1、電機使用說明書Operati ng Manual概述本說明書適用于我公司生產(chǎn)的 YX3 YET 丫2、YVP YD系列低壓三相異步電動機及其派 生系列產(chǎn)品OverviewThe manual serves YX3 YET Y2、YVP YDSeries low voltage asynchronous motors and it's derivative products as well.開始使用Putt ing into use (start ing)收貨檢查Recepti on check收到電機后立即檢查是否有損壞,如發(fā)現(xiàn)請立即撥打電話:0086-21-6463-1777,或發(fā)傳
2、真至0086-21-6463-7180,檢查銘牌數(shù)據(jù)特別是額定電壓、接線方式(星形或三角形) 是否與合同訂貨要求相符,用手轉(zhuǎn)動電機軸檢查軸轉(zhuǎn)動是否靈活。Immediately check the motor for exter nal damage upon receipt and if found, please inform us by telepho ne or fax without delay (Tel:0086-21-6463-1777, Fax:0086-21-6463-7180). Check all rating plate data, especially voltage
3、and winding connection (star or delta). Turn shaft by hand to check for free rotati on.絕緣電阻檢查In sulatio n resista nee check在電機調(diào)試前或懷疑線圈受潮時要測量電機的絕緣電阻,在25C時的絕緣電阻值應(yīng)超過以下表達式的值,表達式中:Measure the motor's in sulati onresista nee before commissi oning or whe n wi ndingC, shall exceeddamp ness is suspected.
4、 in sulati on Resista nee, measured at 25the followi ng refere nee value, i.e. whereR:單位兆歐(用500V絕緣電阻表測量)U表示電壓,單位VP表示功率,單位kWR: M Q ( measured with 500 V dc Megger ) U = voltage, Volts;R=1000+P100P = output power, kW.警告.測量完絕緣電阻后應(yīng)立即將測量線從電機上斷開,以免線圈再次受到高電壓沖擊。環(huán)境溫度每升高20C,絕緣電阻將降低一半,如果絕緣電阻值達不到計算值, 表明線圈已經(jīng)受潮需進
5、行烘干處理。先在90C溫度下烘12-16小時再在105C下烘6-8小時。WARNINGWindings should be discharged immediately after measureme nt to avoid risk for electric shock. In sulatio n resista nee refere nee value is halved for each 20°Crise in ambie nt temperature. If the refere nee resista nee value is not atta in ed, the win
6、ding is too dampand must be oven dried. Oven temperature should be 90° C for 12-16 hours followed by 105° C for 6-8 hours.電機啟動Motor starti ng 單速電機啟動(直接或丫/?啟動)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)單速三相異步電動機的出線盒內(nèi)有6個接線頭和至少1個接地接頭,接地須根據(jù)操作規(guī)程在電機接上電源前進行,接線方式和電壓應(yīng)根據(jù)接線指示牌及銘牌指示。Start of si ngle speed motor (Direct-on-I ine or star/delta
7、 starti ng)The term inal box on sta ndard si ngle speed motors n ormally contains 6 wi ndi ng termin als and at least one earth term in al. Earth ing shall be carried out accord ing to local regulatio ns before the mach ine is conn ected to the power supply . The voltage and conn ecti on are stamped
8、 on the n ameplate.出線與旋轉(zhuǎn)方向電機的旋轉(zhuǎn)方向:當(dāng)相序為L1、L2、L3時,在電機拖動端面對軸伸視為順時針旋轉(zhuǎn)。如 要改變轉(zhuǎn)向,只需改變?nèi)我鈨筛娫措娎|的相序,如果單向旋轉(zhuǎn)的電機,需檢查電機轉(zhuǎn)向是否與指示牌上的方向一致。(接線應(yīng)嚴(yán)格按照接線盒中示意圖)Termi nals and directi on of rotatio nDirection of rotationis clockwise whenviewing the shaft face at the motor driveend, whe n the line phase seque nee L1, L2, L3
9、is conn ected to the term in als as show n in the figure. To alter the direct ion of rotati on, in tercha nge the conn ecti on of any two-l ine cables. For the uni directi onal motor, check that the direct ion of rotati on is accord ing to the arrow marked on the direct ion board. ( The terminals sh
10、all be connected in strict accordanee with the terminal box drawing.) 多速電機啟動多速電機一般應(yīng)低速檔啟動后切換到高速,對多套繞組的變速電機在不同轉(zhuǎn)速檔切換 時,應(yīng)在一繞組斷電后才能向另一繞組送電。Start-up of multi-speed motorThe multispeed motor should start at low-speed then shifted to high-speed. For multispeed motors that with many separate windings the spe
