1、學(xué)科分類號0502依e挈飭本科生畢業(yè)論文題目: On the Romantic Elements in Grimm S Fairy Tales論格林童話中的浪漫主義因素學(xué)生姓名:學(xué)號:1105403017系別:外國語言文學(xué)系專 業(yè): 英 語指導(dǎo)教師:楊萍(講師)起止日期:2014.6 2015.52015年5月9日懷化學(xué)院本科畢業(yè)論文誠信聲明作者鄭重聲明:所呈交的本科畢業(yè)論文,是在指導(dǎo)老師的指導(dǎo)下,獨 立進行研究所取得的成果,成果不存在知識產(chǎn)權(quán)爭議。除文中已經(jīng)注明引 用的內(nèi)容外,論文不含任何其他個人或集體已經(jīng)發(fā)表或撰寫過的成果。對 論文的研究做出重要貢獻的個人和集體均已在文中以明確的方式標明。
2、本 聲明的法律結(jié)果由作者承擔(dān)。本科畢業(yè)論文作者簽名:2015年5月9日Contents TOC o 1-5 h z HYPERLINK l bookmark9 o Current Document Abstract i HYPERLINK l bookmark11 o Current Document Key Words i摘要i關(guān)鍵詞i HYPERLINK l bookmark15 o Current Document Introduction 1e Yearning for Ideal World4 HYPERLINK l bookmark17 o Current Document Ide
3、alism in Perfect Ending 5 HYPERLINK l bookmark19 o Current Document Idealism in Simple Characters6 HYPERLINK l bookmark21 o Current Document o Admiring Nature 7 HYPERLINK l bookmark23 o Current Document Forest: the Combination of Nature Mystery8 HYPERLINK l bookmark25 o Current Document Animals: the
4、 Releasing of Nature Spirit9 HYPERLINK l bookmark27 o Current Document ree Emphasizing Emotion Expression.10 HYPERLINK l bookmark29 o Current Document Strong Subjectivity 10 HYPERLINK l bookmark31 o Current Document Strong Militancy 11 HYPERLINK l bookmark33 o Current Document ur Using Romantic Writ
5、ing Skills12 HYPERLINK l bookmark35 o Current Document Use of Imagination 12 HYPERLINK l bookmark37 o Current Document Use of Exaggeration 13 HYPERLINK l bookmark39 o Current Document Use of Symbols 14 HYPERLINK l bookmark41 o Current Document Conclusion. 15Bibliography 16 HYPERLINK l bookmark43 o C
6、urrent Document Acknowledgments 18On the Romantic Elements in Grimms Fairy TalesAbstractThe masterpiece of Brothers Grimm, Grimms Fairy Tales is the treasure of world children s literature. It occupies important degree in early romantic liter由utethere are few studies about the book s romantic elemen
7、ts until now. Based on basis romantic theory, the paper analysesGrimm s Fairy Tales from the following four parts: yearning for ideal world, admiring nature, emphasizing emotion expression and using romantic writing skills, which aims to reveal the writers intention of running out of reality through
8、 describing ideal lif e. Grimm s Fairy Tales occupies important degree in early romantic literature but there are few studies about the books romantic elements until now. Therefore the paper intends to deepen peoples understandings about the book and help latter researchers.Key WordsGrimms Fairy Tal
9、es; romanticism; idealism; admiring nature論格林童話中的浪漫主義因素摘要德國著名作家格林兄弟的代表作品格林童話是全世界兒童文學(xué)的瑰寶,在早期 浪漫主義文學(xué)中也占有舉足輕重的地位。該論文基于浪漫主義的基本理論,通過分析文 本表達的對理想世界的渴望,對大自然的崇敬,對自我感情抒發(fā)的重視和對多種浪漫主 義寫作技巧的運用四部分,探討格林童話中的浪漫主義因素,旨在揭示作者借對美 好生活的描寫逃避黑暗現(xiàn)實的意圖并讓讀者更深刻地了解格林童話的深層含義。作為一部典型的浪漫主義作品,至今卻很少有學(xué)者對格林童話的浪漫主義因素進行探 討,希望本論文能加深讀者對本書的理解,并
10、幫助到對格林童話進行進一步研究的 學(xué)者們。關(guān)鍵詞格林童話; 浪漫主義; 理想世界;崇敬自然IntroductionPublished in 20th century, just as Little Briar Rose in the book, Grimms Fairy Tales was known by the public over 100 years latter than it was collected by Grimm brothers and then published as a book. It is a typical magical fantasy and become
11、s the most popular children s book around the world. Until now, the tales irGthm ms Fairy Taleshave been translated into 160 languages,and this grant book has been treasure of the children literature of the world. And as one of the earliest romanticism works it promotes the development of romanticis
12、m in German and even the world.Brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were German cultural researchers, linguistics, academics,and authors who collected folklores. Their first collection of folk tales Children s and Household Tales was published in 1812. The two brothers spent their early life in H
13、anau and then in Steinau. In 1796, when they were in their teenage, their father died and caused great poverty for the whole family which influenced the brothers for a long period of time. Jurist and historian Friedrich von Savigny (1779-1861) inspired the brothers interest in philosophy and Germani
