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1、CHINA MOBILE (HK) LIMITED Human Resource StrategyShanghaiFebruary 15, 200XTHE BOSTON CONSULTING GROUPCONTENTHypotheses on China mobile phone marketBCGs approach to HR strategyProject approach and structureBCG qualification and experienceAppendixSelected CVsTHE EVOLUTION OF THE MOBILE MARKET WILL CRE

2、ATE MAJOR STRAINS ON HUMAN RESOURCESHistorically, the growth challenge has been simpleServe pent-up demand with one basic product“Build the network, activate subscribers, collect the paymentsIncreasing competition and new technologies mean dramatic challengesTremendous emphasis on marketing and sale

3、sIntense warfare requiring strategy and tacticsIncreasing importance of customer relationship management and serviceThe need to develop partnerships and create new businessesIncreasing pressure on technical abilities-broader definition of technologyIncreasing pressure on overall cost position and pr

4、oductivityNeed for commercially-driven senior management, working as a teamThese strains create a need for a fundamental rethink of HR strategyWITHOUT BUSINESS-DRIVEN INPUT, AN HR STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE WILL FAILThe strategic changes in the mobile market bring revolutionary change, not evolut

5、ionary changeOne dominant factor is that these changes will require the rapid creation of entire new job families, and rapid change in the requirements of existing job familiesAs a result, the overall people mix of the company will be dramatically different in the future than it is today. The mix wi

6、ll also be quite different than either the “typical PRC company or the “typical telco. The required pace of change will also be quite different.An HR strategy that fails to take this into account will also fail. If the HR strategy fails, then the company will fail.Wrong skills to face the future com

7、petitive threatWrong overall cost structureThe best employees leaving to join the competitorsMajor missed opportunities to form new businesses and partnershipsA traditional HR consulting firm will not have a clear view on the strategic changesTheir models will be based upon “typical PRC companies an

8、d “typical global telcos. Neither will be sufficient, and both will have major flaws.CONTENTHypotheses on China mobile phone marketBCGs approach to HR strategyProject approach and structureBCG qualification and experienceAppendixSelected CVsThe cellular telephone market in Asia in particular in Chin

9、a will continue to show strong growthAs a result of this growth, the dynamics of the market will be increasingly strong and will affect the Human Resource strategy of China MobileBCG has developed an integrated HR Strategy Framework that will link external market factors to the internal requirements

10、 of the organizationWe have subsequently outlined both our HR Strategy Framework as well as some initial analyses on the most relevant external factors specifically these are:WTOCompetitionTechnologyBusiness MigrationCustomer ServiceCHINA MOBILES HUMAN RESOURCE STRATEGY WILL BE AFFECTED BY A POWERFU

11、L SET OF MARKET FACTORSSummary of subsequent Proposal SectionSummarySTRONG GROWTH IN CELLULAR TELEPHONY IN ASIA .Asia-Pacific Cellular Subscribers, 1990 - 2000Cellular Subscribers (M)Annual Growth 75%Annual Growth 40%Note:The Asia-Pacific region includes the countries of Northeast Asia, Southeast As

12、ia, South Asia, the islands of the Western Pacific, Australia and New Zealand. Assumes decrease in revenue per subscriber of 5% per annum between 1996 and 2000.Source:International Telecommunications Union, Merrill LynchRevenue (US$B)347111727516889118156Asia claims 36% of the worlds cellular subscr

13、ibers by 2000. AND IN PARTICULAR IN THE GREATER CHINA REGIONChina Cellular Subscribers, 1991 - 2000Cellular Subscribers (Mn)Annual Growth 170%Annual Growth 86%Source:CCID0.050.1770.6381.573.636.8513.2324.9843.875Cellular Subscribers (Mn)GREATER CHINA WILL REPRESENT AN INCREASINGLY LARGE AN DYNAMIC M

14、ARKET IN ASIANote: Sub-regional groupings include South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka), Greater China (China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau) and Southeast Asia (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam)Source:International Telecommunic

15、ations UnionJapanAustralia/New ZealandSoutheast AsiaGreater ChinaKoreaSouth Asia0.28.5370.51777Greater China (M)Total ANJTotal Asia-Pacific (M)1.233125Distribution Of Asia-Pacific Cellular SubscribersNEW BUSINESS CHALLENGES, WITH MAJOR HR IMPLICATIONS WILL FACE MOBILE PLAYERS IN CHINAUpcoming busine

16、ss challenge Emphasis on marketing and sales and intense warfare requiring strategy and tacticsIncreasing importance of customer relationship management and serviceThe need to develop partnerships and create new businessesIncreasing pressure on technical abilities-broader definition of technologyInc