11、ed shift shall be fulfilled when one winding has to be lost power.示意圖1:定速電機(厶/Y)Fig 1: Fixed motor ( /Y)應(yīng)為 U1 V1 W1 U2 V2 W22Up0Q11 'f IV ,? 1示意圖2:單繞組雙速( /YY)Fig 2: Sin gle-w inding double speed12V)示意圖3:單繞組雙速(丫/YY)Fig 3: Sin gle-w inding double speed2WD2J低速(Y)2Vo0示意圖4:雙繞組雙速(Y/Y)Fig4: Double-w in
12、ding double speed 變頻電機啟動變頻電機啟動時,電機冷卻風(fēng)機也必須同時啟動。冷卻風(fēng)機應(yīng)接工頻電源,其轉(zhuǎn)向必須 與風(fēng)機外殼上的指示矢方向一致.VVVF變頻器可以轉(zhuǎn)矩提升以提高啟動轉(zhuǎn)矩,提升電壓 的幅度應(yīng)不大于10%且起動電流不大于額定電流的1.5倍。變頻器的開關(guān)頻率設(shè)置應(yīng)不 小于 1.5kHz。Start-up of variable freque ncy motorWhen the variable freque ncy motor starts, the cooli ng blower shall starts simulta neously. The cooli ng bl
13、ower must be conn ected to the power freque ncy supply, and the rotat ing direct ion shall be as specified in the n ameplate of blower. Adjust the value of v/f, the motor can obtain differentstart performanee,but if over compe nsate of voltage will cause overload.使用運行條件電機是用來驅(qū)動其他機械,通常環(huán)境溫度為-25 °
14、C到+40 ° C,海拔高度為1000米以下。(當(dāng)環(huán)境溫度與海拔高度不符合上述規(guī)定時,銘牌上會注明)UseOperati ng con diti onsThe motors are inten ded for use in in dustrial drive applicatio ns.Normal ambie nttemperature limits -25° C to +40 ° C. Maximum altitude 1000 m above sea level.Whe n ambie nt temperature and altitude are not
15、same asthe requirement said above, the special note will be showed on the nameplate.處理儲存所有電機應(yīng)儲存于干燥,通風(fēng)以及干凈的室內(nèi),裸露的表面如軸伸和法蘭面應(yīng)涂以防銹 脂。建議定期用手轉(zhuǎn)動電機軸,以免潤滑脂流掉,帶有加熱器的應(yīng)接通加熱器。Han dli ngStorageAll motors should be stored in doors, in dry, well ven tilatio n and dust free con diti ons. Un protected mach ined surfa
16、ces (shaft-e nds and flan ges) should be give n an ti-corrosi on coat in gs. It is recomme nded that shafts be rotated periodically by hand to preve nt grease migrati on. Anti conden sati on heaters, if fitted, should preferably be en ergized.3.4儲存超過一年的,須檢查潤滑脂,如潤滑脂已變質(zhì)干涸或弄臟,應(yīng)先用煤油清洗,然 后用汽油清洗軸承后再加入新的潤滑
17、脂。每個軸承應(yīng)加新脂的重量W可參考如下公式:W=D B/K (g) 式中:D為軸承外徑(mm, B為軸承寬度(mm 系數(shù)K=10020(按工作狀況選取。(工作狀況惡劣應(yīng)取較大值)。一般情況,2極電機加潤滑脂量為軸承室空腔容積的1/2,4極以上為軸承室的2/3。3.4 Storage over one year: The check should be made for grease, if it is dried or dirty, it should be washed by kerose ne first, the n gasoli ne, the n put new grease on
18、beari ngs. The weight of the grease added can be set by the following formula: W=D B/K (g)D: OD of the bearing(mrj) , B: Width of the bearing(mrj)K: 100-200 based on work conditions.In general, the grease should be filled into 1/2 of bearing room for 2 poles motor, and 2/3 for 4 poles and above.安裝基礎(chǔ)
19、買方要準(zhǔn)備好電機的基礎(chǔ),金屬結(jié)構(gòu)的基礎(chǔ)應(yīng)涂以防銹漆防止被腐蝕。電機基礎(chǔ)應(yīng)平整, 并有足夠的剛度承受突然短路產(chǎn)生的應(yīng)力,要計算其尺寸以避免因共振引起基礎(chǔ)振動。In stallati onFoun dati onThe purchaser bears full responsibilityfor preparation of the foundation. Metalfoun dati ons should be pain ted to avoid corrosi on. Foun dati ons shall be eve n, and sufficiently rigid to withsta
