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1、英語(yǔ)閱讀2期末復(fù)習(xí)資料Part OnePassage lThis is a short passage about the wildebeest migration.Every year around April , many thousands of wildebeest gather together on the SerengetiPlains in Tanzania in preparation for their long journey northwards. Although it is oftenreferred to as The Migration , this great

2、 movement of animals is an endless year - roundtrek dictated by the seasons and the search for fresh grass and water.By early July the long straggling columns of wildebeest , along with large numbers ofzebra , begin to reach the Mara Reserve. They can enter anywhere and once inside theirmovements ar

3、e erratic according to where forage is best. However, the herds do have one ortwo favorite river crossing places and after the Mara grasses have been gazed to the ground ,they use these to move northwards out of the reserve.Weak animals rarely survive the river crossings. Many are crushed to death b

4、y the sheerweight of numbers and some are eaten by huge crocodiles.In late September. the herds begin to re- form for the journey back to the SerengetiPlains. They arrive three months later and begin calving.Read Passage 1 and decide whether the following statements are True or False. 1. In April th

5、e wildebeest travel from the Mara Reserve to the Serengeti.2. The reason for T he Migration is search for food.3. In early June , the wildebeest reach the Mara Reserve.4. The wildebeest s movements are irregular when they go into the Mara Reserve.5. At the end of the year , the wildebeest return to

6、the Serengeti Plains and give birth tocalves.Passage 2This is a short passage about the monster and Frankenstein Some time later , Frankenstein received a letter from his father telling him that hisyoung brother. William. had been murdered. All the family was shocked when JustineMoritz , the boy s n

7、anny , was accused of the crime and Frankenstein was horrified when shewas executed for the murder because he felt that his monster had done it , not Justine.Throughout the following months , Frankenstein became more and more depressed.Then , one day when he was traveling in the mountains , trying t

8、o forget his troubles ,Frankenstein suddenly met the monster. He shouted furiously at him , accusing him of thecrime, and telling him to stay away from him and his family. But the monster insisted ontalking to his creator and told him the sad story of his life since he had run away from thelaborator

9、y where Frankenstein had made him.The monster said that he had tried , in vain , to attach himself to humans , but nobodywould have anything to do with him , because they found him so ugly and frightening. Hetold Frankenstein that even when he had saved a child who was drowning in a river , nobodyth

10、anked him. In fact , the father shot him in the shoulder because he was afraid of him.The monster became more and more lonely and more and more unhappy. Then , bychance , he came across William playing in a filed and he decided to capture the boy and try tomake him become his friend. He took hold of

11、 William and tried to embrace him, but the boyscreamed and , in an attempt to silence him, the monster held him by the throat and ,accidentally , strangled him.Read Passage 2 and then try to give short answers to the following. 6. Who was accused of murdering Frankensteins brother William?7. What di

12、d Frankenstein do when he met the monster?8. Why was the monster unhappy?9. What did the monster want to do when he met William?10. How did the monster kill the boy accidentally?Part TwoPassage 3 Clone myself. I can start all over again1 The recent successful cloning of Do lly , a sheep , has stunne

13、d the world.2 I was excited about the idea of having a clone of myself in the beginning: I might startlife all over again and redress the mistakes made in the past , and then I could live longer tosee a better future.3 It is a dream that has fascinated so many people for so long , as evidenced by nu

14、merouspopular science fiction stories featuring this theme and countless literary works on thealter-ego.4 For one thing , Eve is said to have been made from one of Adam s ribs. The legend ofher beginning might be regarded as the earliest example of cloning. So I am somewhatsurprised to see governmen

15、ts worldwide reacting so negatively when scientists announcedthat they have made substantial progress in this field of science.5 Due to many limitations , the technique can t be widely applied in the near future , butunder the influence of confusion and fear , people are already speculating about cl

16、onings far- reaching consequences and taking precautionary measures against the possible misuses ofthe new technological breakthrough.6 People fear that the world would be in a mess if human beings are cloned some day , saidZhai Zhonghe, a well- known biologist and academician at the Chinese Academy

17、 of Sciences.7 Ian Wilmut , the embryologist who led the Roslin Institute team in Britain thatsuccessfully cloned Dolly from a single cell on another ewe s udder , announced thatcloning humans was probably possible.8 A single terminal cell is sufficient for duplicating the whole animal , that s some

18、thingnew , said Zhai. Genetically , the reproduction from a single cell is a complete copy of thetissue donor.9 Meanwhile , US scientists have declared that they have successfully cloned a monkey ,using an eight-cell embryo , marking the first time that an animal closely resembling humanshas ever be

19、en cloned.10 Many governments in the world , in a show of moral responsibility , have moved quicklyto discourage this new development.11 The United States banned the federal funding of cloning , and Germany called for aworld- wide ban on cloning human beings.12 Danish scientists said they were halti

20、ng experiments pending a full debate on the issue.The Italian government said human cloning should be outlawed and announced a temporaryban in Italy on all forms of human or animal experiments linked with cloning. In China,many legislators attending the Eighth National People s Congress were solicit

