倍),而不能在需要時將所有 cache用于單個卷3PAR緩存容量vs. VMAXVMAX10K512128646480r/20w NA3212860r/40w NA3212810
8、400384963264VMAX40K204825612812810800768963264系統(tǒng)緩存容量(GB)單個獨立控制器緩存容量(GB)控制緩存(GB)數據緩存(GB)可用讀緩存(GB)可用寫緩存(GB)鏡像后實際可用數據緩存容量(GB)系統(tǒng)實際可用數據緩存容量(GB)42.610.753.3213.242.610.753.3426.4NA64512可用讀緩存(GB)可用寫緩存(GB)鏡像后實際可用數據緩存容量(GB)系統(tǒng)實際可用數據緩存容量(GB)27.418.345.7182.827.418.345.7365.6NA64512VMAX后端連接非Daisy Chain級聯的DAE只有3
9、2/64個使用低密度DAE(2.5&3.5)=480/960塊盤使用高密度DAE(2.5)=800/1600塊盤VMAX的性能飽和點和VNX類似只有標稱容量的一半!VMAX的后端連接不均衡使用低密度DAE時實際最大磁盤數量是960/1920而不是2400使用高密度DAE時實際最大磁盤數量是1560/3200VMAX20K/40K的低配嚴重浪費機柜空間后端連接使用HSSDC銅纜,機柜間距只得25米增加Engine?要均衡!VMAX的后端連接不均衡!VMAX BP:不要分區(qū)要均衡!尤其不要Engine分區(qū)!What can Happen with SegregationWhat can Happe
10、n with SegregationWhat can Happen with Segregation3PAR vs. VMAX處理能力VMAX10K104002x4core 2.8GHz 2xHarrier 8x4core 2.8GHz 8xHarrier32VMAX40K4x6core 2.8GHz 032x6core 2.8GHz064108002x4core2.8GHz2xHarrier 16x4core 2.8GHz16xHarrier64單個獨立控制器核數2x6core 2.8GHz 08x6core 2.8GHz016系統(tǒng)核數系統(tǒng)前端核數(1/3) 系統(tǒng)后端核數(2/3)PCIe單
11、獨控后端口系統(tǒng)后端口322.04 Mod (4 QSFP)64x4Gb FC8xHarrier2.012x8Gb FC48x8Gb FC1282.04 Mod (4 QSFP)128x4Gb FC16xHarrier2.012x8Gb FC96x8Gb FC的前端口!VMAX的cores被邏輯分區(qū)后綁定在特定的前后端口上,不能充分共享和完全利用RT很重要?50%!超過50%?準備升級吧!陳舊的VMAX VP(1)ck = single thin device extent = 12 tracks = 768KB FBA emulation在回收時,整個ck被裝入cache檢查是否連續(xù)的0空間,
12、如果全0則TimeFinder卷不可回收(2)extent group =10 contiguous thin device extents = 120 tracks = 7.5MB FBA(3)region = extent group set = 48 contiguous extent groups = 5760 tracks = 360MB FBAcapacity,default to 10%(4)PRC = pool(5)one cache slot for each thin device = 1 track = 64KB (6)T10 UNMAP不支持:預留空間ORS占用設備RP
13、占用設備FTS設備ap目標設備和TF/VP Snap目標設備TRAID SelectionVP General BPVP BP:Striped Meta3PAR使精簡成為高端的標配!PlatformMeasured IOPS degradation during Zero Page ReclaimMeasured Host Latency Degradation during Zero Page ReclaimEMC VMAX48.19%40.58%Dell Compellent42.33%74.22%EMC VNX29.99%42.61%HDS VSP23.34%30.33%HP 3PAR0
14、%1.23%Thin ProviOut of the EMC Whiteping with the EMC VMAXr ” EMC Symmetrix VMAX Virtual Proviing SpaceReclamation and Application Considerations”:Starting the space reclamation pros will spawn a back-end disk director (DA) tasktwill examine the allocated thin device extents on specified thin devi.
15、A thin device extentis 768 KB (or 12 tracks) in size and is the default unit of storage at which data is allocated for a thin device. For each allocated extent, all 12 tracks will be broughto Symmetrix cache and examined to see if they contain all zero data. If the entire extent contains all zero da
16、ta, the extent will be de-allocated and added backo the pool, making it available for a new extent allocation operation.There is no practical way of knowing how long a vmkfstools -y operation will take tocomplete. It can run for a few minutes or even for a few hours depending on the size of thedatas
17、tore, the amount of dead space and the available resouron the array to executethe operation. Reclamation on the Symmetrix is a low-priority task (in order for it to notnegatively affect host I/O performance) so a heavy workload on the device1, pool or the array itself can throttle the pros and slow
18、the reclamation.Thin ProviOut of the EMC Whiteping with EMC VNXr ” VIRTUAL PROVIING FOR THE NEW VNX SERIES”When to use Classic, Thick, and ThinsIt is important to understand your application requirements and select the approacht meets your needs. Ifconditions change, you can use VNXmigration to migr
19、ate among thin, thick, and classics.Use pool-based thins for:Applications with moderate performance requirementsTaking advantage of advanced data servilike FAST VP, VNX Snapshots, Compresand Deduplication;Ease of setup and management; Best storage efficiency; Energy and capital savings; Applications
20、 where spaceconsumption is difficult to forecastUse pool-based thicks for:Applicationst require good performanceTaking advantage of advanced data servilike FAST VP and VNX Snapshots; Storage assigned to VNX for File; Ease of setup and managementUse classics for:Applicationst require extreme performa
21、nce (for exle, when milliseconds of performance are critical)The most predictable performance; Precise data placement on physical drives and logical data objects; Physicalseparation of data3PAR vs EMC VNX Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein ibjec
22、t to change without notice.EMC VNX M Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein ibject to change without notice.EMC VNX Series Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein ibject to change without notice.架構EM
23、C VNX Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein ibject to change without notice.EMC VNX 硬件架構 Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein ibject to change without notice.EMC VNX 硬件架構 Copyright 2012 Hewlett-P
24、ackard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein ibject to change without notice.EMC VNX MCx Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein ibject to change without notice.EMC VNX MCx Architecture Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development
25、Company, L.P. The information contained herein ibject to change without notice.EMC VNX Cache Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein ibject to change without notice.EMC VNX RAID Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information
26、 contained herein ibject to change without notice.EMC VNX Software Suite Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein ibject to change without notice.EMC VNX Thin Provi Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained her
27、ein ibject to change without notice.EMC VNX Pool Architecture Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein ibject to change without notice.EMC VNX FAST VP Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein ibject to change without notice.Thin ProviOut of the EMC Whiteping with EMC VNXr ” VIRTUAL PROVIING FOR THE NEW VNX SERIES”When to use Classic, Thick, and ThinsIt is important to understand your application requirements and select the approacht meets your needs. Ifconditions change, you can use VNXmig
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