20、nd possible short circuit forces. They shall be dime nsioned as to avoid the occurre nee of vibrati on due to res onan ce.聯(lián)接電動機可以用聯(lián)軸器、正齒輪及皮帶輪傳動,對于功率大轉(zhuǎn)速較高的電動機應(yīng)盡量避免 采用皮帶傳動方式,如必須采用皮帶傳動方式的應(yīng)在訂貨時注明,皮帶傳動時應(yīng)防止預(yù) 拉力過大發(fā)生斷軸。聯(lián)軸器、正齒輪及皮帶輪安裝時應(yīng)采用熱套方法,嚴(yán)禁重力敲擊方法冷裝傳動件。校正中心校正電機安裝中心有利于避免軸承發(fā)生故障、振動和可能發(fā)生的軸伸斷裂事故。米用聯(lián) 軸器傳動時,通常兩聯(lián)
21、軸器的水平偏差不大于0.050.1mm,軸向偏差不大于0.1mm采 用皮帶傳動時,要求皮帶輪軸向中心與電機軸伸的軸向中心重合,且皮帶中心線與軸中心線垂直。Alig nmentCorrect alignment is essential to avoid bearing failures, vibrations and possible fractured shaft exte nsions.接線通常出線盒在電機的頂部,還有其他位置可供樣本選擇(在電機拖動端面對軸伸視)。 除了繞組和接地,出線盒還可以接停機加熱器、雙金屬溫度開關(guān)或PT100測溫元件等。Conn ecti onThe normal
22、 motor design is with terminal box on the top, when viewing the shaft at the motor drive end. Availability of these solutions is described in the product catalogues. Besides the main winding and earthi ng term in als, theterminal box can also contain connections for standstill heating elements, bime
23、tallic switches, or PT 100 resistance elements.裝配與拆卸概述裝配與拆卸工作必須有資格的專業(yè)人員使用專用工具和合適的工作方法來進行。并參考電機總裝標(biāo)準(zhǔn)圖。Assembly and disma ntl ingGen eralDismantling and assembly of motors must be carried out by qualified personnel using only suitable tools and work ing methods and refer to the motor assembly sta ndard
24、 draw in gs.軸承拆卸軸承時必須特別注意,應(yīng)該使用軸承拉腳并加熱或使用專用工具。Beari ngsSpecial care shall be take n with the beari ngs. Beari ngs shall be removed using pullers and fitted by heating or the use of specialized tools for the purpose.平衡電機出廠前已經(jīng)進行了轉(zhuǎn)子動平衡Bala ncingThe rotor of the motor is dyn amically bala need.維護與更換潤滑油一般
25、檢查-在計劃停機時檢查-保持電機清潔,確保良好通風(fēng)-檢查軸承密封狀態(tài),如有必要即進行更換。-檢查各連接、地腳及裝配螺栓。-通過聽聲音、測量振動、軸承溫度以及檢查潤滑油是否過期來檢測軸承的狀態(tài)。Maintenance and lubricati onGen eral in specti on-In spect the mach ine at regular in tervals.-Keep the machine clean and ensure free ventilation air-flow.-Check the condition of shaft seals and replace i
26、f necessary.-Check the con diti on of conn ecti ons and moun ti ng and assembly bolts.-Check the bearing condition by listening for unusual noise, vibration measureme nt, beari ng temperature, in spect ion of spe nt grease.更換潤滑油裝有密封軸承的電機中心高在160mr以下的電機裝有密封軸承,裝有密封軸承的電機在運行期間不必加油。Lubricati onMotors with
27、 sealed beari ngsMotors which the center height is less than 160 mmare normally fitted with sealedbeari ngs. It does n't n eed regreased duri ng operati on帶加油口的電機中心高180355的電機軸承通常配有加油口,可以在電機運行時加潤滑脂。一般勤加 脂,每次加少量。Motors fitted with grease n ipplesMotors with cen ter height from 180 to 355 mm is n o
28、rmally fitted with greasenipples. Lubricate it by grease frequently while running, but once a little.更換潤滑脂時間間隔如下:Guideli nes for re-greas ing in tervals are as below:電機中心高mm補充潤滑脂量(克g)電機轉(zhuǎn)速r/mi n300015001000500-900軸承補充潤滑脂時間間隔180203500550065008500200,225253100500060007000250,280352000500060007000315502
29、000300035004500355601000200030004000Cen terl ineHeight mmAmount of grease(g)Speed r/min300015001000500-900Bearings ' Lubrication intervals in duty hours180203500550065008500200,225253100500060007000250,280352000500060007000315502000300035004500355601000200030004000表格中的數(shù)據(jù)適合于臥式安裝的電機, 對于立式安裝的電機,其時間