21、ing opinionsfrom scientists.13 Chinese scientists suggested that legislation is necessary to control potential dangersthat may arise from the newly developed cloning technology , and many have proposed thatlaws be approved to control t14 Technological breakthroughs always create new taboos and give

22、an insight into newdimensions of human beings , yet somehow human beings are able to adjust their mindset tothe new reality after an initial wave of panic , just as they have come to terms withcontraception and artificial fertilization.15 If the new technology can be widely applied , it could be use

23、d to save endangeredanimals , cultivate better species and replicate transgenic animals of medical and scientificvalue.Read Passage 3 and then choose the best answer that may complete each of the statements belowaccording to the passage. 11. In Paragraph 1 the word stun means A. confuseC. shockB. pu

24、zzleD. please12. The author appears fascinated by the idea of having a clone of himself becauseA. it enables him to have more childrenB. he can realize his wish for a longer lifeC. he can go back into the pastD. he wants to be involved in the experiment13. The example about Adam and Eve (paragraph 4

25、) shows thatA. cloning is an old technology which has been revived recentlyB. there had been an application of the technology in ancient timesC. cloning is in accordance with the doctrines of ChristianityD. cloning has been the dream of human beings since the ancient past14. People s general reactio

26、n to cloning is thatA. it may have negative consequences on the human societyB. it is a great development of modern technologyC. the technology should be quickly applied to the cure of many genetic diseasesD. it has to be controlled because there are already too many people in th world15. The fact t

27、hat a monkey was cloned by US scientists shows thatA. human beings will be cloned immediatelyB. an animal closely resembling humans has been clonedC. cloning is a very simple technologyD. American cloning technology is the best in the world16. Which government intended to ban cloning experiments?A.

28、The American government B. The British governmentC. The Chinese government D. The Italian government17. The author mentioned contraception and artificial fertilization 一一一A. to argue that cloning should be given a new nameB. to prove that cloning is equally dangerous and should be stoppedc. to predi

29、ct that cloning will be accepted by the human society as wellD. to suggest new ways of birth control instead of human cloning18. What benefits could the new technology bring to the human society , according to theauthor?A. To save endangered animalsB. To cultivate better speciesC. To reproduce trans

30、genic animals of medical and scientific valueD. All of the above19. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Governments worldwide react positively to the cloning technologyB. The cloning technology is welcomed by all peoplec.Dolly was cloned from a single cell on anothe

31、r ewe s udderD. The Chinese government also banned the funding of cloning20. The passage indicates that the author _一一一一_ the cloning technology.A. supports B. dislikesC. dou bts D. developsPart Three True or FalseWhen I Was in AmericaFor most people the holiday season is a time of joy and family re

32、union. For me , it is atime of mixed emotions - for I have been away from my family in Iran while studying in theUnited States. Rather than lock myself in my loneliness , I have tried each Christmas to learnmore about the culture of the country and know more about my American friends.A tie-clasp I s

33、till wear reminds me repeatedly of the memorable Christmas of 1989. Allmy classmates had eagerly looked forward to the holiday. I had no money for the vacation.My check from home had not arrived on schedule because of the crush of holiday mai l.One day I walked to the campus to pick up my mail at th

34、e International Students office.The all important check still had not arrived. Maria , a Mexican-American student workingas a temporary secretary in the department must have seen me as I left the mailbox withdisappointment showing on my face. She invited me to spend Christmas Eve with herfamily. I a

35、ccepted all too gladly.Marias family was not rich. They lived in a modest small house. Maria introduced meto her parents , her aunt and her sister , who welcomed me warmly. Maria s father couldonly speak Spanish , so he talked to me while Marias sister acted as an interpreter. The kindlook in his ey

36、es and his relaxed behavior made me feel right at home.The dinner was very elaborate. Each dish had a special feature , sauce and blend ofseasonings. Maria s aunt ate while standing at a corner of the small , old table. I felt a littleuncomfortable , knowing that I was occupying her place , but her

37、gesture expressed thesincere hospitality with which Maria s whole family received me. After dinner , Maria chosea small package from under the Christmas tree and handed it to me. Inside I found the tieclaspI still use to this day.Looking at the tie - clasp , I knew I would always regard it as a meme

38、nto of anunforgettable evening of good friendship during a hard and lonely period of my life.Write T for True21. The author of the passage was an overseas student in America.22. The author usually had a good time during holidays in America.23. The author tried his best not to be overcome by his lone

39、liness.24. The Christmas of 1989 was unforgettable for the author.25. The author didn t look forward to the holiday as he didn t have money to enjoy it.26. His check was probably delayed because of the crush of holiday mai l.27. Maria was a teacher at the university when the author studied there.28.