14、c studies, in which field they are regarded as pioneers, when they studied in the University of Marburg. At the same time they cultivated a curiosity for folklore, which developed into a life-long devotion to gathering German folk tales.This book has always been attracting the attentions of many sch
15、olars since its publication. They analyze the book from different angles, such as being a fantasy or an animal book. Moreover, they mostly focus on one of the aspects of the book, like the themes, the characters or one of the writing techniques. Till now, no systematic study in the romantic colors o
16、f this book can be found.For a long time, the traditional researcheson Grimm sFairy Tales have a substantial degree of misreading. Many scholars think it is just a kind of children readings. They tend to talk about the simple art of the story based on innocence and childishness; or classify the stor
17、y as a general personal literary creation limited to the analysis of the general story content and artistic style; or regard it as a kind of authentic folk tales. In fact, it is more than the fairy tale with oral sex, nationality and folk color. Because there are few study ofGrimm s Fairy Talesas an
18、 era of text entry.Grimm s Fairy Tales isof groundbreaking meaning with the historical background of folklore studies. Especially they pay attention to and respect the folk tradition and nature poetry behind all kinds of methods. It is one of the ideological origins of modern folklore research and d
19、evelopment. However, they collected the tales not only from oral statement and entrusting friends or acquaintances for collecting records, but also found the source from a variety of written materials, so it was criticized by the modern fairy tales researchers and folklore scholars for a long time.H
20、an Ying from Sun Yet-sen University wrote a thesis on the interpersonal meaning of Grimm sFairy Tales, targeting at exploring how attitudinal meanings realize the expected educational functions inGrimm s Fairy Tales The author thinks that the collection is value-laden. Those tales were not only for
21、entertainment but also for education. Through the strategic appliance of different attitudinal meaning, the educational function of Grimm s Fairy Taless realized.Zhou Zhicheng analyzed the postmodernist novel Snow White by Donald Barthelme to enrich readers knowledge of postmodernist novels and post
22、modern society in America. By analyzing and discussing the features of Snow White, Barthlme s representative work, the modern versioof the Grimm s canonical fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Zhou Zhicheng concluded that American postmodernist novels deny aesthetic criteria and the internal
23、 structure of traditional novels, which applies the novels writing techniques tivedrnadei. Moreover, the theories of postmodernist novels are put to use in analyzing particular works so as to expose more about postmodern society and American postmodernist novels to readers. More importantly, in 1960
24、s, the social environment and citizens spirit in America is quite similar to that of current China. The rapid development of economy leads to the loss of mental purity, which causes the rising of postmodernism in the two countries. In China, many postmodernist plays, novels or films have been seen f
25、lourishing.James M. Mc Glathery wrote a book named Grimm s Fairy Tales A History of Criticism on a Popular Classic. In his book, Mc Glathery introduced many researches and studies on Grimm s Fairy Tales. The author divided the history of Grimm-philosophy into four major phases. (1) The discovery of
26、the collection ins andmanuscript one century later after its first publication in 1812. (2) Bolte and Polivka established the typology of Grimm tale from 1913 to 1931. The establishment made the 210 tales the model types for identifying written or oral, international, national and regional variants.