17、reasing pressure on overall cost position and productivityNeed for commercially-driven senior management, working as a teamHuman resource implicationsThe creation of new job families with a range of new skills and talentsThe need for a clear view of how many new employees are needed in each job fami

18、ly over what timeframeAn understanding of what it will take to attract, train, integrate and retain these employeesAn view of the new organizational structures and processes that are neededA view on the implications for the existing workforce, in terms of productivity, changing job definition, and r

19、etrenchmentA view of the new strategic role of HR, and the required HR capabilitiesFIVE SPECIFIC MARKET FORCES WILL CHALLENGE THE HR STRATEGY GOING FORWARDPerformance managementRequirement definitionSourcing & placementEmployee developmentLeadership& cultureWTOCompetitionTechnologyBusiness Migration

20、CustomerServiceExternal factors affecting the organizationBCG human resource strategy frameworkBCG HR strategy framework links external market factors to internal organizational requirements21543DETAIL OF MARKET FACTORS IMPACTING HR STRATEGYWTO will further open the mobile phone marketDefined timeta

21、ble establishedNew foreign investmentOpen wireline services in 6 yearsRegional market positions will come under pressureRapid introduction of 3G technology standardsTraditional borders between businesses will changeCustomer value proposition will migrateUnicom already growing fast3rd operator likely

22、 to be allowed into market by govt.Transition from 2G to 2.5G or directly to 3GRapid growth in wireless data servicesWireless data allows greater share of walletTelco and media value chains are migratingChanging success factors over timeBasis of competition shifts to customer serviceInternational HR

23、 practices will have greater impact as foreign investment increasesIncreased pressure on employee retention from entry of new playersIncreased competition for technically qualified staffNew capability requirements around service and product developmentIntroduction of customer service as a core skill

24、 for workforceWTOCompetitionTechnologyBusiness MigrationCustomer Service12345External factorsin detailCHINAS WTO AGREEMENT INCLUDES SPECIFIC PROVISIONS FOR FOREIGN INVESTMENT INTO THE CELLULAR MARKETUpon WTO accessionWithin 1 year of accession(originally within 3 years under US deal. Accelerated by

25、EU agreement)Within 3 years of accession(originally within 5 years under US deal - accelerated by EU agreement)Shanghai Guangzhou Chengdu, Nanjing , Xiamen ,Chongqing, Ningbo , Xian,Dalian , Qingdao , Taiyuan,Fuzhou , Shenyang , Wuhan,Hangzhou , Shenzhen All regionsUp to 25%Up to 35%Up to 49%Market

26、with CMCC presenceSource: US Trade representative, EU, Goldman Sacks report, BCG analysisTimelineAffected regional marketsForeign investment allowedForeign playes wanting to invest in the Chinese mobile industry have to invest in existing operatorsWTOA THIRD LOCAL PLAYER IS LIKELY TO ENTER THE MARKE

27、T IN ADDITION TO FOREIGN COMPETITORSCMCCUnicom3rdplayer+Intensify internal competition to strengthen local playerOpening up to MNCsCompetition will be intensified for CMCC and Unicom even before foreign players enterMNCMarketCNCApproved CMCC and Unicom to go IPO in overseas markets to raise capitalA

28、warded Great Walls assets (former PLA owned cellular operator) to UnicomThird cellular operator license is expected to be issued and it is widely anticipated that China Telecom will be the candidatePLA: People Liberation ArmyGovernment actions so far .Government plans going forward .WTOTELECOM OPERA

29、TORS ELSEWHERE HAVE BEEN HIT HARD AS COMPETITION INTENSIFIESSource: Merrill Lynch, BCG analysisSmarTone in Hong KongCellnet in the UKSmarTone share of new subscribersCellnet share of new subscribers9/966 months later3/96One Year LaterImpacted by launch of competitors CDMA serviceImpacted by competit

30、ors improvement of network coverage and qualityWTOCURRENTLY CMCC DOMINATES THE MARKET BUT CHINA UNICOM GROWS FAST . CMCC currently the clear market leader . but China Unicom catching up fastMarket share (%)CMCCChina UnicomOtherSubscriber growth rate %UnicomCMCCSource: Goldman Sachs Report, BCG analy

31、sisCompetition. HOWEVER, UNICOM HAS NOT BUILT UP ANY SIGNIFICANT REGIONAL STRONGHOLDS SO FAR Market shareTotal # of subscribersChina UnicomCMCCGuangdongZhejiangJiangsuLiaoningShandongFujianHenanShanghaiHebeiGuangxiTianjinHainan18%(1) (1) In CMCC(HK)s market, China Unicom took an average market share