30、間隔為相應(yīng)表格中 的一半,如果按照上述時間間隔加油,加油量可以參照表格內(nèi)的數(shù)據(jù)。 如果電機裝有放 油孔,更換潤滑油時要等到原來的油全部被擠出后才算完成。對于使用于較高環(huán)境溫度 及軸承溫度達80r以上,則應(yīng)相應(yīng)縮短加油時間。The table is prepared for horiz on tally moun ted motors. Lubricati on in tervals for vertical motors are half of the above values. The grease amount in the table is used if accord ing to t
31、he regular in tervals as above. As an alter native, whe n the machi ne is fitted with grease escape valves, fresh grease may be pressed into the bearings until the old grease is totally replaced. The motor, which is running un der high ambie nt temperature or the beari ng temperature is more than 80
32、 ° C, should shorten the re-greasing intervals correspondingly.故障分析及處理Trouble shooting電氣故障見表 1。 Normal electrical failure, see table 1.表 1 Table 1A Can not be startedB Hard to accelerateC Abno rmal no ise (buzz) whe n start ingD Abno rmal no ise (buzz) whe n runningE Double freque ncy slip buzz
33、 no iseF Over heat without loadi ngG Over heat with load ingH Over heat for in dividual windingA電機起動失靈B 電 機 加 速 困 難C起動時發(fā)嗡嗡聲D運行中發(fā)嗡嗡聲E雙倍頻轉(zhuǎn)差嗡嗡聲F 無 載 運 行 時 溫 度 過 高G有載繞組運行時溫度過高H個別繞組截面過熱匕匕厶冃可PP0弓汕 S 柜Dea 一OPMXI 路rcu心 電 dsw 電刈 饋pp 和suer 備erOH 設(shè)OW航nt 電poonne 己kcm 酉劭 P 查hedui 檢chaneq唯 er 防onwe E r Fz 通pe伽 接O
34、PMp 充e單 菸也N方 /V 如血m 善 Est 改 csy率 eor頻ag或吋igh 低 kow.1 山vorgyt 電諭nc 網(wǎng)MeJe 源 oeq 電高sfre電源網(wǎng)電壓咼,或頻率 低 Network voltage toohigh,orfreque ncy too low定子繞組聯(lián)接錯誤Stator winding wrong conn ecti on改正繞組的聯(lián)接Correct the conn ecti on of winding定子繞組匝間或相間 短路Statorwindingin tertur nor phaseshort circuit檢查繞組的絕緣電阻,詢問制 造公司后修
35、理Check windin g's in sulati on resista nee and repair after inq uiri ngaboutthemanu facturer鼠籠導(dǎo)條細(xì)條、斷條Thin cage con duct ing bar broke n詢問制造公司后修理Repair afterinq uiri ngabout the manu facturer變頻電源諧波所致Caused by harmonic of inv erter power supply詢冋變頻器廠商Inq uiri ngtheinv ertermanu facturer機械故障見表 2。No
36、rmal mechanical troubles, see table 2. 表 2 Table 2A Frict ional no iseB OverheatC Over runout in radiusD Over runout in axis機械故障Mecha ni cal failureA摩擦噪聲B溫度過高C 徑 向 跳 動D 軸 向 跳 動故障產(chǎn)生的原因Possible cause處理的方法Treatme nt風(fēng)路受阻,旋轉(zhuǎn)方向不對Poor ven tilati on, or wrong rotati on檢查風(fēng)道,調(diào)換轉(zhuǎn)向 Checkven tilati on duct and C
37、orrect it轉(zhuǎn)動零件受到磨擦查明原因,重新找正 Check andMoving parts worn outcorrect it轉(zhuǎn)子不平衡Rotor imbala nee卸下轉(zhuǎn)子,重新找正Disassemblythe rotor and correct it耦合機械不平衡Coupler imbala nee重新平衡耦合機械Correct it轉(zhuǎn)子部分不正,軸彎曲Rotor problem, or bending和制造廠研究決定 Call factory裝配和調(diào)整不當(dāng)In correctassemblyandadjustme nt查明原因,重新校正電機,檢查耦合 件Check and re
38、calibratemotor ,and check coupler傳動機構(gòu)的干擾In terfere neeofdrivemecha nism檢杳傳動機構(gòu)Check and correct it地基振動Foun dati on vibrati on力卩固基礎(chǔ) Rei nforce foun dati on.地基變形Foun dati on distorti on查清原因,重新調(diào)整電機Find outthe reas on and readjust motor來自耦合機械的沖擊Impactfromcoupledmecha ni cal檢查耦合機械 Check coupled mecha ni cal過載 Overload減低負(fù)載Reduce load軸承故障見表 3 Normal bearing t
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- 檔案袋密封條格式范本(可直接打印,可自行編輯)
- 2022年深圳市南山區(qū)教育系統(tǒng)招聘公辦幼兒園園長考試真題
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