27、 This German practice transformed unique, literary Grimm tale versions into authentic prototypes for countless potential variables around the world and legitimized the interpretive analysis of their overall meaning. (3) In West and East German, memorial volumes committed to Brothers Grimm at the ann
28、iversaries of Jacob Grimms death, presented essays about the influence of the household tales on international folkl orists respective oral traditions. (4) Finally, the celebration of the brothers births in 1985 and 1986 opened a spectacular chapter in Grimresearch Scholars of folklore, literature,
29、psychology, linguistics, anthropology, sociology, history, religion and pedagogy joined forces in publications, conferences, seminars and workshops to provide analyses and interpretations of the stories together with their authors from the vantage point of their respective disciplinary orientations.
30、(黃 蓿,7) The plenty of approaches and philosophies proposed by those scholars is further evidence of the oft-repeated comment that the popularity of the Children Household Tales is second only to the Bible. This phase is carrying on and still enlightens new surveys and interpretations. The majority o
31、f researchers are Germanists. Few folklorists among these researchers accept the Grimm tales as prototypes due to the opinion that, in German-speaking countries, folklore is an integral part of Germanistics.This book is full of romantic elements, but till now, few systematic studies in the romantic
32、elements of this book can be found. According to this, the paper analyses the book from this angel based on romanticism theory divide into four parts: yearning for ideal world, admiring nature, emphasizing emotion expression and the use of romantic techniques. The endings are always happy, the chara
33、cters are of pure emotions. Forest is the combination of mystery and animals release their nature spirit, nature things are always with great power. And what differs from other tales is the emotion it express is always positive, the book encourage people to resist their fate. So it is full of subjec
34、tivity and militancy. The using of romantic writing techniques is also a main element of the book.In the early 19th century, Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation was disintegrated and disunited both in territory and nationality. Napoleon disintegrated Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation in 1806
35、 which caused the awakening of German national consciousness. Thousands of intellectuals devoted themselves in the national liberation movement. Yet the difference of languages and cultures among the countries and cities became barriers in the process of unifying national consciousness. In order to
36、eliminate the barriers, some intellectuals started to advocate cultural nationalism. Meanwhile, romanticism rose and revived interest in traditional folk tales. In the process of romanticism, Brothers Grimm represented a pure form of national culture and literature. With the aim of researching an ac
37、ademic monograph about folklores, they established a series of methods for gathering and recording folk tales that took the shape of the basis for folklore studies. In these tales, they depict thousands of ideal worlds. And we can see their good intentions to the future just from its happy endings.
38、They use children s literature to express their hope to arouse the sleeping Nordic Spirit, encourage people to resist. And children arehe nation s future, their minds are of high plasticity, so Brothers Grimm laid their hopes on them.e Yearning for Ideal World“Idealisms a form to show the scorn on t
39、he modern civilized society and the hope to build a new idealized one.(范文瑚; 38) It can be demonstrated from many aspects. The idealism in themes, on the one hand, deals with the social aspect from the angle of Utopian Socialism and on the other hand, the pastoral life free of modernization. At the s
40、ame time, idealism in characters can be traced back to the origin of romanticism. Romanticism is from the word“ romance“ which refers to thenarrative works in Medieval Ages. The medieval romance is the direct source of Romantic Movement in Europe and its tradition of molding perfect characters in su
41、perman style is followed by romantic writers. In romantic works, characters assume more desirable human qualities for the sake of showing the ideal and sublime moral characters. (Ferber Michael, 23) The idealized characters are the set examples to speak for the author and educate the readers. Due to
42、 the dissatisfaction with the real world, surrealist is demonstrated in romantic literature to unfold a picture of idealism in frontof readers eyes. THstic presentation of the surrealist literary spirit in romantic works forms the ideal world, in which writers feel free to express their own feelings
43、 and wishes.Idealism in Perfect EndingsGrimms Fairy Tales is usually regarded as fantasies. In a fantasy, which isaexplicit attempt made to render plausible the fictional world (黃蓿,7) :idealism finds vivid embodiment in the book. In order to perform the function as a children s Iidealism is embodied
