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1、EnglishinOurDailyLife生活中的常見英文生活中的常見英文生活中常見的美國品牌生活中常見的美國品牌QQQQ聊天英語交流的方式聊天英語交流的方式Exercises生活中的常見英文生活中的常見英文Iwater closetWCWClooloorestroomrestroom我想上廁所。我想上廁所。I want to go to the _. I want to go to the _. toilettoiletWorld Wide WebWWWWWWVIPVIPvery important personiPhone XiPhone XiPhone tenPCPCpersonal c

2、omputerwebsitewebsite萬維網(wǎng)萬維網(wǎng)個人電腦個人電腦貴賓貴賓MP3MP3CNCNHKHKA CA CExitExitmusic player 3ChinaHong Kongair conditioner(緊急)出口(緊急)出口音樂播放器音樂播放器II生活中常見的美國品牌生活中常見的美國品牌There are many American goods and brands in There are many American goods and brands in our daily life. our daily life. Today, we are going to lea

3、rn some famous Today, we are going to learn some famous brands in our daily life.brands in our daily life.商品商品品牌品牌著名的著名的Nike Nike nakiv victoryictoryInancientGreekreligion,Nikewasagoddesswhopersonifiedvictory.Nike is an American Nike is an American multimultinationnational al corporation.corporation

4、.公司公司耐克耐克多個的多個的nation:nation:multi-: multi-: 國家國家跨國的跨國的New Balance (NB) is an American multinational corporation.新百倫新百倫平衡平衡Samuel WaltonWalmart is an American multinational retail corporation.Walmartmart:集市:集市沃爾瑪沃爾瑪Colgatesellsoralproductssuchastoothpastes,toothbrushes,mouthwashes.高露潔高露潔Colgate:cool

5、 gate(門門)CrestisabrandoftoothpasteandotheroralproductsmadebyAmericanmultinationalProcter&Gamble(P&G).佳潔士佳潔士crest:山頂,牙頂山頂,牙頂Procter & Gamble(P&G)isanAmericanmulti-nationalconsumergoodscorporation.海飛絲海飛絲飄柔飄柔汰漬汰漬舒膚佳舒膚佳guard: guard: 保衛(wèi)保衛(wèi)rejoice: rejoice: 高興高興tide: tide: 潮水,潮流潮水,潮流safe: s

6、afe: 安全安全頭和肩膀頭和肩膀KFC,until1991knownasKentucky Fried Chicken,isanAmericanfastfoodrestaurantchainthatspecializesinfriedchicken.肯德基肯德基McDonaldsisanAmericanfastfoodcompany,foundedin1940asarestaurantoperatedby麥當(dāng)勞麥當(dāng)勞McDonaldsMcDonaldsPizza HutisanAmericanrestaurantchain.pizza:pizza:hut:hut:披薩披薩小屋小屋必勝客必勝客B

7、urger King(BK)isanAmericanglobalchainofhamburgerfastfoodrestaurants.burgerburgerkingking漢堡漢堡國王國王漢堡王漢堡王Coca-Cola,orCokeisacarbonatedsoftdrinkproducedbyTheCoca-ColaCompany.PepsiisacarbonatedsoftdrinkproducedbyPepsi.可口可樂可口可樂百事百事Microsoft CorporationisanAmericanmultinationaltechnologycompanywithheadquar

8、tersinWashington./makrsft/Microsoft微軟微軟總部總部IntelisanAmericanmultinationalcorporationandtechnologycompany.DellisanAmericanmultinationalcomputertechnologycompany.戴爾戴爾科技科技因特爾因特爾公司公司AndroidisamobileoperatingsystemdevelopedbyGoogle.Apple isanAmericanmultinationaltechnologycompanyheadquarteredinCalifornia