40、 There was only enough room for five seats at the table in Maria s home.29. Maria s father did not talk because he couldn t speak English.30. The author appreciated the tie-clasp because it conveyed the kindness of Maria sfamily.Part Four Short AnswerPassage 5World AIDS DayDecember first is World AI

41、DS Day. The message at events this year is Live and LetLive. The aim is to end improper treatment of people with HIV and AIDS. Experts saysuch discrimination remains a barrier to prevention and treatment. The United Nationsreported last week that the spread of AIDS shows no signs of easing. It says

42、an estimated 40million people are living with the HIV virus. These include 2. 5 million children.Worldwide , the report said that 6 million people became infected with HIV and 5 milliondied in - the most ever.Doctor Peter Piot heads the United Nations AIDS program. He says AIDS is spreadingfastest i

43、n Eastern Europe , especially Russia. The Caribbean continues to experience highlevels of infection. And , he says there could be major increases in China and India.One out of five adults in southern Africa is living with HIV or AIDS. Sout hern Africaremains the worst affected part of the world. But

44、 Doctor Piot says there is a sharp increase inparts of Western Africa , such as in Cameroon and Nigeria , and in parts of Southern Asia andSoutheast Asia , such as India and Thailand.Sexual contact , infected blood and the sharing of injection needles can all spread theAIDS virus. AIDS was first dis

45、covered in the 1980s. Now , more women than men becomeinfected with HIV. And Doctor Piot warns that the ability of countries to provide serviceshas dropped as many health workers become infected.The UN says South Africa had more people with HIV at the end of last year than anyother country. It had a

46、n estimated 5. 3 million cases , about eleven percent of the population.Last month South Africa announced a plan to provide anti - retroviral medicines for free.These drugs restrain the spread of the virus.South Africa says it hopes to have anti-AIDS centers open in every health district withina yea

47、r and in every local area within five years. The plan also includes money for publiceducation and training for health care workers.Until now , the government has said the drugs cost too much and can cause harm.However, the cost of three AIDS drugs taken as a combination will be cut by almost onethir

48、d.This will happen under an agreement negotiated by the Clinton Foundation. FormerAmerican President Bill Clinton says that if the South African program is successful , othernations could follow it.Read Passage 5 Short Answers31. Whats the aim of the message at events of World AIDS Day this year?32.

49、 How many people infected with AIDS died in ?33. What does the word heads in the second paragraph mean?34. What can spread the AIDS virus?35. Which counfry is the worst AIDS - affected part of thAnswers:Part I (30 points , 3 points each)1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T6. Justine Moritz.7. Frankenstein shout

50、ed furiously at him , accusing him of the crime , and telling him tostay away from him and his family.8. Because nobody liked him.9. The monster wanted to capture him and make him become his friend.10. The monster strangled the boy accidentallyby holding him by the throat to stop himscreammg.Part 2

51、( 30 points , 3 points each)11. C 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. B16. D 17. C 18. D 19. C 20. APart 3( 20 points , 2 points each)21. T 22. F 23. T 24. T 25. T26. T 27. F 28. T 29. F 30. TPart 4 ( 20 poi脯, 4 points each)31. The aim of the message is to end improper treatment of people with HIV and AIDS.32. 5

52、million people infected with AIDS died in .33. The word heads means leads or is in charge of.34. Sexual contact , infected blood and the sharing of injection needles can spread theAIDS virus.35. South Africa.Part IPassage 1When Betty Burwood won the national lottery , she and her husband , Bill , mo

53、ved into abeautiful big bungalow and she bought herself a very expensive pearl necklace.The following summer, the Burwoods decided to throw a party. Early on the afternoonof the party, Betty took her new silk dress out of the wardrobe and put her expensive pearlnecklace on her dressing-table ready t

54、o put on in the evening. Then, she went to see how thepreparations for the party were going.The catering company had just arrived - a cook , Mrs. Moore, and her two helpers ,Nancy and, Harriet. They were all in the kitchen unpacking the piles of boxes which. they hadbrought with them. Soon , the fou

55、rth member of the team, Charlie Chivers, arrived on hisbicycle.By six oclock , everything was ready. The garden looked magnificent-with small roundTables and colorful chairs and sun shades. The food and drink was all laid out in the kitchen,ready to be brought out when the guests arrived.At ten past

56、 six, Betty went to her bedroom to get ready. She showered and put on herbest silk dress. It was when &he was brushing her hair th,at she realized that her pearls werenot on the dressing - table. Bill , she said , have you moved my pearls? No, dear,answered i1l, where were they? I put them on the dr

57、essing - table this afternoon andtheyre not here now. Are you sure? asked Bi1l.Maybe you put them down somewhereelse , or maybe youve moved them. For a quarter of an hour they searched for the missing pearls , but couldn t find themanywhere. It was then that they decided they must call the police.So

58、on , Inspector Morgan arrived and started to question all the suspects.Read Passage 1 and then try to give short answers 1. Why could Betty afford an expensive necklace?2. Why did she take her necklace out early in the day?3. How many people were there in the catering company?4. What do you think wa

59、s in the boxes brought by the catering company?5. Did the Burwoods call the police after they couldnt find the pearls?Read Passage 1 again and then fill in the following blanks numbered 6-10with the infonnationfrom the passage. Time ActionWhen Betty won the lotteryThecouple moved into a big (6) and

60、Bettybought a pearl necklace.The following summer The Burwoods wanted to (7)On the afternoon of the partyThe wife took her new dress out of the closet and putthe necklace on the dressing - table.Everything was prepared. The garden appeared (8)ay 6:00 - with small round tables and colorful chairsand


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