44、 in themes especially its perfect endings. There are many tales in this book, and they belong to different story modes. But they have a similar ending.That is the heroine will marry to a prince and the evil will be published or disappear.The happy ending of the Grimms Fairy Tales is also connected w
45、ith the social conditions. The people under the rule of the feudalism are always in the last walk of the society. They wish they can be treated equally one day. They wish all the unfair systems of the society can be abandoned. They wish they can be their own leader of themselves. While the happy end
46、s of theGrimms Fairy Tales are comforts to them in some extent. They can not escape the real world and their hardship, why do not they find a happy end in theGrimms Fairy Tales.Because it is more idealistic, these tales have some assimilation modes. Thfirst model is soul salvation. The Briar Rose an
47、d Little Snow White are not be slaved until young handsome prince kiss them. But the completion of the“princess s salvationonly related to the appearance and difficulties exit the redemption not in the reality.Anyway, the Snow White is slaved. She lived happy life with her prince since then. The sec
48、ond model is the spiritual growth. Life contains four periods, namely the period of children, young adulthood, middle age and old age. Due to physiological changes, the transition period of childhood to adolescence is the revolution of soul. Romantic fairy tales of the protagonist s growth symbolize
49、 creation, the main body ofthe life and human nature. The growth of this motif has more profound philosophical thinking and aesthetic charm. Growth is the eternal theme of fairy tales. But in Grimm s Fairy Tales true self-identity and spiritual growth is diverse and profound.However, the good will s
50、ucceedat last. As the little sister in The Six Swans little sister of six brothers must undergo the test of being not speaking nor laugh withsewing leaves of green bamboos in order to relieve the curse on her brothers for six years. During these years she married the king and gave birth to her two k
51、ids, even when they and she were in danger. She controlled her words until she succeeded in sewing, letting six brothers change back. This tale undoubtedly has a more profound metaphorical meaning with religious feelings. This is a more breathtaking tales, but at last the little sister wins.However,
52、 these tales have the same endings, which is that the prince and the princess live a happy life from then. Happy life does not always exist in reality, but we can see its romantic idealism from it. The evil will be published or disappear eventually, the kind hero or heroine will . Romantic writers e
53、xpress their hope to build a good future through these endings. They dare not resist dominators but use educate children to fight for their happiness through these tales.Idealism in Simple CharactersThe classic revisedGrimms Fairy Tales is unreal tales with a lot of imaginations.They make use of ima
54、gination to get a lot of people, things and situation together. The imaginable people and things move and live freely in this unreal fairy world. In one of the classic revisedGrimms Fairy Tales, The Frog King, a princess went to play near a well, she threw a ball but did not got it and it fell into
55、the well. She began to cry, and then a frog appeared and said tohe princess: King s daughter, you weep so that evena stone would show pity. ( Grimm Jacob& Wilhelm, 56) “ Be quiet, and do not weep, I can help you, but what will you give me if I bring your plaything up again? here we may ask: how can
56、a frog say words like humans. It is just imagination. In the Fisherman and His wife, a fisherman caught a fish, Flounder, but set him free. His wife asked him to find the fish and ask for a lot of treasure. How can a fish have such great power? It is also just imagination. So the basic factor of the
57、 classic revised Grimms Fairy Tales is colorful imagination and the imagination is the soul of the fairy tales.The image of fairy tale characters can be divided into the following four categories. The first one is the image of ordinary people refers to the ordinary people from different identities l
58、ike common farmers and carpenters with their general strength. They have small, ordinary appearance, but benefit some good qualities, such as specially kind, or extremely intelligence. These images often have the desire and fantasy of ordinary people The second one, prince or princess refers to idea
59、l characters. They have everything, wealth and beauty together with good wisdom. The third one is ghost or sprites with no reality existence but often appear in fairy tales. The witch or fairy image is completely in fancy. The fourth one is the animal image. (Cashdan,4648) In fairy tales, animals al
60、so have spirit, they can communicate with humans effortlessly. The fifth one is vesselsimages, including tea tank and rocket shoes but they and the heroes do not talk. Obviously, the former two are often from normal human mode, and the third belongs to super human mode, while the last two belong to
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