9、.系統(tǒng)系統(tǒng)谷歌谷歌總部總部安卓安卓機器人機器人IIIQQ聊天英語交流方式QQQQ空間:空間:QQQQ群:群:消息:消息:發(fā)消息:發(fā)消息:發(fā)語音消息:發(fā)語音消息:視頻電話:視頻電話:Q QzonezoneQQ QQ groupgroupmessagemessagesend a messagesend a messagesend a voice messagesend a voice messagehave a video callhave a video call說說:說說:發(fā)說說:發(fā)說說:他發(fā)了一條說說。他發(fā)了一條說說。點贊:點贊:我給那條說說點贊。我給那條說說點贊。postpostshare

10、share a post a postlikelikeI I likedliked the post. the post.He shared a post. He shared a post. 評論:評論:我評論了他的說說。我評論了他的說說?;貜?fù):回復(fù): 我回復(fù)了她的說說。我回復(fù)了她的說說。關(guān)注:關(guān)注:取消關(guān)注:取消關(guān)注:commentcommentI commented his post.I commented his post.replyreplyI replied her post.I replied her post.followfollowununfollowfollow搶紅包搶紅包

11、: : 加好友加好友: :掃二維碼掃二維碼: :收藏收藏: :我收藏了那張圖片。我收藏了那張圖片。分享分享: :我分享了一張圖片到空間。我分享了一張圖片到空間。grab a red packetgrab a red packetadd a friendadd a friendscan the QR codescan the QR codeadd to favoriteadd to favoriteI added the picture to my favorites.I added the picture to my favorites.shareshareI shared a picture

12、 on Qzone.I shared a picture on Qzone.ExercisesExercises:1. 我分享了張三的說說。2. 我贊了李四的說說。3. 他評論并分享了張三的照片。4. 張三回復(fù)了李四的QQ消息。5. 她關(guān)注了很多名人。I shared Zhang Sans post.I shared Zhang Sans post.I liked Li Sis post.I liked Li Sis post.He commented and shared Zhang Sans pictures.He commented and shared Zhang Sans pictu

13、res.Zhang San replied Li Sis QQ message.Zhang San replied Li Sis QQ message.She followed a lot of famous people. She followed a lot of famous people. ExercisesExercises:6. 6. 張三搶了一個大紅包。張三搶了一個大紅包。7. 7. 李四收藏了那條說說。李四收藏了那條說說。8. 8. 肯德基和麥當(dāng)勞都是美國連鎖的快餐店??系禄望湲?dāng)勞都是美國連鎖的快餐店。9. 9.華為華為是一家著名的是一家著名的中國中國跨國跨國科技科技公司,總

14、部在公司,總部在中國深圳中國深圳。Zhang San grabbed a big red packet.Zhang San grabbed a big red packet.Li Si added the post to his favorites.Li Si added the post to his favorites.KFC and McDonalds are American fast food KFC and McDonalds are American fast food company pany chain.Huawei is a famous Chinese multinati

15、onal technology Huawei is a famous Chinese multinational technology company, with headquarters in Shenzhen, Cpany, with headquarters in Shenzhen, China.Perhaps you have heard a lot about the Internet, but what is it, do you know? The Internet is a network. It uses the telephone to join millions of c

16、omputers together around the world.Maybe that doesnt sound very interesting. But when youve joined to the Internet, there are lots and lots of things you can do. You can send E-mails to your friends, and they can get them in a few seconds. You can also do with all kinds of information on the World W

17、ide Web (WWW).There are many different kinds of computers now. They all can be joined to the Internet. Most of them are small machines sitting on peoples desks at home, but there are still many others in schools, offices or large companies. These computers are owned by people and companies, but no o

18、ne really owns the Internet itself.There are lots of places for you to go into the Internet. For example, your school may have the Internet. You can use it during lessons or free time. Libraries often have computers joined to the Internet. You are welcome to use it at any time.Thanks to the Internet

19、, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. It is possible for you to work at home with a computer in front, getting and sending the information you need. You can buy or sell whatever you want by the Internet. But do you know 98% of the information on the Internet is in English? So what will English be l


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