32、 of 12% 40%CompetitionALTHOUGH THE PERSPECTIVE OF STANDARD MIGRATION IS VAGUE, CHINA IS FAST APPROACHING 3G2 G(28.8K/second)GSM (supported by Ericsson, Nokia)PDCCDMA one (supported by Qualcomm)3 G(384K2M/second)TD-SCDMA (supported by Da Tang, Siemens)WCDMA(Supported by Ericsson, Nokia, NIT DoCoMo)CD

33、MA 20003X (supported by Qualcomm)2.5 G(64K144K/second)GPRSCDMA20001XNow2000/20012001/2002ChinaEuropeJapanUSATechnologyWireless data growth forecasts USWireless data growth forecasts EuropeTHE ADVENT OF WIRELESS DATA WILL DRIVE GROWTH Service Offerings Will Become More Complex As a ResultUser penetra

34、tion %(1) User penetration %(1) (1) Of Total Population TechnologyEXAMPLE: I-MODE SUCCESS IN JAPAN HAS INCREASED SERVICE AND TECHNOLOGY DEMANDS ON HR Java, SSLIMT-200018(Number of users, million)1614121086420Mar. 31, 1999Mar. 31, 2000Mar. 31, 2001Mar. 31, 2002Note:i-mode users based upon DoCoMo fore

35、cast, web & users from Nikkei Market Access Jan. 1999Source:Nikkei Net Business Mar. 2000Mar. 1999 20K usersMar. 2000 4.8M users (Actual)Mar. 200110M users(Estimate)Mar. 200215M users(Estimate)Webi-mode Number of i-mode users exceed that of web users by Spring 2001TechnologyALONG WITH THE TECHNOLOGY

36、 DEVELOPMENT WIRELESS AIMS AT A LARGER SHARE OF WALLETMarket Example: Sweden(1) Through operatorSource: SCB (Swedish Statistical Bureau); BCG analysis and estimateOtherCommunicationRecreationHealth, transport and educationHousing and furnitureFood and clothingOtherCommunicationRecreationHealth, tran

37、sport and educationHousing and furnitureFood and clothingOtherCommunicationRecreationHealth, transport and educationHousing and furnitureFood and clothing1G2G3GOperatorOperatorSpecial service provider(1)OperatorService providersContent providersRetailersMain recipient:(%)(%)(%)Business migrationTRAD

38、ITIONAL BUSINESS BORDERS CHANGE .Middle layer/packagingInfra-structure/distributionNetworkdeviceUserdeviceBroadcasting/MediaTelecommunicationPC/InternetOthersContentFilmWeb site/e-commercePCsoftwareMobilephoneTelephoneGamingVisualAudioPC hardwareSet-top boxTransmission SatelliteCATVTerrestrialMobile

39、 carrier todayPhotographyMappingCar(Navigation/ITS)BooksBroadcastingPortalValue added servicesInternettelephonyPBXSwitchLAN WANequip-mentSecurityECrelatedISPECrelatedRadioLongDist-anceRegi-onalAcc-essBusiness migration. AND TELCO & MEDIA VALUE CHAINS ARE MERGING AND DECONSTRUCTING AS A RESULT Servic

40、e provision Access and transferNetworkService provider AService provider BNetwork BContent AContent BContent CContent DNavigationNetworkPackagingIntegrated operatorService providers1G2G3GValue chain developmentTypical characteristicsPackagingNetworkOne supplierLimited services (IN-type)Closed networ

41、kFew suppliers (usually one covering whole range)Limited services (voice IN, basic voice and text messaging)Mostly closed network with some interoperabilitySeparation between transport and service inherent in architectureMultiple suppliers in each regionTransport commoditizedOpen communication stand

42、ards between networks and servicesNetwork ASource: BCG experienceBusiness migrationMARKETS FOLLOW DISTINCT PATTERNS AS CUSTOMER PENETRATION INCREASES* Koreas exceptional forecasted growth attributable to aggressive promotion of CDMASource:International Telecommunications Union, BCG analysisForecaste

43、d Annual Growth (1996 - 2000)(%)Cellular Penetration (per 100 inhabitants)PHASE IHyper GrowthPHASE IIHigh GrowthPHASE IIIModerate GrowthIndonesiaCambodiaPakistanChinaVietnamPhilippinesThailandMalaysiaTaiwanKorea*SingaporeHong KongNew ZealandAustraliaIndiaCustomer service. AND KEY STRATEGY ISSUES CHA

44、NGE OVER TIMECellular penetrationSubscriber growth (p.a.)Customer profileKey strategy issues 50%High-valueManage rapid expansionBuild out networkEstablish basic company infrastructure and processesCapture maximum market share 10%$100M Asia investmentIridium satellite projectColored pagersCellular ph

45、onesALONG WITH LEADERSHIP, CORPORATE CULTURE IS CRUCIAL TO INTEGRATE HR PROGRAMSCommon Characteristics Of Cultures Of High Performance CompaniesStrong customer focus orientationProactive pursuit of improvementHigh trust between management and employeesEffective top down, bottom up communicationHigh

46、employee involvement/empowermentCollaboration across boundariesCONTENTHypotheses on China mobile phone marketBCGs approach to HR strategy Project approach and structureBCG qualification and experienceAppendixSelected CVsThe project task is significant based on our understanding of your requestIt req

47、uires HR strategy development, HR policy design and eventually a full-scale roll out and implementationBCG will initially focus on the HR strategy development phase of the projectIt lays the foundation of the overall HR programIt provides a framework and structure for subsequent detailed HR policy d

48、esign and implementationIt leaves China Mobile flexible for later phases of the project3722中國最大的資料庫下載We have outlined proposed approach of the HR strategy development in this section:A three-phased approach of HR strategy developmentThe Project timelineThe Key deliverablesKey activities and a prelim

49、inary workplan for each phase- examples of methodologies to be used in the HR program designOur suggested Project team structureTHE PROJECT TASK IS SIGNIFICANT AND WILL REQUIRE SEVERAL PHASES OF WORKSummary of Subsequent Proposal SectionSpecific issues to be addressed:Impact of WTO on China Mobiles

50、HR strategyEffective organizational developmentjob grading and career development structurerecruiting and job rotation strategyappraisal and performance measurement systemsorganizational capabilities, learning and training agendaCreating a competitive compensation systempay programsincentive schemes

51、benefit programsOUR UNDERSTANDING OF YOUR REQUIREMENTSProject objective:Enhance China Mobiles human resource program & practiceDevelop a committed and competent workforce to improve China Mobiles competitivenessSPECIFIC PRIORITIES AND CONCERNS YOU HAVE RAISEDWhat we have heard from you so far .(1) C

52、orporate priorities:HR design to reflect market dynamics and external practicesHR design to focus on general framework or backbone structureHR design to be practicalConcerns of current HR practiceIncreasing turnover of quality technician ?Increasing needs of marketing and service capabilitiesCareer

53、paths not clear enough ?Training may not always aligned with development needs ?. and how we intend to address the issue(1) Through initial conversation with China Mobile HR DepartmentThrough both our global HR as well as our global telecom strategy expertise and resourcesProposal focus is a HR stra

54、tegy, with detailing and implementation to be done in subsequent phasesOur HR practice has both conceptual and operational expertise in all relevant areasCurrent and potentially further specific concerns will be embedded into the project plan upon completion of Strategy ReviewBCG WILL INITIALLY FOCU

55、S ON THE HR STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT PHASE OF THE PROJECTRoll-out and implementationHR strategy development & implementation preparationDevelopment of detailed HR policies3 monthstbd.tbd.Review existing business strategy, derive HR implicationDesign overall HR strategy and policy frameworkDefine organiz

56、ational responsibilities and high-level implementation plansReview of current HR function and possible restructuringDetailed HR policies by BU and individual employee group Compensation structureCareer development plans.Design tool kit and HR policies to support implementationPlanning of implementat

57、ion phasing and potential pilot programsOn-site monitoring and facilitation of individual HR programs and measures to be rolled outTraining and communication programBCG project scopeImplementation preparationStrategy reviewHR policy and processPROPOSED PROJECT FRAMEWORKHR Strategy Development and Im

58、plementation PreparationImplementation preparationStrategy reviewImpact of WTO entryExisting China Mobile strategyStrategic HR implicationsPerformance managementPerformance measurementAppraisal programCompensationIncentivesRequirement definitionSizingJob definitionOutsourcingSourcing and placementRe

59、cruitmentPlacementTransfersEmployee developmentJob gradingCareer managementSuccession planningTrainingLeadership& cultureConduct HR auditOrganizational responsibilitiesRequired implementation stepsOrganization communicationHR policy and processReview of business strategy321SUMMARY OF KEY DELIVERABLE

60、S BY PHASEKey deliverablesFormatStrategy review and HR implicationsReview of China Mobile HR practice- Gap of existing practice and HR requirementWritten documentPresentationManagement discussionStrategy reviewRequired workforce definitionRecruiting channels and processPerformance measurement system


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